MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 80 Enemy road is narrow

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Meng Xiaomeng stayed beside An Ruoshui, watching Luo Xuange meditating carefully.

An Ruoshui whispered to Meng Xiaomeng: "Go and buy something to eat, I'll watch here."

Meng Xiaomeng nodded, but walked out two steps and backed back: "Do you want something to drink?"

"Huh? You don't need to drink, buy a few more." An Ruoshui thinks that the three of them will definitely not be the ones who can think of coming here, and maybe they will meet other acquaintances later. Therefore, you can prepare more food and buy them with food, thus pulling them into the alliance. This will greatly increase the odds of winning.

Meng Xiaomeng doesn’t have a lot of gold coins on her body, but it’s okay to buy a few more servings, but I don’t quite understand why I don’t need to buy and drink.

Meng Xiaomeng just left, and another opponent who competed with Luo Xuange also failed because she couldn't help it.

Three more gold coins instantly appeared in Luo Xuan's singer ring, followed by five, two, and four. In the end, Luo Xuange stood up slowly and checked the twenty gold coins accumulated in the bracelet.

An Ruoshui took out a tissue to wipe off Luo Xuange's sweat. This move not only exploded in the live broadcast room, but the whole scene started to talk about it.

Luo Xuange, who has always been fearless, feels a little embarrassed at this moment.

However, An Ruoshui continued to help Luo Xuange wipe the sweat like no one else. After Meng Xiaomeng came, the two stopped interacting.

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Luo Xuange and blinked, she seemed to have misunderstood something just now, it must be an illusion, how could An Ruoshui wipe the sweat of Luo Xuange, it is impossible.

Give all the things to Luo Xuange: "Here, three gold coins are used for these. In addition, I ate and drank last night and this morning, and I spent five gold coins in total."

As soon as Meng Xiaomeng finished speaking, she heard someone calling her name, and when she looked around, she saw Jiang Yihan dragging her family... No, Jiang Yihan led a group of teammates to rush come over.

The moment Meng Xiaomeng saw her sister, she almost burst into tears, because she suddenly remembered that she forgot to mark her sister, and she must be worried if she didn't see her when she came back.

Meng Xiaomeng walked quickly to Xu Ru, except for Xu Jia, everyone knew about the relationship between Meng Xiaomeng and Xu Ru, so they didn't think anything was wrong, but the onlookers looked a little bit surprise.

The live broadcast room was also feeling indignant for Xu Ru.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to leave a signal. I know I was wrong." Meng Xiaomeng obediently admitted her mistake, of course Xu Ru didn't blame her, raised her hand and touched Meng Xiaomeng's head: "Good, I don't blame you."

Live Room—

Netizen 1: What the hell, I’m always attacking Su Shangtian, this kind of attack makes me unable to close my legs.

Netizen 2: This is too petite. Isn't it good that this show did not prepare various lines and scripts in advance? How can this still happen?

Netizen 3: Mama, I start to believe in love again!

Netizen 4: To be honest, Duomeng and Xu Ru are a good match.

Meng Xiaomeng and her sister obediently admitted their mistake, and as soon as they turned around, they saw Bai Liu next to her, she suddenly spread her arms and rushed towards Bai Liu: "I finally see you, we finally got together again. Come together. I miss you so much… you guys.”

Hearing this, Jiang Yihan's mouth twitched slightly, and patted Meng Xiaomeng's shoulder: "Is it enough? It's time to change me."

"Hee hee, you don't need it. Seeing that you are covered in ashes, forget it." Meng Xiaomeng smiled and hid to the side, lest Jiang Yihan's anger would hurt the innocent.

Jiang Yihan looked at the dust on her body and suddenly encountered a black shop last night. What can she do? She received the system prompt in the middle of the night and left the inn with her baggage, otherwise she is now carrying a hundred gold coins The big money ah.

Xu Jia saw that they were in a good relationship, and she couldn't help but feel envious, but when she accidentally caught An Ruoshui, she shook her arm: "Sister An An."

