MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 97 Brother Keng

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On the weekend, Luo Xuange finally had a day off, but it happened to be An Junfeng's birthday.

Saturday night, Master Luo thought hard at home, what to do for Brother An's birthday. Too ordinary definitely won't work. The too precious An Junfeng is afraid that he doesn't care. He wanted to explore An Ruoshui's voice, but An Ruoshui was more nervous than her.

Hearing Luo Xuange's voice, she raised her head slightly and said, "I have money."


Although An Ruoshui is telling the truth, this answer is no different from not saying it.

Luo Xuange sighed: "Then tomorrow is the big brother's birthday, what gift do we prepare?"

"Ah? I gave him a suite last year, but he said that the one his sister gave him was reluctant to live, and it was always empty. This year, he didn't want to give anything that could be used in ordinary times. I know how to use it. So I prepared something special." An Ruoshui smiled mysteriously, and that smile made Master Luo tremble with fear.

She swallowed and asked An Ruoshui tentatively, "What's special? You shouldn't send money directly, right?"

"Of course not, eldest brother is not short of money." An Ruoshui said.

Master Luo thought about the news she saw on the news a few days ago, she asked again: "Then don't you want to put yourself in a big box and send it?"

"..." An Ruoshui smiled after watching the silence of the leader Luo, and then waved to the leader Luo: "Come, come here."

Master Luo dared to get up, and suddenly her ears were pinched. When she was about to use her acting skills to win sympathy while crying in pain, An Ruoshui suddenly let go of her hand and rubbed her by the way. rubbed his red ears.

"In the future, watch less TV, and watch less of those wonderful new articles. Remember?"

Think about how well-behaved this child was in the past. She didn’t even know that the phone had to be turned on manually after it was powered off automatically. Now she even knows how to follow TV shows and put people in boxes. If you send it in a water box, are you sure my brother won't mistake it for someone kidnapped?

"Then what to do, eldest brother doesn't lack anything, and we don't know what he likes. Could it be possible to say happy birthday with both hands empty?" Luo Xuange raised his hand and rubbed himself Although it didn't hurt, An Ruoshui's ear was rubbed and rubbed by An Ruoshui's hand, and it felt a little itchy.

In fact, An Ruoshui is also quite irritable. After all, every year on her birthday, her eldest brother will give her a lot of surprise gifts, but she returns very little to her eldest brother.

"I think my eldest brother is missing a partner, he has always been alone, and I don't often go back to the old house. Besides work, he reads the news and gossip about me on the Internet every day. I think He is too lonely." An Ruoshui's voice was a little helpless, and the number of people who wanted to marry her brother could not be counted, but the real woman in her brother's life has not yet appeared.

Sometimes An Ruoshui thinks, even if the eldest brother brings a man back, she will let the housekeeper hold a banquet for three days.

But her brother just often brings home some stray kittens and puppies, and even the three secretaries around him, the first secretary is already a hot mother, the second secretary is a forty-year-old Mediterranean uncle, the third secretary He is a middle-aged man who has been divorced twice and has three children.

"Forget it, I don't want to." An Ruoshui put down the fashion magazine in his hand, got up and put on his jacket and said to Luo Xuange: "Let's go out for a walk. It's been a long time since we moved, and I haven't been to the neighborhood yet. Pass."

Master Luo didn't really want to go out, but she couldn't help but dragged her off the sofa.

"It's almost half past ten, what are you going out for?" Master Luo said that it's not good to go to sleep now?

An Ruoshui will reply to her while changing shoes: "Little young nightlife has just begun."

"..." Master Luo said that she, an ancient 800 years ago, did not understand the group of young people very well: "If you rest too late, you will be out of energy tomorrow."

It's not that Master Luo doesn't want to go out with his wife, but every time she goes out privately, she will be blocked by a group of people on the road, and no matter where she is in the streets, she will be blocked by people to sign.

"Quickly put on your clothes." An Ruoshui threw the clothes to Luo Xuange, and Master Luo frowned: "It's very troublesome."

"Are you going to change?" A question with a threatening tone raised his eyebrows. Cult Master Luo nodded again and again and quickly changed his clothes.

