MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 134 Shooting ends

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An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange were glued together again, and the entire crew would talk in a low voice as long as they saw them getting closer.

Now seeing the two of them feeding and feeding each other, hugging and hugging has become accustomed to it.

After all, Luo Xuange at this time is no longer the little dragon of the original crew.

"Is it okay to eat?"

An Ruoshui smelled the aroma of grilled fish, but I didn't expect Luo Xuange to grill fish directly. After all, eating grilled meat every day these days makes everyone tired.

But when Luo Xuange cooked the fish, An Ruoshui changed his mind.

"Wait a little longer, it will be more delicious when the outside is burnt and the inside is tender. The fish is delicious. I will remove the fish bones, and you can eat it with peace of mind." Luo Xuange said, while Sprinkle the seasoning.

There are some condiments that An Ruoshui has never seen before, she asked Luo Xuange curiously.

"Huh? These are the ones I just found in the mountains, and they are all edible." Luo Xuange picked up the fish, she smelled it and thought it was probably okay, so she brought the plate The fish was placed and handed to An Ruoshui: "Here, taste."

An Ruoshui took the fish and was about to eat it with chopsticks, but Luo Xuange stopped her: "Hey, wait. I haven't removed the thorn yet."

"Don't, eat fish without picking thorns, that kind of eating is simply soulless!"

An Ruoshui repelled and did not allow her to use her internal force to shatter the fishbone.

Master Luo looked at An Ruoshui in confusion, and saw that she was picking fishbone with chopsticks.

Scratched his head, Luo Xuange still couldn't figure it out, there is a simple and rude way to remove the annoying fishbone, why keep it slowly?

An Ruoshui ate most of the fish, and when she looked back, she saw the little fool staring at him blankly.

The expression seemed to be tens of billions falling from the sky, smashing her into a circle.

"What's wrong?" An Ruoshui asked her with a smile.

Luo Xuange shook her head, and then asked her back, "Is it delicious?"

"'s delicious. Compared with fish without spines, I prefer this kind of fish that slowly picks the spines." An Ruoshui enjoys the process of picking spines slowly. Xuan Ge never understood.

There is also a fish, which Luo Xuange planned to use as a sacrifice to her temple, but now that An Ruoshui likes to eat it, she changed the way to make it for An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui, who has always eaten very little, ate two fish for the first time today.

When An Ruoshui was full, she realized that Luo Xuange didn't even taste it.

"Xiao Luo." An Ruoshui poured a glass of water and handed it to Luo Xuange: "Why don't you eat it?"

"I'm not hungry, I like to see you eating happily." Luo Xuange smiled silly, and her stomach betrayed her at this time, 'gugu' After calling twice, Master Luo instantly reddened his ears.

This is the instinctive reaction of the original owner's body. The leader Luo doesn't feel ashamed of being hungry. When she was the leader of the demon sect, she was also hungry.

On the contrary, An Ruoshui became nervous, she said to Luo Xuange: "You have been busy for a long time, sit here and rest for a while, I will fetch the meat and cook it for you."

"..." After eating barbecue for several days in a row, Luo Xuange felt a little nauseated. , and An Ruoshui barbecue has only one flavor.

Although it is very delicious, but eating it every day, every meal, it is painful for Master Luo to think about it.

"What's wrong?"

An Ruoshui came back with the barbecue and saw Luo Xuange's reluctant look, although Luo Xuange forced a smile to face her, but An Ruoshui felt that the smile looked perfunctory Extremely.

Luo Xuange looked at the meat sadly and asked timidly, "Can I not eat barbecue?"

"No! What if I'm starving if I don't eat?"

Because Luo Xuange's words were vague, so An Ruoshui didn't understand much. She only heard Luo Xuange saying she didn't want to eat, so she immediately refuted.

In this way, Luo Xuange endured the pain and finished the barbecue that made her nauseous.

After eating, I sat there with a look of hopelessness, and finally couldn't help complaining: "Why do I eat barbecue every day, I'm tired of it."

"You get tired of eating grilled meat often? Why don't I get tired of eating your fish every day? Are you tired of me too, so you are not interested in my grilled meat?"

Listening to An Ruoshui's crackling words, Luo Xuange blinked and tried to refute again, but her subconscious desire to survive stopped her.

"No, I don't have..."

After that, Master Luo asked for forgiveness.

The life was just like this, and there were a few small quarrels. So that some anger disappeared in the cradle before it was vented.

The day finally came to the production crew to finish. The happiest person in the whole crew was Luo Xuange.

While packing up her luggage, she happily hummed a little song: "Finally, I don't have to eat barbecue, finally I don't have to eat barbecue, finally..."

"What did you say?"

