MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 64 Returning like an arrow

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"Relax, nothing will happen. Come and eat, there are fish you want to eat." An Junfeng's heart is not calm, even full of panic, if Xu Hao comes to the media tomorrow After saying a few words and throwing down some reasonable evidence, Luo Xuange is afraid that he will not be able to clean it up again.

An Junfeng was irritable in his heart, but he saw that his sister hadn't eaten for several meals, and then looked at the blue and black eyes of her sister, he could only smile at her sister as if nothing had happened and said it was okay.

An Ruoshui knew that eldest brother was holding on, and just because eldest brother punched Xu Hao angrily, she knew that this matter was not as simple as she imagined.

Xu Hao probably won't let it go.


An Junfeng saw that his sister was really attracted by the food, so he temporarily put down his fatigue and happily accompanied his sister.

Li Tian's heart was a little bitter, obviously everyone was not very comfortable, but this meal was very happy.

The two brothers and sisters left the An family, Xu Jia stopped halfway and looked at Xu Hao.

"Brother! You're real this time, you're real..." Xu Jia couldn't find words to describe his eldest brother, and pointed at Xu Hao: "Brother, you can't just because you like Brother An Just treat Xiao Luo like this. Do you know that the guys in the research room are all scientific research lunatics, have you forgotten what happened to the person who traveled through Dayuan a few years ago?"

"You think you're helping settle down, and you're helping the world eliminate the scourge?! Do you know that you will kill Xiao Luo like this!" Xu Jiaxiously shouted: "Maybe we misunderstood the matter? Maybe Xiao Luo is really a member of the ancient martial arts family, maybe she is really a martial arts genius? You don't know anything, just contact those people, brother, are you stupid? ? You'll kill people."

Xu Jia shed tears as he spoke. The world understands how miserable the person who traveled through a few years ago was. I heard that someone conducted an autopsy after his death, and found that the person's internal organs had been hollowed out, and half of the blood in the body had been drained. No skin, no flesh, horrible to see.

Xu Hao was silent, and after a while he looked at Xu Jia with a little trembling: "I think you have been brainwashed by them! I have investigated clearly, Luo Xuange and Gu Wu The family has no connection at all! Moreover, even if it is an ancient martial family, who can fly into the air and disappear in a flash?"

Xu Jia was speechless, she gritted her teeth and threw her sleeves, turned and ran away: "You! You are unreasonable! Go back by yourself!"

The sky was bright, Luo Xuange sat up on the bench in the park, and was so wet that he could squeeze a basin of water. She wiped her face with her sleeve, the sun was just rising and she could feel a little coolness while walking on the road.

Inner strength gathered, Luo Xuange steamed the clothes to dry, and walked on the street refreshed.

Just as Luo Xuange was moving aimlessly with the group of people, she found that everyone stopped, she also stopped, and followed the line of sight of the passers-by beside her, only See the press conference held by An's being broadcast live on the huge electronic screen.

An Junfeng and An Ruoshui both disguised their tiredness and attended, and behind them were a group of men and women in strange clothes.

Luo Xuange is not interested in these, but her eyes are still fixed on the screen, because she wants to see An Ruoshui again, the reason why she left the scene after being exposed, not even When she returned to An Ruoshui, it was not because she didn't have enough trust in the An family, Xiaomeng, and Jiang Yihan, but because she knew too well what people would do anything to achieve their goals.

Just as she would use Zhang Yaochang to deal with Zhang Mingzhong, and threatened her father with her son, she could easily achieve what she wanted.

Just as Zhang Manman used Meng Xiaomeng to seduce Xu Ru, and used her sister to coerce her sister, Zhang Manman easily saw Xu Ru, if he hadn't intervened, Zhang Manman might have even treated Xu Ru Ru does other things.

Luo Xuange knows this well, so she dare not approach those who treat her sincerely.

Because she believes that the people in the research team can't help her, but they can easily catch the people who coerce her. By then, it was not a question of whether she could escape, but whether the safety of those around her could be guaranteed.

On the live broadcast, An Junfeng introduced the group of people behind him. Of course, there were already sharp-eyed people who saw that those group of people were several well-respected boxers from the ancient martial arts family.

"I'm sorry that the variety show that we invested in Anshi had an accident on the street a few days ago, causing panic to everyone. We are here today for the 'weird disappearance' of artist Luo Xuange Let me give you an explanation." An Junfeng stood in front of the reporters and the president's momentum slowly unfolded. After controlling the venue, he slowly told the 'truth': "Actually, everyone knows that it's not that flying over the wall has never appeared. There are also records of stepping on the snow without a trace in history, of course... At present, we rarely see Qinggong, but we can't say for sure that there is no Qinggong in this world."

"I believe that everyone knows the existence of the ancient martial arts family, and should understand a little. The ancient martial arts family inherited the martial arts and secret books of our ancestors, and there are light skills among them. It's just that people in this world It is difficult to get through the two veins of Ren and Du, and it is also difficult to practice Qinggong, including the ancient martial arts family who can't really fly. Without any confidence, the ancient martial family learned that Xu Hao had contacted the research team, and they began to resist attending the meeting. Fortunately, the patriarch promised to do what he said and asked to do his best to help. These talents were unwilling to follow him. coming.

An Junfeng also keeps an eye on Xu Hao’s actions. The Xu family focuses on overseas development, so Xu Hao can’t use much power when he returns to China this time, so Xu Hao is still difficult to use in a short time. The truth is published.

After listening to An Junfeng's words, the reporter immediately began to ask questions. Many of the reporters were arranged in advance by An Junfeng, so there is no confusion or trouble now.

An Junfeng answered their questions one by one, and finally calmed down the public opinion.

