MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 72 Han Yu's self-destruction

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Click on the hot search and you will see the popular Han Yu black material, #Han Yuself-explodingGodfatherGold Master#.

Luo Xuange really doesn't know about this matter. She just changed the wine glasses of the two of them, and added a bit of gu powder to the wine glasses. On the face of the face, he told all the wrong things he had done and the black material he had committed.

Luo Xuange looked at his mobile phone when he got home, his face was very calm, but his heart set off a storm. Although the martial arts in this world have little merit, these medicines are just too powerful. If it wasn't for her carrying the Gu worm with her, and the Gu worm sensed that there was medicine in the wine, she would not have crushed the Gu worm into powder and put it into a cup to exchange it with Han Yu.

Take out the few remaining little worms from the pocket, which were newly bought at the store last time, the mother gu has been returned to the store, but the store thinks 'nothing' The useful little Gu worm was left behind by her. But she didn't want these Gu insects to save her once.

But what kind of hatred does Han Yu have?

With the improvement, why did Han Yu provoke again and again? Is he really not afraid of An Shi?

Han Yu's self-declared godfather was a nouveau riche he met when he first debuted, but that man closed down a few days ago because the company failed to operate, so Han Yu, who is now in the front line, naturally won't mess with him again. Why did Han Yu suddenly reveal the black material scandal?

The things that Luo Xuange can't figure out are put aside for the time being. It seems that she needs to spend more time practicing the bone shrinking exercise. Those skills she has learned in her previous life must be retrieved as soon as possible. In fact, the world is far more dangerous than she imagined.

After a while, Li Tian followed An Ruoshui to the old house. As soon as she entered the door, she shouted to Luo Xuange, "Hey, Xiao Luo. I heard that you are going to buy a house?"

"Well, do you have any recommendations? I'm not very familiar with these." Luo Xuange got up and helped An Ruoshui take the coat. After Li Tian took out some documents, she sat down again Go back: "Thank you."

Li Tian laughed twice: "Xiao Luo has changed a lot recently, and she even said thank you with a stinky face. If this was put in the past, I would have suspected that she was hiding a knife in her smile."

An Ruoshui laughed lightly, Luo Xuange has changed a lot recently, maybe she has begun to slowly integrate into this world, after all, she has been in contact with a lot, and now living in this world has been very difficult Less use of the original memory.

Luo Xuange didn't care about Li Tian's joking, just handed the information to An Ruoshui: "See if you like it."

"How about this?" An Ruoshui bit her lower lip and thought for a long time before she made a decision: "This set is similar to the environment of the old house, although it is farther away, but the place is very quiet."

Li Tian leaned forward to look at it, and suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "This, um... I heard that this is a haunted house." He had already taken this information, why did he take it again coming?

An Ruoshui threw the information into Luo Xuange's arms with a pale face, Luo Xuange picked up the information and looked at it: "Why is it a haunted house? It looks very good, like a new house ."

"I don't know about this either. Anyway, I heard that many buyers avoided this house when choosing a house. Later, I asked a few acquaintances and they said that this old house often It sounds very intimidating. But this house was completed not long ago, it's a pity, such a beautiful house, such a good location, it is haunted." Li Tian said regretfully.

Luo Xuange didn't believe in ghosts and gods before, but now she has revived her own corpse, but she had to believe it, and asked two more questions out of curiosity.

"Just heard someone cry in there? Didn't find anything else?"

Li Tian thought about it carefully, and said for a long time: "I heard that someone saw a woman lying in the yard covered in blood, but it was only a blink of an eye, what other cats are there? Dogs often go in and disappear. You say horror is not scary. Xiao Luo, if you really want to buy that house, I advise you to find a master to consecrate it. "

Luo Xuange glanced at An Ruoshui again, and found that the other party was still pale, but because Li Tian was still there, she could not directly take the person into her arms for comfort.

Carefully asked: "Buy here?"

Seeing that An Ruoshui's face suddenly changed, Luo Xuange immediately changed his words: "Let's change the house, even if there is nothing here, so many people say there are ghosts, and it is not lucky to live in."

An Ruoshui heard that she would not choose there, and her face finally got better, Luo Xuange breathed a sigh of relief and handed all the information to Li Tian: "I just read a set, Bai Liu, Jiang Yihan and the others also Live around there and visit that house later."

"Also." Li Tian looked at the location pointed out by Luo Xuange, she smiled and said: "The security measures here are very good, many stars choose to live here, you live in Exactly."

After the selection, Li Tian's work has been completed for the most part, she sorted out the information and got up and said: "Then I will go first, the film crew has not yet started filming, taking advantage of this time slot, I will help You have received some advertising endorsements, all of which are An's brands."

