MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 38

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Fang Yandong sent a lot of invitations to Yan Tong's preparations for the dinner party.

In the evening, there were a lot of people invited, not only to give the Fang family face, but also to see the illegitimate child of the Fang family.

After all, because of the hot search video, and the fact that Fang Ziyang made a "rape" in the club before, the name Yan Tong has also been heard in the upper class recently, and everyone wants to know how to make Xie Xu empathize What is the boy like.

Now Xie Xu cheated, Fang Ziyang caught the traitor, and the news that the marriage contract between the Xie family and the Fang family is in jeopardy has already spread.

No way, Fang Ziyang was making trouble in public at first, and he couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

Now that Yan Tong has become the illegitimate child of the Fang family, the whole thing is even more subtle and subtle...

Wouldn't it be a big joke?

Therefore, today's Fang family dinner is the most anticipated banquet for the wealthy sons and ladies of Jiang City.

Wang Jiaojiao is the most active.

When Xie Xu vigorously pursued Fang Ziyang's engagement, he made her jealous. Now Fang Ziyang may be dumped, how could she not come to see the joke?

The last time she saw it in the clubhouse, Xie Xu might have come for real this time, and he really liked Yan Tong. It is impossible to defend Yan Tong in public without giving face to his fiancé.

Although I also envy and hate Yan Tong, but after all, it is not certain whether Yan Tong can be with Xie Xu in the end, even if Yan Tong has become the young master of the Fang family now, but can the Xie family see it? An illegitimate child or two.

So rather than jealous of Yan Tong, Wang Jiaojiao wanted to see Fang Ziyang's jokes and came to Fang's house early.

At that time.

Fang Ziyang and Yan Tong are being dressed up by a stylist.

Today's dinner is not for himself, Fang Ziyang is not in the mood to take it seriously, so he chose a simple and generous shirt and trousers, and let the stylist watch and fix his hairstyle, and then except for a matching watch, there is no No matter what.

When he went to the auction before, he dressed up like a nouveau riche to impress Fang Yandong. He has normal taste and doesn't like too complicated clothes.

Yan Tong's dress today is much more formal and complicated.

Yesterday he threw away Yan Tong's custom-made dress for the dinner party today. Although Fang Yandong was not very happy when he came back, he didn't dare to lose his temper with him because of his erratic temper recently. Thinking about the property of the younger son.

So the final result, of course, made Yan Tong bear it, and directly made Yan Tong almost die of anger and hatred in his heart.

After calming down, he can also analyze why Fang Yandong's attitude is, isn't it just because of Fang Ziyangli's shares and inheritance, and the marriage contract of the Xie family?

He couldn't get the shares and inheritance, but the Xie family had a way to marry him.

Originally Yan Tong didn't want to be with Xie Xu, but now he has changed his mind, he must make Xie Xu his boyfriend.

The other party is also talented in scientific research, and Jin refers to the data research needs of the other party.

The most important thing is that Xie Xu is someone Fang Ziyang likes. If you steal Xie Xu, Fang Ziyang will definitely suffer!

Although he didn't finish the novel before the time-travel, Xie Xu played the most roles before Fang Ziyang's real attack. I like Xie Xu...

Yan Tong made up his mind.

Let Xie Xu be his boyfriend for now.

He must let Xie Xu announce in public at today's dinner that he and Fang Ziyang break off the engagement, and then propose to him. Let everyone know that Fang Ziyang is no match for him! Let Fang Ziyang cry and leave in front of everyone!

So it is very necessary to dress well.

Fang Yandong didn't want Yan Tong to embarrass himself. Although he didn't have a custom dress, he could make up for it from other places. He took out a lot of precious jewelry from the safe and asked the stylist to match Yan Tong. .

The value of each item is worth 5 million starting accessories, and Yan Tong’s hard work, especially it has a watch worth 10 million.

