MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 317 Miss Li, what do you want to do?

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Yan Lili's originally mild eyes suddenly frowned, and said coldly:

"I have it too? Are you kidding Xiaolong? What did I work hard for all these years in prison? It's just to see him again. I don't have a new life. The reason why I'm still alive is all because of the hatred in my heart. , Live for that guy!"

After she closed her eyes and adjusted her emotions, the woman laughed again and changed her tone: "But if you can win me, maybe I will change my mind."

Xiaolong smiled shamelessly: "This is Sister Li, as long as I can win, you should be able to agree to all my requests."

Yan Lili smiled, then put on her boxing gloves.

At that moment, Xiaolong could clearly feel that Yan Lili's eyes were full of murderous intent and contempt. This woman was still the same as back then, except Fang Zheng, who looked down on her.

Yan Lili widened her eyes and punched fiercely: "If you deserve to win against me!"

The speed of that punch was so fast that even Fang Zheng did not have such speed among the people Xiaolong had seen.

But Xiaolong had a hunch that Yan Lili would hit this punch. When he was in school, he dismantled Yan Lili's boxing habit.

In addition, he has often exercised physical strength over the years.

Therefore, in this battle, men feel that they may not really lose!

Xiaolong crossed his arms ahead of time in an attempt to block Yan Lili's punch, but when the fist really landed on Xiaolong's arm.

The man's eyes widened, and a sharp pain came.

The muscles on his arm also turned white and broke after the punch.

The man stomped on the ring with his footsteps, and his weight of nearly 200 kilograms was just punched and slid backward for a distance.

The sliding is small, and the horror is that Xiaolong's arm is numb after being hit by this punch.

Yan Lili rushed over at a very fast speed. She raised her arm, which had numb muscles and deformed at the same time, and wanted to block it again.

But that raindrop-like fist hit Xiaolong's arm with great speed and strength, and it was an extravagant hope for him to even keep his consciousness awake.

But Xiaolong clearly remembered how Brother Fang defeated Sister Li at that time.

Sister Li's attack power is great, but her body is weak in defense due to the female physique.

If you can be like Brother Fang, seize an opportunity and hit the opponent with all your strength, you may be able to win!

Just when Xiaolong thought so, he suddenly saw that Yan Lili's right fist seemed to slow down in a trance.

The man's eyes widened and he didn't think much, because he realized that this was the only chance!

So Xiaolong lowered his body and avoided Yan Lili's punch to the limit.

The woman is in the action of closing her fist at this time, and she just can't defend herself.

Then Xiaolong took all the strength and punched the woman's jaw from bottom to top!

"Sister Li, I haven't seen you for so many years, and I'm not what I used to be. This time I won!"

Xiaolong's fist slammed towards the woman's chin, and there was even a sound of wind in the middle.

But just when the fist was about to hit the woman's jaw.

His fist stopped.

Xiaolong opened his eyes wide, stunned in disbelief.

Because he saw Yan Lili's smiling expression, he saw that his arm was like a collapsed pagoda, and the sound of shattering sounded.

The bones of his forearm have been broken into several pieces at this moment, and the entire forearm then fell directly at a strange 180-degree angle, his elbows twisted into twists, and his forearms turned terrifyingly from left to right.

Yan Lili: "Xiaolong, when did you have the illusion that you could defeat me?"

"Li... sister."

Yan Lili also learned Xiaolong to press down, one leg stepped back, and then she quickly kicked Xiaolong's shoulder!

The man's arm is now uncontrollable, the upper muscle of his arm is kicked into a depression by the huge force of the woman, and the whole person suddenly flew out to the left!

Xiaolong couldn't describe the feeling.

Because that foot seemed like a piece of pig iron weighing several hundred kilograms, it was hit by the crane on the muscle.

The bones of his forearm were broken into several sections, the arm of his forearm was also kicked off with a kick, and the man's body was kicked off the stage and slid for a long time.

Then he opened his eyes.

Looking at his deformed hand, he cried out in pain.

Yan Lili stood up straight, looking with some regret at the red eyes of the man who was over 1.8 meters tall and full of muscles.

Tears all over his face.

Yan Lili walked down the ring unhurriedly.

"Can a big man be quieter? You can still pick up your arm after an operation. What's there to cry about?"

When Xiaolong saw Yan Lili walking towards him, he gritted his teeth and wanted to step back, but his legs were weak and his body didn't move.

Yan Lili squatted down in disappointment, looked at Xiaolong, the long ponytail fell gracefully on the ground, the woman touched his head with her hand, and the man's body couldn't stop shaking.

Yan Lili said softly: "Don't be like this, anyway, you have been with Fangzheng and me, but you don't care about me, so why don't you embarrass him?"

"Sister Li... what do you want to do?"

Yan Lili is gentle and gentle: "I said it all, I want to make that man regret it, do you still have contact with him now?"

Xiaolong didn't dare to nod or shake his head.

Yan Lili smiled:

"Forget it, seeing how timid you are, I'll go find her myself, oh right."

The woman remembered the scene on the beach yesterday afternoon:

"I want to ask you something, does Fang Zheng have a girlfriend now? I seem to have accidentally seen him holding a woman's hand that day, but it was a disappointment. I didn't see what the woman's face looked like, what was the name of that woman? ?"

Yan Lili was talking, and suddenly she felt something and looked up at the door of the boxing gym.

"He's here? Well, but there are too many people here, so it's not the time to meet."

Yan Lili looked down at Xiaolong:

"Xiaolong, tell him for me, what he did to me back then, I will do to him! And it will be returned to him ten times and a hundred times! Sooner or I will make him kneel on the ground. Please forgive me! Let him regret his choice back then!"

The woman's tone in the second half of her words suddenly became very serious.

The Audi car finally came to the Wusheng Boxing Gym in a hurry.

In fact, Fangzheng's driving speed is already quite fast, but that includes the time during the fight in the ring, including the time when Yan Lili is talking to Xiaolong.

Everything just happened in two minutes, and Xiaolong's fighting power couldn't even delay the time.

The iron door was pushed open by Fangzheng, and Xiaomi and a group of brothers who usually boxed also entered the boxing gym.

But in the boxing gym, everyone didn't see Yan Lili, only Xiaolong, whose arm was deformed and lying on the ground, fainted from pain.

Seeing this scene, Xiaomi covered his mouth, and tears suddenly came out:

"Little Dragon!"

Fangzheng and Xiaomi hurried over at the same time to see how Xiaolong's health was.

But the strange injury left everyone speechless.

Xiaomi knelt beside Xiaolong, no matter how much he called out to the man, there was no response.

Fang Zheng clenched his fists and frowned.

The sound of an ambulance rang out at the boxing gym a few minutes later.

Fang Zheng and Xiaomi watched and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Just when he was leaving here, Fang Zheng looked back at the ring, and his eyes seemed to see a woman standing in the ring smiling at him.

It was like the scene where she cried and let herself accompany her to the ends of the earth with her after she maimed the girls in her class a few years ago, and then she rejected it.

Fangzheng closed the iron gate, and at the same time, at the end of a certain road, Yan Lili carefully looked at Fangzheng's figure.

After a gentle smile, he disappeared into the alley.