But even so, many people still have these various doubts in their hearts.

The patriarch stood up at this moment, and he looked at the reporters in good spirits.

"Martial arts wizards are rare in a thousand years. According to unofficial records, there was a martial arts wizard in the Ming Dynasty 800 years ago in our country. In the hands of Princess Xuanyang."

"Now, there is another martial arts genius, I hope everyone will not exclude her existence because of ignorance. This person is low-key, and only showed his uniqueness three days ago in order to rescue the little girl Skills. This exercise is extremely damaging to herself, and her practice has seriously hurt her own health. At present, this person has been recuperating in my ancient martial arts family, rather than disappearing mysteriously. After her injuries are healed, it will naturally appear in everyone's vision."

The words of the patriarch still carry a lot of weight, and the various versions on the Internet have been suppressed a lot for a while.

An Junfeng also contacted immediately and made a big fuss about Luo Xuange being abducted and sold when he was a child, and Luo Xuange was admitted to the ancient Wu family during this period, and because he was a low-key person, so The true ability is not known to outsiders.

Netizen 1: Let me tell you a joke, I am a black belly and low-key!

Netizen 2: Low-key 23333, are you trying to laugh at me upstairs, so as to pursue my goddess?

Netizen 3: I didn’t expect that it was Qinggong, my belly is so black. However, low-key or something... Pfft, Mr. An, the patriarch, we like your serious jokes. I am a black belly and low-key 2333

Netizen 4: Shouxun, selling miserably, cooking, guqin, carving puppets, since her debut, she can be seen on hot searches every day, she... low-key 23333, I can use this joke Come be a family heirloom.

Netizen 5: It turned out to be a family of ancient martial arts, no wonder I, Luo Bei Hei, have the freedom of martial arts, calling for my Luo Fu Hei, making calls like crazy!

Netizen 6: Did Han Yu reveal that I used a stand-in for Luo Bei Hei slapstick before?

Netizen 7: 2333, upstairs is telling the truth, Han Yu is shameless!

Netizen 8: Maybe I was afraid that I would do it myself and crippled the group of scumbags 2333. Now think about it, I can't bear the hardship of filming, and I use a stand-in for the film, Mom... this Jokes can also be kept as heirlooms.

The Internet is very lively, many people don't really care about Luo Xuange's supernatural events, and a large number of her fans also support her, but Luo Xuange missed the check because of the phone crash .

On the street, Luo Xuange stared at the screen for a long time. She searched hard in her original memory, but never found any memory that had any connection with the ancient Wu family. Therefore, An Junfeng and An Ruoshui deliberately recruited people from the ancient martial arts family to help her act in order to help her.

Master Luo's eyes gradually turned red, and when he regained his senses, An Ruoshui appeared on the screen.

"Xiao Luo, get well soon. The crew is still waiting for you to shoot, you must get well soon. We are all waiting for you to come back!" An Ruoshui looked directly at the camera , she hopes that Luo Xuange can see this live broadcast, and she hopes that Luo Xuange can come back soon.

Luo Xuange's nose was pantothenic acid, but An Ruoshui was not afraid of her, otherwise she would not have used this method to find her back.

After thinking about it, Luo Xuange wiped her tears, walked to the next intersection, and reached out to stop a taxi.

After getting in the car, Luo Xuange reported a string of the most familiar addresses. After hearing this, the uncle driver was stunned: "If you want to go there, then your identity must not be simple. Why did you come to take a taxi?"

"Driving!" Luo Xuange was a little impatient, she was now resigned, and she didn't have any extra energy to chat with the driver.

The driver nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

Luo Xuange sat in the back seat and turned on the phone, but the phone just turned on and turned off because it was completely out of power.

Master Luo sighed and put the phone in his pocket, closed his eyes and planned to take a nap.

"Well, maybe..."

"Hey, it's fine. You should have a better attitude, admit a mistake and be soft, a man can bend and stretch, right? No matter how big things are, they will pass slowly. There was a little noise for three days, a big noise for five days, and then one day I got sick and was hospitalized..."

Luo Xuange felt that the driver might have to persuade some couples about their love.

However, the driver's uncle changed his words: "Later, my wife wanted to divorce me just after the operation. When I was discharged from the hospital, she took the child and married a different man. You said, if I had been nicer to her, wouldn't I have left?"

Luo Xuange was stunned for a while, as if she did not expect this kind of development, but she was not in the mood or interest to comfort the uncle, and quietly leaned on the car: "Master, I have been busy for a long time. I'm a little tired, I'll go to bed first, and call me when you get there."

"Okay." The driver agreed readily, and after a while he suddenly asked with a smile: "Would you like some music? Do you want to have some music in the car, or I will sing a few songs for you myself? ?"

"Thank you, no need." If it wasn't for her not being able to drive, she would really like to point a hole and throw it behind her.

"You're welcome, I'll sing a cappella for you."

Before Luo Xuange agreed, the driver sang in the car.

Luo Xuange reluctantly tapped his acupuncture points to seal off his hearing, and finally fell asleep in the back seat for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Xuange was woken up by the driver.

"The front is a private place, so I can't go in. Just get off here. "The driver said with a smile.

Luo Xuange got off the car and gave all the money on him to the driver, and the money was just enough for the fare for this section of the road.

After the driver drove away, Luo Xuange ran a few steps inside, and when she reached the foot of the mountain, she began to perform light work and hurried towards the An family's old house halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, the Luo sect master is like an arrow, so much that she forgets that her disguise has not been removed.

The author has something to say: Xu Hao does not wash his whites, and the leader will clean up later.

Big Brother An's cp will not be him either, only so many spoilers.