MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 113 Journalists' troubles

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When Master Luo returned to her room, she saw that An Ruoshui had fallen asleep with her back to her.

"I, did I do something wrong again?"

Compared with the devil who burned down the research team earlier, the current leader Luo is like a little sheep and a big bad wolf.

An Ruoshui looked back at her and asked, "Are you hurt?"

"No, after I was taken away by the research team, I kept pretending to be weak. Before they could investigate me, I escaped." Luo Xuange explained, wanting An Ruoshui not to Worry about her again.

An Ruoshui was even more worried: "You escaped, the research team will definitely not give up. After this..."

Seriously speaking of the evidence of his murder and arson.

An Ruoshui was speechless when she saw her, sat up slowly, and stared into Luo Xuange's eyes in disbelief: "What did you say?"

"Huh? I said I set fire to the research team." Luo Xuange said calmly, but An Ruoshui opened her mouth and didn't know how to reply to her: "You, Set fire to the research team?"

"That's right. They were doing research there, and they used live research. They also tortured Gu Xunxue's brother to the point of being half-dead. Why does this kind of organization exist?" . However, An Ruoshui was silent again, Luo Xuange murdered...

"What about the researchers in the research team? Where have they all gone?" An Ruoshui was afraid that the incident would happen, and Luo Xuange would cause trouble to the headquarters.

Luo Xuange didn't care: "They all slept in it, maybe they disappeared with the fire."

An Ruoshui did not express any opinion on her attitude, but her worries about Luo Xuange did not diminish.

"Relax, Gu Wu will handle this matter. And they didn't report to the headquarters that they took me away, the research team was burned down, and Gu Wu arranged, they will not find it On my head." Luo Xuange said with great certainty.

An Ruoshui was still worried, but before she could continue to speak, Luo Xuange rushed over and rubbed between An Ruoshui's neck: "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." An Ruoshui raised her hand and touched Luo Xuange's head, but before she finished what she wanted to say, the guy on her body began to pull on her clothes.

An Ruoshui knew what Luo Xuange was really thinking.

The next morning, Feng Qianling got up early in the morning, refreshed, and happened to meet Luo Xuange in the corridor.

Standing awkwardly opposite Luo Xuange, not knowing whether to say hello or not, nor how to say hello.

The idol who has always been a fan, suddenly became a brother-in-law? ! This feeling is really indescribable.

"Morning." Luo Xuange looked at Feng Qianling and could notice the other's nervousness, so she was the first to greet Feng Qianling.

After waiting for four or five seconds but not getting a reply from Feng Qianling, Luo Xuange went downstairs directly.

Feng Qianling was regretting why she had become a **** just now, instead of hurrying, or she would not miss the opportunity to greet Luo Xuange good morning.

I don't know if she left a bad impression in Luo Xuange's heart now.

Very nervous and annoyed, she followed downstairs.

"Mother Liu." Luo Xuange greeted the other party naturally when she saw Mama Liu who had come over to make breakfast, Mama Liu also said cheerfully: "Xiao Luo, today Get up early."

"Yeah." Luo Xuange still had a not enthusiastic attitude, but Liu Ma and her were already familiar with her, so she didn't mind, and said to Luo Xuange, "I'm hungry. Just sit for a while and breakfast will be ready in no time."

Luo Xuange nodded slightly, picked up the newspaper on the table and began to read, these things are no longer attractive to modern people.

For Luo Xuange, however, these things look interesting.

After Feng Qianling went downstairs, she saw Luo Xuange sitting there seriously reading the newspaper. She thought the idol was just being serious in front of the camera, but she didn't expect to read the financial newspaper so coldly in private.

Don't actors like to watch gossip entertainment?

Liu Ma noticed this new girl, and after thinking about what An Junfeng had explained in advance, she called Madam hello.

Feng Qianling was a little flattered, she didn't know what to do for a while, so after saying hello to Liu Ma, she silently took a clothing magazine and sat opposite Luo Xuange. People swim silently and silently in the morning paper reading.

Liu Ma thought that someone finally got up and someone could accompany her to chat, but what she didn't expect was a big ice cube and a little sheep.

One has a cold face and seems to be charged for speaking, and the other is soft and weak, as if a few words will reveal a shocking big secret.

After a while, Mama Liu finally looked forward to Li Tian.

