MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 361 Cold medicine

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The figure slowly became clear in the dark, and it was Yang Yibiao who first saw this figure: "Mr. Fang?"

After the boy shouted, everyone looked around. Among them, Jiang Xiyao trembled. After seeing Fang Zheng, she walked over with an umbrella without hesitation.

With her high heels stepping on the water splashed on the ground, she walked over and hugged Fang Zheng.

The body trembled slightly under the rainy night: "Husband, you scared me to death, you scared me to death.."

The security guards and Yang Xiaoxue and Yang Yibiao were still standing there.

"Sister, it seems that Teacher Fang is fine."

Yang Yibiao wanted to walk over, but was grabbed by Yang Xiaoxue. Yang Xiaoxue, who was wearing a white dress, looked at the figure of the two hugging each other and showed a faint smile.

"Since Teacher Fang is fine, let's go home, don't disturb them."

Yang Yibiao glanced at his sister: "I'm leaving now? Don't you want to say hello to Teacher Fang?"

Yang Xiaoxue shook her head: "Let's go, if there is anything we want to ask, we will ask again tomorrow, Yibiao is going home."

After Yang Xiaoxue finished speaking, she looked at the security guards beside her. Everyone obviously knew that it was not good to destroy the atmosphere of the couple at this time, so they all nodded their heads in tacit consent, and held up their umbrellas and put away their flashlights to leave. .

Outside the laboratory building, Fang Zheng held Jiang Xiyao, who was trembling in her arms, and looked up at Yang Xiaoxue, who had left silently.

In the end, he just smiled and looked back at the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Okay Xiyao, why are you crying? Nothing happened to me? By the way, why did you come here?"

Jiang Xiyao slowly let go of Fang Zheng, looked up at the man's smiling face: "You're still smiling! What's wrong with your phone? Just turn it off, what do you mean when you're not in the service area? I thought where did you go! "

Fang Zheng snorted: "Not in the service area?" He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found that the signal of the mobile phone was indeed marked with a cross.

But after a second, the signal immediately returned to its original state and became full.

Fang Zheng smiled and sighed, he reckoned that this should be a good thing done by another Yang Xiaoxue.

Fangzheng put away the phone and said, "It may be that the phone is broken, it's nothing."

Jiang Xiyao's eyes were a little red, and she said angrily: "Tomorrow I will accompany you to buy a new one! We will get married in a few months. If you have an accident, do you want me to live?!"

She held Fangzheng again, and the umbrella was also held by a man.

The rain that fell from the sky fell firmly on the smooth umbrella surface.

After Jiang Damei's mood stabilized, the woman realized that Yang Xiaoxue and others who had just accompanied her had already left.

Washed by the rain, the two left the school, and the red Porsche left Tulip Middle School unhurriedly.

On a stool of a certain house on the first floor of the laboratory building, an unknown hair fell to the ground, turning into a little fluorescent light and disappearing completely.

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

After Jiang Xiyao and Fang Zheng went home, Fang Zheng was strong and fit, but Jiang Xiyao's body was mostly soaked.

Ever since the woman couldn't get through to Fangzheng's phone in the evening, she had been searching in a hurry. Although she was holding an umbrella, the heavy rain didn't do much at all.

The woman kept sneezing when she got home.

So when Fang Zheng got home, he quickly boiled a pot of hot water and added some cold medicine in it. The two sat on the bed, Jiang Xiyao leaned beside Fang Zheng, and took a sip of the bitter hot water with the cup in his hand.

The two looked at each other, and their subconscious heads leaned towards each other.

As a result, Jiang Xiyao realized at this time: "No, what if I catch a cold and infect you?"

Fangzheng had a weird expression: "What kind of physique are you, what kind of physique am I, how can you still infect me?"

Jiang Xiyao laughed: "That's right."

The woman took the initiative to kiss it, and the two sat on the bed and tasted the unique sweetness.

Just kissing, Jiang Xiyao paused briefly.

Fangzheng was also stunned for a while, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiyao frowned: "Why do you smell like Teacher Yang? What's the situation?"

Fangzheng: "...No?"

Jiang Xiyao first leaned her face against Fangzheng's lips and smelled it on her cheek. Finally, she smelt a few more times on the right side of her face, and said with certainty:

"It's the taste of Yang Xiaoxue! Husband!"

Fang Zheng saw Jiang Xiyao's puffed up look, and hurriedly said: "I can explain it, I just...just at the door of the convenience store, I accidentally bumped into Teacher Yang.. ."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

It is rare in the world for this woman to have such a good nose when she has a cold.

At the same time, Yang Xiaoxue's sister and brother came home, and Yang Yibiao yawned as soon as he entered the room. After all, there was a lot of tossing after school tonight.

I have been busy from 5:30 until now at 10:00 and I can finally rest. The boy just took a bath and went back to sleep.

"Sister, remember to call me at work tomorrow morning!"

Yang Xiaoxue said: "I see, you remember to throw your clothes in the room basket, don't always throw them on the ground to trouble Sister Liu!"

Yang Yibiao snorted: "I see, good night sister."

Yang Xiaoxue sighed and then went to her room on the second floor.

She took off her clothes in the room and went to the bathroom to take a beautiful bath. After a while, the woman sat on the desk in her bedroom wearing a bath She first turned on the air conditioner, and then began to give Rub your body with body lotion.

Just wiping and wiping, Yang Xiaoxue suddenly sneezed.

With a plea, Yang Xiaoxue covered her nose.

Do you think you won't catch a cold?

The woman had no choice but to step on her slippers and go to the living room to find some cold granules. After returning to the room, she soaked the medicine in hot water and took a sip.

Taking a mouthful of hot water, Yang Xiaoxue felt a lot more comfortable.

She sat on the chair at the desk in the bedroom, sipping hot water with a bitter taste.

The woman waited until the hot water was finished, then she frowned and licked her lips, put the water glass aside, and opened the drawer to take out the diary inside.

Yang Xiaoxue has the habit of keeping a diary, which started when she was in junior high school.

Every day, women will record everything that happened today on it. Today, Yang Xiaoxue takes out the diary as usual.

Just when the woman took out the small book, her eyes suddenly caught sight of an iron box in the drawer, and Yang Xiaoxue stared at the small iron box for a few seconds.

Finally, the iron box is also taken out.

The iron box was opened, and inside was a strawberry-flavored hard candy. It was just because of time that the hard candy was no longer edible even from the outside.

Yang Xiaoxue stared at the candy for a while, recalling the scene ten years ago when a boy gave him this candy when he passed by the playground.

Fangzheng: "Hey classmates, don't cry, this candy is for you!"

Yang Xiaoxue: "Give it to me? Why?"

Fangzheng: "There's no reason, the boys don't eat candy, I'll give it to you."

At that time, Yang Xiaoxue remembered that she seemed to be wronged. After she took the candy, she didn't even know how to say thank you, so she just sat on the playground and watched Fang Zheng leave with some bruises on her face.