Rao Shiyan Tong often said that he could not see the small family business of the Fang family, and felt that he would be able to stand at the top of his life in the future.

Yan Tong didn't know much about luxury matching, so he chose the watch worth tens of millions without even thinking about it.

There is also a sapphire earring and a pair of antique cufflinks.

There are not many things to choose from, and it is basically a standard dress for a dinner party, but without exception, a pair of accessories is the most expensive.

The stylist looked at it and said nothing.

Yan Tong was puzzled, "What's the matter, is there any problem with these things?"

The stylist smiled awkwardly and was about to speak.

Fang Ziyang took the conversation and pursed his lips and smiled, "What's the problem? The problem is big, the watch you choose is the latest design of Rolex this year, the style is fashionable, and you choose the cufflinks. With that pair of antiques, no, the West is not the West, fashion and antiquity are nondescript, you are afraid that you are not going to throw Dad's face to death."

Although Yan Tong has made a strategy in advance, but in the end he has shallow eyelids and is greedy. Although there are not many things to choose from, they are all the most expensive.

I'm afraid the other party thinks that the most expensive is the best, right? Can these tens of millions of accessories be taken out to show the Fang family's attention?

In fact, Fang Ziyang really guessed right.

Yan Tong really thought like this just now, the expensive jewelry in front of him was dazzling, and he inevitably felt that he wanted to shock the audience and show off. Bright everyone's eyes is not.

It turned out to be a joke.

But Yan Tong doesn't really believe Fang Ziyang's words, he has a grudge against Fang Ziyang, can Fang Ziyang kindly advise him?

So he looked suspiciously at the stylist and asked with a cramped expression, "Uncle, yes, is that so..."

The pitiful and cramped appearance makes people completely ignore that he seems to have made a joke just now. He is really a distressed illegitimate child, and if he makes any mistakes, he will be caught and laughed at by the real young master.

The stylist was instantly full of sympathy for him.

Fang Ziyang knew it would be like this, and didn't break it.

I picked a new watch and a pair of cufflinks from the pile of accessories, and continued to say with a mocking expression and a less polite tone,

"Nuo, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you a few pointers. If you don't want to lose face today, change a watch or cufflinks. Although expensive things are good, it's a joke if you bring too much. …”

Although he doesn't really want to help the other party, the things he chooses now are indeed the best match.

After finishing speaking, she looked at the stylist next to her, her expression a bit fierce, "Tell him, am I right?"

It is normal, but with this expression, it looks like a threat.

The stylist has also seen Fang Ziyang's sturdy temper, and thought that Fang Ziyang showed such an expression to himself, forcing himself to speak the opposite, and deliberately harassing his illegitimate brother for making a fool of himself today.

I was a little nervous, but I couldn't bear to see Yan Tong's pitiful appearance.

In the end, the stylist decided to be a conscientious person and suggested to Yan Tong, "Master Tong, this watch and cufflinks are really good, you can change one of them."

The stylist is kind.

But Yan Tong didn't accept it in his heart, and his expression changed.

He suspected that Fang Ziyang had a conspiracy at the moment with his "kind-hearted suggestion". Fang Ziyang threatened to look at the stylist just now, and the stylist's expression hovering on the edge of his conscience just "proved" his suspicion.

I am afraid that his choice was the right one, and now let him change the accessories, is to deliberately cheat him!

Fang Ziyang's selection of accessories for him now looks very good, but the value is far from his choice, all of them are more than one million large-scale goods, how shivering with that watch worth ten million!

This stylist is really too much. Because of a little oppression and threats, he is so pitiful and weak as the illegitimate young master.

Yan Tong was very angry with the kind stylist.

Today's dinner is too important to him, don't lose face, or outsiders will see him as not valued, and he will definitely be excluded from the circle in the future.

Think so.

Yan Tong decided to stick to his own opinion and directly picked up the sapphire earrings and the antique cufflinks.

