MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 76 Rice truth

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Chapter 76—The Truth About Rice

I thought history had opened a new page.

But I was put together by history. As soon as I turned the page halfway, it jammed.

More than half of the trip has been completed. On the way to this day, a team of people stopped by the river to rest.

The horses graze, and Wu Yiwei replenishes drinking water and dry food. The masters stretch their bones and move freely outdoors.

"Why can't this sword be pulled?"

Duan Yu sat under the tree and played with the Aoki humanoid sword. No matter how hard he tried these days, he could never see the true beauty of the sword.

"That's why it's sleeping!"

The neighbouring Qing Qiao took a fool, thinking that Lao Shanshen had said this too, and I was not cheating.

"... when can I wake up?" Duan Yu raised her eyelid to look at her, and began to have doubts in her eyes.

"When you sleep enough, you will wake up naturally!" Qing Qiao rushed over, took the sword in his hand, and whispered, "You too, how can you bear to disturb people's dreams?"

Seeing the appearance of her cute little daughter, Duan Yu didn't ask any more, just smiled.

"When everything is over, this sword is yours."

Qing Qiao tilted his head and smiled at him, showing off: "If you don't know how to use the power of the sword at that time, take it to Xiling Mountain, where there is a world-renowned hero Ruan who will teach you how to use the sword . "

Duan Yu ticked the corner of his mouth, and didn't comment.

"... Is everything over?" He looked into the distance, looking a little confused.

"It's fast, it's fast." Qing Qiao thought he couldn't wait, and quickly calmed him.

"But I don't think it will be so fast."

Duan Yu suddenly turned to look at her, his eyes were like a torch, and the burning man's cheeks were hot: "It's far from the end."

Qing Qiao couldn't figure out what he meant, didn't feel free to go over, cough, could not help but underestimate his heart, what is "I think", where are you so confident?

Lu Zizhen in the distance didn't notice them.

He leaned quietly under a large willow tree, glanced over his sheepskin and rolled his hands, his eyebrows frowned for a moment, then stretched again. On the side of the sinking boat, the lake shadow turned up slightly, and the flowers were elegantly decorated by the green grass. Everything was so beautiful, so leisurely, as if it would disappear with the wind.

After half a day, I finally came to a small town called Hamtu.

After asking the residents in the city, Fang Zhiguan went west for three days to be Pangyuguan, but there were no towns on these three days, and all the way was desert.

Qing Qiao couldn't sleep in excitement. He wanted to leave immediately, but was discouraged by Duan Yu.

"Now that you have arrived here smoothly, you might as well rest in peace and rest for a few days."

His reasoning is very eloquent: "It's been almost a month since the marathon, the Uighurs need to rest, and Hamtu has the most famous hot spring here, which just can relieve fatigue."

I didn't expect this guy to be arrogant, but he really cared for his subordinates.

Qing Qiao thought like this, it was difficult to quit, and he readily agreed.

After staying in Hamtu for several days, Qing Qiao had never been to the ancient border town and was fascinated by the customs of the Western Regions. His pace slowed down.

In the early morning of this day, while Duan Yu and others were still sleeping, she slipped out with a bird cage and strolled out.

Strolling in the old town, passing by blue tiles and yellow bricks, she suddenly had an illusion, this was just a vacation trip for her.

When the trip came home after the dad opened the door for her, my mother prepared and waited.

Then she would be proud to tell them her adventures, and let the moms and dads lean forward and yell, screaming excitement.

She thought about it, her mouth rising high.

Then her eyes fell casually, and her smile froze instantly.

She saw an unexpected face, a face she could never forget.

——Men face with a knife.

At this moment the man was passing by the other end of the alley, hurrying, not paying attention to her at all.

Her heart sank quickly and dived into the deep ocean floor.

This man, this ugly man, this ugly man who killed her brother Bao with brutal methods! Why is he here? Didn't Duan Yu say, isn't he Wu Yiwei? !!

As soon as she had a clue, she grabbed the bird cage next to her and whispered to the two parrots, "Hurry up, follow him and hear what he's saying!"

Flipping, with the sound of flapping wings, Mana and Xiao Qiao rose into the air, chasing the figure of the man with a shaved face and flying away. Eventually it turned into two small black spots and disappeared.

