MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 342 hotel staff

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Fangzheng: "Okay, what about the second one who wants to talk to me?"

Jiang Xiyao is next to Fangzheng: "The second one is actually very simple. Now our Zhengxi company is on the rise, and the number of users and daily activities are on the rise, so I want to develop a linked celebrity endorsement to expand the business. publicity."

Fangzheng: "Okay, let's do it, you still ask me about this kind of thing?"

Jiang Xiyao looked at Fang Zheng and said:

"The main reason is that Xiaomi and Captain Long are not getting married recently? Xiaomi will have to take leave again after working for another week. The company is short of people. Then, regarding the stars who will be promoted to us, I plan to find Liu Yueyue, who is the most famous in the past two years."

Fang Zheng frowned: "Liu Yueyue?"

Jiang Xiyao nodded: "Well, if Nizi endorses our company, the chain benefits will be unparalleled, but as you know, husband, the three of us made some unpleasant things last time, so this time I will talk to Liu Yueyue directly. Contact, you don't need to show up, you just need to manage the company for me during this time! How about it?"

Fang Zheng smiled and said, "To put it bluntly, do you want me to double up at the company after class?"

"Husband is so smart!" She tugged at Fang Zheng's arm with a smile:

"Is it okay? You just have to work hard. Anyway, I'm not feeling well recently. We can only hug and kiss when we go home. After this period of time has passed, it happens that the company is also free! Let's be more affectionate and affectionate."

Fangzheng took Jiang Xiyao's shoulders: "Okay, why don't you just work overtime? What's wrong with this, the wife has spoken, but the husband can still refuse? Earn more money now, and then it will be easier in the future."

Jiang Xiyao nodded: "I think so too, after we get married, I want to play with you in fun places all over the world during our honeymoon, and then go home and have a baby in peace and let her call Your father, call me mother."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Fang Zheng said, "It sounds pretty good."

After speaking, they tasted sweetness from mouth to mouth in a tacit understanding.

Silent all night.

When Fangzheng went to school the next day, he deliberately went to class four to take a look, but Luo Changming still didn't come.

Then his mother's phone couldn't get through.

Waiting like this until evening, Fang Zheng received a call from Jiang Xiyao.

The man was about to drive home after school, and he picked up the phone as soon as he heard the phone ringing in the car.

"Hello Xi Yao?"

"Hey husband, I asked Xiaomi to check the parent of the classmate you want to check. You guessed right, something went wrong. It seems that the factory of your student has recently gone bankrupt because the boss owes a lot of money. It is said that the boss went bankrupt. And then ran away."

Fang Zheng frowned after hearing this, and asked in doubt, "Run away?!"

Jiang Xiyao hummed on the phone:

"Yes, it seems that the old man left the child and ran away, and then I asked Xiaomi to continue to help check the follow-up situation of the company, saying that it was because some employees wanted to collect debts from the Luo family, so your student seems to be thinking about it now. How to pay her mother back."

Fang Zheng sat in the Audi car and watched the students at the school gate come and go in a hurry.

"Have you found out where anyone is?"

Jiang Xiyao: "The Third People's Hospital, those employees recently went there to find Luo Changming."

Fangzheng: "Okay, I see, thank you Xiyao, I may be home later tonight, you don't have to wait for me for dinner."

Jiang Xiyao said on the other end of the phone: "It's okay, husband, I'll just wait for you after I finish cooking, and pay attention to safety on the road."

"Love you Xiyao! Hang up first!"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zheng drove his Audi to the Third People's Hospital of Luteng City.

The road at night is full of traffic, to say a city, where is it always overcrowded?

I am afraid that it is only in a place like a hospital that you will find that there is not necessarily a place to park at any time of the night.

It was easy for Fang to find a gap and stop the car.

It was to go to the front desk on the first floor to inquire about the situation. Fortunately, Luo Changming's situation was not difficult for the nurse to remember.

After all, there are very few cases where family members are hospitalized and their debts are collected.

Fang Zheng asked as soon as he asked.

According to the ward number given by the nurse, he went to a multi-person ward on the fourth floor.

There are many elderly patients in the ward, some wearing hospital gowns sitting on the bed lonely looking out the window, some eating fruit silently.

He seemed to be thinking about something boringly.

Fangzheng's arrival attracted the attention of all the old people in the ward.

Fang Zheng glanced around at the old man in the ward, and finally fixed his sight on a bed by the window.

An old man with an oxygen tube was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Fang Zheng heard from the nurse just now that Luo Changming's grandmother suffered from a series of physical diseases due to severe high blood pressure.

It takes a long time to stay in the hospital, and the only thing doctors can do for the patient's age is slow treatment.

After all, when you are old, the disease is not caused by foreign objects, but an inevitable chain problem caused by the failure of body functions.

So the hospital can only do is to delay.

Fang Zheng stood beside Grandma Luo Changming's hospital bed for a while, the old man's snoring was not smooth, and his face was not good-looking.

Fang Zheng did not wait for Luo Changming in the ward.

In the end, when I left tonight, I went to the operating table to pay for the operation fee of the old man recently.

The nurse was actually very surprised by Fangzheng's arrival. When Fangzheng was making the payment, the nurse said:

"Handsome guy, if only you had come earlier, don't you know, these two days, the child will cry when he hears the money, grandma is seriously ill, and there are so many bills from him, an underage child, watching It's really pathetic."

Fang Zheng really had nothing to say about this.

After all, natural and man-made disasters cannot be avoided by anyone.

For the next Fang Zheng never saw Luo Changming at school or in the hospital, and he missed school for a week in a row.

The students in Class 4 also asked Luo Changming if something was wrong. Fang Zheng knew that it was useless for them to know about it, so he just made a pretence and even fooled him.

Waited until that morning a week later.

It was Jiang Xiyao who contacted the big star Liu Yueyue, and the two agreed to meet at the door of a hotel.

Jiang Xiyao accidentally discovered that the waiter who looked after the parking area was very familiar.

Taking a closer look, I realized that it was Fang Zheng's student Luo Changming!

So Jiang Xiyao hurriedly called Fang Zheng's.

After Fang Zheng found out, he drove over quickly.

Luo Changming is a tall boy with a straight face. Although he is young, he does not look abrupt in his hotel work clothes.

When Fang Zheng drove to the parking lot of this restaurant.

Because it was lunchtime and there were a lot of vehicles, Luo Changming enthusiastically directed Fang Zheng to reverse the car.

"Turn left a little, that's fine! Sir, it's alright!"

Fangzheng dropped the window, took out a hundred yuan tip and handed it out, Luo Changming was overwhelmed and took it respectfully:

"Thank you, sir, for such a tip! You are so kind!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he could clearly see who was driving the car, the money in his hand was also stunned, the smile on his face fell, and he murmured:

"Mr. Fang?"

Fang Zheng stared at his student and said softly, "Can I talk to you?"

Luo Changming smiled awkwardly, and returned the money to Fang Zheng: "I'm sorry Teacher Fang, I'm at work and I don't have time."

Fang Zheng saw that he wanted to leave, and hurriedly said:

"I know you are at work, so I gave you a tip. You treat me as a customer and chat with me."