MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-~ 1, the wrong person

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Storm and rain.

A cliffside in the wilderness.

Two thin figures shivered.

Six strong-handed warriors holding Mori's long knife pushed the pair of thin figure to the edge of the cliff.

A white and white flash of light flashed, illuminating the faces of the two thin figure, a man and a woman, all of them are only 13-year-old children, all of them are eyebrows, green robes, a bookboy, full of fear , despair and ... anger.

"Hey, the Lord has already jumped to the cliff and fell to death. The old five and the old six, do it, kill these two little scorpions, and the plan tonight is a perfect end. You can go back and cross the difference." The headed brawny sneered: "It’s really time for the rain to come, all traces will be washed away, really help me also..."


Knife light is cold.

Two strong samurai smirked and walked over to the two children on the edge of the cliff.



It was a lightning bolt, thick and strong like a dragon, and suddenly broke through the dark blue sky.

What is incredible is that this lightning is huge and surprising. It seems to be a sharp sword. The time and place where the light shines is like a white, and the deafening loud noise is blasting. It seems to be the same as the dark world. Scorpio is more like a tear that has been torn apart by this lightning, as if the whole world is shaking in the thunder and lightning, it is terrible.

The two warriors who were shot were also shocked, and the long knife in their hands could not help but stop.

what happened?

Why are there so many lightnings on the rainy night tonight?

Even if it is the leader of the samurai warrior, there is a sigh of relief in his heart. What is he going to say...

Just then, suddenly a strange sound was uploaded from the sky -

"Ah, ah, ah, ah... the pit dug by the old **** stick, how deep is it?"

A screaming, like a screaming scream of a cat that had been screamed by the tail, came from the air above the head.

Before the crowd reacted, a black shadow slammed down and slammed into the half-meter-high weeds beside the two boys and girls. The grass fluttered.

what happened?

The costume warriors changed their faces.

Six people suddenly retreated and stood in the dark, and faintly surrounded the haystacks together.

After a few seconds.

"Everybody drops a mother-in-law, and the buttocks are broken into eight petals... Old things, you said that you are all old bones, nothing to dig such a deep pit in the Zen room?"

A slender black shadow, crawling out of the grass and standing up.

It is a strong boy.

I saw him naked, his upper body naked, a short black hair, his lower body wearing a strange shape of strange material straight pants, thick eyebrows, screaming and screaming, it seems to be a fool, climbed up from the grass, one side I looked around and carefully looked around.

It is also strange to say that since the emergence of the boy who descended from the sky, the original heavy rain and lightning and thunder have suddenly stopped without warning. Even the clouds in the sky are scattered in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

The double moon was high and the silver moonlight fell.

The boy looked up subconsciously and saw the two moons in the sky.

At the time, his whole person suddenly froze.

"The trough...two moons? Isn't it a dream? Is it really... the old **** stick didn't lie to me?" The teenager was shocked, his mouth opened and became a big O-shape, incredibly sucking in the air: "So, My forefoot accidentally fell into the pit dug in the door of the Zen room, and then the hind foot was actually transmitted to the alien planet?"

From falling into the pit to appear here, it is only a dozen seconds.

How can it be?

He squeezed his face.

Well, it hurts a bit.

It is true, not a dream.

He screamed, then smacked his face like a madman, muttered, his expression confused for a while, screaming for a while, hating for a while, then becoming excited again, like a madman.

This boy, naturally, is the animal of the earth, Li Mu, who was sent by the old gods.

The cold wind blew through, and everything was quiet.

This is the scene of the killing, but at this time the atmosphere has a ridiculous surprise.

And the six hard-loaded warriors face each other.

They couldn’t figure out what the strange geek was all about.

The picture is like a freeze.

Suddenly, a pleasantly trembled voice broke the strange atmosphere.

"Ah... young master, are you? Really you? Young master, you climbed up from the cliff? Great, you... still alive? Oh, it’s so good, you are still alive..."

The boy is talking about a boy.

Behind the little guy was carrying a bamboo bookcase that was almost as tall as him. He didn’t know what was stuffed with it. He suddenly rushed to Li’s side and looked at Li Mu with a look of surprise. A few words, I was so excited to cry.

On one side, the little girl's book boy smashed, and raised a white face, looking at Li Mu, in the big watery eyes, with confusion and suspicion: "Young master, you... really you? You are not falling. Is it a cliff? Hey? What's the matter with your hair? It's so short... I changed my hair under the cliff. This dress is so strange, where is it?" This little girl is a bit sloppy and concerned. The point is completely the same as the little boy.


