MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 62 Unexpected joy

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At night, An Junfeng called Li Tian.

After Li Tian got the time and place, she went to the second floor and called An Ruoshui to get up.

When she knocked on An Ruoshui's door, she found that An Ruoshui had not rested during this period, but had been lying in bed crying silently.

"Don't be sad, Mr. An called and let us go to the ancient Wu ancestral hall." Li Tian comforted.

An Ruoshui knew that her current appearance must be very bad, let Li Tian wait for her for a few minutes, and when An Ruoshui simply put on makeup to cover the tired face, the two set off again .

When she arrived at the ancient Wu family, An Ruoshui asked Li Tian to wait for her in the car, she walked to the ancient Wu ancestral hall, An Junfeng had been waiting outside the door, and when she saw her sister coming, He immediately greeted him.

"The patriarch hasn't come yet, so let's wait for him outside. Don't get excited later, no matter what happens, it's up to them to help us or not. Understand?"

An Junfeng told his sister worriedly, An Ruoshui nodded with a slight smile: "Don't worry, I know the proportions.

"I know you've been very good since you were a child, but I'm afraid that this time you are confused, you can understand." An Junfeng couldn't bear it, he hadn't watched it for more than ten years My sister is so sad.

When Ruo Shui, he had a gentle smile on his brows.

"I kept you waiting."

An Junfeng smiled and said, "Where, as juniors, we should have come earlier."

An Ruoshui also bent slightly and bowed to the old man.

For the sake of Gu Wu, he will also be very respected.

The patriarch touched his white beard with a kind smile and patted An Junfeng on the shoulder: "The older you get, the more stable you are, and he is somewhat similar to your grandfather."

An Junfeng sneered. In the early years, I heard that the ancestors in the family had some connection with Gu Wu, but I didn't expect that the grandfather's generation also had some contacts with Gu Wu.

The patriarch stopped joking with the two juniors. He walked to the ancestral hall first, opened the door, and saw the tablets of the ancestors.

The two middle-aged strong men who followed the patriarch also rushed in immediately, lit incense candles and knelt down to the tablets one by one.

"These are all the patriarchs of my ancient Wu family, as well as the heroes who have made great contributions to the ancient Wu family." The patriarch pointed to one of the tablets: "Look at this who is it."

An Junfeng and An Ruoshui looked over, and the two instantly knelt down: "Grandfather."

When the patriarch saw that the two juniors respected their ancestors, he stroked his white beard and smiled: "Your grandfather studied the secrets of ancestral exercises for the ancient Wu family in the early years, and one of them is a monstrosity. The method has made him study thoroughly, and although it is not the practice of our righteous way, he can be regarded as making a huge contribution to the martial arts secret book."

The two of them recalled the scene when they were held by their grandfather in their arms, crying and making trouble, and when they were naughty with their grandfather's snow-white beard, their eyes suddenly turned red.

The patriarch made a look, and the strong man next to him helped them up.

"You called me today and told me about the child. At first I disagreed." The patriarch spoke slowly to them face to face: "But, all afternoon today, we All Guwu members are discussing this matter, and there are still a small number of people in the clan who do not agree to introduce an unknown person into our ancient Wu family. But you Anjia asked us for help, and we can't ignore this matter. "

"The members of the ancient Wu family are passed down from generation to generation, and it stands to reason that the An family is also a member of our ancient Wu family, but it is a pity that your parents passed away early, and there was no time to hold a ceremony to officially enter the family tree , but there are also records of your parents and records about the two of you.

Three generations of close relatives can be included in our ancient martial arts family tree. I just don't know if that child has anything to do with your Anjia. If it's just friends who meet by chance, I can't help this matter. "

The patriarch also said helplessly.

An Junfeng scratched his head and thought, what is the relationship between Luo Xuange and the An family? Luo Xuange is an orphan, can he tell a lie and say he is a child from his mother's relatives?

Just when An Junfeng was puzzled, An Ruoshui said, "She and I are already married. She is also part of our An family's genealogy. Can she be regarded as an An family member?"

An Junfeng was reminded by his sister, slapped his forehead happily and said, "Yes, Xiaoluo and her sister have been married for almost half a year. They have already entered the An family's genealogy and are equal to us."

The patriarch's complexion changed, not because his mind had not been transformed and he still refused to agree to this kind of marriage, but because he was too surprised.

Nodded, the patriarch smiled at An Junfeng: "Okay, I can help you with this relationship."

The two strong men next to each other looked at each other, they really didn't expect things to unfold like this. Originally, they had already investigated, Luo Xuange and the An family had no kinship at all. After discussing for an entire afternoon, they finally felt that this reason was used to reject the An family's request, but it turned out to be the reason why they had to help them.

