MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 122 A lot of dog food is shoved to you

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It is difficult to see the strengths of that person, and I always want to find some disadvantages in the other person. It is best to find some blemishes to satisfy my jealousy.

Wang Gaoyi is not a saint, and naturally he has the above mentality.

Although Luo Xuange only played the role of a villager and waving a hoe, the director and others could naturally see that there was a lot of articles here, and Luo Xuange's acting skills were very solid.

But Wang Gaoyi attributed these to An Ruoshui, thinking that An Ruoshui deliberately helped Luo Xuange, so that Luo Xuange could pass the test smoothly.

Luo Xuange smiled and said to Wang Gaoyi: "After filming for an afternoon, Mr. Wang must be very tired, so I won't bother, let's go first."

"Well, let's chat when I have time." Wang Gaoyi's attitude is very good, at least he has done a good job on the surface.

After he left, the smile on Luo Xuange's face disappeared instantly, and he looked paralyzed at An Ruoshui beside him: "He doesn't like me very much."

"Oh." An Ruoshui naturally saw it, and in order to comfort her little nerd, she leaned in front of Luo Xuange and said with a soft laugh: "Not everyone is An Ruoshui, you still expect Everyone likes you?"

Master Luo's face did not recover, but her eyes became clearer. There were many people who didn't like her, and even hated her so much that they wanted to kill her. Naturally, she didn't need to care about her.

But he didn't like the look in Wang Gaoyi's eyes, at least not as good at disguising as Xu Hao.

"Okay, everyone is gone. What are you staring at?" An Ruoshui was flustered, afraid that this guy would directly poison people if he didn't like it. Songs should be done a lot, and now Luo Xuange after transmigration should be doing it often.

"Why, you seem to be afraid of me?" Master Luo suddenly stopped and looked at An Ruoshui quietly.

The smile on An Ruoshui's face did not change, she raised her hand and squeezed Luo Xuange's cheek, and asked Luo Xuange, "What can I be afraid of you? Do you have another goblin with me?"

"No! I don't have a goblin." Master Luo shook his head and waved his hand, so scared that he almost ran away.

An Ruoshui chuckled and held her wrist: "Just kidding. Let's go, go back and rest."

Their return home will be delayed.

In such a ghost place, staying for an extra day would be a torment, Luo Xuange didn't want An Ruoshui to suffer here.

An Ruoshui raised her eyebrows slightly: "Who did you listen to?"

"When I was changing clothes, I heard what the two actresses next door said." Luo Xuange said confidently about what he heard 'accidentally'.

The two walked near the tent, and Li Tian happened to bring dinner.

An Ruoshui patted Luo Xuange's wrist and whispered, "We'll talk about this at night. Eat first."

Mrs.'s words were as big as the sky, Master Luo immediately put aside the doubts in his mind, and trotted to Li Tian to take the dinner in his hand.

"Hey, what's the hurry of the monkeys? Are you still hungry enough?" Li Tian pouted, looking at Luo Xuange and saying resentfully.

Luo Xuange didn't answer her, but the eyes swept over, making Li Tian feel scared.

After Li Tian left, An Ruoshui also packed up the things in the tent. Moved out of the small table and dined outside the tent with Luo Xuange.

"There is a feeling of camping." An Ruoshui said yearningly: "We will all retire in the future, we must come here often to play."

"Are you still afraid of this place?" Luo Xuange felt that most of the crew were afraid of this place, and they didn't even dare to walk alone.

An Ruoshui suddenly laughed: "What should I be afraid of with you here?"

Indeed, in this kind of place, there is really no need to be afraid of Luo Xuange.

There is no high-tech here, everything is original to Luo Xuange as if a fish has seen water.

After dinner, someone from the crew came over with a tent and said that they would help Luo Xuange set up a tent. However, in the face of the enthusiasm of the crew, the face of Master Luo turned black, and she did not want to accept it. What about the kindness of these people?

An Ruoshui pretended to be kind and said: "It's so late, everyone has a heavy task in filming during the day, so don't bother you at night. Xiao Luo, she will squeeze with me tonight."

“…Okay, then let’s go first.”

It is fake that some people came to send the tent, and it is true that they want to find out the real situation of Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui.

After everyone was gone, Luo Xuange crawled into the tent obediently, took out An Ruoshui's change of clothes, and handed it to An Ruoshui: "I'll be waiting for you outside."

"Well, don't go far." An Ruoshui said to Luo Xuange with a smile.

Luo Xuange nodded again and again, how dare she leave half a step.

When An Ruoshui came out, Luo Xuange stood upright one meter outside the tent, and when she looked back at An Ruoshui, she laughed stupidly.

"Okay, I'm very tired today. You should also prepare to rest early." An Ruoshui knew that Luo Xuange had a strong inner strength, and a little action would not tire her, but she just didn't want Luo Xuange to work too hard .

An Ruoshui still had something to discuss with Li Tian, ​​and after talking to Luo Xuange, she left with the bodyguard.

When An Ruoshui came back, Luo Xuange climbed to a tree and stayed quietly.

Li Tian sent An Ruoshui back, followed behind An Ruoshui, heard the sweet flute sound, looked around curiously, An Ruoshui looked up at the tree, waved and smiled: " Come down quickly."


"..." Master Luo didn't know what to say to her, so Li Tian had been thinking that playing the flute was just a pretense for so long?

