MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 1002 Awkward old fox

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The boat smirked and laughed a little. He had the courage to be right. The adopted sons from Zhoushan County were trained to have a copper-iron bone and resisted resistance.

But he almost died because of a sickle and blood flow, which is a shame.

The alchemy teacher was defeated and returned. When he left, he was very unconvinced. His eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Xiao Yu, Shen Yu and others.

Don't get caught by him. Otherwise, this woman and Shen Yu will die.

The next gambling.

As Xiao Yu expected, no one is willing to gamble with her.

Shen Yu also learned to be smart this time. He looked at the boat and enlarged it. He put it small.

The two are as good as they are, and each time they are gambling.

Zhou Yu won more than Shen Yu, and he met Dan who could not melt. Shen Yu naturally could not melt.

Shen Yu was also very conscious of this time. He lost the remedy that Xiao Yu gave him. He didn't want it anymore. Even if Xiao Yu gave him, he didn't want it. He only said that he was lacking and wanted to rest.

Zhou You won the medicinal herbs, and he was full of spirits. However, it is not enough for him to enter the Tianzhu Mountain.

Xiao Yu has so many medicinal herbs, enough for her three people to go in.

Han Lao and Xiao Yao Dan Sheng should still have a back hand.

Then there may be only one remaining left.

If you want to go in, you must win some medicinal herbs.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Two disciples from Tianzhu Mountain stepped on the sword, as if they came from the fairy world.

They were all white, and if they were snowing, Wu Si was erected with a silver crown, and it exudes the temperament of the ancient Taoist wind.

The two disciples slightly decapitated in one direction.

The alchemy masters followed their gaze, and at the same time, they saw Han’s two disciples in Tianzhushan nod their heads.

I have long heard that the old man and Penglai respected a little friendship.

Seeing that the old man is gambling, they think that the rumors are not credible, and now it seems to be true.

You must know that the disciples of these two Tianzhushan are all disciples.

"There are orders to allow six people to enter Tianzhu Mountain, and the three-day period. Those who enter Tianzhu Mountain, within these three days, the herbs they have picked and the treasures they have found are all owned by you."

The young man who is talking is Qiu Jiu, who is a great disciple of the statue. He is very handsome and handsome.

The alchemy teacher heard the words, some sighed, some envious, some angina.

Only six people can enter Tianzhu Mountain.

In addition to Xiao Yu, Han Lao, and Xiao Dan, there are only three people left. There are several alchemists who are similar to the medicinal herbs, including the boat. They tighten their nerves and pray in their hearts. Medicine, then they have the opportunity to enter Tianzhu Mountain.

They are right for the sake of the bead.

Into the Tianzhu Mountain, even if you can not find the beads, the precious herbs of the mountains, they can make them return home.

You don't have to buy herbs for at least a year.

Moreover, there are many rare herbs in Tianzhu Mountain. These are expensive in the market, and sometimes they are not good enough to buy.

Entering Tianzhu Mountain is the wish and dream of every alchemist.

You must know that entering Tianzhu Mountain will not only get so many valuable herbs, but also proof of strength.

"How many medicinal herbs do you have? Let's spread them out!"

"How much do you have? You spread it first"

"I asked you first, why should I first spread it? You first spread it"

"Well, you two don't quarrel, just a few of us, everyone together."

The five alchemy divisions included the boat together. They spread their own medicinal herbs at the same time. After counting down, there were three alchemists who were very excited. They were excited and smiled.

Zhou Yu was less than a medicinal herb, and completely lost the qualification to enter Tianzhu Mountain. His heart was lost for a while, and his face was like a defeated cock, which was very decadent.

Xiao Yu looked at the boat and the three excited alchemists. She shook her head slightly. The three alchemists were too happy.

"Cold old, happy Dansheng, I want to ask, how many medicinal herbs are there in your body? Is there more than five hundred?"

The alchemy teacher took a breath.

Five hundred?

The most alchemy masters they brought here only brought three hundred medicinal herbs.

What does Xiao Xiao mean when he asks the old man and the happy Dansheng?

Is it

The alchemists were shocked by their bold ideas, but they were almost certain that Xiao Yu was what they guessed.

"No." Happy Dansheng directly replied, his face is not very good-looking, the alchemy teachers can guess, he can also guess, what is Xiao Yu's words?

The old man laughed happily, and his face was not a little disappointing: "The old man is old, and the future is the world of your young people. If you have the opportunity to enter Tianzhu Mountain, let them be young!"

Happy in the heart of Dan Sheng, disdainful, old things have such a good heart? He won't believe it.

The old thing to do this is that he does not have five hundred medicinal herbs at all. It is better to be a good person and give it to Xiao Yu, so that he can win Xiao Yu.

Awkward old fox.

"Farewell." Happy Dansheng is also decisive, he held a fist to Xiao Yu and blinked, and disappeared in the same place.

Happy Dan has gone, not that he gave up Xiao Yu.

It takes three days for Xiao Yu to enter Tianzhu Mountain. He will come back three days later.

Han Lao and Xiaoyao Dan Sheng have given up their places. The alchemy teacher who won the boat is not happy, but has a strong uneasiness.

as expected.

