MTL - The Devious First-Daughter-Chapter 587 Torn face cloud falling

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This is the more talked about, the more it is equivalent to the cloud to admit the private feeling between her and Yi Wang, otherwise she was originally older than Ning Xueyan, how can she call her sister, and look at her, panic In the middle, I have to give Ning Xueyan a slap in the face, both weak and pitiful.

However, the ladies present at the scene, the girl did not dare to talk casually, and Fang Ning Xueyan reprimanded Mrs. Chen Yushi, they can listen in the ear, this Ning Wang Yu is not as good as the rumor, it is good To provoke, look at her cold look, and know who is who is unlucky.

So one by one, did not see the poor sample of the cloud, and waited for the next treatment of Ning Xueyan, not a silver candle head, the light would be of great use.

"Yun two girls, what are we going to do with our prince? It is difficult, you still want us to give you a certificate! This moon-floor building is the place where our princes are resting on weekdays. There are many copywritings, Yunshan girl, you are not Will it be directed at these?" Ning Xueyan is a cold road.

When this was said, everyone was shocked. Several parties couldn’t help but want to talk. They immediately held their mouths tightly. If Yi Wangfu lost some copywriting, it would be life-threatening.

"I am not, I don't... take those things!" The cloud fell and was anxious.

"Then you said what you are doing here? Why did you come up with such a look?" Ning Xueyan's eyes became more and more fierce.

"I... I... I am..." In that case, the cloud fell and opened his mouth. The blush was almost bleeding, and there was a hint of resentment and anger in his eyes. What did the two kings have? What did she say? Export, she felt that she had already said it clearly enough, but why Ning Xueyan still does not understand.

"Yun two girls, our Wangfu invites you to come over, it is for you to take care of Yunjie's sister, instead of letting you sneak into the moonlight building. Since you are not going to steal the copy, then tell me, what are you doing here? "Ning Xueyan does not seem to see the expression of the cloud falling almost collapsed.

This sentence is extremely profitable. Some of the brains in the room reacted quickly, almost sighing at the same time. The Yun 2 girl is finished, no matter what she really was and Yi Wang, now she is also being Wearing such a hat, unless she has a face on the spot, she and Yi Wang have an affair, otherwise she is like this because she wants to steal Yi Wang's copy.

This kind of thing, who is implicated in who is unlucky, and may even be tired of her sick sister.

Who said that this Ning Wang is not good, who said that she is weak and incompetent, and still ill to die, see her as it is now, in addition to being thinner, paler than others, mentally above, how can I die halfway? Then, listening to her words, the word Lingli, is not something that ordinary people can say.

This Ning Wang is not simple! Very real Yi Wangfu's temperament! Many people secretly nod.

"I... is the lord... let me come over." The cloud fell and was forced to fall, and after seeing a hint of ridicule in Ning Xueyan’s eyes, she bit her teeth and loudly, she really didn’t believe it. I said this myself, Ning Xueyan can still clench his teeth and not recognize it, but also dare to say that he is going to take the moon, is to steal the copy.

Is there a real face in the clouds? Everyone present was watching the clouds with a shocked look. Is this still a prostitute in Anguo Houfu? Such a faceless skin, even if it is a woman in the city, it will not say so, and she entered the government to serve her sick sister, but she got together with her brother-in-law, and her face was recognized in front of everyone.

The education of the Queen Mother’s family, Anguo Hou, can be... it’s really flattering.

Originally, there was also a marriage with Anguo Houfu. At this time, I have completely rejected this idea. When I go back, I must hurry to get a retreat. This kind of family, the woman who is raised, which dare! This... too shameless!

"When did the prince let you come over?" Ning Xueyan asked not to be dry.

"It’s just a genius. When I was shopping with Ning Wangxi, the prince specially called me over and asked me to find an excuse to leave. Didn’t Wang Ning forget it?” Ning Xueyan forced it. When I was so faceless, the cloud fell at this time and hated Ning Xueyan. I looked at Ning Xueyan provocatively. I sneered. "Ning Wang, you are not as good as my sister, even my older sister knows the meaning of Wang Ye. ""

The people of Xianyun County knew that the clouds were falling and the king was lost. Everyone was surprised again, and then they felt speechless. Did the Xianyun County owner not know the general before? Let his sister sneak with her husband, how she If you do it, even if Yi Wang is really interested in the fall of the cloud, it is right to come to the door.

Is it really interesting to be Yi Wang, Anguo Houfu will not be willing!

I don’t know how to face this kind of faceless skin. It seems that the Yinyun County Lord is not a smart person, or this Anguo Houfu is up and down. No one is smart. This is a good thing. To solve it, I have to make such a scandal. I really don't know what to say.

"Cloud sister knows you..." Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, but he was not surprised at all. It was quite interesting to see the clouds falling, and the eyes seemed to be watching a clown.