The girl who looked very carefree from the outside and was very delicate and easy-going.

Sure enough, Li Tian rushed downstairs and rushed into the kitchen, and asked Liu Ma: "Good morning, Liu Ma, what are you doing delicious today? Wow, this is my favorite food. Fish. Mama Liu, did you prepare it for me on purpose? Right? I guess so, eh... What is this? Newly researched, I'll have to try it later. It smells so good. I want to eat it. Hehe, yes, I'm so thirsty."

Xu Xiu went downstairs and saw the two sitting on the sofa, reading magazines and newspapers in a serious manner, and the sound of Li Tian crackling in the kitchen kept coming from her ears, she frowned slightly at the kitchen Shouting: "Li Tian, ​​come here."

"Hey, here we come." Li Tian put down the chopsticks he ate, and ran out quickly, making Liu Mama smile again and again.

She stood in front of Xu Xiu and looked at Xu Xiu's serious and cold face, Li Tian calmly said, "What's the matter? Look at it in the morning. Do you miss me when I'm gone?"

"..." Xu Xiu was silent, she was thinking about whether to slap this girl with her left hand or her right hand in order to show her majesty.

Luo Xuange listened to the interaction between the two behind him, and thought about putting down the newspaper and going back to the room.

An Ruoshui just woke up when she heard the door open, opened her eyes and saw Luo Xuange walking in slowly.

"Huh? Did you come to call me?" An Ruoshui was in a good mood, after all, it felt really good to see her lover when she opened her eyes.

Master Luo nodded and shook his head: "I'm afraid you won't see me in the morning, you will miss me."


Is this guy watching some young love drama downstairs again?

"I want to kiss." After the words of Master Luo fell, he rushed towards An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui was already kissed before she recovered.

Sometimes, the two half-clothed people heard a knock on the door.

Luo Xuange got up leisurely, straightened her clothes and went to open the door. Seeing Li Tian standing outside the door, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why?"

"Hey, I'm going to lose my temper when I don't see you for a while? I called you to eat, but I didn't respond after four or five calls. I don't know, I thought you climbed the window and flew away." Li Tian He didn't see Luo Xuange's gloomy expression, instead he said a few words to Luo Xuange.

Master Luo closed the door with a 'bang', causing Li Tian to be confused.

Looking back, An Ruoshui had already sorted out her clothes, Luo Xuange immediately came down, moved to An Ruoshui's side, and wanted to speak, An Ruoshui stretched out his hand and pushed her :"go to eat."

"Oh. But..." Master Luo looked unwillingly, and before the words he wanted to say were brewed, An Ruoshui had already gone to the bathroom.

She had to sigh and leave, not knowing how many times she had greeted Li Tian.

After going downstairs, An Junfeng looked at Luo Xuange who was not very happy, and he asked kindly: "What's wrong? The company you are optimistic about has collapsed? It's not like you. "

"No." Luo Xuange replied shyly with two words, and An Junfeng didn't mind, after all, it would be very good for this guy to answer.

Luo Xuange was helping his wife prepare dishes in advance, and when he heard An Junfeng's words, he replied, "I'll be back later."

"Oh, that's fine... Let's eat first." An Junfeng's company still has something to do, so he doesn't plan to continue waiting for An Ruoshui.

Xu Xiu inadvertently caught a glimpse of Luo Xuange glaring at Li Tian, ​​wondering when Li Tian provoke Luo Xuange again, suddenly An Ruoshui came down from the second floor.

An Junfeng raised her head and planned to ask her sister to eat quickly. As a result, he glanced at it and lowered his head silently.

Li Tian looked back, then looked at Luo Xuange and suddenly realized, hurriedly grabbed her rice bowl and took two more bites, as if she didn't exist.

After An Ruoshui was seated, Xu Xiu immediately understood the faint red marks on her neck.

Looking at Luo Xuange again, she found that she was making soup for An Ruoshui.

Feng Qianling was about to say hello to An Ruoshui, but found the marks on An Ruoshui's neck. Although she had never eaten pork, she had been immersed in books, and her emotional intelligence was slightly higher than that of Master Luo. It was understood at a glance.

He blushed and ate his own food without saying much.

Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui sat side by side, unfortunately, she couldn't see the red marks that everyone noticed easily.

