MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 444 Why don't you find me when you buy a house (to be)

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(The content is to be revised, and will be revised tomorrow. Sorry)

It is another reward for buying a house with cash back, but this reward is a bit different from the previous one.

Li Xu took a closer look and found that it was a buy-one-get-one-free option. This buy-one is a must, and only then can you get one free.

Simply put, buy two sets and return the money for one set.

And this activity must be bound in this real estate, which means that you must buy a house here.

Li Xu frowned slightly. He really didn't like this location. The supporting facilities were too ordinary.

But if you should buy it, you have to buy it, who thinks that the money is too little.

The big deal is to buy two sets, and then mortgage them out or sell them. It doesn't affect the money I use at all, but I can still make a lot of money.

"Hey, beauty, what type of apartment do you have here?" Li Xu asked when the eloquent female salesman in front of him finished introducing the real estate information.

"Sir, this is the case. At present, we mainly focus on garden houses, with an area of ​​105 square meters to 150 square meters. In addition, there are pre-sale of high-rise buildings."

Seeing Li Xu's cooperation, the saleswoman gave him a slight smile, seeing the professionalism of the people, and the seriousness of the trustees.

"Is there a villa?" Li Xu asked.

"We have no villas for sale at the moment."

"Are there any bigger ones? Are there any on the big flat floor?"

Li Xu asked casually.

"Big flat?" The saleswoman opened her eyes, obviously not knowing whether to laugh or cry, there is no big flat, do you want a big flat chest?

It's a villa again, and it's a large flat. This guy is obviously a playboy.

The saleswoman showed a very professional smile and explained softly: "Sir, I'm glad you pay so much attention to our real estate. We have a re-examination large flat-floor real estate, with an area of ​​more than 350 to 430 square meters. We will satisfy you. all housing requirements.”

Li Xu was overjoyed when he heard the words, the more expensive the better.

"Buy a house and send it for sale?"

The saleswoman glanced at him when she heard this, dressed in a sunny way, and the clothes didn't look like street stalls, they looked very smooth and simple.

It should be a good mix.

Let's tease, just tease, who's teasing who doesn't know.

"I'll give it away on the first floor." The saleswoman laughed softly.

The soft female voice was particularly clear.

When the guests around the saleswoman heard the words, they all complained in their hearts: "They are all here to be the trustees, why are you so good!"

A man with a broken head immediately smiled and said, "I'll give me a big flat soon. I don't have high requirements, I just need to be as beautiful as you."

When the female salesman heard this, she smiled and said, "Do you want the male salesperson?

"Man, that's fine too!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

The saleswoman didn't take Li Xu's inquiry seriously either.

Just like this, he walked around.

Li Xu smiled and didn't say more, quietly listening to them improvise on the topic he just mentioned.

As the opening time approached, some people who were looking at the property nearby or nearby came over one after another.

They are the real main force in buying houses.

The saleswoman's eyes were very savage. Who they invited and who really came to see the house could be seen at a glance, so after a while, she found an aunt and came over.

This aunt has a son, who is in his early twenties, and it seems that she has come to show him the wedding room.

Li Xu looked at the bustling crowd and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If there was no system, he probably wouldn't be able to buy the toilets here.

"Li Xu, stop the ink, come here quickly, we'll help sign a house purchase contract in a moment, save face, and then you can withdraw." Zhang Kaihua had come over at some point and whispered to Li Xu.

"Yeah." Li Xu nodded and followed Zhang Kaihua to the rest area, which was full of sofas, tables and chairs, and many tables were surrounded by guests in twos and threes.

Most of these people have seen the sample room and come to discuss the price.

When Li Xu and the others arrived, Fazai nodded at them, and then a few salesmen walked over and took them to different seats.

These salesmen have letters of intent in their hands.

Li Xu and several people pretended to sign one after another with fake names, which was regarded as the completion of the task.

During the period, there were also staff members who took pictures for them.

Of course, Li Xu was not idle either. He took advantage of the time to sign and signed it decisively once.

Usually, the system directly rewards the house, but Li Xu has rarely experienced such things as signing.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting a fine pen made of 24k pure gold, please pay attention to check it."

This reward is really not very powerful.