Such a glimpse of the cloud is more anger and burns. She will not look at other people. When she is ashamed of anger, she only feels that her head is ridiculed by Ning Xueyan. She feels that what she said is deliberately aimed at herself: Yes, my sister knows that this matter is still decided by my sister for me. My sister is the righteousness of Yiwangfu, as long as my sister decides."

The cloud is falling out of nowhere. She will only want to suppress Ningxue, no matter what she says, she can’t let Ning Xueyan smash.

She now hates Ning Xueyan and has to say that she is not so shy, so how to make Ning Xueyan uncomfortable, how to say, she wants people to know that Ning Xueyan is not a king, but her big sister is Yi Wang Zhengxuan, what the big sister decided, Ning Xueyan has any reason, what position is opposed.

This matter is actually the line led by Xianyun County? This ... this is really too unconventional, let his husband secretly privately meet his sister, the education of Anguo Houfu is like this! Everyone in the eyes of the crowd looked at the anger, but the clouds straight down the neck.

Does the Xianyun County Lord say that it is the most gentle and decent? This... This kind of thing can be done, it is too shameless.

At this time, the focus of everyone’s attention is not on the Wang Yunjun, the king of Xianyun County. It’s more important than Ning Xueyan’s Wang Hao’s name, and it’s big, but it’s the Xianyun County’s initiative to take care of his own sisters and match up the bridge. Those who have made such a thing can be innocent!

It’s not that the Xianyun County owner himself has done this before, so it’s very handy now!

Some people suddenly think of some hidden rumors in the palace, saying that the Xianyun County owner almost wants to enter the palace as a beggar. Is it true that there is nothing with the emperor? That is really amazing!

Some people even think farther, is it difficult to be related to the emperor today? It was the emperor who deliberately let Xianyun County owner make some scandals at the banquet of Ning Wangxuan.

Mrs. Chen Yushi’s face is white and blue, and whoever mixes this kind of thing is a dead word!

She would regret it and almost want to let herself faint. It was only thought that the Yinyun County owner would not have more than one righteousness, but the current situation is related to the dispute of the throne, her own husband Chen Yushi, but Repeatedly scolding her, can not participate in such things.

"What good is this king here?" The cold screams came from behind everyone, with a scornful, secluded icy breath.

Everyone turned back and saw the slyness of wearing a gorgeous black ink robes. The beautiful face of the beautiful face showed a very cold and bloodthirsty atmosphere. The eyes swept over, and all the people who saw him were scared and looked down. The strange feeling of being swept by the icy ghost is horrifying.

The whole cloud trembled, not to say, is the king in the inside? Why is he coming back from the outside!

Ning Xueyan stood up and stood up in a generous manner. He was greeted with a blessing. The other people immediately woke up and bowed, and they all stood up and bowed. They didn’t say they stood up, they were all stiff and didn’t dare to move.

"Wang Ye, these are the ladies of the house and several family girls, let them get up! Yun Er girl said that you sent someone to call her, so... did she make it like this?" Ning Xueyan calmly Laughing, first for a few ladies, the girl said the feelings, and then mentioned that the cloud is falling, very organized.

"Everything!" Xiao Zhuzi was behind the shackles, squinting at the scorpion, and all the talents stood up, secretly, gratefully glanced at Ning Xueyan. If there is no reminder of Ning Wang, I believe that Yi Wang is not I will notice these details. I once had a wife who gave Yi Wang a ritual. Yi Wang didn’t scream and later fainted.

It was fainted, and it also provoked Yi Wang to be angry. After that, he also smashed the punishment of the Queen.

"Is this king sent someone to call her? So what is the appearance of the boy who got on the bed with a few men now? Is this the king?" He picked up his eyebrows and the black bottomless skin fell on the cloud. Falling on the body, locked the cloud, so now it depends on the king, it is really good, the king was still in the palace with the emperor, how to go to bed with this woman! ”

I said that I was extremely rude, and I didn’t even leave a half face to the cloud. After I finished, I didn’t wait for the cloud to explain. I waved to the guards around me: “Take her back to Anguohou. It is said that she is intimate with the next person in the palace, and dares to rely on the head of the king."

The reason why I didn’t take her last time was to see that the smoker could successfully become her own, but it did not mean that he had let go of the clouds and dare to count the smoke. He could never let go. .

"Wang Ye, Yun sister there..." Ning Xueyan asked with an elegant frown.

"This is all she has planned for her good sister. Of course, she knows, she doesn't have to inform her anymore." The sigh of coldness said that he was extremely impatient and strode into the yard. A few eunuchs, who were waiting to be dispersed, stayed at the door, and looked at the crowd with chills. The eyes suddenly looked chilling.

Two more guards came over and pulled up the softness and fell to the ground. The cloud that could not be said in a single sentence fell, and dragged directly out...