MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 6 rest

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Qin Ran temporarily confirmed the safety.

However, the lady was still listening carefully and observing for a moment, until it was confirmed that no one really caught up, and this continued to act.


Said the lady.

Qin Ran immediately went up, as the lady went deep into the ruins.

When or after crossing or crossing several beams, and bypassing a few piles of rubble, a wooden partition, the lady exposed the sand in front of her hand and pushed it out.

Quietly, the lady lifted the partition and a downward staircase appeared in front of Qin Ran.

"Come in!"

The lady leaned over and gestured to Qin.

Qin Ran did not hesitate to walk into it.

With a hint of shimmer, Qin Ran has already seen the following look.

It should have been a storage room here.

There are wood shelves and some tools.

Other than that, there are no other people.

Therefore, there is no such thing as ambush.

Walking into the storage room, Qin Ran stood at the corner of the stairs and waited quietly for the lady to walk down and whispered herself.

"Hello, my name is Qin Ran!"

"Colin! Are you a soldier?"

The other side asked, with a look of enlightenment and no vigilance.

Obviously, before Qin Qin’s use of the dagger, the other party’s memory is still fresh.

"No, it's just like fighting.... Then, in this **** war, it was applied to actual combat! And, I am not malicious, from the beginning to the present! You should understand that if I want to be against you, It’s not so much trouble!”

Qin Ran noticed the other's eyes, carefully said his identity, and solemnly explained.

Soldiers, in the war, are not good identities!

In the eyes of the enemy, it is a must!

In the eyes of civilians, the same kill, whether it is one's own or enemy civilians!

The viciousness of the war has caused people's inferiority to break out, especially when one party has an absolute advantage. Qin Ran can fully imagine that the woman in front of her eyes has witnessed the atrocities of the soldiers in these four months.

After all, in the context of the task of the copy, the word "rebel" was mentioned.

Therefore, Qin Ran will not recognize the identity of the so-called soldiers.

Undoubtedly, Qin Ran’s statement is incomparably correct.

Or maybe, Qin Ran’s explanation played a role.

After the Qin Ran voice fell, the vigilance in the woman’s eyes immediately dissipated a lot.

"Sorry, I shouldn't ask this, but, you know, I have met a lot of rebel deserters! Some of them are fairly kind, and others..."

Speaking of this, Ke Lin frowned and didn't know how to describe it.

"People are always good and bad!"

Qin Ran interface.

Such discourse is not a comfort, not even an evaluation.

However, in such a bad situation, it is still an appropriate discourse.

It is because of such appropriate words that Ke Lin temporarily recognized Qin Ran.

"As a reward for helping you, I can take care of you for a day, until tomorrow, before dark, you need to leave!"

Ke Lin said this.


Qin Ran answered.

Although Qin Ran wants to ask for more news, it is naturally inappropriate to ask it now.

Even just a game!

But the incomparably real thing makes Qin Ran understand that if he does anything that does not conform to the behavior and behavior of the game environment, then a series of chain reactions will inevitably occur.

May be good!

It could also be bad!

According to Qin Ran's experience, the latter has a great chance.

At least, he couldn't explain ‘he, a guy who had experienced a four-month war, how could he not be familiar with the city? ’

Even Qin can imagine that if he asked Ke Lin some questions that did not meet his identity, the attitude of the other party changed!

It is very likely that even the ones that can wait for one day will be lost!

Therefore, when Qin Ran saw that Ke Lin walked to the corner of the storage room, curled up there, and stopped talking, he also went to the other side, sat down on the wall and picked up his eyes slightly.

When the eyes were slightly picked up, the darkness obscured the sight of Qin Ran.

With the physical strength of breathing recovery, he did not feel physical fatigue.

However, the mental fatigue made Qin Ran not want to move.

The impact of blood and death in my mind, at this moment, completely makes Qin Ran feel exhausted.

After a while, Qin Ran completely slept.


When there was a voice heard from the ear, Qin Ran woke up from his sleep.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that Kelin was eating biscuits in a small mouth in the opposite corner, and from the open rucksack, the biscuit was from last night's harvest.

When Qin Ren appeared, Ke Lin’s body was stiff.

Food has extraordinary value in war.

The bread and biscuits that are usually discarded at random may cause a chaos at this time.

It was like Ke Lin last night and the survivor who was headshot.

