MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 96 reality show over (1)

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"What's next?"

Around five in the afternoon, everyone gathered at the hotel.

Checking the message record on the bracelet, An Ruoshui's mood is quite complicated.

Unexpectedly, there are only four groups of alliances, and there are also teams with Xu Hao.

If she removes Xu Hao now, then Xu Hao's alliance will not be fourth, after all, Luo Xuange is at the bottom.

Although Luo Xuange said that she never cared about the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, but An Ruoshui wanted to follow Luo Xuange's character, she was afraid that she would definitely not be reconciled to the last one.

Listening to An Ruoshui's question, Luo Xuange took out the tablet and looked at it: "Let's take a look at the situation first. After all, the third season has not yet started, we don't know what the third season is. mode to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. But let's not lose too badly."

Temporary team.

There are ten members in Xu Hao's team, and the remaining two teams are nine and eight respectively. And Luo Xuange has only eight people here.

"No matter which way we compare, we shouldn't lose too badly." Jiang Yihan said, although her words were harsh, but she felt that she was telling the truth, after all, they The overall state of the entire league is indeed much better than others.

, After all, the third season is a pure reality show, and no other peripheral games will be developed, so here you only need to give full play to your sense of variety, and you don't have to compete everywhere in order to eliminate most of the players like the first season.

The next morning, all the players met at Jamestown in the center of the island. The third season of the game has officially started.

The result is indeed similar to Luo Xuange's estimate. The third season is a similar talent competition, with various levels set up, and each team member can only participate once.

However, each league captain is prohibited from playing and can only play once as a substitute.

This rule was probably imposed for Luo Xuange's sake.

But they don't have to worry, although their overall level doesn't seem to be comparable to the men of other alliances, but with Gu Xunxue, the ancient martial elder, they can barely pull back a game.

"Each player can only play twice, and if they withdraw in the middle, they can be replaced by the league captain."

Luo Xuange read the rules of the game again, and then said: "Then you arrange the players first, the first round is to guess the lyrics. Who will go first?"

Xu Jia launched Bai Liu and said with a smile, "Bai Liu, they are professional."

"I'll go." Jiang Yihan stood up. In fact, she is also a music major, but everyone ignored her because of her sense of variety.

Bai Liu also nodded in agreement: "Actually, I have been living abroad all the time. This kind of guessing lyrics should contain a lot of domestic folk songs and folk songs. I'm afraid I can't."

"So I'll go." Jiang Yihan looked at Xu Jia and said proudly: "I used to dominate the professional area back then. Don't look down on people."

After listening to Jiang Yihan's words, netizens were about to make a fancy mockery, but many people called senior sister to cheer.

So more people began to investigate Jiang Yihan's major, and then found that she was indeed a music major, but she had a strong sense of variety. Except for the flute performance when she first debuted, she never showed it again own profession.

It's no wonder that netizens are not familiar with her.

Li Tian, ​​who was watching the live broadcast, asked Xu Xiu puzzled: "Why didn't Jiang Yihan develop on the music road? It's better than her starting a variety show from scratch."

"Music?" Xu Xiu shook her head: "She's not interested in that. She's just a high-scoring scholar, not someone like Bai Liu who pours her soul into the pursuit of art."

"Then how can you be sure that she has a good sense of variety? I think her acting skills are also good, usually exaggerated is full of drama." Li Tian retorted, but she couldn't understand why Jiang Yihan took the test in the first place Conservatory of music, obviously the tuition is high and the price is high, don't you like to drill into it? That kid shouldn't have been hit too brain-dead back then.

"Meng Xiaomeng also likes music, but it's just a hobby, it can't be said that it has poured into her soul, Luo Xuange also loves music, but for her, it's just learning to play. She should be her. Only Bai Liu feels it with her body and mind, and Jiang Yihan is interesting. She doesn't like it but forces herself to learn it, which I don't understand. As for the sense of variety show, she controls The field ability is quite strong, whatever happens between Meng Xiaomeng and Luo Xuange, she is basically in Zhou Xuan."