An Ruoshui entered the tent at some point, and Luo Xuange was so frightened that the smile on her face became more and more unnatural, and she said to An Ruoshui, "I said that I don't need to stay here anymore. After a few months, I can finally go home to see my sister-in-law and baby."

Mentioning her sister-in-law and the unborn baby, An Ruoshui's attention was directly diverted.

The two packed up their things, and the director didn't plan to hold a banquet here, so he asked everyone to leave with the car.

Get on the return car, Luo Xuange's heart lifted again, although An Ruoshui said that he would not rush to have a child, nor would he force her any more.

But she always felt that An Ruoshui still likes children very much.

"What are you thinking?" An Ruoshui rested her head on her shoulders, and her whole body was half lying on her, feeling very soft and comfortable.

Luo Xuange shook his head: "No, I just thought of Xiaomeng saying that Xu Ru went to treatment. I don't know what the result will be."

"The result must be good." An Ruoshui held her hand tightly, Xiao Luo seemed to be indifferent to anything, but once some people entered her world, they would regard it as a When she was friends, Luo Xuange always showed her warmth.

An Ruoshui also had the initial good impression on her because of Luo Xuange's kindness.

Just like during the competition, she kept everyone cold, but warmed Meng Xiaomeng who was closest to her.

At that time, she even envied Meng Xiaomeng in her heart.

In the old house, An Junfeng is already preparing meals.

Feng Qianling originally planned to go into the kitchen to help, but now she has become the treasure of the An family, An Junfeng does not let her do any work, even when she goes out, she is followed by bodyguards, and even An Junfeng most of the time Be by your side.

Although this kind of life is not very accustomed to, but she can feel the warm love that An Junfeng brings her.

Before Feng Qianling stepped into the kitchen, An Junfeng put down the knife in his hand, unbuttoned his apron and came to her.

"Why did you return it? Have you finished watching the drama you are following? I asked screenwriter Duan to read the script you wrote. She said that it looks good in general, but there are some lacks in details. ."

"Duan, screenwriter Duan?" Feng Qianling was very surprised that the gold medal screenwriter in the industry, who was even comparable to the former screenwriter Xiao, could read the script for her. The surprise left her speechless.

An Junfeng is no longer in the circle, but he also knows how powerful the screenwriter they are talking about.

He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It's the person you thought of. If she hadn't owed me a favor, she wouldn't have helped her."

After finishing speaking, An Junfeng gently patted Feng Qianling's head: "Wait for me."

An Junfeng went to the study and took out the revised script, and then handed it to Feng Qianling, Feng Qianling let go of the script with a puzzled look, and then stunned: "Is this the one I wrote?"

"Yeah, she just changed a few places." An Junfeng also felt amazing, the script was obviously the same script, but after changing a few places, the show changed in an instant. , several directors of An's Entertainment said that there is value in shooting and room for development.

An Junfeng also plans to make an investment to make this drama.

Feng Qianling was so excited that tears flashed in the corners of her eyes. She never thought that her script could be revised by screenwriter Duan, but now it has come true.

"I, what should I do, Feng Feng, I'm so excited right now, I can't believe it. I..."

"Fool, this is unbelievable. The script has been revised and sent to you." An Junfeng said with a smile: "After a while, when the baby is born, I will Invest in the filming. As a gift for our baby."

"Fengfeng, I..." Feng Qianling's emotion could no longer be described in words. She stretched out her arms to hug An Junfeng, and An Junfeng also wrapped her in her arms with happiness.

"Brother - we're back, sorry to bother you!"

An Junfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw his sister. After staying with Luo Xuange for a long time, her temperament became lively, and the appearance of her younger daughter gradually showed. Although these changes made him very happy, but This kind of noisy sister also made him a little uncontrollable.

"Sister is back, you and Xiao Luo will rest for a while and I will continue cooking." An Junfeng resolved Feng Qianling's embarrassment.

An Ruoshui's move to leave just now was also a joke. At this moment, she handed the suitcase to Luo Xuange, she sat beside Feng Qianling and started chatting with Feng Qianling.

Luo Xuange took the suitcase and carried several large suitcases to the bedroom on the second floor effortlessly.

When she went downstairs again, she saw his wife and sister-in-law sitting on the sofa reading the script together. Her serious and peaceful appearance made her unable to bear to speak.

"This character fits the image of Xiao Luo quite well. What do you think, sister-in-law?"

Luo Xuange walked in and suddenly regretted why she hadn't come to interrupt earlier, why did she leave for a while, and the wife started to pick her up? The broker who gets paid is not as dedicated as his wife.

The author has something to say: Teacher: The baby is tired, and the baby does not speak.

Li Tian: Since Xiao Luo came, my assistant's position has been robbed, and now I can only hold my salary and chat with my wife.

Xu Xiu: Since An Ruoshui came, my manager's position no longer exists, and now I can only hold my salary and my wife.