At the bottom of my heart, Qin Ran, who had already understood everything, immediately showed that she was not hostile, and reached out to take out the cans in her backpack.

From the beginning to the end, Ke Lin's body was stiff, until the Qin can take out the can, which was relaxed.

When both parties have food, the danger of fighting falls straight.

The next breakfast time, neither of them spoke.

Ke Lin lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Qin Ran is eating canned food while viewing the system records.

First of all, [main line task: survive for seven days, 0/7] becomes [1/7]

Second, there is a [hunger] status in the character attribute bar.

[Hunger: When you are hungry, the maximum physical strength is -20%, your physical exertion is doubled, and when your physical strength is insufficient, your health will be reduced.]

When a can is all eaten, the [Hunger] status disappears into the character attribute bar.

"Do you even have hunger?"

Qin Ran thought silently.

Once again, I admire the ‘real’ of the underground game.

However, the subsequent praise became a sigh.

Because the emergence of the special state [hunger] made Qin Ran have to work hard to collect more food.

Obviously, this is not a simple task in this war-torn city.

"It should still be able to last for two to three days! If you want to maintain maximum combat power... two days is the limit!"

Qin Ran looked at the remaining two cans in the backpack and a bottle of pure water, thinking about the daily quota.

As a result, it is naturally less optimistic.

"Cough, cough..."

The sudden coughing sound interrupted Qin Ran’s thinking.

Looking up, I saw that Ke Lin was covering her mouth with one hand and her chest.

Undoubtedly, the dried cookies are not so easy to swallow.

"Drink of water!"

Picking up the pure water, Qin went to Ke Lin and handed the water over.

Hey! Hey!

Ke Lin, who twisted the bottle cap, poured two mouths and directly poured a bottle of pure water for one-third of the water. This was often a relief.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Ke Lin looked at the remaining pure water, and some embarrassed said.

Food is essential in the war.

Water, too!

In the war, if you are willing to share food or water, it can only prove that the other party is really a good person.

Therefore, in the face of such a good person, Ke Lin’s attitude has once again eased.

And began to be willing to talk to Qin Ran.

And this is what Qin Ran expects.

"What did you do before the war?"

Ke Lin asked curiously.

"Students, something happened later became a otaku! What about you?"

Qin Ran talked about his own experiences in reality.

“I am also a student, but because of the fight, alcoholism and other things, I was thrown into the service center... Then, before I finished the 200-hour duty service, the war broke out! Although at the beginning, I was very I am grateful that I have been exempted from voluntary service, but I prefer to do volunteer service for the rest of my life, and I don’t want to be trapped here!"

After Qin Lin finished speaking, she began to talk about her own affairs.

Moreover, there are some endless ways.

The indifferent appearance that has been deliberately maintained has collapsed directly at this moment.

In this regard, Qin Ran just shrugged, and continued to listen to Ke Lin said.

In daily life, people have masks to protect themselves.

What's more, is this in war?

Everything is abnormal and normal.

"I was originally near Sixth Avenue, but the guy who was 'vulture' and his subordinates were abhorrent to the locusts. They searched all the supplies completely, and then I had to come to the garden villa area, who thought of that guy too. Come! Really hateful! Bichi!"

“‘vulture’? Is that guy amazing?”

Once again, I heard Qin Ren, the nickname, and asked intently.

"Qin Ran, of course you have not heard of him in other places!"

Ke Lin waved her hand and said straight.

"The vulture" guy, just before the start of the war, was just a little punk! However, after the war began, he was just locked in the police station. He didn’t know what was going on, he even got a batch. Weapons! And after the rebel army intentionally converges, this guy becomes mad, pulling a group of guys who ran out of the police station and raging on Sixth Avenue!"

"The other mob organizations don't dare to confront the 'vulture' because the guy is not only powerful, but he must report that any mob and survivor who dares to offend him will not end well! The last mob offended the guy. The leader, directly hanged on the pole in front of the Sixth Avenue, burned into coke!"

In the words, Ke Lin showed her familiarity with ‘vulture.’

However, as he spoke, Ke Lin’s face suddenly seemed difficult to look.

Because, she thought, last night she and Qin Ran, the partnership to kill the two subordinates of 'vulture.'

Similarly, when I heard Ke Lin’s explanation, Qin Ran’s face could not see where to go.