MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 9 Gift

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Fang Zheng: "..."

Workplace women are just different from school girls, especially the woman in front of her is not an ordinary high rank.

He straightened up and sighed, "Let's talk about something else. I'll see my aunt tomorrow, she'll probably ask me something."

Jiang Xiyao thought for a while: "It should be about your family background. I haven't brought boys home, so I'm not too sure."

Fangzheng put his arms around his chest. He was no different from Jiang Xiyao in this respect, and he also never brought the opposite **** home.

However, when daughter-in-law and son-in-law meet their parents, it is estimated that they are asking about family conditions and so on. Otherwise, what else can they ask?

Fangzheng said: "There are only two people in my family, my mother and me. My father used to be a soldier and died in an accident. The family's assets only have an elderly house. You should be able to see the rest. All my belongings are worth less than a penny of yours."

Jiang Xiyao was a little curious: "Are you raised by your aunt alone?"

Fangzheng nodded: "Although my father left a sum of money for the family, he died early. My mother has been taking care of me all these years."

There was a strange light in Jiang Xiyao's eyes: "In this way, the two of us really hit it off, and my mother and I are the only two in my family. This company under my management was originally my father's. "

"Really? So you're the second-generation rich?" Fang Zheng blurted out, but after he finished speaking, he immediately smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry I don't mean anything else, although I don't lack money, but it's quite hard for Auntie to support you alone, right? ?."

Jiang Xiyao hummed and said, aren't we all the same?

She continued:

"Anyway, my mother is usually a very talkative person and respects my wishes, so as long as she sees that I am serious about your relationship with you, she should not have any objections, just say whatever you want. Now, no need to lie."

Fangzheng felt a little slack in his heart, but fortunately, according to Jiang Xiyao's description, this auntie should be different from those wealthy mother-in-law on TV.

After a while, the waiter brought two plates of vegetable salad and a piece of fruit, Fang Zheng told Jiang Xiyao a few words.

Most of them are some details of the two-person family.

It was not until the salad was finished that Jiang Xiyao brought up the sensitive issue.

"Tomorrow you go to my house as my boyfriend after all. You can hold my hand at that time, which will make you look a little more affectionate."

Fang Zheng picked up an apple and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Apart from holding hands? Can I hug you?"

Jiang Xiyao stopped drinking water: "What do you think? We are not really boyfriend and girlfriend."

Fang Zheng nodded vigorously: "I understand, I can't do anything other than holding hands, right?"

After speaking, Fang Zheng deliberately mumbled, "Auntie is not blind."

Of course Jiang Xiyao heard this sentence, rolled his eyes at him and said: "It depends on the situation, it is not necessarily true that you can only hold hands, and tomorrow you don't call me sister Jiang, you will call me Xi in the future. Yao is fine, otherwise I'm afraid you will leak your mouth."

Fangzheng swallowed the apple in his mouth, how could he feel that he was at a disadvantage from beginning to end, that he didn't use her at all, but she arranged for her to meet her parents directly, and she still obeyed the rules.

"Okay, Sister Xiyao, I will listen to you."

Jiang Xiyao took a sip: "Let's pay the bill. After I send you back later, I have to go back to the company to deal with some things."

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you all get off work? Are you still going to the company?"

"I told my employees to get off work. The boss didn't say that I got off work. In order to see you this afternoon, I have already turned down a lot of things."

Fang Zheng said casually, "I'm so moved."

Jiang Xiyao wiped her mouth with a napkin: "Your tone is too fake, boyfriend."

Fangzheng shrugged indifferently, then went to the front desk to check out, two salads and one fruit, the total cost was less than 100 yuan.

Speaking of whether it is expensive or not, if it is cheap, it is really not cheap.

The two walked out of the store side by side, glanced at Jiang Xiyao's amazingly beautiful thighs on the road, and sighed why this woman had such a good figure?

"I said...Xiyao, do you usually wear high heels when you go out?"

Jiang Xiyao gave a gracious voice.

Fang Zheng asked, "Don't you feel tired?"

"I felt tired at first, but I got used to wearing them every day. Besides, in my house, except for high heels, there are slippers, and there is no chance to wear other shoes even if I buy them."

"Then what shoes are you wearing when driving?"

"It's also a kind of high heels, but those high heels are not very obvious, so it's more comfortable to drive."

Fang Zheng was speechless.

The man looked around and found that there was a lady's shoe store next to him. He looked at Jiang Xiyao's eyes.

"I'll accompany you to buy a pair of normal shoes. You can wear them when you meet me alone in the future. It's not good for your feet to always wear high heels."

Jiang Xiyao glanced at Fang Zheng strangely, but the eye-catching Kung Fu man had already turned around.

She had no choice but to follow. Although she said that she didn't need to buy other shoes on the road, high heels were quite comfortable.

But Fang Zheng's tone was very firm: "Just treat it as a gift for my girlfriend, didn't you also give me clothes?"

The two came to the store, and the clerk saw the immortal man and woman hurried over.

Fang Zheng originally planned to buy a pair of sneakers for Jiang Xiyao, but Jiang Xiyao didn't seem to like those shoes.

The main reason was that femininity didn't match these sneakers, so he had to ask the clerk if there were any shoes worthy of Jiang Xiyao, except for high heels.

The clerk suddenly got into trouble and thought about it.

"How about boots? They are much more comfortable than high heels, and they don't hurt your feet."

Fangzheng replied affirmatively: "Just the boots, find a pair that suits her."

The clerk glanced at Jiang Xiyao and said with a smile, "Your girlfriend looks so good-looking, I guess any of them are suitable. I'll pick a better pair for you to try."

Waiters in any mall will sell products according to the clothes customers are wearing.

Fang Zheng is wearing a set of clothes that Jiang Xiyao bought for him at the mall just now, UU reading www. A set of is nearly 6,000 yuan, and Jiang Xiyao's one is more expensive, especially the treasure in her hand, LV's, the price is unknown, but at a glance it can be seen that this woman is definitely a rich wife.

So the clerk took a pair of brand-name boots worth more than 3,000 yuan according to the needs of the two. Jiang Xiyao tried it on, and it was really comfortable and the style was pretty good.

Fang Zheng saw that Jiang Xiyao was very happy.

Ding! WeChat payment is 3,499 yuan, and your balance is 134 yuan and 30.3 cents left.

Fang Zheng took a painful look at the text message and put away his phone.

Jiang Xiyao got into the car with the gift: "Thank you, I'll transfer the money to you."

Fangzheng waved his hand: "No, you can wear something more comfortable when you meet me in the future. I'm not just talking about shoes. After all, I'm not a big boss, so there's no need to be so serious."

He pressed the engine button: "Go home!"

The car was speeding, and the scenery on both sides kept receding from the side.

On the way, Jiang Xiyao looked at the gift bag under her feet. This was the first time a boy gave her something like this. It wasn't the kind of tobacco, alcohol, tea, and artwork that business owners gave each other.

It was just a pair of the most ordinary ladies' short boots, but this kind of gift gave Jiang Xiyao a very different feeling.

On the way home this time, Fang Zheng didn't say a word.

Because he wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart.

Ni's mother's! Three thousand five hundred dollars! My own pair of shoes is only 200 yuan, and I can't spend that much for three years on shoes!

Sure enough, a woman will only bring misfortune, and the loss is a fake couple. If it is true, he will still be obediently eating soft rice for the rest of his life.

I can't afford it.