Xu Xiu chuckled: "When Meng Xiaomeng had an accident, she went to the hospital, Bai Liu and Luo Xuange were impatient and went straight up the stairs. I asked at that time, and Jiang Yihan followed the stairs, she was not I forgot about the elevator, but didn't want to meet those people too early. After all, Zhang Manman was wearing a famous brand from the beginning to the end of the show. She could see that the person was either rich or expensive. She couldn't touch it, but she was also worried about her friends. , can only be dragged up slowly. This kind of person is very shrewd, she will not offend the person she can afford the most, and will not give up every friend around her. "

"But, didn't it mean that she met Luo Xuange, Meng Xiaomeng and the others at the beginning of the game?" Li Tian was quite puzzled: "She praised the high and stepped down? Later, I saw Luo Xuange clearly. The strengths of Xuan Ge and Meng Xiaomeng have been posted again?"

"It's not as complicated as you said, grabbing a bed is not a big deal, Meng Xiaomeng's temperament is soft, and she's a bit dull, it's better for Jiang Yihan to contact Luo Xuange through her, but she just shows her favor It will reduce the impression that he left on them, and Jiang Yihan can easily attract the attention of Meng Xiaomeng and Luo Xuange with some means.

But Luo Xuange should have understood it at that time, otherwise it would not be so neat to change the bed. This can be regarded as her acquiescence, allowing Jiang Yihan to approach. "

"Serve! Oh, if we had come to An's earlier, wouldn't we have made a name for ourselves now?" Li Tian said regretfully, Xu Xiu chuckled and disagreed, after all seven years She couldn't see these things before. After staying at the bottom of the company for seven years, these things can be regarded as some of her life gains.

"Don't look, let's cook."

Xu Xiu raised her foot and kicked Li Tian, ​​Li Tian raised her head with a rogue face: "I cooked it in the morning, can you now..."

"Either go home and fix three meals by yourself, or stay to cook to cover the rent." Xu Xiu looked down at her, Li Tian touched her nose shyly: "Okay, I'll do it. I do it, and it's none of my business to say it's unpalatable when I eat it."

Li Tian glanced at the screen before leaving, and found that Jiang Yihan had taken the first point and bowed to all the players. In the second round, Meng Xiaomeng was selected, but what is interesting is that Meng Xiaomeng was selected by Xu Ru.

"In the second round of the competition, turn around in place for one minute, and then quickly blindfolded and walked on the single-plank bridge. Who will be in the second round?" Luo Xuange asked everyone, anyway, she is the captain of the alliance, only a substitute But there is no chance to play directly.

Xu Ru suddenly pushed Meng Xiaomeng out: "Xiaomeng has a good sense of balance, she can go."

"Hey, I... I'm not. I, I, I won't... No!" Meng Xiaomeng said intermittently, causing others to not hear clearly, and quickly pushed her away go out.

"Come on, Xiaomeng!"

Xu Jia shouted encouragement to Meng Xiaomeng, at this moment Meng Xiaomeng was walking on the single-plank bridge with her eyes sullen, and now there are still the canteen auntie and the model lady on it. Brother, he fainted on the turntable and was sent straight back to the league.

"How many more, ah ah..." Meng Xiaomeng's voice was trembling, she was afraid that she would accidentally roll into the quagmire, so she took every step cautiously.

Xu Ru shouted: "There is still about one meter five, you slow down, don't worry."

"Wow, hurt me, I want to go home and tell my mother." Meng Xiaomeng burst into tears when she heard Xu Ru's voice.

However, the live broadcast room was suddenly silent, and there was not much sound at the scene.

Live Room—

Indulge in cakes for a year: Hey, I heard wrong, I heard wrong...

Crazy Infatuated Bai Qianyu: Sister? Dry or dear? What is the courtesy or accidentally exposed? I have always been yy's cp is a sister? ? ?

The scene suddenly became active again, the laughter of the crowd remained, and Meng Xiaomeng also reacted: "The shadow of childhood cannot be forgotten."

Xu Ru's embarrassment was also resolved, and the live broadcast room was suddenly relieved. They knew that Xu Ru and Meng Xiaomeng, who had such a strong sense of CP, could be sisters? !


Li Tian just came out of the kitchen at this moment, and suddenly laughed when she saw this scene.