Qing Qiao, who was standing alone, was a little hesitant.

She was just trying to try, but did not expect that Mana and Xiao Qiao really understood her words, could it be ...

"Uncle, were you blessing me just now?"

She looked at the far away parrots, her eyes confused and murmured.

The blue sword worn around her waist shone with a clear shimmer under the touch of Chaoyang, gentle and subtle.

Until dinner, Mana and Xiao Qiao had not returned.

Qing Qiao's heart was anxious, he was restless, and he kept spinning in the room.

"What happened?" Duan Yu looked at her face with great concern when she saw her look abnormal.

Qing Qiao's heart was full of doubts and fears, and he didn't dare tell the truth to him, but he shook his head to deny it.

"... Are you excited about going home?"

Duan Yu's face changed slightly, but he was not angry, but his voice became softer and softer. "I can't see how much longer I can wait for you to cultivate your health?"

"Don't!" Qing Qiao turned and shouted, his voice sharp.

She had a bad hunch, maybe she shouldn't stay here anymore, maybe something would happen here.

——Go home, go home! When you get home, you don't have to face anything!

She thought like this, burying her head in the sand like a helpless ostrich.

Duan Yu froze, his eyes gradually dimmed, and the fiery flame turned into ashes.

"Okay, I'll give an order to Wu Yiwei, and leave for Pangyuguan tomorrow." He dropped the sentence lightly and turned away.

Late at night.

I don't know how long to wait, just when Qiao Qiao was disturbed and wondered whether Mana and Xiao Qiao encountered something unexpected, finally there was movement outside the window.

"Slam, slam!"

Two parrots fluttered in, dived into the bird cage, and combed their feathers.

"... Come on, good boy, tell me."

Qing Qiao remembered what Ruan Siqiang had said when he told them, and he learned everything.

Mana and Xiaoqiao glanced at her and opened their mouths quietly.

"Sir! We are just one step away from the altar, why stay here for several days?"

"Because someone doesn't want to leave."

"Protagonist! Since they don't leave, why not remove them all? We have found out the altar! Now everything is ready but it's only due to the east wind, the protagonist's long-term wish can be achieved with sight, why ...

"No, you have waited for a full 100 years and don't care about this overnight."

"... Sovereign! Sovereign forgive me, does the protagonist ... whether ... do you care about that little demon girl? The protagonist is unemotional, we just use her ..."

"Self-assured stupid, get out!"

Mana and Xiao Qiao once again successfully completed their repeater mission, tone, tone, indistinguishable.

Every time I heard a word, Qing Qiao's hands and feet became cold, and at the end, her whole body was cold and boneless, and there was no sound of cold.

——Speaking “Master”, the man with the knife-faced face, she heard him insulting Brother Bao.

But this answerer, this answerer ...

She was so familiar with the voice of those who answered.

"It's okay not to eat people's necks. I want to eat bird necks. You have to get them away."

——This is his first request to her.

"Dare to ask Xiaomei's name?"

"Me? Why don't you have a humble name? The little girl's name is Ding Ding."

"Ah, that's a coincidence! My name is Dangdang, aren't we two born to each other?"

-This is the first time he has spoken to her with a fake identity.

"Hum, in the end, you believe in others a bit more!"

——This is the first break with her on Xiling Mountain,

"I have given you many opportunities and have been waiting for you to recognize me."

"Welcome to my place, His Royal Highness Princess."

——This is his first time, take off the mask and face her with real body.

So many, so many memories; so close, so close; How could it be him? Why is it him?

"... you lie to me, you lie to me ..."

Staring blankly at Mana and Xiao Qiao, she murmured to herself.

Mana and Xiao Qiao didn't look at her, they still lowered their heads, drank water, ate, and washed Hua Yu.

The whole world is quiet and becomes a void.

Animals can't lie, only people can.

She clearly heard the sound of something cracking in her body, and then her heart had never been like a knife twisted, and her internal organs had collapsed.

--Do not! I cannot accept the fact!

——I refuse to accept!

--I can not believe!

She returned to her mind, before the boiling brain was about to burn into paste, opened the door and ran away, her petite body and the night breeze merged into one.

