MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 144 Brother An's wealthy life

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In the end, the man claimed that he owed a debt and had no money, and said that he took a small colored stone in the study.

The nanny thought about it too, but didn't say much, and asked him to leave quickly with his things.

Rin and Xiao Tianci were sitting in the back seat of the car, Xiao Tianci finally couldn't help but plunged her head into Xiaoxi's arms and cried in grievance.

"The nanny put something strange in grandma, we would go to bed if we drink it. If we don't drink, we will be beaten, and Mama will go home tomorrow. She dare not beat us today. She He will also bring a man to live in my house, sleep in a big bed, and take many things from my house."

These words completely shocked Xiaoxi, she asked Rurin in a daze, "Why don't you say that?"

"That man is at home, you can't beat him." Although Ru Rin was also afraid, she wouldn't cry when she encounters a little trouble like Xiao Tianci.

Xiaoxi's heart sank: "No, I'm going to call Aunt An."

"No, Mama works hard. Don't disturb." Ru Rin stopped Xiaoxi again, and Xiao Tianci also nodded: "Let Mama work well."

"Okay, don't be afraid. Follow me to see Aunt Bailiu's concert first, and stay at my house at night. I called Uncle An as the nanny, and he will definitely arrange it properly. "Xiao Xi couldn't help sighing as she spoke: "What is this? I also encountered such a wonderful nanny when I was a child, but it was not as disgusting as the one you encountered. If you knew about her, Mama The bed was slept in by another man, and he was so disgusted that he couldn't eat for a few days. This kind of person can't be spared, and I will send another message to your mummy later, so that she can teach the bad guy a good lesson. "

I don't know how long it took, the two little guys were a little dazed and wanted to sleep. At this time, the car finally stopped, and Xiaoxi woke them up softly: "Okay. We have arrived. There's a place, get up and go in and watch the concert."

"Aunt Bai Bai." Xiao Tianci jumped out of the car happily, Xiao Xi immediately followed her and held her hand: "Tianci be good, follow my sister. Otherwise... My sister will be very angry."

So frightened by Xiaoxi, Xiao Tianci didn't dare to run around in the crowd, carefully held Rurin's hand, and followed Rurin obediently.

The three temporarily forgot the existence of the nanny, and followed the fans into the concert scene.

"Did Auntie see Cici?" Xiaotianci asked curiously, because her words were too low, she needed to put her feet to read, the little guy was wearing a pink and tender princess dress, cushioned His feet looked at the stage, instantly attracting the attention of the surrounding audience.

Many people even secretly took pictures and posted them online.

Bai Liu sang one song after another on the stage, and finally suddenly took out the plush doll, threw it at the audience, and invited a fan to come on stage to sing with her.

Little Tianci just got tired from standing, and just sat down to rest for a while, but something hit her head on, and she subconsciously hugged her hands.

I was soon led to the stage by the staff, Ru Rin frowned at her sister, and Xiaoxi on the side comforted her: "Relax, it's alright here."

On the stage, Bai Liu was stunned when he saw Xiao Tianci, and then the little guy struggled down from the arms of the staff, and the pink and tender little dumpling jumped up and down Beside Bai Liu, hug Bai Liu's calf: "Aunt Bai, give me a hug~"

"Aunt Bai, I miss you, I want to hug~" Xiao Tianci stretched out his arms, looked up at Bai Liu, Bai Liu smiled and hugged the little guy into his arms, The move made fans scream.

"Do you want to sing with Aunt Bai?" Bai Liu looked at the little guy in his arms who didn't have stage fright in the face of so many people, and smiled in his heart, as expected of An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange's child, who usually looks weak, is actually stronger than ordinary children.

,what do you want?"

This is customized for fans, after all fans will ask for signed hugs or small gifts.

And at this moment, Tianci shook his head, and grimaced in her arms.

"I want to be numb, and I want to be numb."

The fans suddenly screamed again, calling this little dumpling too cute, and wanted to form a group to steal the doll at night.

"Ci Ci remembers Mama's cell phone number, Cici makes a call to Mama." Little Tianci stared at Bai Liu with big watery eyes, Bai Liu was stunned, Luo Xuange's two children It has not been exposed so far. Today, the call will definitely be exposed. I am going to find an excuse to make the little guy change his mind. I never thought that the staff had already sent the mobile phone.

Xiao Tianci happily took it and connected An Ruoshui to the big screen.

An Ruoshui's voice soon came, with exhaustion and doubt in her tone: "Hello, hello..."

"Mama, Mama. Cici thinks Mama." Xiaotianci's cheerful voice came, An Ruoshui was stunned, and then the doubts in his tone deepened: "Cici, you are using Whose cell phone is calling Mama? Where is the nanny aunt?"