"Well, you decide." An Ruoshui seldom decides on these matters. After all, these things have to be handed over to her. First, they have to be selected by the company, and then her elder brother will choose , In the end, it is necessary to arrange the time through Li Tian's specific analysis. As long as it is not a script, An Ruoshui seldom decides on his own.

Li Tian was about to leave when she suddenly stood up and said fiercely, "Suddenly I remembered that Xu Hao sent someone to contact me and wanted you to help endorse a new fragrance of Xu's. This... "

"If I push it, it means that my schedule is full and I don't have time to accept endorsements." An Ruoshui made a decision before Li Tian finished speaking.

In fact, the eldest brother punched Xu Hao last time, but he regretted it a little afterward. But she would never forgive Xu Hao. Fortunately, Luo Xuange had returned to her, otherwise she would never make Xu Hao and the Xu family have a better life.

Luo Xuange didn't understand why An Rushui was so excited, but last time she also saw that Xu Hao was not a good person to deal with. For An Ruoshui's decision, the leader Luo was secretly happy.

Li Tian was stunned for a while, as if she did not expect An Ruoshui to have such an overreaction, obviously she was a friend who collaborated on many works together a few years ago, why is there a sudden murderous intent today? .

After Li Tian left, Luo Xuange saw that An Ruoshui was in a bad mood and asked carefully, "What's wrong? You and Xu Hao had a holiday?"

"No." Naturally, An Ruoshui would not say that Xu Hao secretly found someone from the research team, because she knew Luo Xuange's temperament. It is possible to go to Xu Hao for revenge. What will happen later can be obviously expected, and she does not want Luo Xuange to have an accident.

Master Luo didn't want to ask more questions when she didn't want to talk. She just waited for when she wanted to talk, and she listened quietly.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to prepare dinner." Luo Xuange bluntly changed the subject.

An Ruoshui picked up the phone with a lot of thought, and sent four or five messages to An Junfeng in an instant.

The research team is not as simple as imagined. Although the ancient martial arts family can protect Luo Xuange for a while, it cannot protect her for the rest of her life. It is best to stabilize Luo Xuange's identity in the ancient martial arts family as soon as possible. . After all, Gu Wu is not as protective of Luo Xuange as it seems on the surface. At least after Luo Xuange came back, they never contacted Luo Xuange once.

The termination of the contract with the cooperative company directly suppressed that company. His psychology has reached a point that ordinary people cannot understand.

It happened that Xu Jia came in with a stack of documents at this time, opened the door and saw that An Junfeng was in a bad mood, and asked tentatively, "Brother An? Are you all right?"

"It's alright, why are you here?" An Junfeng put away the phone and put on a shallow smile on his face.

Xu Jia handed the information to him: "All the artists under my command have been arranged, Li Tian asked me to report to you first, after all, I came here by air, and it was appointed by the president again. My agent, the company is very taboo towards me."

"Okay, let's put it down. Go back early today." An Junfeng flipped through the information, Li Tian had already read it, he didn't need to bother, he waved to Xu Jia :"See you tomorrow."

Xu Jia smiled and stretched: "Then I'm off work now, right? It's really tiring, but I feel that this time has been very fulfilling."

"Yes, but didn't you say when you were young that you wanted to visit all over the world? Why are you willing to stay with me now?" An Junfeng knew that Xu Jia's temperament could not stand loneliness, So at first Xu Jia proposed to be an agent, and he could only arrange people to his sister. After all, Xu Jia could leave whenever he wanted by An Ruoshui's side, and it would not delay any major events.

I didn't expect Xu Jia to make up her mind not to leave. Now she has found another artist to stay.

Xu Jia smiled: "I also want to change the experience. I just wanted to play for a few days, but now I am suddenly addicted. This kind of nine-to-five work is not bad."

An old man with seven years of experience will tell you that from now on he will be working twenty-three hours a day. Every three to five, I have to work an hour of overtime.

Just as Xu Jia was about to leave, An Junfeng suddenly stopped her: "Wait, you... Where is your brother now?"

"I don't know." Xu Jia really didn't know. After she left the An family that day, she never saw her eldest brother again. Maybe she went to the domestic branch, or maybe she flew directly back to the headquarters. .

An Junfeng thought for a while, then said gently, "Can you help me contact him?"

"Contact him? Brother An, are you still angry?" Xu Jia felt sorry for Luo Xuange, especially in the past few days, he found that An Junfeng and Luo Xuan Ge actually had nothing to do with it, and the guilt in her heart deepened.

An Junfeng smiled and nodded: "Well, help me contact your brother, I have to talk to him about something."

The author has something to say: Sorry, something happened yesterday, my head is a little groggy, and I forgot that I haven't put the manuscript in the background. Sorry sorry.