An Ruoshui had seen Xu Jia for a long time, but because of what happened that night, she didn't know how to face Xu Jia, after all, his brother beat Xu Jia's brother, although it was true Xu Hao is wrong, but for a younger sister, it is difficult to calm down after her brother was beaten. Seeing that Xu Jia didn't respond very much at the moment, she was slightly relieved.

"Let's go." Luo Xuange took An Ruoshui's hand and came to Xu Jia and others: "I formed an alliance, do you want to join?"

Jiang Yihan naturally proposed to join, not to mention that An Ruoshui, the big money, has been staying by Luo Xuange's side, just because of Luo Xuange's personal strength, it is also right to follow her.

Xu Jia saw that Jiang Yihan had joined, so she also joined in.

As for Xu Ru and Bai Liu, they also joined the Demon Cult Alliance of Lord Luo after some hesitation.

Originally they had already negotiated, but suddenly one person came out of the crowd, still with a charming smile on his face, walked to Luo Xuange: "Are there any more places? I don't mind. If so, can I join?"

Luo Xuange didn't like the people of the ancient martial family, especially after provoking Zheng Xu in the morning.

But An Ruoshui saw that Gu Xunxue and the senior brother of the ancient Wu family seemed to be at odds, the enemy of the enemy was a friend, so he quietly gestured to Luo Xuange, and finally Luo Xuange Agree with Gu Xunxue to join the alliance.

Meng Xiaomeng ran errands to buy more food, and they went to a nearby small hotel to open four rooms. After a simple lunch, a few people gathered to discuss what to do next things to prepare.

"It costs five gold coins a night to live here, but the danger is very high. Xu Jia and I lived here last night, and suddenly the bracelet glowed in the middle of the night, and the system gave a prompt, we met The black shop robbed, deducted all the gold coins, and then the staff kept knocking on the door outside, forcing us to leave with our backpacks." Speaking of these Jiang Yihan is full of resentment, this show is really too inhumane.

Bai Liu also shared her experience of the day and her own summed up experience: "A person outside can also trigger accidental events, when I was crossing the road in the middle of the night last night, suddenly the system As a reminder, I encountered a small thief blocking the road and forcibly deducted five gold coins."

Xu Ru glanced at Bai Liu, and then shared her experience: "Last night I stayed with Xiaomeng in this hotel, but the accidental incident you encountered did not happen."

Gu Xunxue, who was silent on the side, suddenly said, "Not only that, but also be careful of passers-by, today a man passed me by, and after the man walked for half a minute, the system Give a hint, my gold has been stolen. If I can catch the thief within an hour, I can save my loss."

"How many gold coins have you stolen?" An Ruoshui felt that there must be a lot of money stolen, otherwise Gu Xunxue wouldn't be so angry about it.

Gu Xunxue chuckled: "No more, no less, a thousand."

"!!" Meng Xiaomeng suddenly remembered, as if she was preventing Gu Xunxue from recovering the loss, oh my god...she seems to have made a mistake again.

Gu Xunxue suddenly raised her hand and touched the soft fur on Meng Xiaomeng's head: "It's none of your business, don't think about it."

"But I'm..."

"It's none of your business, don't think about it." Although Gu Xunxue thought this girl was interesting, she didn't want to see her keep blaming herself.

An Ruoshui chuckled: "Don't blame Xiaomeng, she can earn 1,000 gold coins on the first day, are you afraid that she won't be able to collect 100 today?"

Meng Xiaomeng was stunned for a while, An Ruoshui was right, this man is a big monster, he can earn 1,000 gold coins in a day, how can he not make up 100 now? So she should take it easy.

Luo Xuange looked at Gu Xunxue meaningfully: "How did you earn a thousand gold coins?"

Gu Xunxue said nonchalantly, "Of course it was obtained by competition, could it be robbed?"