An Ruoshui stood by the door in a good mood and looked at her. After Luo Xuange changed, An Ruoshui went to help her straighten her collar.

Looking at Luo Xuange's dull face, she raised her hand and pinched Luo Xuange's cheek in a wicked way, and then put a mask and hat on Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange is dressed in a neutral dress, although her figure and appearance are quite enchanting, but when she puts on a neutral dress, she can see a bit of her handsomeness that belongs to a woman.

"Let's go." An Ruoshui quickly put on his mask and hat, stretched out his hand to hold Luo Xuange, and the two left the house side by side.

On the way, Luo Xuange tugged at his mask unaccustomedly, and then asked An Ruoshui beside him, "Why did you come out so late?"

An Ruoshui did not have this habit before.

An Ruoshui chuckled, holding Luo Xuange's hand and walking down the path.

"Because I want to go out with you, this is the first time." An Ruoshui's tone was full of anticipation, and then she saw Luo Xuange pulling her mask. Immediately exited to stop it: "Don't move, put it on, and reporters will come over to take pictures later."

"Huh?" Master Luo had a big question mark written in his heart. An Ruoshui knew in advance that there would be reporters coming to take pictures secretly, so why did he still propose to go out for a walk?

"Remember to behave better later." An Ruoshui smiled playfully, causing Luo Xuange to blink in confusion: "What needs to be shown?"

"Show that we are very affectionate." An Ruoshui chuckled, fans can't accept the sudden love of two unrelated people in an instant, she needs to slowly and subtly reveal these news to fans, Now Luo Xuange is gaining momentum and there is no blemish, and she has also entered the circle and has remained single until now. The fans of the two groups will not be very resistant to their CP. After fans are familiar with it, they will slowly announce it.

Master Luo still doesn't understand An Ruoshui's arrangement, but she knows what Madam said, just follow it.

An Ruoshui looked at her in surprise. After all, Luo Xuange didn't look back, but directly and so accurately stated the positions of those people.

"Well, now we can take a walk as usual." An Ruoshui took Luo Xuange's arm and leaned against her like a bird.

Those reporters were not informed by her, but Li Tian, ​​under the guise of an insider, went to inform the reporters to come and follow.

What's more, the other heroine is An Ruoshui, no one wants to go in this muddy water.

But in the end, there was a new magazine, which was filled with a group of young people who were full of ambition and wanted to make a big effort. Finally, this group of people finally decided to come and check the situation.

In fact, when they saw An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange, they couldn't believe it and were stunned. Although An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange both covered their faces, the figures of those two It is easy to identify, and the mask that Luo Xuange wears is a couple model that An Ruoshui personally selected. Not only that, Li Tian previously posted a photo of life, and inadvertently saw An Ruoshui wearing this mask.

"Are they gone?" An Ruoshui was very curious, after all, she and Luo Xuange had been gone for almost ten minutes.

Master Luo chuckled: "This kind of hot gossip, it's not a problem for them to stay there for a few days and nights. And they caught us outside so late, and if they persisted, they might be able to see us at night. Where to stay, compared to the later news, they will definitely not leave easily."

"Then, we'll find a chance to dump them later." An Ruoshui's ability to track down reporters is quite strong, not to mention that he has brought a demon leader, it is difficult to leave.

"Okay, let's go to the front and take a look first." Master Luo is very interested in the front park. After buying the house for so long, she hasn't taken a closer look nearby.


As Luo Xuange walked, she thought hard about what gift she should bring to An Junfeng's birthday tomorrow.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm still thinking about my eldest brother's birthday tomorrow, what kind of gift is a surprise? What can move him?" Luo Xuange didn't understand, if it was a past life, she would It is a surprise to directly kill the enemy who has passed the life and send it to the enemy's head.

But now, if she sends An Junfeng a head over, she is afraid that An Junfeng will faint from fright and wake up either in the hospital or in the bureau.

, but the bottom of my heart was moved by Luo Xuange's dedication to his eldest brother's birthday.

"Alright then." Luo Xuange temporarily put down his confusion.