Continue to accompany An Ruoshui to dinner with her little grudge.

Soon everyone was full, Xu Xiu led Li Tian to leave, and said to Luo Xuange: "You are recovering from a serious injury, and you will not be assigned a job for the next few days. The director's place I asked for a leave for you, take a good rest."

"Thank you, Sister Xu." Luo Xuange felt that it was too weird for Xu Xiu to take a merciful holiday, which was too inconsistent with Xu Xiu's style of 'squeezing' an artist.

Li Tian also scratched her head and said to An Ruoshui: "Well, I'll talk to Director Jiang. During this time, you should accompany Xiaoluo well. The artist doesn't have much private time, so you have more Get along."

An Junfeng also took the bag and planned to go to the company, but she took Feng Qianling with her before she left.

"Ah...Is it inappropriate for me to go to your company?" Feng Qianling said with a bit of resistance. An Shi, the overlord of the provincial business world. Still in a rather embarrassing capacity.

"What's wrong with going to our own company. Let's go." An Junfeng took Feng Qianling out and went out refreshed.

Luo Xuange looked at the hall that was suddenly empty, she was not in a hurry, since she had a holiday, she would stay at home and have a good rest.

"What's the plan for today?" An Ruoshui always felt that a group of people were strange, and the look in her eyes was very strange, which made her feel a strange feeling.

Luo Xuange thought about it and said, "I don't have any arrangements, I will listen to you."

"Then let's go out for a walk later." She had been filming in the mountains before, but when she came back, Luo Xuange disappeared again. She really wanted to spend time with Luo Xuange as an ordinary couple. Life. So looking forward to going out on a date.

However, both of them are actors, and they are actors who are stared at by the paparazzi in the circle. But all the gossip paparazzi reporters who can dig up will not let go, even if they can't send it out in the end, they have to hold the information firmly in their hands.

I don't understand what kind of psychology this is, maybe they are looking forward to the day when An's downfall.

Singer Luo Xuan held the snack that An Ruoshui just bought for her, and shook her head contentedly: "I'll listen to you."

"Then why don't we go to the movies." An Ruoshui suggested that the three main elements of the protagonist's date are often described in the script: watching a movie and eating in an amusement park.

Luo Xuange finished eating the snack in his hand, and said excitedly, "Look at the one with the animal."

"Animals?" An Ruoshui was at a loss, and had never heard of anyone in the circle who made movies related to animals. There were a few movies in the past, and she thought it was good to recommend Luo Xuange to watch them. However, Xiao Luo refused on the grounds that he could not understand.

Want to watch it on a whim today?

"Well, Jiang Yihan said they want to see it too." Luo Xuange ran excitedly to buy tickets.

An Ruoshui thought that maybe Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia also came out to relax.

However, when she followed Luo Xuange into the cinema and saw Jiang Yihan and Xiaoxi disguised not far away, she looked helplessly at Luo Xuange beside her.

"Animals..." An Ruoshui has a feeling of being unlovable. Is it really an animal, a poignant and euphemistic love story between two bears and an uncle? Couples came to see this on a date, such a romantic story is really touching.

"Do you like it?" Luo Xuange handed the popcorn to An Ruoshui. An Ruoshui wore a mask and shook his head to indicate that he did not want to eat it.

Luo Xuange only wore a pair of glasses, but she did make-up for herself, so it was difficult to tell it was her without looking carefully.

Xiaoxi sat beside Jiang Yihan, An Ruoshui looked but didn't find Xu Jia, she was puzzled and sent a message to ask Luo Xuange, but Luo Xuange didn't know where Xu Jia went.

A quarter of the movie was played, An Ruoshui leaned on Luo Xuange and fell asleep.

Luo Xuange was eating popcorn when she suddenly became lighter, and finally saw An Ruoshui frowning, she simply stopped eating.

Sit down, so that An Ruoshui can sleep more comfortably.

Xiao Xi in the corner tugged at the corner of Jiang Yihan's clothes, pointed to what An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange found, and said, "Aunt Xiao Luo."

"Huh?" Jiang Yihan looked up and found that there was really a figure that looked a lot like Luo Xuange.

whispered to Xiaoxi: "Shh, we are playing hide and seek. Don't call them out, or they will be discovered by others. In the future, Aunt An An will not buy you delicious food."