"Xiao Luo, how did you do it?" Li Tian was surprised that most fans had the same idea, an orphan who was abandoned since he was a child, how to do this to make Luo Xuange so versatile?

Aren't you running around for living expenses?

Even with a few talents, it is impossible to be like Luo Xuange, almost omnipotent.

Luo Xuange looked at the flute in her hand. For her, it was a toy when she was a child. When she grew up, it was an arty thing, and it was not as important as others.

Just now she saw that the crew had a piccolo, so she asked someone to borrow one on a whim.

The other party also looked at An Ruoshui's face and asked her to take it casually.

Seeing that Li Tian was paying attention to Luo Xuange again, An Ruoshui quickly changed the subject and talked to Luo Xuange for fear that Li Tian would say other questions.

"Gu Wu disciple, Xiao Luo had to learn a lot when she was a child. Besides, she is not omnipotent. She can't drink until now, you can see Gu Wu's drunken fist, she will not I can fight." An Ruoshui gestured to Li Tian with his eyes as he spoke, telling her to speak less.

Li Tianxin understood and understood An Ruoshui's intention not to let her continue to inquire, and the Luo leader frowned slightly: "I will get drunk!"


An Ruoshui's embarrassed and polite smile could hardly hold back.

Li Tian held back a smile and said goodbye to the two of them.

After Li Tian left, An Ruoshui screwed Luo Xuange's ear: "Do you dare to dismantle the platform next time?"

She just didn't want An Ruoshui to despise her, and drunken **** and drunkenness are not the same thing at all. Seeing An Ruoshui misunderstanding the two, she felt the need to correct it.

"Okay, let's go back and rest." An Ruoshui can be considered to have let her go. Fortunately, Li Tian was there just now.

However, no matter how strict the precautions were, the things in the crew were still exposed.

When they slept soundly, the outside world had already exploded.

#Shocked! The goddess An Ruoshui was off the list, and the object turned out to be her! #

#An incredible pair of entertainment cps, is it true love or an unspoken transaction#

Netizen 1: Damn, I am no longer in the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes still have her legend.

Netizen 2: Don't dare to provoke, don't dare to provoke, I will never comment too much on any news about Luo Xuange until the last moment, after all, my face is just right.

Netizen 3: Hehe, for Luo Xuange, you don't dare to comment casually at the last moment.

Netizen Four: Is it so hot? An Ruoshui? An Junfeng married a daughter-in-law and doesn't want a sister? Why hasn't it been out for so long? Do these two really have something?

Netizen 5: An's not public relations, it seems that this is true, these two people may make it public. Suddenly, I was looking forward to it. My goddess and Luo hierarch are together. Who will attack and who will suffer?

Every time someone asks this question, there is bound to be an uproar on the Internet.

An Junfeng, who had just finished brushing the dishes, was called by Feng Qianling.

"Is it okay? Will it have a bad influence on them?" Feng Qianling asked worriedly.

An Junfeng chuckled and took her phone away. It is better to care about me if you have time.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the person and walked to the bathroom. Feng Qianling was shy, and An Junfeng smiled again: "It's not that I haven't washed a piece, so I'm ashamed."

Meng Xiaomeng, who was preparing to rest in the crew, turned on her mobile phone and saw the news recommended by the browser, so scared that she almost fell off the bed.

Holding her phone and wearing slippers, she hurried to the next door and knocked on her sister's door.

The moment she opened the door, Meng Xiaomeng blinked suspiciously: "Sister Bai Liu? Why are you here?"

"I, I passed by here and came to have a look. It's late, I should go. You guys talk." Bai Liu wiped away from Meng Xiaomeng.

Meng Xiaomeng looked at her sister who was laying on the bed slowly and organized her pajamas, scratched her head and handed the phone over, and asked eagerly, "Sister, is this true?"

"You think it's true, it's true. It's too late to go back to rest. I'm also tired and want to sleep." Xu Ru was abnormally impatient with her sister, which made Meng Xiaomeng Feel a little disappointed.

I came out of my sister's room with a mobile phone, but when I returned to my room, someone covered my mouth and wrapped it into another person's arms.

"Ugh..." Meng Xiaomeng struggled in fear until she heard a familiar voice in her ear.

"You little idiot, did you miss me?"

Gu Xunxue slowly released the hand that was on her lips, and wrapped the person firmly in her arms. Before Meng Xiaomeng could speak, she was a little tired and pretended to be relaxed He smiled and said, "I've been thinking about you all the time."

"How did you come here?" Meng Xiaomeng was very surprised and surprised, she no longer struggled and resisted, quietly leaned in Gu Xunxue's arms, and brought the little girl to see her lover Overjoyed and fearful that her lover was about to leave, she asked in a low voice, "Have you really been missing me? Then what are you doing here this time? How long are you going to stay?"

"You, guess."

"Ah... I guess you're going to be a long, long time."

"Well, you guessed it right. I haven't seen you for a few days and the little idiot has become smart. I'll give you a reward."

"What reward?"

"I have a sweet kiss, please accept it quickly."

"Ah, haha...I refuse. Don't don't..."

“Brother, how did you…”

The author has something to say: I drove several cars in this chapter, did you see it?

It's a little faster than the speed of light, you can still see it clearly if you look closely, come on(^u^)ノ~yo

Relax, sister Xu Jia is a good person and will not be blackened for her brother.

I haven't thought about the name of the little leader, but I'm already entangled in her constellation, 嘤夘qaq