MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 77 wolf and sheep

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Finally arrived at Zhan Mingzhuang, An Ruoshui was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, for fear that Luo Xuange would fight against any powerful disciple of the ancient martial family along the way. At that time, I will not mention the anger of the ancient martial arts family, and it is very likely that it will attract further attention from the research team.

She suddenly wondered if it was right for Luo Xuange to join the show.

After I got down, I gave them room numbers, and then led them to the room to rest.

hung up again.

Going to the next door and knocking on the door, Luo Xuange wore a bathrobe to open the door. At this time, they all chose to pause the live broadcast, so only An Ruoshui can appreciate the appearance of the leader Luo.

"Aren't you going to rest? Why are you here?" Luo Xuange was not tired, but she heard An Ruoshui's chaotic breath on the way. Xuan Ge still noticed.

At this moment, An Ruoshui came here without resting, Luo Xuange expressed her puzzlement.

An Ruoshui sat on Luo Xuange's bed, and said to Luo Xuange uneasy: "In the future, you should try your best to restrain yourself in the show, your behavior this afternoon is too ostentatious."

There was no way to make a move in front of him, it looked like Luo Xuange opened the hook and the other party deliberately released water.

Luo Xuange was stunned when she heard this sentence, her eyes dimmed, and finally nodded emotionally: "Okay, pay attention later."

An Ruoshui heard something wrong in her tone and walked in front of Luo Xuange, but Luo Xuange turned her head away and didn't want to meet her.

An Rushui stretched out her hand to support Luo Xuange's cheek, forcing Luo Xuange to face her eyes.

"What's wrong?" An Ruoshui asked a little uneasily, she knew that this person's brain was very strange, and she was afraid that Luo Xuange would think of some points that she could not think of at all.

Luo Xuange thought about it and decided to say it: "This is the first time someone has made me restrain myself."

An Ruoshui was stunned. She wanted to laugh at her showing off her strength, but she stopped talking. She suddenly remembered that this person is the leader of the demon sect who is not even afraid of imperial power. Ruo Shui's eyes were slightly red and whispered to Luo Xuange: "I'm sorry, I'm just too afraid that something will happen to you."

"It's okay, I know you're doing it for my own good." Luo Xuange laughed suddenly, she should be restrained, she is someone who died once, there is no need to carry the persistence in her previous life to this life . It's better to be a little more restrained as a human being, but it's just a little unwilling and unaccustomed to it.

He had to express his feelings to Luo Xuange in another way.

Master Luo received a sweet kiss from his wife again. Although he didn't understand why An Ruoshui was so active suddenly, he still threw away the grievances in his heart and devoted himself to the gentleness sent by An Ruoshui. middle.

Compared to Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui, Jiang Yihan, who was still walking outside Zhan Mingzhuang, and Xu Jia, who happened to meet at the moment, were too desolate.

Jiang Yihan stretched out his hand and pushed Xu Jia: "Hey, do you still have anything to eat?"

"I said eldest sister, it's still dark. The live broadcast is still going on. As a public figure, can you be gentle with me because of the camera?" Xu Jia looked tied to himself The rope, with a look of crying but no tears on his face.

She, like Meng Xiaomeng, thought it was a reality show for traveling and relaxing. In the end, when I got the task card, I found the word "sheep" written on it. Although I was confused, I still felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, she met Jiang Yihan as soon as she joined the program group. The other side's bracelet had the word "grey wolf" written on it, and she knew that she could not escape.

So Jiang Yihan took out the rope from the bag and tied her up according to the system prompt.

"I can't mislead the audience either, which big bad wolf will you pass to show respect to the little sheep? Jiang Yihan touched her empty stomach, she was so hungry after walking this afternoon mother.

Xu Jia had already finished eating, and now he is following Jiang Yihan on an empty stomach.

The small body has long been strangled.

Jiang Yihan hummed and smiled: "No, let me tell you, we have missed the time to go to Zhan Mingzhuang. I think it's only half an hour, and it will be completely dark this day. At that time, we could only find a nearby inn to stay for one night, and if we stayed outside, we could only wait to be challenged by other players with various competition cards. In the end, we either lost or were killed by others. out."

"Oh, God." Xu Jia couldn't cry anymore, why did she want to participate in this show in the first place? ! Can you not feel so embarrassed to be **** for a day in public?

Jiang Yihan saw Xu Jia's appearance, she couldn't help but smile, but when she thought of Xu Jia's temperament to give some color to the dyeing workshop, she suppressed her smile again.

"No hurry, we can get 100 gold coins by tying you for another hour. We will get 37 points." Jiang Yihan looked at the time on the bracelet: "Go to the nearby Let's go to the inn, and walk along the edge of the neighborhood, if you are too close, you will be discovered, and if you are too far, you will meet other players."

"Three or seven points. You have a little conscience." Xu Jia's attitude towards Jiang Yihan changed, but the next second Jiang Yihan nodded: "Well, I am seven and three."

"!! Can you be a little more shameless?" Xu Jia widened his eyes and accused Jiang Yihan's unscrupulous little black heart: "The one who is tied is me!"

Jiang Yihan tugged at the rope in his hand: "Yes, anyway, all the gold coins will be drawn in my bracelet when the meeting is over. I want to give you 19 points."

"I, you—" Sister Xu Jia was so angry that she couldn't speak, she went to the ground and wailed: "Five or five, otherwise I won't get up!"