She made up for the scene of Luo Xuange calling his wife to An Ruoshui, and didn't know how netizens should react at that time.

"Oh." Li Tian touched her head, looked at Xu Xiu, and asked in a daze, "Is lunch ready?"


"What the hell?"




Li Tian obediently went to the kitchen again, Xu Xiu looked at the busy figure of the man in the kitchen, and couldn't help hooking the corners of her lips, she seemed to have waited a long time for this day, but...maybe more in the future After waiting longer, I don't know if I should give up.

In the second round, Meng Xiaomeng finally walked over.

After the second round, Meng Xiaomeng slowly returned to Luo Xuange with trembling legs, Gu Xunxue immediately stepped forward to support her: "Are you alright?"

"No, it's fine." Listening to Gu Xunxue's concerned voice, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly looked at her with emotion: "You will be my sister from now on!"


Gu Xunxue expressed that she did not want to be her sister.

Looking at the silent Gu Xunxue and the others, Meng Xiaomeng slowed down a little: "Have the results of the second round come out? Did I score?"

"Well, you and the aunt each get one point, and Miss Model gets zero points. The remaining friend loses one point."

Luo Xuange took the tablet and looked at the extra point in the alliance, she thanked Meng Xiaomeng, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly blushed: "No thanks, I have joined the alliance for so long. It's the first time I've contributed to the league."

It is impossible not to be moved, Meng Xiaomeng wanted to stand on the mountain to cheer for herself.

"Wrist-wrestling in the third round, it will be decided by lottery. But before the game, you need to do a small game, shoot darts. The player with the highest score in the league will play in the third round." Luo Xuange looked at the third round. After the third round, he looked at Gu Xunxue in a good mood: "How are you doing in the third round?"

"Me? Okay." Gu Xunxue's arm was injured. Although she has recovered now, she is afraid that she will still be affected.

But looking around the players in other leagues, she felt that they were arm wrestling with her, and she should be able to win.

Before shooting darts, everyone has to go for a ride on the coaster, and when everyone's willpower is almost exhausted, they can start throwing darts.

An Ruoshui was the first to play, and he missed the target.

When Gu Xunxue was up, she only got a nine. After all, she couldn't stand the bumps of the roller coaster.

'sss', after a few breaths of cold air, Xu Jia opened her eyes in a daze, looked at the dart in the center of the bullseye, and then at the dazzling ten, she was at a loss. Look at the players.

"I, I didn't do it on purpose." Xu Jia didn't expect to be so lucky today, and suddenly threw a ten, and even suppressed Gu Xunxue.

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room, Gu Xunxue smiled indifferently: "Don't be afraid, go. Believe in yourself."

"I, can I really?" Xu Jia looked at the four opposite, including a professional weightlifter and a boxing enthusiast, and the remaining one was a powerful person in the circle Fighting star.

She swallowed her saliva, she was sure that her small body was sent to the game, not to the enemy?

"Don't be afraid, take it easy..." Jiang Yihan looked at Xu Jia with a smirk.

Xu Jia glared at her sadly: "Stop laughing!"

"Yes, yes, don't bother. If you want to go to the game first, as long as you can hold on for three seconds and stop after three seconds, the captain can go up and replace you." An idea came up, but Xu Jia felt that it was better not to talk about this idea, after all, she might be killed when she went up.

"Go and prepare, it's okay to lose, focus on participating and be happy."

Everyone was surprised when they heard Luo Xuange's words. In their hearts, they all felt that Luo Xuange's goal was the championship. She didn't expect that she didn't value these things.

Luo Xuange looked at everyone helplessly, in fact, at first, she didn't even want to come, it was Madam who coerced and lured her to come.

Xu Jia listened to Luo Xuange's words, and then took a closer look at Luo Xuange's duplicity, and found that Luo Xuange's eyes did not pretend to be relaxed, she became relieved, just focused on participating That's good, she also goes up and has a good time.

"Come on! Friendship first, competition second." Jiang Yihan stretched out his hand and gave Xu Jia a high five, watching Xu Jia go into battle easily, and the alliance members were less nervous.