Xiao Xi understood, and began to look around cautiously, for fear that Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui would be discovered.

When the movie is over, An Ruoshui has not woken up yet.

Luo Xuange was thinking about whether to take her back, but before the idea could be implemented, An Ruoshui slowly woke up.

"Huh? It's over, let's go." An Ruoshui expressed regret for this date. She clearly wanted to accompany Luo Xuange to watch it carefully, but she fell asleep at some point.

After the two left, they met Jiang Yihan very well outside.

Jiang Yihan took Xiaoxi to the nearby children's playground, and Luo Xuange followed An Ruoshui with great interest.

That's also to be able to live better, to protect the people I want to protect, that's why I do that.

"What are you thinking about?" An Ruoshui raised her hand and pinched Luo Xuange's cheek. When she saw Luo Xuange in a daze, she couldn't help but call him back.

Luo Xuange shook her head, she just suddenly thought of why Xu Jia didn't come out with Jiang Yihan.

Probably... to deal with Xu Hao's affairs.

"Someone is following us." Luo Xuange suddenly became vigilant after returning to his senses, looked at An Ruoshui and said, "Would you like to go somewhere else."

An Ruoshui guessed that the reporter paparazzi might be eyeing them and shook his head: "No, let's just go. We lack the exposure of love news now."

"Okay. Where are you going now?" Luo Xuange watched Jiang Yihan and Xiaoxi having a good time, and it was not convenient for them to go to disturb them. It is inevitable that it will not attract the attention of sharp-eyed people. Once discovered, Xiaoxi's beautiful weekend will be ruined.

can be normal.

They left without any scruples, but the paparazzi behind them stood dumbfounded.

"I read it right just now, right? The mark on An Ruoshui's neck is what I thought it meant?"

The other one pinched himself and said in a daze: "Can this news be reported? Compared to the previous ones, this time it was too explosive."

"It's been a long time, but any romance related to Luo Xuange, An shi has never cared about it, this time An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange watch movies at the weekend amusement park, there shouldn't be anything Right." said a young man.

"You can't take this kind of luck and deal with An's. There is no reason for An Junfeng to pet his sister. The hickey should be reported carefully."

No matter how prudent the negotiation is now, I still cannot resist the temptation to report the news.

After eating and drinking, Master Luo left with An Ruoshui contentedly.

Luo Xuange bought a lot of interesting gadgets along the way. These things are just for fun and not very useful, but Luo Xuange likes them, and An Ruoshui is also willing to buy them for her.

The two returned home full of rewards and had different opinions when they returned to their old house and their own nest.

"It's inconvenient to live with my elder brother and sister-in-law, let's go home." Master Luo suggested.

There is no extra time to spend with her."

Before he could say anything, Master Luo curved his throat and said, "I think you're right. Let's go to the old house."

"Well, let's go." An Ruoshui took Luo Xuange's arm in a good mood.

These scenes are exactly what the reporters like to see. After all, after the legalization of same-sex marriage, there will be a little more distance between people. What kind of sexual orientation is a person, in case of unnecessary ambiguous misunderstandings, it will be very bad.

Therefore, there is also less sisterhood between female stars.

Speaking of Feng Qianling, after being dragged by An Junfeng to the company, she was completely confused.

Looking at the place where she dreamed of future work in the reading age, she felt a trance for a while.

Unfortunately, she was eliminated in the first round of interviews, otherwise she might be an employee of this company now.

"What's the matter?" An Junfeng asked softly when he realized that his little wife was not in a good mood.

Feng Qianling shook her head: "No, I'm just very excited and happy, it feels like a dream."

As the president of Anshi Group, An Junfeng, who was crowned the heir from birth, could not understand the feeling that Feng Qianling said.

Although this is the headquarters of Anshi Company, for him, it is just a place where he usually goes to work.

Hold Feng Qianling's hand and whispered to comfort: "Don't be nervous, this is your own home. Come on, come with me and have a look."

Several receptionists watched An Junfeng bring the beauties over, and instantly felt lost in love. Although they had seen the sudden flash marriage of their golden single boss on the Internet, the news they learned at that time was far Not as exciting as it is now.

The thought of such a warm-hearted and sweet president belongs to another woman, and the hearts of the little fans will be broken into pieces.