"Sing with Aunt Bai, Mama...Cici to see Mama."

The video call was opened soon, An Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, and all the fans at the scene, including those who were watching the live broadcast, were also stunned.

The air was suddenly silent, and only Xiao Tianci was left beckoning happily at the big screen and shouting Ma Ma.

Ru Rin put one hand on her forehead and muttered in a low voice: "So stupid, she is definitely not my sister."

"Unfortunately, you two are still sisters." Xiaoxi thinks it's interesting to slap this little adult from time to time.

"Hello everyone~" An Ruoshui greeted the audience and fans at the scene, causing them to scream again.

Tianci was bouncing in the center of the stage, hoping that Mama could see herself. All An Ruoshui's eyes were focused on her, how could she not see it.

"Cici, where is my sister? Why is there only one person here?"

An Ruoshui is resting in the crew at the moment, she is still wearing a costume, and there is a thin sweat on her forehead, which makes her look very tired.

So the mother and daughter chatted like no one on both sides, and let's not mention how surprised the scene was, just look at the momentum on the Internet to know how many people they shocked.

Netizen 1: The person who said they wanted to steal the dumplings is still there? I just wanted to ask you guys, do you still dare to go?

Netizen 2: Don't dare, who dares to move the little brat of my leader Luo? Just ask who dares to move? !

Netizen 3: Oh my God, it's so cute, I... I... Mom, why did you give birth to me so early.

Netizen 4: I can't imagine that this is actually the baby of my goddess, God, I'm so cute.

Netizen 5: Don’t you mean twins? Is there another cutie?

Luo Xuange just finished the filming on the set. While packing her luggage, she listened to the notification sound of 'DiDi Di' coming from her mobile phone. She put down her clothes and unlocked her mobile phone to check.

As a result, I saw the various titles above#Shocked, the little cute baby of the Luo leader appeared at the Bailiu concert#

#On how little cutie cheats mom#【Video】

# Mengwa appeared at the concert, and their biological parents turned out to be them. #

Luo Xuange watched the photos and videos of her little baby, couldn't help but smiled, and then posted the family photo saved in her mobile phone to Weibo.

Luo Xuange, the leader of the demon sect v: It’s finally done, and I’m rushing home to see the two little princesses. 【Attachment】

Netizen 1: Ah, ah, a family of four looks so warm.

Netizen 2: My Luo Meiyan is against the sky, kneeling and licking

Netizen 3: How can the two little princesses be so cute? Did I save an entire country in my last life? !

'Magic Sect Leader Luo Xuange' replied to 'Netizen Three': Yes! I saved an entire country in my last life!

Because of the family portrait sent by Luo Xuange, the family quickly became a hot search.

After finishing the call with Tianci, An Ruoshui also forwarded Luo Xuange's Weibo.

Soon Bai Liu's concert was thinking about the number of viewers, crushing the number of viewers of the variety show that An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange had no intention to announce their marriage.

An Junfeng stayed in the office, looking at his two cute nieces, he touched his chin and immediately held a company meeting, thinking of a new reality show.

Since everyone likes Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui so much, and their babies so much, it is better to hold a big star reality show with babies, which will definitely be a success.

Compared with taking other people's babies temporarily in previous shows, and taking your own children on reality shows now, the effect is definitely different.

Mr. An seems to have seen the brilliant record this show is about to achieve.

Master Luo never imagined that when An Junfeng founded the first large-scale reality show, she was testing the waters, and now she wants to create a brand new show, but she has paid attention to her again .

An Junfeng soon drew up a preliminary plan. The two little guys are only three years old. He is waiting for the two to start a show on their fourth birthday, which can be regarded as a gift for the two little guys. birthday present.

So he began to look for four to ten-year-old children in the circle, and then slowly chose to send invitations. Of course, Meng Xiaomeng, who dragged his son over to film at the beginning, must not let it go.

Just as her daughter was seven years old, An Junfeng sent the invitation with a smile on her face.

There are also Xu Ru and Bai Liu, their children are just old enough, and they can be packaged and sent to participate.

In order to make a 15-year reunion, he didn't even let Xiaoxi go, let Xiaoxi appear as the captain of the cute baby, and led a group of dolls to participate in the show. It can be considered that Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia also brought the topic of the show.

I finally got enough of the four people from the audition show that year, Luo Xuange, Meng Xiaomeng, Bai Liu, Jiang Yihan. Fifteen years later, although the four of them went their separate ways, their children gathered in the same show, I believe this will be very interesting.

Five years with only occasional misses.

The author has something to say: The remaining two chapters are the content of the little guys participating in the reality show, one chapter when the little guys are four years old, and the other chapter is when they become adults.

It is over here. Some people say that I will write a few more chapters to make up a whole number, laugh and cry, and then I will only have water.