Luo Xuange could actually find an excuse to shake hands with Xu Jia just now, and then give her some internal power, but Luo Xuange gave up after thinking about it, after all, her existence is already against the sky, If Xu Jia easily defeated those very strong enemies, it would probably cause quite a stir. By then, Xu Jia might not have a good life, so she might as well just lose this point.

Competing with Xu Jia is a martial arts actor. He is a member of Xu Hao's team. He was nervous for a while when he saw Xu Jia, then eased up and stretched out his hand to Xu Jia Inviting: "Come quickly."

"Come!" Xu Jia looked heroic.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jia persisted for three seconds, and soon at the third second, Xu Jia suddenly stopped: "Stop! Quit! Request to replace the league captain to participate."

The martial arts actor was suddenly dumbfounded. When he just came on stage, he suddenly thought that Xu Jia was Xu Hao's sister. Now Xu Hao is participating in a reality show, and there are rumors that he is going to make a comeback again, so he doesn't want Xu Hao to make a comeback. The younger sister lost too badly, so she was going to give it five seconds on purpose, but she didn't expect this to happen.

He was able to beat Xu Jia in seconds, but in the face of Luo Xuange, the great disciple of ancient martial arts who could single out Zheng Xu, he no longer had this confidence.

Xu Hao looked at the man obscurely off the field, and then revealed the most familiar smile to the audience.

Luo Xuange handed the tablet to An Ruoshui: "I'll be back soon."

Luo Xuange played, everyone knew that this alliance of Luo Xuange would definitely get it.

The result was as they expected, Luo Xuange didn't hide his strength when he came on the court, he just didn't use his internal strength, and soon won a point.

"Finally it's the fourth round, we have three points now, and if we get the fourth point, we can win the third season." Bai Liu said happily, after all, there are only six rounds in total , while the scores of the other teams so far are minus 2, minus 1, and 0 respectively.

"The last game..." Luo Xuange looked at the game format of the last game and felt it was strange: "Please find the beauty in your mind and present it. Time is one Hours. In the end, netizens will score, and the one with the highest score wins.”

"Beauty? Does this refer to people, objects, or just a concept?" An Ruoshui didn't quite understand what the show team said about beauty.

"I think it is a concept. People are not fairies, it is impossible to think that person is beautiful, and the same is true for objects. I think it is a reliable concept, as long as you give a few points, people who empathize There should be a lot."

"Xiao Luo, what do you think?"

After Xu Ru finished speaking, she found that everyone was silent, so she had to ask the alliance captain Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange nodded lightly: "I probably understand a little, since there is no perfect thing, then use the shortcomings to make up for it, I need pen and ink to paint, help me arrange it in the shortest time. "

Soon everyone prepared all the brushes and inks Luo Xuange needed, and it was precisely because of these things that An Ruoshui believed that Luo Xuange would indeed draw.

"Xuange, what are you going to paint?"

Meng Xiaomeng is very curious, I heard that Luo Xuange drew a picture at the owner of the store during the live broadcast before, but unfortunately she couldn't see it with her own eyes, this time she finally had a chance.

Luo Xuange chuckled lightly: "Of course it's painting beautiful women."

"Everyone has a different understanding of beauty. Some people want the true temperament of the world, the truth, goodness and beauty. Some people only value the skin, and some people think that what they have is beauty. Luo Xuange has already spread out the drawing paper: "So when these things are combined together, whether it is beautiful or not depends on how the world views this work."

Several families soon appeared in the painting, but they were all closed, and then a little man selling candied haws was drawn. The little man fell to the ground with a face full of pain. Candied haws were scattered all over the place.

Then a little girl, standing next to the little guy, with tears on her face, looked like she was crying.

Everyone felt that the little girl was crying for the little guy and the candied haws all over the floor.

But soon someone grabbed the little girl's arm, trying to forcefully drag the little girl away, just when everyone held their breath and worried about the little girl, Suddenly, the same few men with ferocious spirits were lying on the ground, and they all fell to the ground with their faces full of pain.

Soon, a woman who could only see her back appeared on the painting. She was about ten years old. She was wearing a red robe and everyone was terrified. Xuan Ge's few sketches turned into a red girl who saved the crying girl.

