MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 137 loser's punishment

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Five minutes before the show starts, everyone is ready for the next shooting.

Luo Xuange and Meng Xiaomeng looked at the script in their hands, Meng Xiaomeng smiled and said, "Do you really want to act like this?"

"Well...the director arranged it." Luo Xuange handed the script to Meng Xiaomeng: "But won't this sudden appearance scare the audience?"

Just now the director came to ask her if she could fly out of the air when the host called for the next guest after the show started.

"If someone else may suddenly fly out, the audience may not accept it, but everyone already knows that you can fly, which is a surprise for them."

Luo Xuange nodded slightly and went to the pre-set location according to the director's arrangement to wait for the show to start shooting.

Jiang Yihan, Mu Ling and others took the time to check the process again, and finally Jiang Yihan asked Mu Ling in a low voice: "Is it okay to change this way? Do I want to talk to Xiaomeng Xuange again? ?"

"Don't worry, everyone is open and honest, but I changed the original quick question and answer session to my spot to draw fans to ask questions. These questions are controlled by the staff in the background, no Something went wrong." Mu Ling said confidently.

But Jiang Yihan is still worried, her two friends, one lacks a rib and the other has a rib, and doesn't know what the word "turn" means.

"Hey, just put your heart in your stomach. Everyone is a friend, can I still cheat you?" Mu Ling laughed, and Jiang Yihan gradually felt relieved.

Xu Qian and Zhang Yiyun are coming over today, but they must be misunderstood.

She reminded worriedly: "There are two heavyweight guests coming over today, but they are mysterious guests, so be careful when you ask questions."

"Don't worry, am I the kind of person who will embarrass heavyweight guests? Put your heart in your stomach, you two are in the same frame today, just have fun." Mu Ling patted it Jiang Yihan's wrist signaled her to be relieved.

When the show really started, Jiang Yihan stood in front of the camera and said hello to everyone.

As always cheerful and joyful, the audience in the live broadcast room was full of laughter, and then she pretended to be mysterious and said: "Today is the first episode of our "Happy Surprise", I know that everyone loves it very often I listen to the news and read the gossip, so our program team also scoured a lot of news and gossip. Not only that, we also invited some news subjects. Next, let us invite Luo Xuange, the most mysterious trapeze this year!"

The live broadcast room stared with wide eyes, but Luo Xuange did not appear on the screen for a long time.

With an embarrassed smile on her face, Jiang Yihan reached out and stroked her forehead, she coughed softly: "Because of limited funds, our program team did not send a car to pick it up, I don't know what Xuange she is now Where is it? Let's call on the spot to see if she can make it."

The phone was connected, Luo Xuange's voice came from the live broadcast room, Jiang Yihan asked, "Where have you been?"

Jiang Yihan understood, and asked her with a smile after a while: "Then what is your situation? The show has started filming, can you still come over? The audience is waiting for you. "

"Yes, you dodge first, so I can land." Luo Xuange's voice came from the live broadcast room, I saw Jiang Yihan looking up at the studio, and suddenly a figure came down. "

Luo Xuange's sudden appearance caused the audience to scream, and some of the audience stood up in disbelief, waving at Luo Xuange and shouting.

Jiang Yihan turned his head up and turned around in a stupid way. Luo Xuange stepped forward to act according to the script he had hoped for in advance: "What's wrong? Are you too excited to speak when you see me?"

"No, I'll take a look at this top to see if you have pierced through a hole. No... Where did you come from? It's still halfway through?" Jiang Yihan expressed A look of crying and laughing.

Luo Xuange performed with her again according to the script, Luo Xuange felt that this variety show was more difficult than the real filming, her own personality was actually not as lively as the show team arranged for her , Jiang Yihan herself is not as cheerful as in the show. Although she is a little fickle at ordinary times, she is a very mature person. In this show, she feels a little silly.

"Okay, let's welcome the trapeze Luo Xuange with the warmest applause!" Jiang Yihan clapped her hands to welcome her.

Next, Meng Xiaomeng was invited, but Meng Xiaomeng's appearance was not as unexpected as Luo Xuange.

Meng Xiaomeng was wearing a dress specially arranged by the program team, with a pattern of a bamboo flute on her chest, many people also had memories, remembering Meng Xiaomeng and Luo The fact that the flute was hidden in the live broadcast room of Xuange, all kinds of memories were found out, and the audience was even more emotional and happy about the appearance of Meng Xiaomeng.

