MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 116 reminisce

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After lunch, the four of them got into the same car and rushed to the crew.

When you go back later, you must first make up the shots that fell."

Xu Xiu said to Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange sat in the back seat, leaned on An Ruoshui, ate snacks lazily, and when she heard Xu Xiu's words, she nodded: " Yeah, I got it."

on her.

Luo Xuange felt An Ruoshui's rejection, she immediately sat upright, and threw a complimenting smile at An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui smiled helplessly, twisted the water and handed it to Luo Xuange: "Drink some water, don't eat too many snacks in this weather, it's easy to get angry."

"Oh." The compliment didn't arrive, only a bottle of water and a warning. Master Luo expressed his satisfaction.

The two people in the front driver's seat and the co-pilot, listening to the noise behind, couldn't help laughing and shaking their heads. The difference between the two in private and on camera is too great.

"I heard that Mr. An is planning a new reality show? Last time those people didn't play enough, this time I want to launch a new trick, but I don't know what kind of reality show it is. ." Li Tian was driving, when he suddenly thought of this, he mentioned it to Xu Xiu.

Xu Xiu shook her head and pondered: "It should be prepared for newcomers. After all, there are not a few trainees with a sense of variety show, and President An should start a variety show for them, even if When one is on fire, the veteran entertainers of An's Entertainment can also take a breath."

"It's really a breather." Li Tian said with a smile, other group artists are afraid that they will not be valued by their bosses, and there are no various resource announcements. In An's place, even if it is a small 18th-tier artist, the agent will arrange their schedule to the fullest, and those old-fashioned artists are powerful and powerful, and An Junfeng even arranges work for them in a different way. Wanting to take a vacation, An Junfeng only gave maternity leave.

The group of people shouted and hoped that more big names would come in, so as to share a little bit of the pressure of the devil president for themselves.

"Yes, fortunately we are not An's artists. Mr. An is really not very friendly to these artists." Xu Xiu said jokingly.

Luo Xuange in the back seat was stunned and said, "No, I think I'm very relaxed."

Luo Xuange turned his head to look at his wife, and found that she was struggling to hold back a smile. Unknown, she continued to put snacks in her mouth, too lazy to care about these descendants of eight hundred years later. many.

"Big brother's new reality show has nothing to do with trainees. He is still squeezing veteran artists." An Ruoshui gave an insider answer.

Xu Xiu and Li Tian were shocked and asked: "Veteran entertainers? All of them have reached this kind of celebrity, no one will really go to variety shows. Most of them are on movies and TV series. already."

"It is said to be a reality show where a group of cute babies travel together to play games and experience different lives. It just makes up for the group of people who took maternity leave that year, giving them a chance to pursue their careers again. Family and business are the same, this reality show was conceived by my brother after thinking about it for several months."

Luo Xuange suddenly looked at An Ruoshui, her eyes became slightly thoughtful, could this be the reason why An Ruoshui wanted a child? Does she want to take maternity leave?

"What are you thinking about again?" An Ruoshui only noticed the change in her eyes, and she could guess that this guy was wandering the world again, and the more he thought about it, the more he strayed.

Luo Xuange shook his head: "No, does this show limit the age of children?"

"Well, since the theme is related to cute babies. The children are about three to ten years old."

An Ruoshui is also not clear about the specific decision, because this is only an idea proposed by An Junfeng, and the specific plan has not been given by An's.

Luo Xuange won't ask any more questions, anyway, she doesn't need to participate in this show, after all, she doesn't even have children now, so she doesn't have to worry about being squeezed by her eldest brother.

"Okay, let's rest for a while. It's getting dark, and it's probably late at night when we get there. This time we chose a big road. It will take longer to walk here. If you don't get a good night's sleep now, the content of tomorrow's shooting may not be completed."

After listening to Xu Xiu's words, Luo Xuange obediently closed her eyes and rested.

Soon An Ruoshui leaned on her, Luo Xuange put her arms around An Ruoshui in order to sleep more comfortably, leaned in An Ruoshui's ear and whispered, "This is very difficult Go to sleep, let me help you put your sleeping hole on."

"Yeah." An Ruoshui replied dazedly, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Li Tian heard that there was no movement in the back seat, so she said to Xu Xiu, "You can rest for a while. I'll change your car later, if you don't rest, you won't have the energy."

Xu Xiu looked at the time, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll sleep for half an hour. When the time is up, park your car on the side of the road and wake me up."

"I know, I know. You should rest quickly." Li Tian said as he drove slowly, so that the group of people would not sleep soundly due to the unsteady driving of the car.

But Meng Xiaomeng said that at this moment, she was packing her heart, she looked at her mother with grievances in her eyes, and said to her, "Can I not go?"

"No, hurry up and pack up. And the note I asked you to send to An Ruoshui last time, did you send it?" Xu Qian asked her youngest daughter Meng Xiaomeng .

Meng Xiaomeng shook her head again and again: "Sister Ruo Shui and Xiao Luo have been hard to find recently. Where can I send notes."

Meng Xiaomeng said quite aggrieved, Xu Qian is going to rush to shoot "Blind Heart", and as always takes Meng Xiaomeng by her side, the circle is very chaotic, she is afraid of Meng Xiaomeng Walking in circles alone is easy to suffer, so I want to take someone by my side and teach her personally for a while.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xiaomeng refused to go to the mountains with her to shoot.