In the end Luo Xuange picked up the pen and drew lips on the little girl's face, but she saw that the little girl had tears on her face, but she was smiling happily.

, and soon everyone's sense of beauty will come.

This painting of Luo Xuange is beautiful, the characters in the painting are beautiful, and everything reflected in the painting is also beautiful.

When everyone was amazed, Luo Xuange did not stop writing, but continued to paint in the painting. There were still blood droplets on his body.

The smugness in the eyes of the little guy turned into fear in this scene.

Luo Xuange put the pen down, took the painting in his hand, and tore it in half without hesitation. When everyone was amazed, Luo Xuange turned the painting upside down Pieced together, the painting shows a girl in red lying on the ground. The little girl ran to her crying, but was held tightly by the people behind her, and soon looked at the little guy again. All the sympathy, and the helplessness of the seriously wounded.

This painting is really finished, but Luo Xuange quickly rubbed the paper together and threw the finished painting into the trash.

Although her performance has ended, the others seem to be still immersed in that special way of speaking and the fate of the two girls.

Take the sword, the girl in red has no forgiveness for her sins, put down the sword, her helplessness makes people sympathize, and the crying and laughing of the little girl makes people feel more distressed and worried. The salesman's indifference and helplessness in his eyes made people hate him but understand him.

This painting is Luo Xuange's memory, Xuan Yang sneaked down the mountain and entangled with the salesman, and encountered a human trafficker.

Behind is the scene where Xuanyang was taken away by soldiers who changed into civilian clothes before she died.

Part of Luo Xuange's memory about the past life is very vague, after all, it is impossible for a person to remember everything clearly from beginning to end, but only these two things, Luo Xuange Xuange was deeply engraved in my heart.

After more than ten minutes, everyone recovered from their feelings and wanted to see Luo Xuange's painting again, but suddenly realized that Luo Xuange had given the painting to destroyed.

They have no chance if they want to relive it again. In fact, all this is very short-lived, just a momentary thing.

Luo Xuange stretched out his hand and rubbed it, and the two scenes on one piece of drawing paper disappeared.

And it may be half a lifetime for them to ponder. Everyone was shocked by Luo Xuange's painting method, and they all silently voted for Luo Xuange.

Live Room—

Warm: Why does Luo always bring all kinds of surprises?

Mai: Because my Luo's renewal has expired 2333

Mu Xi: Actually, I really don't want to see Luo Xuange like this. After all, she can draw these things, she needs to go through a lot of tempering in her heart to see through these facts.

Pill: It touched me very deeply. I used to think she was a lucky little girl. Now it seems that we may actually be more fortunate and comfortable than her.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xuange noticed that An Ruoshui's expression was very wrong, she immediately went to ask, An Ruoshui suddenly cried and hugged Luo Xuange: "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Luo Xuange didn't understand why An Ruoshui said this suddenly, but An Ruoshui hugged her, she just hugged An Ruoshui and caressed An Ruoshui's back , Luo Xuange comforted in a low voice: "What's wrong? Don't be afraid, it's fine. I've always been here, no matter how big it is, I'll always be by your side."

"Hmm~" An Ruoshui hummed softly, she just felt that the characters in the painting were very miserable, and it was painted by Luo Xuange herself, even if it wasn't something Luo Xuange had ever experienced, The person in the painting must also be someone Luo Xuange is familiar with, otherwise it would be impossible to paint so vividly and movingly.

Live Room—

Crazy Infatuated Bai Qianyu: What the hell! I was wrong, I was blind, what is my goddess doing? !

Indulge in eating cakes for a year: Aren't my goddess and Luo Xuange really in love with little lovers? Why do I look more and more like it? Hey, have my goddess and the person I want to marry get together? Then what should I do~

Jiang Yihan at the scene felt that something was wrong, she coughed softly: "My throat is a little uncomfortable."

Xu Jia immediately took the water and handed it to her, Jiang Yihan took it with a light smile, took two sips and said happily, "Thank you."