Xiao Yu suddenly took out a bunch of small Dan bottles, and even the two disciples of Tianzhushan were shocked.

For the first time, they saw such an "arrogant" alchemy teacher, and they shot so many remedies.

"There are a total of 3,000 medicinal herbs here. I want to give them to the disciples of Zun Shang and Tianzhu Mountain. It is a gift to give respect to my alchemists." Xiao Yu is very talkative.

Her words, once again shocked the alchemy division.

Qiu Jiu smashed Xiao Yu, her face was serious, her pupils were clear, and there was no falsehood. It seemed that she was really grateful for her respect.

"The girl is such a generous alchemy teacher, Qiu Jiu is still the first time to meet, that Qiu Jiu will respect all the disciples of Tianzhu Mountain, thank you for the kindness of the girl."

He said, with a wave of palms, Xiao Yan’s medicinal herbs disappeared instantly.

Xiaoyan was insane, stunned, flew out from Xiao Yu’s ear, chased the herbs, and the runway Qiu Jiu’s wide sleeve.

Xiao Yu’s face changed slightly, opening: “Qiu”

Qiu Jiu’s line of sight was drooping. He seemed to have discovered Xiaoyan. He smiled and interrupted Xiao Yu: “The girl’s coffin is very cute. Let Qiu Jiu take care of the girl for three days. After three days, Qiu Jiu will take the coffin. Return the girl."


The alchemy teacher is not clear, so where is the coffin? Why didn't they see it?

The old man laughed deeply. He had already seen Xiao Yu’s earrings and saw that he was just moving.


The little guy is a medicine, and he likes expensive herbs.

Qiu Jiu took away the coveted herbs of the little guy. How would the little guys be willing?

Qiu Jiu saw Xiao Yu did not agree, the delicate little face was not assured, he said: "There are countless strange and strange grasses in Tianzhu Mountain. Lingbi will go with you and will be attracted by exotic grasses. It will wait. In a place, eat soft legs.

It’s better to give it to me for the time being. I have all the rare herbs in my room, so I can eat it casually, so that I don’t delay the girl. ”

Xiao Yan hugged a fragrant herb, it opened his mouth, and when he was preparing to eat, he heard what Qiu Jiu said.

It whispered a small mouth: you are the food, you stay in one place and eat soft legs.

When Qiuler saw Xiao Yu’s unpleasant expression, he groaned and said: “The girl does not trust the spirit to give to the brothers. I am not at ease to let the brothers bring your spirits! I am afraid that your spirits will eat. I am poor, my brother."

The old man suddenly laughed, and the young man bickered and was full of fun.

He smiled and said to Xiao Xiao: "Shantou, you can safely hand over the coffin to Qiu Jiuyang for three days! The rare herbs of Qiu Jiuzhen, even if you are in Tianzhu Mountain, you may not encounter it for three days. ""

The implication is that Lingbi followed Qiu Jiuyi with the benefits of Xiao Yu.

The coffin is based on herbal medicine. It has a strong sense of herbal medicine. Qiu Jiu took the initiative to adopt it for three days, which shows Qiu Jiu’s love for the coffin.

Qiu Jiu’s person is not a spirit.

To say that he is old, he is also selfish.

He has a heart for Xiao Yu as a disciple. He naturally hopes that the more precious the herbs he eats, the better, the rarer the better.

Bai Mu also advised on the side: "My sister, the old man said that it makes sense, let the coffin follow him for three days!"

Xiao Yu’s serious look at Qiu Jiudao: “After three days, if Xiao Xiao loses one tentacles, I will not spare you.”

Qiu Jiu’s look was happy, and he immediately said: “The girl is relieved. After three days, if it is less than one point, I will let the girl dispose of it.”

Xiao Yu ordered a few people around him, Shen Yu, Xiao Qi, Bai Mu, Zhou You, and ordered a Shangguan, just six people, entered Tianzhu Mountain.

The alchemy teacher who won the boat, if there is no such thing as Xiao Yu, they can go to the Tianzhu Mountain, but now they are crowded out.

The three people were desperate and sad.

Qiu Jiu took the coffin in his sleeve, and Yu Jian flew up to Tianzhu Mountain. His handsome face was very pleasant.

Haul did not explain: "Brother, have you already raised two coffins? This is not as good as the two raised by the brothers. What is so rare?"

Qiu Jiu said with a smile: "I can't say it clearly. I just want to take it down when I see it nailed to Xiao's earlobe."

Unexpectedly, it will take the initiative to fly into his sleeve.

It’s a greedy little guy.

Xiao Yan is burying his bitter herbs in Qiu Jiu’s sleeves. When he hears Qiu Jiu’s words, it’s another unhappy, fleshy body, wrinkled into a ball.

What do you want to bite this man?

Haul did not quite understand Qiu Jiu’s strange thoughts. He said: "The two spirits in the brothers’ room are fighting and fighting, and if you see the brothers take this back, you will definitely tear it. No."

The little stunned and shook, almost cried.

Master, Qiu Jiu is not a good thing, the owner came to save the little 蛊

at this time.

Xiao Yu has even sneezed a few sneezes. Who is chanting her?

End of chapter 14