Then came the appearance of Mu Ling. Her appearance caught the whole live room by surprise, because she was basically co-hosting with Mu Xiao, and she was also the first sister of another TV station. Appearing at Jiang Yihan's home court, many people expressed surprise.

And the online analysis emperor also began to re-examine the power behind this TV station through the appearance of these people, the first sister from the next station can be invited as a guest, and even the popular Xiaohua Dan Luo Xuan Song.

After all, this is the first episode of the show, and it is estimated that there will be a few more guests in the future. It shows the brilliance of this show.

I just started making a few games, and finally there was a role-swapping game. Mu Ling and Jiang Yihan successfully exchanged identities.

Mu Ling walked to the center of the stage with a wry smile on her face, she spread her hands and said, "Everyone who knows me knows that I am a host, and I was thinking of bringing a guest out to do things today. , Now it's alright, I just changed the place to host."

After the remarks, many people laughed again, after all, Mu Ling had released albums and filmed before, and even won investment and directed the film, but unfortunately, he still stayed in the host after going around. industry.

Many people started leaving messages, saying that Mu Ling has missed out on other industries in this life, and can only be an honest host.

Mu Ling sighed with aggrieved expression, and then proceeded according to the hosting process.

Jiang Yihan also went up to talk to her for a few words, these were deliberately arranged by the program team, but the audience seemed to appear more by accident.

"Sister Mu Ling, there are three other guests who haven't appeared. You will invite them to appear later, and then..."

After listening carefully to Jiang Yihan's words, Mu Ling nodded in appreciation: "Oh, I see. I know what's going on."

When Jiang Yihan changed into the game uniform and stood with Luo Xuange and Meng Xiaomeng, many people were in tears when they saw this scene.

The uniforms of the same color, the three people who have not changed at all, the memory of this moment makes them feel as if they were in the live game a year ago.

"Luo Xuange and Meng Xiaomeng have already appeared today, and Xiaojiang just said that there are still a few guests who haven't appeared, right?" Mu Ling said very mysteriously: "Actually, the ones who haven't appeared yet. I don't know who the guests are. But... I heard some news from the side. It is said that the appearance of these three people will definitely make you scream in shock. How is it? Are you looking forward to it?"

Listening to the audience's shouts, Mu Ling also began to understand the mysterious guests.

With the appearance of Gu Xunxue, although the audience was shocked, they did not scream like Mu Ling said, only a few voices from Gu Xunxue fans Just shout.

But after a while, Xu Qian and Zhang Yiyun walked out of the backstage hand in hand. At this moment, everyone was stunned, and soon the screams overwhelmed the waves.

Xu Qian clenched Zhang Yiyun's hand nervously. Zhang Yiyun had been waiting for this day for too long. Being able to stand in the spotlight with Xu Qian was something she had been thinking about all along.

Jiang Yihan knew in advance that these two were coming, so she could only cooperate with the scene and pretend to be surprised.

Meng Xiaomeng's face was full of excitement, which made the audience very curious.

Also, Luo Xuange still had that paralyzed face, and the trolls started to talk about her dark history again, saying that Luo Xuange didn't know how to respect seniors and saw seniors in the circle The artist still had a bitter face when she came, as if the whole world owed her money.

"Thank you very much, Xu Qian and I came to participate in this show today, we are going to announce two things to you, as for what these two things are, we will tell you when the show is over. For the rest of the time, let's relax and entertain ourselves on the show."

Zhang Yiyun bowed deeply to the audience as she spoke, and Xu Qian would accompany her willingly.

This is the first time that Mu Ling has encountered an unexpected event. She thought that the mysterious guest might be An Ruoshui who has a good relationship with Luo Xuange, but she never thought it would be this pair. The nemesis in the circle.

And the two have never been separated since their appearance, their hands have been quietly held together, so that Mu Ling can probably guess part of what they want to announce.

The show is progressing faster. Originally, there was another Gu Xunxue speech, but after Gu Xunxue hurriedly took care of her, she changed the topic with a smile.

Viewers are also getting into the show game.

“We will start with a quick question and answer program, and the person with the lowest score will be given a special punishment. Call the first person in the mobile phone address book and say the words voted by the audience.” Ling explained the rules of the game for a while, and then started to ask and answer the guests quickly.

Luo Xuange frowned, the number one contact? ?

The author has something to say: Is the surname An in the first place?