And An Ruoshui also retreated from Luo Xuange's arms because of their movements, and she also often got into Luo Xuange's arms at home, but at that time because there were only The two of them are now surrounded by familiar friends, but she can't continue to stay in Luo Xuange's arms. After all, it hasn't been made public yet, and I don't know how this matter will be exaggerated by netizens. 's report.

But it can be regarded as a foreshadowing for the future.

An Ruoshui made several excuses to get rid of her shame and no longer stay in Luo Xuange's arms.

An hour passed quickly, and when it came to the voting session of netizens, many people were preparing to vote for their idols, and suddenly they were surprised that the system indicated that they had already voted. While watching Luo Xuange's painting, he unknowingly cast it out.

Mu Ling looked at the votes of netizens, turned back to his brother and said with a smile: "It seems that this guy Luo Xuange has won the starting line again this time."

"Hehe, Mr. An ordered special care. Since she entered this show, she has already started a higher level than others. At least I haven't received the prompt from Mr. An asking us to take special care of An Ruoshui. ."

An Junfeng is not trying to open the door for Luo Xuange, but he is afraid that Luo Xuange will conflict with Xu Hao in the show, he knows that Xu Hao will not make things difficult for An Ruoshui , but he faintly felt that Xu Hao would make things difficult for Luo Xuange.

In order to prevent Luo Xuange from fighting Xu Haoda on the show, he could only vaguely remind the staff.

"However, the number of netizens' votes will not be announced for the time being. Let's start the next game first."

Mu Xiao looked at the situation reflected on the Internet, so he decided to complete the remaining two programs. After all, he found something very interesting.

Four alliances, two of which have demons. Now it's up to them who can give up their players.

Soon the remaining two rounds of competition were over. Because Gu Xunxue injured her arm, she made a mistake in the dance competition and lost a point. Simply An Ruoshui won another point in the imitation show.

Mu Ling finally took the total number of votes from netizens and the final results of the third season, stepped on the arena of the Wulin leader, smiled and said to the low audience: "The triennial The martial arts alliance leader competition finally ended today. First of all, on behalf of all the netizens, I would like to thank you for the wonderful performances you have brought to you in these three seasons. Now it is the most exciting time. I don’t know who will be the last martial arts leader. where..."

"Let's ask our league captains first." General Mu Ling glanced around below, and finally stopped on Xu Hao: "Everyone knows that Xu Yingdi has just been released from his office not long ago. After returning from overseas, we are more looking forward to him, expecting him to return to this place where he has fought and struggled, and expecting him to bring us more and better works. Therefore, we want Xu Yingdi to talk about it. How's it going?"

"Thank you, everyone, but I don't plan to enter the entertainment industry when I come back this time. I have this opportunity today, and I want to tell you something." Xu Hao smiled lightly, and then continued After watching Luo Xuange's alliance members, he finally locked on Xu Jia, he smiled at Xu Jia, and soon said to the camera: "Actually, I came back this time to develop my business in China. Family business. So when I return to the entertainment industry again, I may have to live up to everyone's expectations."

When there was an uproar and regret in the live broadcast room, Xu Hao continued: "However, I am still very grateful to everyone, thank you for your liking for me, and I also love you deeply."

When his fans were screaming, Xu Jia suddenly bit his lip, and then whispered to Jiang Yihan: "Give me some water, I'm thirsty."

"For you." Jiang Yihan is Xu Hao's movie fan. Although Xu Jia destroyed her chance to appreciate the actor's appearance, she was not very angry. After all, this is the actor's younger sister, his own sister. !

Mu Ling took over Xu Hao's topic and smiled at the other players in the ring: "Okay, thank you very much. Next, let's hear what ancient martial arts disciple Luo Xuange wants to tell Ours."

Soon Luo Xuange stepped into the ring, she thought for a while and said, "This is the last reality show I participated in, and I will focus on filming in the future. I hope Everyone can support me.”

Wen Yan, not only An Ruoshui, but all members of their alliance were stunned by Luo Xuange's words.

Why did you say such a thing all of a sudden? No foreshadowing at all.

Including An Junfeng was also puzzled, but soon he arranged for a new round of publicity, this is Luo Xuange's last variety show, it seems that this show Must be marked with a special label.

