MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 338 Little Fox

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Jiang Xiyao's buttocks suddenly moved to Fang Zheng's side, she held Fang Zheng's hand and asked sincerely:

"Then tell me, is it enough for you to have me? No need for other women?"

Fang Zheng nodded.

Jiang Xiyao asked again, "What if that woman is beautiful?"

Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did Yan Lili tell you something? Did you meet today?"

Jiang Xiyao was also stunned, then she suddenly sighed and leaned her head on Fang Zheng's shoulder:

"My husband is so smart. She did look for me, and she told me some proposals that I couldn't accept at all."

"What proposal?"

Jiang Xiyao looked at Fangzheng, and the woman was a little jealous: "She said she wanted to be your concubine, the kind that only accompanies the bed, and let me be her sister."

Fang Zheng's brows furrowed, and then Jiang Xiyao suddenly put her hand on the stockings on her thigh.

Jiang Xiyao reminded in a low voice: "Don't think wildly in your mind, you can only think of me!"

Fangzheng snorted, and suddenly changed the question: "Xiyao, are you not injured?"

Jiang Xiyao shook her head:

"It wasn't hurt. She knew very well that you would hate her if you touched me, so she didn't dare to touch me, but because of this, I knew how much this woman likes you, and I was afraid that you would be tempted."

Fang Zheng touched Jiang Xiyao's thigh: "How is that possible? I'm enough to have you."

Jiang Xiyao disagreed and continued: "But she is very beautiful, and her figure is very attractive to men, and she is still your ex-girlfriend, are you sure you really won't be tempted?"

Fang Zheng blinked: "Hmm."

Jiang Xiyao was angrily and threatened Fangzheng: "Then let's settle it! If you dare to cheat, I will kill you!"

"Okay, but what if you can't beat me then?"

"Then I'll squeeze you dry! Anyway, your stuff! Other women don't even think about it!"

Fang Zheng swallowed his saliva, and said with some fear, "Xiyao, do you want to say such a terrifying thing seriously?"

Jiang Xiyao looked at the front of the car again and snorted:

"Is that scary? Just pretend, look at your enjoyment expression at night. Besides, you made me like this. I've been ruined by you these days."

The woman let out a long breath, a little sad: "So what should I do? Yan Lili told me, either I agree to share you with her, or she will die with you, there is something in that woman's eyes, and what she said is probably true. of."

Jiang Xiyao clenched Fangzheng's hand: "I don't want you to have an accident. If you die, I don't want to live, but I can't share you with him, husband, think of a way."

Fang Zheng was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Actually, according to my opinion, you don't have to think so seriously about the proposal Yan Lili gave you, because she didn't give you a choice at all."

Jiang Xiyao asked curiously, "What do you mean? Explain it clearly?"

Fangzheng: "Yan Lili is a very possessive woman, her so-called sharing is nothing more than using a curvilinear method to drive you away, if you agree, she will definitely find a way to slowly move you away from me, so This time, once you feel withdrawn, the woman will definitely be more aggressive in the future."

Jiang Xiyao nodded.

Fangzheng continued: "And what we have to do is very simple, which is to make the choice into a single one, reject it, and then deliberately make her angry and let her do it herself! If she really dares to do it, I think Director Wei will let her go back to That familiar place."

Jiang Xiyao: "Director Wei? Have you contacted Director Wei recently?"

Fang Zheng said earnestly:

"Speaking of Xiaolong's accident, I asked Director Wei about the follow-up of the incident at the boxing gym, and then I found out that Yan Lili's return to China was not easy.

Someone has been protecting Yan Lili's actions. In the boxing gym incident, someone wiped her ass, and then... she seems to be involved in a murder case abroad. "

Jiang Xiyao lifted her spirits.

"You mean? Yan Lili killed someone?"

Fangzheng: "It's very likely. In short, things are very complicated. I don't know much about many things. Just listen to me. If she asks you what you think, you can delay it if you can. If you really can't, then reject it. When Bureau Wei was investigating, and in my opinion, at the cusp of this situation, even if she dared to do it, the Light and Shadow Group would not let her do it."

Jiang Xiyao looked at Fangzheng: "Okay, I'll listen to you, but what about you? How long has it been since my brother's affair ended, and it's involved in a murder case, will you be alright?"

Fang Zheng smiled and said, "What can I do? Investigating Yan Lili is Director Wei's business. I should do whatever I want."

Jiang Xiyao frowned and clenched Fangzheng's hand: "I am very worried about your safety, you must always remember that you are about to have a wife, and no matter what you do, tell me, and I will accompany you on the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​​​fire. ."

Fang Zheng rubbed Jiang Xiyao's head with his hand: "I know, my Xiyao is so obedient, I'm not willing to leave you."

Jiang Xiyao bit her lip.


The woman stretched out her hand and hugged Fang Zheng again, and then her face suddenly turned red.

"Husband, shall we go to dinner later?"

Fang Zheng wanted to change the topic to what to eat tonight, but Jiang Xiyao's words really made Fang Zheng stunned.

"Don't go to dinner? Then what do you want to do?"

Jiang Xiyao's eyes glowed with a hint of spring water: "You have made me look like me these past few nights. I miss you so much at the company today."

She gently kissed Fang Zheng's lips, and finally the woman smiled, reaching into Fang Zheng's chest with one hand and holding the long hair around her ear with the other to overwhelm Fang Zheng.

Audi cars have no features, the only feature is good shock absorption.

Then there is a lot of space.

The fireworks in the park don't go off until nine o'clock in the evening.

And the company that Fang Zheng drove away at around 8:30.

Jiang Xiyao sat in the co-pilot, covered her lips with her hands, and glanced at Fang Zheng with her blushing fox eyes.


Fang Zheng drove the car and smiled awkwardly: "I think I'm passive."

Jiang Xiyao blushed, opened the storage box and took out a bottle of mineral water to moisten her thirsty throat, then said angrily:

"Then you can't do whatever you want. It's almost enough in the company! I'll make up for it when I get home after watching the fireworks later."

Fang Zheng glanced at Jiang Xiyao: "How many times?"

Jiang Xiyao smiled and held out three fingers and shook it: "Isn't it too much?"

Fang Zheng didn't smile: "Then I have to go to school tomorrow to catch up on sleep, and I'll go buy some precautions later. I've run out of everything at home."

Jiang Xiyao leaned on the co-pilot, watching the scenery by the window keep retreating, she suddenly said softly: "Buy more, I will be inconvenient in a few days, and you will not come if you want. "

Fangzheng said: "Then four times, little fox."

Jiang Xiyao pursed her lips and smiled.

When it comes to men, Jiang Xiyao is a natural expert, otherwise Fang Zheng would not have given her such a title for no reason.

New Year's Square is full of fireworks tonight.

After the Audi stopped, Fang Zheng took Jiang Xiyao's hand and squeezed into the crowd.

"Husband! So beautiful!"

With Fang Zheng, Jiang Xiyao felt that she was becoming more and more feminine.

Holding Fangzheng's arm, accompanied by the smell of gunpowder, he raised his head and stared at the bursting colored light.