How is this going?

Li Mu looked down at the two little guys in confusion.

Young master?

Admit the wrong person?

However, I can understand their words?

"Kid, you... didn't die?" Opposite, the head of the samurai warrior was shocked and opened his mouth. He raised his hand with a sharp knife in his hand. He looked suspiciously: "From the cliff more than 20 meters high." Going down, you can still climb up alive, it’s a big life, hehe."

Li Mu only noticed that there were still six vicious gods who were murderous and murderous.

He looked at the samurai leader with a stern look.

Another one who admits the wrong person?

So clever, his words, I can understand.

"Not good... son... fast... run fast, they are coming to kill you..." The little boy's book boy suddenly reacted and quickly shouted anxiously, shouting and pushing Li Mu to escape.


Li Mu smashed.

I looked at the two anxious little bookboys, and then looked at the six hard-loaded warriors who were holding the steel knife and screaming and screaming. Li Mu’s heart suddenly understood something.

Look at this, as soon as you cross it, you are involved in conspiracy and vendetta?

No, the story of such a **** dog ​​is actually met by me?

"The ball is sacked... wait a minute." Li Mu raised his hand.

Seeing his action to raise his hand, the strong warrior jumped in his heart and immediately stopped his footsteps.

The reality that happened before was a bit strange, especially the scene in which Li Mu descended from the sky, so that they had to be careful, so that Li Mu would make any moths and make it impossible to turn over the ship in the gutter.

Li Mu is also relieved.

Judging from the reaction of these people, Li Mu can be sure that they can understand their own words.

It seems that the exchange of alien languages ​​can be passed.

"Right right, just like this, stop first, nothing is a crayfish can't solve it... Hey, haven't eaten crayfish? Sorry, forget that this is not the earth, but that doesn't matter, I just For example, don't be excited, listen to me." Li Mu is still a little bit forced at this moment, a mess in his head, a look at the opposite side of the trend of slashing people, the brain is numb.

He took a deep breath and vaguely felt that the air in this world was incomparably clear and sweet, sucking into the lungs like hot spring water in the body, feeling a lot of comfort, between breathing, there is a kind of fluttering Wonderful feeling.

But this is not important. It is important to get out of this crisis.

He tried to make his smile look sincere and smiled and said: "Several big brothers, you may not believe it when you say it, but it is really like this. In fact, I am an alien, you admit the wrong person... ...I am not the one you said, I just passed by... I was sent from the earth to the world by an unscrupulous old **** stick... You may not know the earth. If you say it in detail, it is estimated that it will explain three days and three nights. ......"

There was a sudden silence in the air.

"Don't you fall from the cliff and fall down... What aliens are you talking about?"

The little girl's book boy Wu Yi, who is 'you are not stupid,' looks at Li Mu.

Li Mu: "..."

Little sister, you really admit the wrong person.

Don't talk in a mess, it's going to be dead.

The leader of the samurai warrior stayed, and immediately smiled coldly: "Li Mu Li Gongzi, your portrait, I have seen it dozens of times, I will not admit mistakes, even if your readers are flexible and scheming, but with this idiot The excuse, I want to fool our brothers, don't you think it's too bad? You are insulting our brother's IQ."

"Hey? How do you know my name..."

Li Muyi asked, subconsciously asked.

But immediately, he realized that it was going to be bad.

It should be the person who chased the other person, and it was also called Li Mu.

Lying in a big slot, there are such wonderful things in the world, not only looks like, but even the names are the same?

And when this sentence is exported, he understands the bad things.

So, does this mean that you have admitted it?

It’s not awkward to put the yellow mud in the crotch.

Fuck, what is this?

Have you made a mistake?

Lao Tzu is a physical body crossing, the physical body crossing, and it is not the soul to wear the body, can this kind of thing be encountered?

"Hey, admit that he is Li Mu?" The samurai leader sneered, his eyes are already impatient, said: "Install crazy and sell silly, want to delay the time? Five brothers and six brothers, night long dreams, shot, slaughter them, go back early Resurrection."

Next to the two hard-wearing warriors, they laughed and rushed over. They were very fast and shot directly.


The new book set sail, everyone is too powerful, and directly rushed to Baimeng, so that the knife moved to the shame, after all, when the Royal Day ended, the update was not very good.

There is no new book in the new book, but it will be kept stable and updated. Thank you, here is the call for collections and referrals. The sweepstakes that are going on are also very good. The highest award is a love madness 7. Is it tempting?