Although it is a pity that An Junfeng will not be able to see Luo Xuange in variety shows in the future, he is also very happy that this reality show can strengthen a new round of publicity.

Mu Ling was stunned for a while, not knowing how to continue this topic, until she received a prompt from the director in the earphone, she finally smiled and said a few official thanks for her support, Then he went to ask other alliance captains.

When Luo Xuange returned to her team soon, An Ruoshui and others looked at her with disbelief, but they didn't ask Luo Xuange why she did it because of the live broadcast.

After all the league captains went up to speak, Mu Ling finally took out the ranking.

"Let's see together, who is the leader of the martial arts alliance this year." Mu Ling glanced at the list on his hand rather mysteriously, and then looked surprised: "The first The third place is our Captain Wang's poet team, the second place is our Captain Zhao's Fengbeizong, and the fourth place is..."

Muling's ending dragged on longer, making the audience outside the venue hold their breaths waiting for her to say the final result, but Muling looked at Xu Hao and Luo Xuange: "There is a potential game rule in this game. There is a demon hidden in both of your alliances. She usually uses a disguised professional identity, but now you need to find that person and clear the alliance, otherwise you will be with the martial arts. The leader of the alliance is missed. Please two captains Zhang to select the demons in the alliance within ten minutes. After that, the two captains will be ranked first by their scores, and those with a lower ranking can only be the last. The timer begins! "

Luo Xuange looked at all the members of the team, she smiled and said: "The devil is the devil, we have been a whole from the first season to the third season, now to the last moment, no matter what There is so much glory ahead for me, and I just want to be with you."

"Okay. The fourth is the fourth, don't say who is the demon, we are a whole, if we have to leave one person to return to success, then we are willing to be enchanted by you. "Gu Xunxue smiled brightly and agreed with Luo Xuange's words. She admired Luo Xuange's approach.

Luo Xuange really doesn't care about the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and she also knows how to play the role of a leader in a team and buy all the hearts of a team.

In the live broadcast room, because of Luo Xuange and Gu Xunxue's two words, they attracted a lot of fans, and some passers-by fans also remembered their passionate youth.

As for Xu Hao's team, Xu Hao stood up silently, patted a member of the alliance on the shoulder, and smiled at the member: "You will be the captain of the alliance from now on, I will immediately quit."

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Xu Hao revealed his inner demon bracelet.

And that alliance also successfully set foot on the first position.

An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange's profile, as long as she stood up now and quit, Luo Xuange still had a chance to compete with Xu Hao's team, but should she stand come out?

"Okay, don't think about it. There are no so-called demons in our team, only the closest relatives." Luo Xuange suddenly took An Ruoshui's hand and faced everyone He chuckled lightly: "We will be parting soon, let's cherish each other."

She brought out the atmosphere of separation, and the live broadcast room was also less joyful for Xu Hao to celebrate. Instead, like Luo Xuange and others, she began to be reluctant to part with this show, and even ran away The official website investigates when the next season will be out.

An Junfeng said that he does not know if there will be a fourth season, and when the fourth season will be released. Through the second season to promote the real estate business, but there was an accident here on Kojima, and he was forced to forcibly stop filming, so he made up for the third season later.

The fourth season will probably be next year, or many years from now.

The reality show ended, but the show team did not let them leave immediately, but instead let everyone stay on the island to rest for a week, but the specific time depends on personal arrangements.

Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui are not the kind of people who can take a quiet vacation, so after the reality show ended, the two rushed back full of them.

After she got home, Luo Xuange finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, she was not used to exposing herself to the sight of others all the time.

An Ruoshui quickly washed away her exhaustion and sat on the sofa waiting for Luo Xuange to prepare dinner.

Turn on the TV, but saw that there was a child abduction case in the news report, An Ruoshui asked Luo Xuange in a complicated mood: "Do you think they really have no humanity at all? ?"

"I don't know." Luo Xuange avoided this question. In her memory, these things were very common. Although they were despised by the rivers and lakes, no one stopped them. She doesn't bother to interfere in the chores that the decent people don't care about, as long as she doesn't provoke her demon sect,