MTL - The Ancestor of Body Repair-Chapter 16 Yuan Bang Punch

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When Lu Kun entered the Iron Fist Gate, he had learned that martial arts are divided into exercises and moves. There are two types of exercises. One is dedicated to cultivating internal strength. .

The second is external power, which cultivates strength from the outside to the inside, with physical strength as the main body, supplemented by the internal strength cultivated from the outside to the inside. The Diamond Jutsu is just like another form of exercise, but the energy from cultivation is all in the flesh.

As for moves that are a means of fighting against the enemy, Gongfa is the source of the power of moves, and moves will exert different powers according to each person's comprehension.

Some people have high comprehension and can exert 100% of the power of the exercises, while others have poor comprehension and can only exert 50% of the power.

Therefore, many martial arts academies include both moves and internal strength, and the two complement each other, so that those who practice these martial arts can easily exert the power of the moves. Iron armor is also one of these martial arts, and its defense skills also belong to its moves.

The meaning of Elder Yu asking him to refer to the Iron Armor Technique is to let his King Kong Jue exert the defensive power of his physical body.

"Lu Kun, what kind of moves do you want to learn?" Elder Yu asked while taking Lu Kun to the Wuxuedian, the Wuxuedian is the place where the Tekken Gate stores the exercises.

Lu Kun thought that he had practiced boxing for a long time before, so he was more inclined to boxing, "Elder Yu, I want to learn boxing, I wonder if there is a suitable boxing."

"Lu Kun, in fact, I suggest you learn swordsmanship. For those who have just practiced martial arts, the lethality of weapons is much greater than that of bare fists. Swordsmanship is the simplest and most direct among weapons, and boxing and kung fu are more difficult to learn."

"Elder Yu, I grew up fighting wolves and wild beasts in the mountains. I came up with a simple boxing technique by chance, so I thought it would be better for me to learn boxing techniques."

At this time, the two happened to walk to the open space outside the martial arts hall, and Lu Kun took out his boxing to talk about it.

"Alright then, come and attack me and let me feel it." Elder Yu became interested immediately after hearing the words. He was also a boxer, so he wanted to see what kind of boxing Lu Kun could do.

"Elder Yu please advise!" I saw Lu Kun, his body began to jump slightly, his feet were one after the other, and he started to circle around Elder Yu.

Every time Lu Kun moved, he was supported with one foot and exerted force with one foot. His knees were full of elasticity, and he could advance forward and backward at any time.

Elder Yu relaxed and stood in front of Lu Kun, watching Lu Kun's pace curiously.

Suddenly, Lu Kun exerted force on his right ankle, his left foot stepped forward, and his right ankle exerted force to drive his waist. In addition, Lu Kun's waist strength has increased greatly recently, and the whole force was released from bottom to top, hitting the elder on the head. Right hand punch.

Elder Yu also used his right fist to butt, and with a "bang" sound, the fists collided, as if they were evenly matched. As soon as the fists touched, Lu Kun took advantage of the strength to step back.

Immediately, he stood on tiptoe with his left foot, leaned forward with his body's center of gravity, and exerted force on his left ankle, which also drove his waist and abdomen. A left-handed straight punch was quickly thrown, twice as fast as the heavy punch. Elder Yu did not expect Lu. Kun's second move was so fast that he could only block with his right forearm.

With this move, Lu Kun felt that his punches had already been punched in, and without adding more force, he squatted down with his fists closed, matched his steps with his feet, and quickly threw a few uppercuts at the opponent's lower ribs.

It's a pity that Elder Yu was prepared and took all the punches calmly. This wave of fights, Elder Yu has put away his contempt. Lu Kun saw that the elder was well-guarded and had no chance, so he quickly evacuated.

"You don't have to retreat, just use a few more moves!" Elder Yu let Lu Kun continue to attack.

Lu Kun nodded. Next, he used a combination of swing, uppercut, and straight punches to attack Elder Yu several times, but they were blocked by Elder Yu one by one. Finally, Elder Yu increased his skill and punched Lu Kun. Back off, the battle is over.

"Lu Kun, although there are only a few moves in your boxing, but they are well matched with each other. The main point should be at the feet. All moves require the cooperation of footsteps. I didn't take the initiative to attack just now. ."

"Your boxing also has flaws. As long as the enemy understands your footwork, it will be controlled by others, but fighting with beasts is quite effective."

"Elder Yu's eyes are like a torch. This set of boxing techniques is all under the feet. The punching force starts from the ankles, and the force comes from the waist and abdomen joints. It comes from the shoulders. In the past, my strength was not comparable to that of the beasts, so I could only find a way to use the strength of my waist."

"With your current strength, ordinary third-rate warriors are not your opponents, since you have such a good foundation."

Elder Yu thought about it carefully, and his expression was a little hesitant, "I know there is a boxing method, but no one else has practiced this boxing method. You can only comprehend it yourself."

"Senior Brother Yu, why are you here? Are you choosing a training method for this disciple?" While speaking, an elegant young woman came out of the martial arts hall, with an ordinary appearance and a long sword around her waist.

"Yes. Junior Sister Yue, this disciple is quite talented in the practice of Vajra Art and has a foundation in boxing, so I want him to learn that Yuan Bang Boxing. UU read" It turns out that this is the fourth elder of the sect The Lightning Sword is the elder.

"Yuan Bang Boxing? Is that the boxing method that relies solely on physical strength and does not use internal force?"

"That's right, Lu Kun has no internal strength, and the strength of his body is also increased by practicing the Diamond Art, and his own boxing is somewhat similar to this Yuan Boom Boxing."

"Okay, brother, wait a moment, I'll bring it out for you." Elder Yue glanced at Lu Kun and walked in. After a while, he took out a piece of parchment paper.

"Junior sister, how did you take out the original?" Elder Yu was surprised when he saw the sheepskin, usually they all use the copy.

"This copy was taken by Senior Brother Zhang before he passed away. After the death of Senior Brother, the copy was not found. In addition, no one else was interested in this boxing technique, so no more copies were made."

"Senior brother has also seen this move? Lu Kun, look at this boxing technique first, and if you think it doesn't work, change a sword technique." Elder Yu was a little surprised that Brother Zhang borrowed this boxing technique, and handed the sheepskin to Lu Kun.

Holding this "Yuan Bang Quan", Lu Kun opened it to watch, "This punch is mainly composed of muscle strength in the whole body, and it turns into an explosive force. It explodes in its body, purely using the power of the flesh, and the practitioners of inner strength cannot exert its power."

The first half of the recipe tells about some power-generating techniques, and the second half is about several moves and steps. Lu Kun took a brief look, and somehow felt that this boxing technique was very important to him.

"Elder Yu, I will learn this Yuan Blast Boxing."

"Since you have decided, then take it back to Haosheng to study, and you can return it in a month. I just want to talk about something with my junior sister, so you should step down." After hearing Lu Kun's choice, Elder Yu didn't say anything. He walked into the Wuxue Hall with Elder Yue.