Gasping slightly.

Luo Xuange noticed that, she said to An Ruoshui, "Tired. Let's go back."

"Okay, let's go back." An Ruoshui was about to sit on a bench in the park, but was stopped by Luo Xuange: "It's cold at night, I'll carry you back."

An Ruoshui thought that she would buy it later and the reporters would follow her. When she thought that these gossips would be picked up as hers, she couldn't help blushing and shook her head at Luo Xuange: "No need to memorize it, me…"

Before An Ruoshui finished her words, Luo Xuange hugged her princess directly, seeing that the few single reporters behind her almost forgot to shoot.

A reporter: "We are here to seek abuse."

"Shhh, be quiet. If we find out, we're all done playing."

When they quietly followed Luo Xuange and walked around a corner, Luo Xuange suddenly walked away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The reporter was confused and slowly confirmed that the person was Luo Xuange.

And no one can pull this off until we have other leads."

The other two nodded quickly, and they did not dare to make a fuss about Luo Xuange.

The lover of a certain movie queen, at the moment, is holding the movie queen on the street secretly bypassing other passers-by, and soon returned home.

"Let's rest first. Tomorrow I have to get up early to go to the old house to celebrate the birthday of my eldest brother." .

Recalling that Luo Xuange suddenly picked her up on the street just now, with a few paparazzi behind her, An Ruoshui was immediately surrounded by a sense of shame.

After the playback, An Ruoshui thought about whether the surprise she gave her eldest brother was a surprise, and gradually fell into a dream.

And Luo Xuange sat cross-legged on the living room floor for a while now, thinking carefully about what An Ruoshui said, does An Junfeng lack a company?

So Luo Xuange immediately took the mobile phone and called Jiang Yihan. After connecting, Jiang Yihan asked impatiently: "I said Xuange, what are you doing this night? "

"If a person lacks a partner, how can I help him?" Luo Xuange doesn't mind Jiang Yihan's tone, after all, not only does her family have one more child now, but she also lives in a scumbag who insists on staying here Xu Jia, whose family rents a house.

Jiang Yihan should be fried.

"Lack of a partner? Go and introduce it, go to the, get rid of singleness, and sprinkle dog food into the world. Well... you go and try." Recently, an artist on the stage accepted this advertisement endorsement , chatting with other people in the background every day to show off, Jiang Yihan also took it subtly, but he didn't expect to answer Luo Xuange with drowsy squinting.

Luo Xuange frowned, dog food network? What does it have to do with missing objects?

Fortunately, the original body's memory quickly explained to her, otherwise she would have to ask Jiang Yihan.

Jiang Yihan yawned, and soon heard a 'dong' from the phone, and then there was no movement.

Luo Xuange guessed that the other party was asleep, and hung up the phone silently.

She came to the study and turned on the computer. She is not very familiar with using a computer yet, but fortunately, the original body is very sensitive to these things, and she can react with the original body's subconscious.

Searching to find the dog food network, Master Luo looked at the photo data of men and women on the interface for a while, and quickly came to the conclusion that this is not a place to sell dog food.

Through the explanation on the page, Master Luo found the help to find the object, and filled in the details of An Junfeng as required. But what's interesting is that this website does not need a real-name system, and the name only needs to be filled in by id, and the real name of the blind date is not required.

So Luo Xuange only filled in the height and weight truthfully and a handsome photo of Brother An. As for the id, Master Luo helped fill in: the warmest brother

Then I saw a question later, if he got married, how much he could pay after marriage.

Luo Xuange thought about it for a long time, and finally filled in:

Can cook, can make money, no lace news, no ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend, so far no crush. It's not that nobody likes me, it's that I didn't have those plans before.

At present, there is no plan to buy a house or a car, and the salary card will not be handed over to the other half because there is no salary card. If I do get married, I hope to treat my family like my own.

The moment Master Luo pressed the confirmation to send, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. If she introduced the elder brother, someone should appear.

The eldest brother will no longer be alone.

However, a straight male post soon appeared on the Internet.