"With so many people, how did you find so many players with the same competition as you in half a day?" Luo Xuange was still curious.

Gu Xunxue didn't plan to say any more, and started to play with his fingers with a smile.

An Ruoshui expressed some dissatisfaction with Gu Xunxue's bad temper, but Luo Xuange admired the other party's attitude, and had the temper of an old friend of hers.

"I probably know." Luo Xuange suddenly warned coldly: "However, I hope you can think clearly, we are in the same alliance now."

Meng Xiaomeng and others were at a loss when they heard Luo Xuange's words, but An Ruoshui vaguely understood that the reason why Gu Xunxue didn't explain was because her competition project was stealing or not. grab.

Gu Xunxue saw that An Ruoshui's eyes were clear, so she smiled casually. Anyway, she was used to being alone, and she didn't expect anyone to understand.

Meng Xiaomeng still doesn't understand what they are talking about, but don't think so much now, at least Luo Xuange has earned enough life for five people, some people in the alliance don't need to worry .

Xu Ru also stretched out her wrist and clicked on the information message on the bracelet: "I just earned a lifespan, so don't worry about me now."

"I have three more here, you don't have to worry about me." Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly.

Luo Xuange now distributes each lifespan equally, but An Ruoshui silently converted it into gold coins after accepting it, because her real occupation does not require lifespan.

The lifespan of other people also depends on the scattered gold coins in their hands." An Ruoshui took out the map and circled a few points: "I have read it carefully. At present, the players in these places gather the most, but there may be some in these mountains and forests. The resources provided by the program group. There can be several people outside to check it out.”

An Ruoshui also followed Luo Xuange: "I'm with you. After all, I'm a boxer. If I really fight, I can only use my acting skills to pretend to be a corpse."

Meng Xiaomeng shook her head: "I have two competitions, one is boxing and the other is tongue twister."

Everyone is ashamed, the mascot is really a mascot, these two competitions are too weak. And the luck component of boxing is too great. If Meng Xiaomeng doesn't have absolute gold coin support, she can easily be eliminated by someone else's lifespan. So everyone shook their heads helplessly and said that it is better for the mascot to be a mascot obediently.

Jiang Yihan said: "I only have one, the gray wolf. As long as I encounter animals that I can restrain, I will basically win."

"My sheep, and one is dancing." Xu Jia added.

Others also reported their competition items, and finally Gu Xunxue chuckled: "Steal, as long as you are in contact with the other party for five seconds, you can steal ten percent of the other party's The gold coins you have for one minute are 100% gold coins. If you don’t have them, you will directly ask for the life of the other party.”

The easiest thing here is probably Gu Xunxue, but she has also been stolen by others because she was unprepared.

"Then make sure now, Gu Xunxue takes Meng Xiaomeng, Xu Jia and Jiang Yihan to the square. Bai Liu and Xu Ru partnered to go to the city to collect newbie gifts that others missed. After all, yours The competition is not very dangerous, and you can only compete with one person at a time. Xiao Luo and I will go to the forest to see. We will return here at 2:30 in the afternoon. "

Although this alliance was formed by Luo Xuange, it was basically An Ruoshui in command.

After a few people were confirmed, they set off.

Luo Xuange was a little silent along the way, An Ruoshui noticed it, but because it was not easy to ask directly during the live broadcast, she mentioned it politely: "I haven't been to this kind of forest for a long time. Now, do you feel that the air is different? I feel better."

Luo Xuange was stunned for a while, and then a soft smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, it feels very comfortable here."

But some people didn't want them to be happy. As soon as Luo Xuange's voice fell, a person appeared in front of him, and when he looked intently, Luo Xuange couldn't help laughing and crying.

I saw Xu Hao and Zheng Xu walking towards this side side by side, Luo Xuange clenched his fists slightly: the enemy's road is narrow.

The author has something to say: I have a cold and my head is dizzy all day. Everyone must pay attention to rest, take care of yourself.

Love you all~

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