And the two looked at An Ruoshui again, this little girl is An Ruoshui, that movie star, how could she have never thought of getting married with a little girl so early.

Until the patriarch helped to write the basic information of Luo Xuange on the genealogy of the outer sect, everyone here slowly recovered.

After everything was done, the patriarch took out a few wooden plaques and brought them to them: "In the future, you will be disciples of the ancient martial arts. This is your certificate."

Grandpa is also true, why didn't he tell him this kind of thing before, otherwise, with this kind of certificate, it would be much easier for him to do business in any country abroad.

Foreigners are afraid of Huaguo's kung fu, and they are even more afraid of the ancient martial arts family.

This was a mistake of hundreds of millions!

People wait for their names, and slowly they can return to a normal life.

Luo Xuange was happy to say goodbye to the patriarch, and when he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned around and said respectfully to the patriarch: "Patriarch, my sister and Xiaoluo were secretly married. .Look, with this news, can you…”

"Don't worry, old man, I'm not a talkative person. No one in our ancient martial arts likes to talk about other people's family affairs. You can rest assured."

The patriarch laughed.

"Then I want to go back and prepare, and hold a press conference tomorrow." An Junfeng couldn't wait to pull Luo Xuange out of Frankenstein's sight.

However, the patriarch immediately stopped him: "Wait!"

"Huh?" Wait? If you wait any longer, Luo Xuange will be sent to study as a guinea pig.

The patriarch stroked his white beard and pondered: "This matter must not be reckless, you should prepare properly today, and send a message tomorrow to make everyone think that the child is only possessing stunts, not supernatural abilities, and more It's not some so-called alien. In the future, we will explain it in public, and those who believe at that time will only believe it deeply. Those who don't believe it will also become skeptical."

The words of the patriarch awakened An Junfeng, and An Junfeng immediately thanked him.

He left with An Ruoshui, walked for about ten minutes, and finally arrived at the place where he stopped when he came. Li Tian was waiting for the arrival of the two with his mobile phone in the car. At this moment, he was in a good mood when he saw them When he came back, he felt that things were probably done.

She didn't ask much. After waiting for An Ruo to get on the water, she whispered, "Return to the apartment or the old house?"

"Old house." An Ruoshui chose the old house without thinking too much, because there are traces of Luo Xuange's existence in the old house.

When she got home, An Ruoshui turned on her mobile phone and followed the news on the Internet. She saw that some people were cursing and resisting Luo Xuange, and some even thought that Luo Xuange was a monster or an alien. When An Ruoshui saw the news , more heartache than when she was hacked by netizens just after her debut.

Xu Xiu was not as dejected as Li Tian imagined.

Xu Xiu negotiated with the top management of the company as much as possible, and also tried her best to find Luo Xuange, but the result disappointed her greatly.

The company's indifference and unhelpfulness caused Xu Xiu to slowly withdraw from the company's last goodwill.

An Junfeng hired her at a high price, but she refused because she used to have a dream here. That fiery heart wants to do the best it can.


And the artists she brought out will change their managers immediately after a little improvement, and she can only contact trainees at the bottom.

The anxious Kong Ran saw Xu Xiu sighing. She opened her mouth to comfort her, but she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing, so she had to stand silently and accompany this senior.

Meng Xiaomeng in the hospital was holding the mobile phone and her heart was shady, Xu Ru was beside her, Meng Xiaomeng handed the mobile phone to her reluctantly: "Sister, is this true? Xuan Ge is true is gone?"

"...Don't pay too much attention to this matter, there is too much news on the Internet, you should take good care of your body." Xu Ru saw Meng Xiaomeng's mobile phone pulled out: "Dear, lie down first Get some sleep. I'll let you know when things develop further."

Xu Ru also learned about it through the circle, this is indeed true, but she believes that Luo Xuange is not a demon, nor an alien. Maybe she just knows some things that ordinary people can't, which can't be defined as a monster.

Just as the legalization of same-sex marriage was not promulgated in China many years ago, for heterosexuals, liking a same-sex is simply a monster. But once accepted, just like a cup of soy milk, whether to put sugar or salt, not many people care, because it is too normal.

In the early years, there was a person who crossed the line, but when it was exposed, the whole world was boiling, and then the person died, but it was forbidden to talk about it.

Until a few years later, some experts and scholars said that this world may be at the intersection of a parallel world, and it is understandable that there are some time-space tunnel travelers who come in by accident.

Later, the topic of people passing through gradually appeared in the public eye.

Xu Ru felt that perhaps many years later, Luo Xuange would be the same. When she was mentioned again, she was a famous actress, not a mysterious disappearing monster.

The author has something to say: Master Luo: I am also very helpless╮(╯▽╰)╭, I have slapped others too much in the past, and then my vest is dropped three times in a row, Wronged Baba.