Then with a forbearing expression and a show-off in her actual tone, she said pitifully,

"But Dad said, let me have to bring these..."

Well, Fang Ziyang's little tricks, he won't be fooled. Now Fang Ziyang is an idiot.

The stylist's expression was a little stiff after hearing this, and he secretly said:

Mr. Fang warned... Could it be that Mr. Fang doesn't like this illegitimate child, but just picked him up for some special reason? And then stumble in this place?

Although there seems to be something wrong with this logic, but thinking that Yan Tong's mother is Zheng Yating, the stylist will automatically ignore the strangeness.

Since it is Mr. Fang's intention, he is not very good to say anything, the grudges of the giants are not something that a small person like him can mix.

When Fang Ziyang heard this, he almost died of laughter.

He knew it, he knew it... In addition to being able to win over men, Yan Tong's brain is really not enough, and the best thing is to be smart.

Today is not the door of the last auction.

I wonder if Fang Yandong will be mad again when he sees Yan Tong appearing?

Fang Ziyang is in a good mood.

He prepared gifts for these people today.


After choosing the clothes and accessories, Yan Tong will continue to do the hairstyle.

Fang Ziyang chose simple clothes and hairstyles, and he finished it soon. He was not in the mood to wait for Yan Tong, so he went straight out of the cloakroom and went to the banquet hall.

At this time, many guests have come to the banquet hall.

But most of them are young people. People of seniority and status like Fang Yandong basically have to wait until they are approaching, so that they can show their identity and have a face in the finale.

Because most of the young people come, the atmosphere of the banquet hall is more casual.

When everyone saw Fang Ziyang coming out, they immediately gathered around.

Zhou Jun and Zhao Jingyu did not come today, it was Fang Ziyang who specifically told him to hand over the transfer of land in the western suburbs to the Zhou family and the Zhao family. Today’s dinner was originally a farce, and there was no need for them to come here waste time.

So when Wang Jiaojiao came around and found that Fang Ziyang was the only one who was weak, her attitude became even more arrogant.

Wang Jiaojiao covered her mouth,

"Oh, Fang Ziyang, I didn't expect Yan Tong to be your father's illegitimate child, you two are really destined. I said you didn't make trouble, so easily let the illegitimate child enter the house. Didn't you realize how big your heart is?"

The surrounding wealthy boys and girls smiled and didn't interrupt. They wanted to ask and say that Wang Jiaojiao could finish talking alone, and they just waited to watch the play.

Fang Ziyang saw the virtues of these people clearly in his previous life, and did not take them seriously.

Holding up a glass of champagne, Fang Ziyang smiled contemptuously,

"He is my father's illegitimate son, not my illegitimate son. What should I do with him? Besides, what if he enters my house? Anyway, my father wrote me a letter of guarantee and will give me a share in the future. There will be no less points, why should I care about this kind of invisible existence?"

"It's you, Jiaojiao, I heard that your mother gave birth to a younger sister for you. I don't know how much your shares will get out? You don't worry about yourself, but you have the time to worry about me. I'm afraid It's you who has a bigger heart..."

Although Wang Jiaojiao's father doesn't mess around outside, he is very patriarchal. In order to give birth to a son, Wang Jiaojiao's mother is now forty years old and still giving birth.

However, the Wang family does not know if it is a genetic problem, or it is impossible to give birth to a son. Mrs. Wang has daughters one after another.

Now that Wang Jiaojiao has four younger sisters, Wang's father and Wang's mother are not going to stop.

Daughters also have the right to inherit the family property. As the eldest daughter, Wang Jiaojiao, every additional sister or younger brother, means that she will inherit the family business in the future. This is the biggest pain in Wang Jiaojiao's heart!

Wang Jiaojiao's temper swelled almost as soon as she heard this.

Suddenly, as if stepping on the tail of a wild cat, she opened her mouth.