"Do you really have to go?" Meng Xiaomeng felt that she could go out alone, or be led by her agent to do her own business in the circle, but her mother would never believe her, You must take it with you before you give up.

Xu Ru, who was awakened in the bedroom, walked out slowly, watching her mother and sister arguing, she said: "Mom, why don't you let Xiaomeng follow me. It's hard to shoot in the mountains. Yes, if she doesn't want to go, forget it. Tomorrow I happen to be filming a new drama, let her follow me. There is a female supporting actress who is late and probably won't come. The director is worried that he can't find anyone. Instead, if you haven't waited for that person tomorrow, let Xiaomeng go." Xu Ru sat on the sofa, looked at the fruits placed in front of her, raised her eyebrows and asked Xiaomeng, "These are not fresh, why is it? Still here?"

"No way, I just bought it yesterday, it's very new... I'll replace it right away." Meng Xiaomeng realized that her sister was deliberately trying to open herself up, so she took the fruit left.

After Meng Xiaomeng left, Xu Ru patted the sofa beside her and said to Xu Qian, "Sit down for a while."

After Xu Qian was seated, Xu Ru sighed and said: "You have to take Xiaomeng to avoid Aunt Zhang. You know that Aunt Zhang is in Luo Xuange's crew. , very close to where you filmed."

"I didn't hide from her, I just didn't know how to face her." Xu Qian fell silent after saying this.

Xu Ru sighed slightly: "After so many years, Aunt Zhang is still unmarried, and it is difficult to find out half of the lace scandal. You and my father have been divorced for so long, shouldn't you give her an explanation? "

"She should blame me." Xu Qian bowed her head, seemingly unwilling to face what happened back then.

"Aunt Zhang won't blame you." Xu Ru definitely said.

Xu Qian still shook her head slightly: "I'm sorry for her."

"Then you should face her and give her a clear answer. Do you really think she didn't find a partner because she insisted on not marrying for so many years? I am very grateful for your giving The life of our Xiaomeng, so I have no position or qualification to comment on that incident. I just want to make you have no regrets for the rest of your life. For the sake of your grandmother, you chose to marry your father. Now your grandmother has passed away for more than ten years. , you and my dad have also been divorced for more than ten years. Dad has already married that man abroad. Now that same-sex marriage is legalized in China, how long will you have to keep yourself in the cage before you are willing to come out? "

At that time, because of an accident, she learned that Mr. Meng in the circle is also gay, and the family has been forcing marriage, so after discussing with Mr. Meng, she chose physical marriage.

, but the drunkenness was all blamed on Xu Qian.

It was also at that time that the partnership between the two of them couldn't last.

Afterwards, the old man of the Meng family became seriously ill and thought that he was dying and wanted to have a grandson before his death.

Mr. Meng designed her, and finally gave birth to Xiaomeng.

But Xiaomeng is still a girl, and the Meng family's attitude towards her is not very good, but because she is the blood of the Meng family, it is not worse than her.

When they divorced later, Mr. Meng insisted on keeping Meng Xiaomeng. After all, this child came to this world because of him. Although Mr. Meng is not as good as the best in some things, he is not as good as Meng Xiaomeng. Xiaomeng subconsciously still has a sense of responsibility that he is the father of this child.

In this way, Xu Qian and Xu Ru were swept out of the house. At first, her career was extremely unsatisfactory, and Xu Ru was spotted by a talent scout when she was out of kindergarten, and she became a child star by accident. .

She, who should have had a good childhood, said very sensible that she would help her mother to share, and she would always be a star and the hottest star.

Xu Ru didn't know how to hide her edge when she was a child, and provoked a lot of dignitaries in the circle. Fortunately, she still has the blood of the Meng family on her body. Mrs. Meng will not watch her granddaughter being bullied. Xu Ru Although the star path has been stumbling, there is no real accident.

Until the appearance of Zhang Manman, an outsider.

"Okay, mom, take a good rest. Let Xiaomeng follow me. I'll go first." Xu Ru got up and planned to go back to the bedroom to rest for a while. She was really exhausted these days.

And her father, who had a brain cramp, sent an invitation a few days ago, inviting her to go abroad to attend his wedding.

For that man, Xu Ru can only be respected as a senior in the industry, and she can't treat him like a filial father.

However, Xiaomeng wants to go back. After all, Mr. Meng lost her fertility during filming again. Meng Xiaomeng can only be the only heir of the Meng family in the future. The old man valued her very much, especially after Zhang Manman, the whole Meng family began to worry about Meng Xiaomeng.

The author has something to say: The names given by readers: Luo Muan, Luo Yi'an, Loki (I rejected this name, laughing and crying), Luo Yi'an, Luo Youhua , Luo Liuli, Luo Xi'an, Luo Tianci, Luo Rulin, Luo Shui, An Ge, Luo Xun, An Xun.

I thought about a few: Luo Nianyang (no matter when you don't forget the optimistic sunshine, and ... don't forget Xuanyang) Luo Xingyu, An Youning, An Zimo

Also, my good friend 'Bai Qianyu' sincerely recommends: Dog Flower

Which one is specific, please discuss. Alas... I'm heartbroken for everyone like the leader!

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