"Hey, hurry up, someone will come over later, none of us can run away." Jiang Yihan seemed to be tying Xu Jia, but in fact, from the moment she tied Xu Jia, she The rope in your hand cannot be loosened, otherwise the capture will be judged invalid. So the two of them are grasshoppers tied to one body.

Xu Jia also gave up and wanted to fight for his own interests, lying on the ground and letting Jiang Yihan wear his lips would not get up.

At this time, they can still see their situation in the live broadcast room. Jiang Yihan's fans showed a clear aunt smile one by one, and suddenly felt that this pair was also a good match.

Jiang Yihan finally chose to compromise, squatted on the ground and patted Xu Jia's cheek: "Get up, five or five points!"

"Really?" Xu Jialue looked at her suspiciously, Jiang Yihan nodded seriously: "Really! The live broadcast room is still open, so many netizens staring at her dare to lie to you?"

Wen Yan Xu Jia finally decided to get up, but before she sat up from the ground, she remembered the rustling voice in the distance.

"Oops, someone is coming." Jiang Yihan urged Xu Jia in a panic: "Get up, this is a mountain road, we're going into the woods, they shouldn't find out."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yihan asked worriedly, don't cause any trouble, then her guilt will be big.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Xu Jia pushed Jiang Yihan: "Hey, you go first. My legs are numb now, I guess I can't walk an inch. You go first, so as not to be caught with me. Eliminated."

Jiang Yihan was stunned for a while, then suddenly squatted down and said, "Don't talk nonsense, come up quickly."

"You..." Xu Jiazheng was moved, and Jiang Yihan suddenly said: "Hurry up, I can get 100 gold coins in only one hour, and it would be too bad to give up now."

Xu Jia was not moved at all at this moment, and threw herself on Jiang Yihan's back, probably feeling like she wanted to slap her to death.

What Xu Jia didn't know was that when she threw herself on Jiang Yihan's back, Jiang Yihan's mouth had a shallow smile.

Although Xu Jia doesn't know, the audience in the live broadcast room can see it clearly. So a large number of CP fans emerged in the live broadcast room of the two, and Xu Jia was also identified.

Xu Yingdi's sister, no wonder she is so good-looking, so a large number of Xu Hao's girlfriend fans also came to watch Xu Jia with a small heart.

Jiang Yihan gasped for breath. When she couldn't hear any movement behind, she found a flat place to put Xu Jia down, and then squatted down to help Xu Jia rub her legs: "Is it still uncomfortable? ?"

"A little." Xu Jia said angrily.

Jiang Yihan didn't care either, and helped to rub it: "This should make you feel better."

As soon as Jiang Yihan finished speaking, Xu Jia's stomach was so hungry that he got up after thinking about it: "I'll untie it for you, you stay here, I'll go ahead and see if you can You can't get food on credit."

"Oh, don't!" Xu Jia held Jiang Yihan's outstretched hand: "Don't, don't, it's half an hour before you can get a hundred gold coins, don't give up halfway."

"But you're hungry, don't you have a stomachache if you don't eat anything?"

"Wait, don't talk..." Jiang Yihan listened carefully and seemed to hear something again. The two held their breath and dared not make any movement. run away.

Xu Jia was also sweating nervously. Suddenly someone from a distance came, and Jiang Yihan happily waved to the person: "Bai Liu, here, here, here."

Bai Liu looked around, and soon found Jiang Yihan who beckoned to her, dragged the backpack on her back and trotted away.

"What are you doing?" Bai Liu asked in confusion when she saw Jiang Yihan holding the rope that bound Xu Jia.

Jiang Yihan explained it patiently, and then asked about Bai Liu's situation. The two chatted hotly, and Xu Jia whispered: "What, it's amazing to meet acquaintances."

Although the voice was low, Bai Liu and Jiang Yihan at the scene might not be able to hear it clearly, but the audience in the live broadcast room could hear it clearly, watching Jiang Yihan suddenly burst into a malicious laughter.

Bai Liu learned about the current situation of Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia, she immediately took out the water and some food in the backpack, and handed it to Jiang Yihan: "Here, let's eat first."

Jiang Yihan was not too polite, given her relationship with Bai Liu, she took over the food and water, Jiang Yihan unscrewed the cap and handed the bottle to Xu Jia: "Come, drink quickly Some water. Don't get thirsty after running all afternoon."

"I don't drink it!" Xu Jia turned his head stubbornly, and Jiang Yihan hummed: "Don't drink it, I drink it myself."

Then I saw Jiang Yihan gurglingly drained half the bottle of water, Xu Jia finally couldn't bear it anymore, and started shouting at Jiang Yihan: "Hey, it's a hippo. You leave me some."

"Yo, don't you not drink?" Jiang Yihan looked at Xu Jia very proudly, but she didn't know what she would think if she found out that this was her male god's sister after she went out.

Xu Jia stood up from the ground after eating and drinking. This time, she was a little more obedient. She did not talk back to Jiang Yihan, nor did she deliberately trouble Jiang Yihan. Instead, she was next to Jiang Yihan and Jiang Yihan. Walking side by side.

It was not easy for the four little flowers to reunite in the season, but now Bai Liu and Jiang Yihan are standing together, and the focus in the live broadcast room is actually the inexplicable ambiguous atmosphere between Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia.

The author has something to say: You don't have to worry about Xu Jia, she has her own happiness, although she met a slightly straight man with a black belly.