When Lu Zizheng was found, he was soaking in the hot spring in the small courtyard behind the inn.

He was so beautiful in the moonlight, peach blossom eyes twinkled like stardust, blue silk rippling like silk, and the water ripples patted the jade porcelain-like skin gently. He was so peerless that even God couldn't help being jealous.

"Yo, my sister is not brave enough to dare to peep so late?"

Instead of turning his head, just by footsteps, he already knew who had rushed to visit, so his thin lips were slightly sloppy, and the words of Diao Kan were as light as ever.

Qing Qiao stood by the pool and looked at him without saying a word.

She squeezed her fists tightly, and it took a lot of effort to keep her teeth from biting.

Feeling the atmosphere was wrong, Lu Zizheng turned to look at her.

Under the silver moonlight, the girl's body shivered, her eyes were bloodthirsty, astonishingly scary, like a wounded beast, helpless and frightened, fierce but fragile, full of extreme cold and murderousness,

"what happened?"

He frowned—he had never seen such a Qiao Qiao, as if filled with evil spirits. She in his heart has always been a naive girl, although occasionally a little clever.

"Xiao Qiao, have you been bullied? Would you like me to avenge you?"

Unplugging the misty water, he stepped forward to Qing Qiao step by step, raising his beautiful face.

"who are you?"

In response to him, there were only these three words.

Lu Zizhen narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes quickly.

"who are you?"

The girl stubbornly looked at him, stubbornly repeating these three words, and there was a crystalline liquid flowing in her eyes.

"……who am I?"

Eyes quickly darkened, Lu Zizhen smiled enchantedly, and bounced half a water spray on her, making her face more beautiful.

"I'm Lu Sikong, I'm Dangdang, and I'm also a priest, my sister, who do you like me to be?"

"... Why, lie to me?"

The warm drops of water splashed on the girl's cheeks, but she didn't even move her eyelids, just muttering to herself, her body was short and short, and finally curled up on the ground.

"... Why use me?"

She turned a deaf ear to his joke, her body crunching into a ball, as if countless devil was stabbing her with a knife to draw her blood, and she was defenseless to fight back. Only by doing so could she barely protect herself.

Lu Zizhen's complexion finally changed, and the snow turned white.

He took a step back and closed his eyes in the rushing water.

He knew it, she knew.

Although he didn't understand, how did she know.

"You look up and look at me."

Speaking again, his voice was indescribable coldness, faded flashy and enchanting, leaving only cool and ruthless.

"Look at this and you will understand."

So Qing Qiao raised his confused face and looked at him with tears.

I saw him with his back to her, standing up from the water.

The mist was misty, and Moonlight greedily kissed this sturdy and perfect body like a god. On that back, there was a green-eyed wolf head with red eyes and six claws. The water wave beat the light and shadow blur. Demon breath.

"... Everyone thought that the tattoo of Bian Muwang was carved on his chest."

Lu Zizhen's voice came from afar, calm and waveless, without sorrow and joy.

"But in my generation, my mother-in-law had her wolf's head tattooed against her ancestors in order to avoid the catastrophic disaster."

"you you……"

Qing Qiao was completely stunned, took a breath and stopped crying completely: "You, you ... me, I ..."

"Do you think you are really a princess of Bian Muguo?"

Lu Zizhen turned towards her, and the smoke was smoky, and she could not see her expression clearly.

"You are just an abandoned baby picked up by my mother's mother. The plum blossoms on her body are also branded by my mother's mother. The purpose is to confuse audiovisuals and protect my life."

"no no……"

The cold air pierced into the bone marrow with his limbs, as if the whole body's blood had to be coagulated. Qing Qiao moved back, shaking his head in panic, "Master Kongkong said me, he said me ..."

"Empty air?" Lu Zizhen sneered like listening to a big joke, "Sikong, Kongkong, don't you really notice the connection between these two names?"

His face was high, and his crazy eyes were covered with red blood.

"I am the fourth generation of orphans raised by Kongkong with my own hands! The so-called Sikong is the hope that I will not forget what he explained."

"You ..." Qing Qiaoyu stood on the spot, and seemed to understand something, with light flashing in his eyes, "He lied to me ..."

"Kong Kong is the master of the border pastoral country, this is true."

