MTL - The Day I Played with Ronaldo-Chapter 555 confidence

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It's not just Olivia who has confidence in the Brazilian national team.

In fact, Brazil as a whole is in a state of fanaticism.

In the streets, the children are all playing heroes: "I'm Ricardo!" "No, I'm Ricardo, you're Kaka!"

In the street pub, the fans are drinking beer, discussing the gains and losses of the previous battle, and looking forward to the next game.

"3: 0! I said we could win 3: 0!" A drunkard who had knocked off his front teeth while getting drunk counted three fingers. "Netherlands, nothing, Sneijder, nothing. Van Persie, it's nothing. We have Ricardo! We have Ronaldo! We have Kaka! One for each, exactly 3: 0! "

Uncle Paul's tonnage increased again. He buried himself in the bubbles of beer, and a glass of beer went down halfway. He raised his head and wiped the foam on his mouth. He said: "The best scorer should be Ricardo. He has scored 6 goals in 4 games and only 3 goals in the second place. In 3 games, although 13 goals are not possible, he is completely possible to break Ronaldo's record of 8 goals. "

"I think that Ricardo should be more forward, let Baptista take care of the left-side defense, and liberate Ricardo's offensive ability." This is a fan wearing a peaked hat, who considers himself a master of tactics. "While on the right, Riko should lean more towards the middle to allow Maicon to better plug in assists so that we can achieve both wings. Hey, in fact, Marcelo should be called into the national team, Ma Selo's offensive ability is much stronger than Bastos. "

The crowd was full of music, and everyone was full of confidence. To this Brazilian team, to Ricardo.

Four years ago, Ronaldo was injured. He was in danger and was ordered to lead the team all the way to the final. In the end, he lost to the Italian penalty. That's Providence. Providence hurt Ricardo, Kaka and Emerson, and Providence let Adriano's penalty hit the crossbar.

This time, Ricardo is more mature, and every Brazilian believes that he can make his dream come true-the six-star dream.

In the future, there will be seven-star dreams, eight-star dreams ... all on him. Who called him Ricardo?

With Japan's penalty loss to Paraguay, Villa's goal allowed Spain to beat Portugal with Cristiano Ronaldo, and the quarter-finals were all over.

After a two-day break, the quarter-finals officially started.

The first match of the quarter-finals was the Netherlands against Brazil.

Brazil and the Netherlands have fought 9 times in history. Brazil has 3 wins, 4 draws and 2 losses.

In the last two matches at the World Cup, Brazil won by one draw.

Fans who are a little older must still remember these two games, because these two matches are like Mars hitting the earth, lethal tulips against the fiery Samba.

In the quarter-finals of the 1994 World Cup, relying on Blanco's free kick, the Brazilian team passed the thrilling 3: 2.

In the semifinals of the 1998 World Cup, Ronaldo opened the record and Kluivert, hailed as Basten's successor, equalized the score. Davis and Debord hit Ronaldo in a row, and the two sides tied within 120 minutes. The Brazilian took the penalty shot and laughed to the end.

The two teams can't say that there are many grudges and the emotions between them are not opposite, but one is a five-star king and the other is an uncrowned king. When they meet, there are still a lot of things to say.

Ricardo expressed his respect for the Netherlands: "The Netherlands has many talented players. I have worked with Robben, Sneijder, Van der Vaart, Huntelaar. They are very threatening. We must not have Nothing lax. "

Romario also said in an interview: "Never despise the Dutch. They are one of the most difficult opponents I have encountered."

Sneijder called out from the air: "I have lost to Ricardo once more this year and lost him the important championship. This time I don't want to lose again."

Robben said: "I lost to him twice this year. No, not just to lose, but to be humiliated. If anyone has the most urgent revenge, it must be me."

Van der Vaart said: "I am looking forward to playing and I feel great against Ricardo. I used to train with him every day as a teammate. He was born for football. He is always full of passion and passion on the field. Inspiration. Seeing those actions he did in training, I thought, God, I can never compare to him, no matter how hard I try. He is a respectable opponent and the best player in the world. If I can beat him with my teammates, that must be a very special feeling. "

The head coaches of the two sides were at peace in the press conference before the match, without any verbal conflict and head-to-head confrontation.

Dunga complimented: "Van Malvik has done a great job. This Dutch team has been united as never before and has shown a high combat effectiveness."

Van Malwijk reported on: "After Dunga took the lead, the Brazilian team lost only one or two games in the regular game. This is a great achievement. Many people think that this is because the Brazilian players are good, but I want to say, They underestimate Dunga's contribution. "

On July 2nd, the game started immediately.

Players of both sides successively passed the player channel and came onto the field.

Brazil's Ronaldo stayed in the end, side by side with Dunga, talking and laughing.

When the Brazilian team won the championship in 1994, Dunga was the captain and Ronaldo was the youngest player in the team. His career has just begun and he has never played in the official game for the Brazilian national team.

After 16 years, Dunga has become the head coach of the Brazilian national team; Ronaldo is the player in this national team that has played the most times on behalf of the national team ~ ~ This is his fifth World Cup trip His career has come to an end. He needs a World Cup to end his national team career.

He has publicly stated that he will withdraw from the national team after the World Cup.

One in 1994, one in 2002, one in 2010, a total of 3 championships, just in time to catch the number of World Cup champions in Bailey, how good. His childhood dream was to win three World Cups.

Of course, Brazil must win this year. Because he couldn't wait for four years.

The narrator announces the starting list of both parties. Compared to the game where the Netherlands defeated Slovakia, the Dutch team made only one adjustment. Oyer replaced the injured Matteisen. They played 4231 formation, goalkeeper Stem Kleinberg, defenders Van der Welhe, Heitinga, Oyer, Van Bronckhorst. Midfielder Derong and Van Bommel, forward Sneijder, right forward Robben, left forward Kuyt, and van Persie ahead.

The adjustments made by the Brazilian team are not large, the formation is still 4231, goalkeeper Cesar, defenders Macon, Lucio, Thiago Silva, Bastos, back-end Ramirez and Bapt Tista, the four players in the frontcourt have not changed, Ronaldo still leads the front line, behind them are Ricardo, Kaka and Rico.