Li Xu decided to sign in for the third time.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the legal representative status of the property management company of Tangyue Community in Jiuzhou, please pay attention to the host."

What's the meaning?

Give it to the company, give it to the company, what do you mean by specifically marking the legal representative?

I'm just a "representative", the actual "watch" is someone else's.

Li Xu complained, but at this time it wasn't the right time to explore in detail, so he quickly regained his mind.

"Brothers go back first, I'm sorry, I really can't get away from here at noon, I'll call you in the evening, let's get together." Fazai smiled at Li Xu and the others when he saw that everything was done. said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call that night."

"Okay, I can't get off here at noon, I'm sorry."

The four of Li Xu smiled and didn't take it seriously. Now is the busiest time for the sales department. Of course, it's impossible for Fazai to invite them to lunch.

The four of them greeted each other, then turned around and left the sales hall in unison.

"What are we doing?" Li Xu stood at the door and glanced at three familiar and unfamiliar classmates.

"I have a meeting in the afternoon. I'm afraid I can't eat with you. Let's meet again in the evening." Zhang Kaihua

(Tomorrow update and modification, the following content is empty)

Opened the car window and looked at the college students who were sweating not far away.

Once upon a time, he was one of these people, and he played in the afternoons three or four days a week.

Every time she plays, Xu Lili will quietly stay on the side of the basketball court with a bottle of water, watching herself play.

Then when she was resting, she would hand over a tissue and a bottle of water.

I miss the past so much!

As a person who is nostalgic, Li Xu is not unable to let go of his ex-girlfriend, but just nostalgic for the past.

The breakup with Xu Lili at the beginning was a breakup after a mutual run-in, which can also be said to be a personal incompatibility.

Xu Lili is too strong, and Li Xu is too casual, she has no big ambitions, and later she was admitted to a bank, and it was time to talk about marriage, but Li Xu could not give her a stable promise.

Shaking his head, Li Xu kicked these sentimental emotions out of his mind, then opened the trunk and took out a brand new pair of basketball shoes.

Since he had a car, he has put a pair of sneakers, a basketball, and a set of jerseys in the back of the car. This is the life he has imagined countless times.

Putting on his shoes and carrying a basketball, Li Xu came to a basketball hoop with five people.

"Dude, add one!"

Li Xu shouted at them.

Add one on the basketball court, as long as it is not crowded, basically everyone will agree.

So of course we played 3v3.

In the hot summer, when the sun was at its most poisonous, Li Xu was already sweating like rain and panting like a cow in less than ten minutes.

"Old!" Li Xu couldn't help but sighed. He hadn't exercised much for more than three years, and his physical fitness had deteriorated a lot.

"Xue Yongqiang, stop playing, come here to help, and call your classmates." Several people were playing, and a female student with a ponytail trotted over and said to one of the players.

When the boy named Xue Yongqiang heard the words, he stopped the basketball in his hand and said to the others, "Okay, stop playing, the minister has spoken, let's go to work."

Immediately, the original five people in the field picked up the clothes on the ground together and prepared to leave.

"Which department do you belong to? You are going too, today is the school student's activity!" The girl pointed at Li Xu and asked.

Li Xu looked around, then pointed to himself and said, "You mean me?"

"Yes, it's just you, you can go too, one more person will do it faster." The ponytail girl said.

"Cough cough." Li Xu was secretly delighted, it turns out that my brother is so tender!

"That, I'm not your student, you're mistaken." Although he was very happy to be praised, he was also unwilling to be a free labor force.

"Ah? I'm sorry!" The ponytail girl blushed a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay." After Li Xu finished speaking, he picked up his basketball and practiced shooting.

The ponytail girl blushed and ran away.

After playing for a while, seeing that the weather was too hot, Li Xu packed up and returned to the car.

He took off the wet jersey, took out a bottle of mineral water, and sat in the driver's seat drinking water and resting.

After drinking a bottle of water, he immediately felt a lot cooler. Just as Li Xu wanted to take out his mobile phone to watch the video, he received a call from Gao Min.

Li Xu listened, thought about it, and said, "Okay, if you drink, don't drive when you come back at night."

"I see. Thank you." Gao Min thanked him.