The landlord Guo Jing does not love Huang Rong: take a look at this straight male terminal cancer patient

I saw a handsome guy who claimed to be 1.8 meters on the dog food network. At first, I thought it was very sunny and handsome. The first impression was very good. Wonderful.

In the beginning, I introduced that I can cook and make money. I have no ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend, and I have no crush, and said that it is not that no one likes him, but that he does not want to find a partner. I'm just huh, there are so many people who really like you, why don't you find a few of them, and even go to the dog food website to recommend yourself.

It is said that there is an old house with ancestral assets, ancestral? ! ! Was it passed down by grandpa or great grandpa? The job is still arranged by your parents, and you have no plans to buy a house or a car at the moment? Waiting for the other half to marry and "work hard" together?

There is more, the salary card will not be handed over to the other half, because he does not have it! ! No? ! It seems to be taking cash wages. These days, it is either bricks or cement.

I also hope to treat her family like her own relatives. Is this asking to take care of her brothers and sisters and be filial to her parents and uncles?

First floor: 2333, don't be angry, I saw that person too. It's really a straight man who has cancer all over the screen, and I don't know how he wrote those words with the cheek.

Second floor: Didn't you find out who the photo was? Ahaha, no, my stomach hurts from laughing. If you are cheating, you should choose a low-key one. Dare to use the photo of this national husband? The truth knows whether the man's brain is still there 2333

Third floor: What the hell? Isn't this my boss? Hey, I feel sorry for Mr. An, this is the worst time he has been hacked.

Fourth floor: The landlord broke the man's contact information, I want to teach him how to be a man!

Fifth floor: Ask the landlord for contact information.

Sixth Floor: Same as No. 10086

The landlord quickly sent out the private number of An Junfeng filled in by Luo Xuange, and soon…

The president of An Da was working overtime in the company to hold a meeting. Since the meeting was not going well, An Junfeng lost his temper several times during the meeting, which caused the entire conference room to be slightly less bullied.

However, his cell phone rang, and the entire conference room was relieved. The sound was familiar to them. It was the sound of Mr. An's personal phone call, indicating that someone familiar with Mr. An was looking for him. And it is very likely that it is his sister An Ruoshui.

However, as soon as An Junfeng was connected, he was scolded by everyone as he walked out of the conference room.

Then he looked at the phone with surprise, and whispered to the person on the other end of the phone: "Miss, you called the wrong person."

The warmest brother? Brother An said that in terms of being good to his sister, he is indeed the warmest eldest brother, and a few years ago, he was selected as the warmest eldest brother by some netizens.

So Big Brother An replied with a clear affirmation: "Yes, I am. What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? I advise you to take down the news of, don't come out and make fun of us! Bah! Straight male cancer."

"???" When An Junfeng was at a loss, he asked in confusion, "Miss, are you talking about the dog food network?"


"I, I..." An Junfeng smiled helplessly: "I still need to go to the dog food website to send information to find a partner? Miss, do you know who I am?"

"Hey, you are in the late stage of cancer. That's enough!"

An Junfeng was scolded again, but after the girl hung up the phone angrily, An Junfeng's cell phone started ringing again.

He was quite irritable and connected to one, and soon repeated the above abuse.

An Junfeng's anger slowly rose, and soon he stopped the meeting and said to the secretary: "Go and find out what's going on!"

The secretary soon left with the task in a hurry. Although An Junfeng was full of anger, he still had to clean up the company in his heart.

Hao wants to open up their Xu family's market in China, and soon he will have a strong opponent.

The kind of ruthless businessman who only has money in it.

"Okay, everyone, take a break, don't be tense." An Junfeng is not that kind of harsh boss. When he should be considerate to employees, he also tries his best to be considerate. .

However, although An Junfeng is considerate, how dare those people really rest.

Went to eat something, drank some coffee, and soon continued to come over to organize the information for the meeting.

After the secretary left, after some investigation, she finally found the person who posted the news, but she did not dare to tell An Junfeng with the information. She was afraid that she had made a mistake and went to check it herself. Tried it again, and the end result is the same.

She stared at the results of the investigation, she couldn't understand why that person wanted to die like this? Isn't this the ground breaking on Tai Sui's head?