"It is true that he independently raised the orphans of the Bianmu royal family."

"When the orphan of the Bianmu royal family reached the fourth generation, an anti-sky star with the power to restore the country was born in the world. This is still true."

"It's just that the inverse star is not the orphan of Bian Muguo, but an unknown girl."

"——This abandoned baby is you."

Lu Zizhen turned to look at her, her eyes were cold.

"The day we picked you up in the woods, the sky was extremely abnormal. After watching the sky, Houkong told me and my mother that this girl was born against the sky, and there will be a change in her body in the future. She will be able to gather after rebirth In the legend, the Four Spirits, only she can open the door to the reunification of the border herdsmen, and realize my desire for revenge. "

His voice became more and more condensed, facing away from the light, there was thick darkness spreading in the pupils hiding behind the eyelashes, like a huge and invisible net, approaching Qingqiao silently.

"We adopted you and imprinted a plum mark on you."

"However, the fire you brought burned down the village where we lived and burned down all my loved ones."

"Kung Kong taught you Gu Shangshu to raise, and I went to Southern Xinjiang to learn spells with a hidden wizard."

"I have been waiting for you to change, until the sky tells me that you are born again."

His expression was so calm, but his words were sharp, and peach blossoms were full of dark red, deep and difficult to detect.

"You, you knew me early? Know me?"

Fear is like a snake, biting the body bit by bit: "So, we met in the garden after that year ..."

"Everything is arranged, including giving you the nine-voice unvoicing bell."

Lu Zizheng's voice, relentless and mechanical, was almost terrible in nothingness.

"In order to make you willing to embark on the path of searching for the Four Spirits, we have exhausted all our thoughts. Your defense is too strong to be manipulated, so I have to follow you all the way and monitor you.

Heaven and earth flipped in an instant, and Wonderland became purgatory.

I couldn't say anything, and I couldn't think of anything. The immense shock screamed in an instant, and the whole heart swept away.

Qing Qiao stood there just like that, staring blankly at him, desperate and weak.

"Along the way, why do you think you can be so smooth? Why do I always help you in a critical moment? Do you know how much effort my people have spent in order to help you find the Aoki humanoid sword?"

The moon is covered by dark clouds, the night sky is dark and there is no half-light, only Lu Zizhen's pair of demon pupils can be like stars.

"... Nangong has no hate and Shen You are yours?"

Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply: "Don't Shenlongge and Yaowanggu take orders from you?"

"Shenlong Pavilion and Yaowang Valley are no longer there. They have been burned by a fire."

The smile in the pond is so evil and cruel.

"Neither of them had to die. This scheme is so perfect that no one will be suspicious."

Yeah, who can think of the wrongly designed person in the story, in fact, this scheme was planned by himself?

It turned out that God is playing a very big game.

"But what I didn't expect was that your good uncle really doubted my head. He deliberately cut through my clothes with a sword and wanted to see if there was a tattoo on my chest-he was the first and The only person who doubted my identity. "

Having said that, he could not help but sigh lowly: "It's a pity, a pity."

"Brother Bao ... did you send someone dressed as Wu Yiwei to kill?" A trembling voice asked the question she most wanted to ask.

"Yes, because I can't take risks to make you fall in love with Duan Yu, then you will give up looking for the Four Spirits." Lu Zizheng resolutely answered, "I can't wait, I can't wait!"

"Then you killed Kongkong ..."

"Empty and not dead, that's just a play for the emperor and the lord, only then will they have no doubt about me. Of course, including those who have never fully believed in me, you."

"... why and why must we return to China?"

Looking at the face of a stranger who once seemed familiar, Qing Qiao only felt that his heart was empty, his mind was empty, and nothing was left.

"——Why? You ask why ?! Hahaha!"

Lu Zizhen laughed in the sky, his face was full of frivolity and cruelty.

"Why does Duan Laogou destroy my family? Why occupy my territory? Why kill all my people? Why are there so many people who answer me? One inch of blood, one inch of blood, who is the hatred of the herds? How do I wash it? You say it! You say it! You say it !!! "

He stared at Qing Qiao, his eyes were like a torch, and unwillingness and hatred spread madly in his heart, and cruel and **** memories devoured his soul, burning him down like a flame.