"Fang Ziyang, what kind of bull are you. How dare you laugh at me? Just wait, Yan Tong can rob your father now, and he can **** your fiancé as well. I saw it that day. , Xie Xu quarreled with you in public because of him, you will be dumped soon, you are still in the mood to laugh at me, I will wait for your bad luck!"

Wang Jiaojiao was angry and laughed.

As a result, Fang Ziyang didn't react at all, he wasn't immediately stimulated like he used to, he still looked leisurely and calm, chuckled,

"Then wait for me to be unlucky. Speaking of Xie Xu...even if he doesn't want me, he won't look at you more. You Wang Jiaojiao can't compare to me, even my family is a slum You can’t compare to taking back the illegitimate child, what qualifications do you have to laugh at me?”

"Your rival in love is not me now, and you still come to find fault with me, Wang Jiaojiao, how did I find out that you are such a good person, and actually help your rival to solve him? You are afraid not Stupid?"

"You, you..."

Wang Jiaojiao was so speechless that she blushed with anger.

This is not the case (! She is just jealous of Fang Ziyang for too long to come out now! She will not be stupid enough to help a rival in love, so can Yan Tong really be with Xie Xu? Maybe, she wouldn't take Yan Tong as a small person in her eyes!

But people around you don't think so.

Although Fang Ziyang's words are ugly, but they are very reasonable! Fang Ziyang was dumped by Xie Xu, Wang Jiaojiao just stared at Fang Ziyang and watched jokes, and let Yan Tong, a new rival in love, ignore it, it seems a bit stupid...

If you have a good relationship with Wang Jiaojiao, hurry up and come out to smooth things out, "Alright, alright, today is a happy banquet, you two should stop arguing, you are both friends in the circle."

"That's right, come, come, drink champagne."

But Fang Ziyang did not give face,

"Friends? Friends? You dare to say that you didn't come to see me break the engagement joke today? Didn't you come to see Xie Xu proposing to Yan Tong in front of me? I will see it clearly at the time, and whoever stepped on me at that time will know in my heart."

"But if you want to see my joke today, I'm afraid it will be a waste. What is Xie Xu? Do you really think I despise him?"

"I would not have agreed to get engaged if I hadn't seen him die and beg Bailai sincerity, but now it's not that he dumped me, it's that I don't want him anymore, just watch and see me later Will I feel sorry for him, it's too late for me to be happy if someone picks up this junk..."

After finishing speaking with a contemptuous smile, Fang Ziyang picked up the champagne and walked away.

But everyone was stunned by what he just said.

What? Today Xie Xu is coming to dissolve the engagement? At that time, do you want to propose to Yan Tong in public?

True or false, why haven't they heard of it!

Suddenly, everyone was quietly boiling,

"Ehhh, did you Fang Ziyang say it's true? That Yan Tong is really so powerful? Have Xie Xu been so fascinated by it?"

"It's possible, I heard my dad call and say that Mr. Fang seems to have some important news to announce today, which may be this."

"Damn it, this Yan Tong is too awesome. Xie Xu liked Fang Ziyang so much in the past, so he was robbed by him? Mr. value, Duan is a bit powerful..."

Everyone spit out every sentence I made.

Wang Jiaojiao's face became uglier the more she listened.

She just said that Yan Tong would not be taken seriously, can Yan Tong talk to Xie Xu together, but now she tells her that Xie Xu is going to propose to Yan Tong and re-engage ?

What's the point of her laughing at Fang Ziyang, the outcast? She was staring at the stumbling block that blocked Fang Ziyang, and let Yan Tong easily turn Xie Xu's boyfriend over there?

Damn, didn't she indirectly make a wedding dress for others!

Although she has always been jealous of Fang Ziyang, she can comfort herself by losing to Fang Ziyang and Wang Jiaojiao. In the end, Fang Ziyang still has advantages, her family background is not worse than her, and she looks better than her, and it is not a shame for her to lose to Fang Ziyang.