Soon An Junfeng's meeting was over. When he walked out of the office, he saw the secretary with a strange expression. He thought she didn't find it and was afraid of being blamed by himself.

An Junfeng looked at the time, it was already four in the morning, he rubbed his brows and relaxed for a while, thinking that today was his birthday, and thinking that today An Ruoshui would return to his old house , he felt that he was not tired at all, and his spirit was like a young man of eighteen or seventeen.

He didn't intend to embarrass the secretary either, he waved to the secretary and said, "Check carefully, I'll rest today, and you will give me the results when I go to work tomorrow."

An Junfeng felt that what the group of people scolded was a bit strange. They kept talking about straight men cancer. He thought that someone might have made a mistake and mistaken his mobile phone number for some bastard. number.

Brother An returned to the nearby apartment, and after washing, he fell on the bed and took a nap.

At eight o'clock in the morning, he suddenly woke up from his dream, and then called the driver to go to the old house.

An Ruoshui got up early and saw the news, she couldn't help laughing. Although what they said was true, she still seemed to be a straight man.

But after thinking about it, why is that document so familiar?

As if the description was about her kissing her eldest brother, An Ruoshui suddenly had a bold guess in her mind, she pushed Luo Xuange who was sleeping beside her.

"Xiao Luo, wake up."

An Ruoshui's voice was very soft, sweeping across Luo Xuange's heart like a feather, she opened her sleepy eyes and looked at An Ruoshui: "Are you going to be late?"

"No, you get up. I have something to ask you." An Ruoshui felt more and more that this information was uploaded by Luo Xuange. After all, the photo could not be found on the Internet. It was specially sent to her by my eldest brother when he was on a business trip not long ago. She was busy with other things at the time, and after reading it for a while, she saved it into the computer.

"Huh? What?" Master Luo blinked inexplicably, An Ruoshui put the phone in front of her: "This, do you know this?"

Master Luo was stunned for a while, and then read it carefully: "This is what I wrote last night. Jiang Yihan said that if there is a lack of objects, go to the dog food network. He won't be alone."

"..." An Ruoshui never thought that things would unfold like this, she looked at Luo Xuange's serious face, and hooked the corners of her lips in disbelief, and then nibbled on it in revenge. Lord Luo's lips.

It wasn't until Luo Xuange's breath was unsteady that An Ruoshui withdrew from her arms.

Raising her hand and pinching Luo Xuange's ear, she whispered: "I don't think you will go to the old house today. I'm afraid that you will go, and the things that greet you will be polished. kitchen knife."

"Huh?" Master Luo looked at An Ruoshui for unknown reasons. Just as he was about to ask why, several messages popped up on the phone. Everyone was blowing up the straight man's phone number, Luo Xuan Ge looked at the latest news on his phone, and finally had an epiphany.

"Xiao Luo, what are you doing? Go wash up." An Ruoshui kicked her leg, reminding her to hurry up.

not going?"

"What? Now you know what you're afraid of? What did you do last night?" An Ruoshui moved his feet, but found that Luo Xuange was firmly grasped, and he didn't know that this guy did it on purpose Still forget it now.

Master Luo slowly let go of his hand, then quickly stood up, pulled An Ruoshui down on the bed, and looked at An Ruoshui with a rather seductive gaze.

In an instant, what I saw in An Ruoshui's computer last night suddenly appeared in my mind.

Luo Xuange swallowed her throat, and then her eyes dimmed, she raised her hand to stroke An Ruoshui's cheek, the picture in her mind made her more and more difficult to control, she wanted to Get more from An Ruo Shui.

Now, today, instead of rushing to ask for a good morning kiss, there are other actions.

Just as Luo Xuange's hand was about to reach into An Ruoshui's clothes, An Ruoshui's hungry stomach protested.

Soon Luo Xuange's eyes regained clarity, as if she suddenly realized her embarrassing action at the moment, she immediately got up from An Ruoshui, and nervously dropped two sentences He got into the bathroom.

"I'll wash up and prepare breakfast for you."