Since he couldn't go to Gao Min's house in the afternoon, Li Xu didn't have to leave in a hurry, he planned to stroll around the campus and have dinner before going back.

When the sweat was almost dry, Li Xu Shi Shiran closed the car door and walked into the school.

The entire campus of Jeju University is long and narrow in the north and south, and the main pipeline extends along the river to the teaching building.

Li Xu took a walk on this street. It is better to say that he is basking in the sun.

It's not that Li Xu didn't want to walk fast, but that his legs were a little sore after playing for a long time.

After a few minutes, he found himself wandering to the place where he used to take the experimental class.

This is a good thing!

Li Xu remembered that he seemed to have two sign-ins that he did not receive, and immediately became interested.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward, ready to go in and have a look, and sign in by the way.

Students of the Department of Physics, especially those majoring in optics, the experiments are mainly based on the reaction of light. The diffraction of light, particle properties, holographic imaging and other familiar phenomena have been done by Li Xu when he was in school, and there are resonances at higher endpoints. Experiments, grating experiments, optical sensor experiments, etc., have also been in touch.

But at the time, it was a lot of fun. After graduation, it was basically returned to the teacher. After all, there were only a few people who really liked and had the ability to study this aspect.

Walking into this low-rise laboratory building, Li Xu was quite impressed. There is no sophisticated equipment here, after all, the size of the school is there.

Real good things are not for undergraduates either.

Li Xu randomly picked a nearby laboratory, just outside the security door, and looked inside, it seemed to be a relatively large-scale optical sensor measurement device, what is it called and what it is used for, he has long forgotten to Java.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, and the host will be rewarded with a set of pdr photosensitive sensor production equipment procedures. Please view and use the host on the system interface."

Li Xu lost interest when he heard the sound, and the photosensitive sensors were all rotten. What's the use of making this?

Besides, I don't have the money to do such a complicated thing!

Sure enough, the blunt sign-in always lacks practicality.

Li Xu thought about it for a while, and felt that some things were really not practical and depended on the environment.

Just because he didn't understand it didn't mean it was useless. Thinking of this, he signed in again.

Sign in!

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting a mechanics textbook, please pay attention to check the courier."

I knew it would be like this. Other systems can't sign in repeatedly. It's good for you. You can sign in repeatedly, but it's no different from not being able to.

I'm missing a mechanics textbook for you?

Seeing that there was no benefit, Li Xu didn't stay outside the laboratory, and strode out of the laboratory building.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he met a group of cool boys carrying tables, chairs and benches, and a short girl carrying a plastic bag.

It looked familiar, it turned out to be a student who played football together before.

As for the little girl in the back, it was obvious that she was the student council officer who recognized the wrong person.

The little girl may have forgotten what happened just now. She glanced at Li Xu, turned her head, and concentrated on using both hands to lift the plastic bag that didn't seem heavy.

Help or not?

Li Xu saw that she was walking like a tortoise, faltering carrying a heavy load, I really couldn't bear it.

Then he stepped forward and said, "I'll help you with it."

The girl had big eyes, a long ponytail, and a few strands of hair scattered on her forehead, which made her look cute.

"Ah! Thank you!"

The girl looked flattered, let go of the plastic bag in her hand, and raised her hand to touch the broken hair on her forehead.

"Hey, who are you? I seem to have seen you before. It's a little familiar, classmate, which department are you from?" The girl opened her eyes as if I knew you.

Li Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I just changed my clothes, so I don't know each other anymore.

"On the court, you recognized the wrong person! Just now."

The girl shook her head, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking deeply.

"Oh, are you the one who is particularly handsome at the management academy?"

Li Xu gave up the explanation and said, "Forget it, you should concentrate on walking. By the way, what are you doing?"

"The Youth League Committee of the school held a talent show, and our department was arrested as a strong man!"

"Oh!" Li Xu lost interest after asking, and concentrated on picking up the plastic bag.

I don't know what's inside. It doesn't look big, and it's quite heavy to carry.

When the girl saw Li Xu's word, she didn't respond, and she didn't say much, she followed him silently.

After turning a few corners, he arrived at the equipment room next to the playground, and the boy in front put down the table or something.
