MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 10 learn the truth

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Luo Xuange finally found his room number. After entering, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Meng Xiaomeng was also here.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Meng Xiaomeng making the bed.

There are four beds in total here, and it seems that four people live together, but I don't know who the other two are.

The moment Meng Xiaomeng saw Luo Xuange, she stopped her work and ran to Luo Xuange with joy: "Xuange, you are back."

"Yeah." Luo Xuange was also very happy. She had a very good impression of Meng Xiaomeng. It's not difficult to get along with.

When Luo Xuange entered the room, she realized that the bed Meng Xiaomeng had just made was hers. Luo Xuange's favorability to Meng Xiaomeng has risen a lot, and now she decides that she is covering this sister!

Meng Xiaomeng saw Luo Xuange staring at her bed, Meng Xiaomeng walked over and patted her chest: "Xuange, you don't need to care. In my heart, you are just like my sister. Don't worry, I will always take care of you!"

"..." Master Luo was entangled in her heart. In fact, she was just about to cover Meng Xiaomeng as her sister, but she didn't expect Meng Xiaomeng to treat her as her sister.

"Xiaomeng, how old are you?" Luo Xuange decided to solve all this with age.

Meng Xiaomeng helped Luo Xuange make the bed and replied, "I'm twenty-one."

"Oh, then you are one year older than me." Whether it is in the previous life or the original body, Luo Xuange is twenty years old, so according to the age ratio, the Luo leader has no suspense. younger sister.

Meng Xiaomeng was even more excited when she heard it: "Yes, yes, then you will call me sister in the future."

"Sister Xiaomeng?" Luo Xuange tried and called out.

Meng Xiaomeng suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "Ah, ah! Xuange, you call again!"

"..." Master Luo didn't intend to pay attention to this deranged guy. Seeing that Meng Xiaomeng had made the bed, Luo Xuange put on his clothes and went to the bathroom: "I'm going to wash first."

Leaving Meng Xiaomeng alone, immersed in the joy of having a sister.

When Luo Xuange was taking a bath, in addition to the sound of water in his ears, he could vaguely hear the quarrel in the room outside.

Luo Xuange frowned slightly. Could it be that the new roommate had a dispute with Meng Xiaomeng?

In the room, Meng Xiaomeng was sitting there sorting clothes, and suddenly a roommate came in. Meng Xiaomeng knew that Jiang Yihan, who played the flute today, was familiar.

This is Jiang Yihan's little fan, Meng Xiaomeng came forward to greet her very warmly.

Jiang Yihan gave him a cold glance, and then Jiang Yihan looked at the 20th and 21st beds.

Luo Xuange's No. 21 bed has been made up, and it is located in the inner side, so it has a relatively high degree of privacy.

So Jiang Yihan stepped forward and exchanged the number plates of the two beds.

Meng Xiaomeng was angry when she saw this, and stepped forward to stop Jiang Yihan, but was accidentally pushed to the ground by Jiang Yihan.

Meng Xiaomeng was a little weaker, but she was not so wronged that she cried, so she was ready to fight back. As a result, in the process of arguing with Jiang Yihan, Jiang Yihan successfully cried.

Luo Xuange walked out of the bathroom while wiping his wet hair.

Seeing the tears on Meng Xiaomeng's face and the messy bed she had made, her face suddenly darkened.

The bed was messed up by Meng Xiaomeng, the little girl thought: Since I can't compete with you, then I will mess up the quilt on the bed. Hmph, it's impossible to take advantage of it for nothing.

Jiang Yihan was shocked when he saw Luo Xuange coming out, and suddenly remembered that Luo Xuange was the No. 21 contestant. And the bed he grabbed was Luo Xuange's bed.

During the competition today, she noticed that Luo Xuange was a formidable opponent. Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange changed the flute into a hand xun to perform. Compared to her, she was down by 10%.

I didn't expect the enemy to have a narrow road, and now I meet them in the dormitory again. In the next three weeks, she and Luo Xuange are afraid that there will be a tough battle to fight.

Luo Xuange didn't expect Jiang Yihan to be outside. The hostile eyes he felt on the field today were probably partly from Jiang Yihan.

"Hello, I'm No. 20 Jiang Yihan." Jiang Yihan took the lead to greet Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange glanced at her lightly, and then asked Meng Xiaomeng, who was sobbing softly.

"What's wrong?"

"Wow~ Xuange, she insists on changing places with you. I won't let it, and then we quarreled." Meng Xiaomeng unlocked a special skill and downplayed her grievances Say no more.

Luo Xuange nodded, then said to Jiang Yihan: "Oh, change it."

Jiang Yihan originally thought that Luo Xuange would be as unwilling to give in as Meng Xiaomeng, but unexpectedly Luo Xuange just asked Meng Xiaomeng a question, and agreed to change positions.

This farce started quietly, and inexplicably subsided, and soon another roommate came.

Meng Xiaomeng whispered to Luo Xuange: "That's the No. 45 Bailiu player, who sang today."

"Well, her voice is very aura." Luo Xuange also whispered back to Meng Xiaomeng, and then waited for Bai Liu to go to the bathroom, and the two got into the quilt and started to sleep.

Bai Liu did not have any communication with Luo Xuange and Meng Xiaomeng from beginning to end, Jiang Yihan took the initiative to say hello to her, she just responded lukewarmly, without any intention of deep friendship .

Luo Xuange lay down on the bed, her mind was in chaos, she had memories of her past life and her present, all kinds of different memories were intertwined, making her feel in a trance.

Meng Xiaomeng planned to discuss tomorrow's game with Luo Xuange, but found that Luo Xuange fell asleep next to the pillow.

Jiang Haixi hurry up and finally finished "Qingqiu" today, An Ruoshui turned off the killing banquet and went home to rest for a while, but received a call from his brother.

After I went to the company, I found my eldest brother watching the video of Luo Xuange's competition today.

An Junfeng saw his sister coming, he moved the computer screen to his sister.

"Look who I found in the audition."

"Brother, you told me that she was an orphan. And you gave her a huge sum of money at the beginning, why is every time I see her, she looks so poor that she can't open the pot?" An Ruoshui had planned to have some free time to ask his eldest brother what the real situation of Luo Xuange was like. It happened that her brother mentioned Luo Xuange today, so she simply asked.

An Junfeng was silent for a while, hesitating and not wanting, but An Ruoshui couldn't help staring at him with the eyes of a prisoner.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, An Junfeng explained to his sister in a low voice: "Actually, we took advantage of this incident."

An Ruoshui's beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"I sent someone to investigate Luo Xuange, and the two little orphans she knew during that time happened to have an accident and became seriously ill.

I found her when she was desperate, and promised that as long as she would marry you, I would find the best professional doctor to treat those two children and give her a huge sum of money.

But as long as she can pay for the medical expenses of the two little orphans, she herself will not benefit us at all. "An Junfeng nervously revealed this secret that had been hidden for several months.

An Junfeng knows her sister's temperament. Before, every time she saw Luo Xuange, she always looked down on him. That was because her sister looked down on that vain for money. A girl who is willing to sell herself.

But the fact is that they settled down to take advantage of the dangers of others, and to put it uglier, they used medical expenses to coerce Luo Xuange to get married.

Sure enough, after An Ruoshui heard what her brother said, she sat silently on the side and watched the game replay on the screen quietly.

No wonder she treated me coldly yesterday, probably in her heart, I am just a person who loves to coerce others because of the money at home. An Ruoshui thought a little sadly.