"——You wo n’t know how much I prepared for the day of reunification! How much inhuman treatment I received! I went under the name of a hidden wizard incognito since the age of three. Terrible test and abuse, step by step to this day, now I can finally step on the foot of the Emperor Duan, and let the civil and military officials kneel before me! "

The monstrous rage stirred the earth and the air, and the waves began to spread in all directions. Slap!

"——But not enough! How is this enough ?! I want to recover my country, I want to change history, and I want these people to pay for my family! Pay for life!"

His figure was dark, his face was distorted, and his eyes were all bloodshot-he was no longer a zither, no longer a Dangdang brother, he became a demon, and went to hell.

Qing Qiao stood in place, biting his lips tightly, trying to keep himself from crying.

But it was so difficult, so difficult. Never before had despair emptied vitality from her, and the huge pain seemed to tear her.

——It turned out that so many intimate shows were because of the fear that she would really stay and not leave, so she tried desperately.

——The reason why he never held back was because he knew she had no chance to leave. Her tears, her sweat, her blood, were ultimately to fulfill his ambitions.

"Actually I already hinted at you."

Lu Zizhen suddenly recovered the coolness and indifference in normal days, took the white shirt by the pool, and put it on gently,

"——Unfortunately, this world is too small for me."

He stood upright from the water, and shook his wet long hair, his clothes flying up in the night wind like a dream.

"Instead of living on the blessing of heaven, it is better to compete with heaven for freedom!"

Looking at his dusty figure, Qing Qiao suddenly remembered that he was standing in the reed. He stood at the bow of the boat, and he did say to her.

At that time she got on his thief ship, he said, "Whether you believe it or not, you are on this ship. I feel very happy. I have never been so happy in my life."

He said many times-"No one can change what I want to do, no."

He also said-"Don't thank me so much, you will pay for these in the future."

How beautiful the past is, it just can't stand the years of repeated crushing blows, and sweetness finally turns into an unforgettable sorrow, with painful heartfelt memories.

"——I, no, will, let, you, like, wish."

Huge betrayal and deception made hatred and pain twist into an astonishing force from the soles of the feet, Qing Qiao red eyes and took out the sword tied around his waist, pulled it up, raised it, and waved at the person in front of him.

——Come on, let everything end here!

Tears blurred her eyes.

Gently on one side, Lu Zizhen escaped the sword's qi, clamped her wrist bone with her backhand, and threw a spell into the scabbard with the other hand, as fast as lightning.

He has complete control of the situation.

Then she held her wrist and pressed harder.

"... good sister, do you know that until now, why don't I kill you and take the four spirits directly?"

He stared at her with a tilted head, smiled slightly, and then put out his tongue, slowly licking his bright and sharp sword body.

"Because, your sword."

He suddenly approached her, the tip of his nose almost touching her face, exhaling like blue, his voice muttering like a lover's love.

"——Aoki humanoid sword, if it is not the owner's full willingness, he would not be able to pull it out."

His breath was so weird, his face cruel and bewildering, like a demon eating away from the heart.

Qing Qiao could not help shaking.

"What about me, I was going to be in the altar, after you inserted the sword into the sacrificial weapon, I will kill you and that lord."

He licked her eyelashes and gently sucked the tears from it.

"Thanks to your desire to kill me now, this scabbard was sealed with a curse, and the blade can never be put back."

Qing Qiao finally cried out.

"Happy today, I might as well tell you one more thing."

Lu Zizhen admired her fragile expression, very satisfied, and pressed her forehead against her.

"——Do you know why the Aoki humanoid sword listens to you so much?"

He kissed her lovingly and lovingly.

"Because your stupid uncle replaced his sword with his life, and now the soul is locked in this sword!"

Then she walked up to her lips and nibbled softly like a demonstration.

"Since he died, it is a pity that no one in the world is my opponent anymore."

This was the last and fatal blow, Qing Qiao was completely and completely defeated, his body was broken, and all his courage was reduced to ashes.

"Thank you sister for your success."

With a slight twist, she took off the nine-voice unvoicing bell on her hand and released the still-slow girl. He took the sword and left.

Qing Qiao stood quietly, no crying, no crying, no chasing, the sorrow to the extreme, no tears. 2k novel reading network