Seeing Luo Xuange fleeing nervously, An Ruoshui suddenly laughed. In fact, she was very nervous just now. After all, she had never experienced such a thing before, but Xiao Luo, who looked dazed, seemed to be better than her. Also nervous.

The wood that is not enlightened is actually quite interesting.

She likes to tease Luo Xuange. Seeing Luo Xuange feeling uncomfortable, she mistakenly thought it was her appearance when her inner strength was about to go crazy. Very cute.

I just don't know whether she dares to tease at will after Master Luo is enlightened, and whether she dares to have bad thoughts on Master Luo.

Soon Luo Xuange came out of the bathroom in a panic. After checking her pulse, she found that her body was fine, but her inner strength was just running around.

She didn't practice the partial door method, why does her internal force often run around for no reason?

"I'm going to prepare breakfast." Master Luo strongly suppressed the scurrying internal force, and then used the internal force to adjust the discomfort in one, and soon returned to the previous spirit, busy in the kitchen for a while With a smile on his face, he called An Ruoshui for dinner.

"Are you going to go directly to the old house later? Have you prepared a gift for the eldest brother?" Luo Xuange asked.

An Ruoshui nodded: "Well, I asked a friend to help me prepare a gift a few weeks ago. It should be delivered to the old house this morning. The elder brother should be very moved by then."

It seems that he dug a hole for Brother An, and when Brother An was asleep, he quietly buried him.

And Big Brother An still thought it was dark, and continued to fall asleep sweetly and beautifully.

An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange and asked with a smirk, "Want to know?"


An Ruoshui began to eat breakfast slowly, and did not reply to Luo Xuange's 'thinking'.

Master Luo waited for a while, she thought that An Ruoshui would not talk anymore, and was about to go back to eat by herself, but An Ruoshui spoke again.

"I prepared a photo album for my eldest brother, which is our family's photo album, from my grandfather's generation to our generation's photo album. The old photos on it, I got rid of a lot of uncles Uncle just got it, and there are a few old photos that their family treasures. It took a long time to find them. But they were a little blurry, so I asked my friend to help me rearrange it." An Ruoshui turned on the phone and sent a message to his friend. The photo that came was handed to Luo Xuange: "Look, this is my grandmother. The little boy in her arms is my brother. This is Xu Jia, this is Xu Jia's cousin, I don't remember what it was called. I came here when I was young. Been to my house a few times."

An Ruoshui also introduced a lot of family members, and finally Luo Xuange saw himself on it, including the photos when he first debuted, and the photos An Ruoshui took secretly at some point.

"How did you get these photos?" Luo Xuange pointed to the child's photo above, which was the photo of her childhood in the original owner's memory.

An Ruoshui smiled playfully: "Shanren has his own plan, I won't tell you."

The corners of Teacher Luo’s eyes twitched slightly. ' After all, the original owner is not a big person, and these things will not be kept secret.

"I actually wanted to add you to it though. The real you."

An Ruoshui's tone suddenly felt a little regretful. At that time, she asked Luo Xuange to draw a portrait of her past life. She wanted to put it on this album, but unfortunately Luo Xuange didn't paint.

Luo Xuange was also suddenly stunned, she seemed to understand why An Ruoshui had asked her to paint a portrait of her previous life.

At this moment, Luo Xuange stared at the screen of the mobile phone, and suddenly felt a little regretful. He knew that he should draw it to An Ruoshui as soon as possible, so that An Ruoshui would not feel regret and sigh at this moment.

"However, Xiao can paint a portrait of you in the future. I'll ask my friends to help me at that time, and I will make two more copies for each of us." An Ruoshui asked. Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange nodded immediately, forgetting all the strange concerns in the past.

The author has something to say: Ah, Brother An’s birthday, you can drink.

Master Luo (fly rubbing his hands): Ahaha, you can drink and cowardly... No, no, this seat is not cowardly!

Queen An Ying: Oh, I just laughed and said nothing. Save your face.

Brother An: It's okay, it's okay, when you don't drink, you two are equally cowardly.

Queen An&Master Luo: ...Shut up, single dog!

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