MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1575 a meal, a meal

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The homage to Li Mu’s heart is more prosperous.

The flower wants to say: "Even if it is against the enemy, I have never lied, let alone to you."


Li Mu asked: "If you just optimistic about my potential, don't you suddenly come up with such conditions and treat it?"

I want to think about it and say, "Because you have a relationship with my Dao Zun."

Li Mu listened, and there was not much surprise in his heart.

At the beginning, among the celestial beings of the Immortal World, he was a member of the temples. He once tried it in the Temple of War. Finally, the cultivation of the peak power of the Emperor was the trial of the Temple of War. Obtained among them.

After the passage of the Xiangu giant gate, even if it is a reincarnation, it retains some clues about past lives.

According to this, Doweng League feels that they have contact with them?

Li Mu smashed his eyebrows.

In a way, this is not wrong.

If you look at it strictly, you are indeed a member of the Dominion League.

Because they have a line with them, they are reincarnate from Wanxiangfu.

Do Dow League know this?

Li Mu is in the mind and is rapidly propelled.

If you go to the Dominion League, the chances of getting along with the flowers will increase infinitely. When you find a way to restore the memories of the flowers, you will have more conveniences.

Even, can you enter the inside of the Dominion League and become the eye of the ascendant camp?

If you operate it properly, maybe it is more advantageous for the ascendant camp?

But think about it, Li Mu also rejected this idea.

In the fairy world, as the undercover of the central chaos, he has tried that feeling once.

not good.

He can't think of his companion as a product, and he can sacrifice it as he likes.

In the fairy world, Fang Tianyi used his own death to sit down for the oriental night blade and let him become the master of the Great Xianting. Such sacrifices are generous and tragic, but they are not the way Li Mu likes.

Imagine that this time, the Tao Zun League warmly invites them to join, perhaps with a heavy position, but in the future, it will inevitably have friction with the ascendant camp, and they will inevitably fight, and if there is no killing record, why should they win the letter?

Li Mu wants to be bright and straight, fight with his own robes and fight side by side.

Instead of playing a dark role again.

In his hands, I don't want to get any more blood from my own people.

In the depths of Li Mu’s soul, he always regards himself as an earth person.

He is closer to the ascendant camp.

This is the choice he made after he learned about the three-day power pattern in the Temple of the Witch.

Never regret it.

This time, he has to fight in isolation with his compatriots.

Fight in the sun.

Therefore, he will not go to the Taoist League again.

As for the memory of the flower...

In the Taoist League, her status is so high, she is still above the four ancestors, and she is unconstrained and will not be in any danger.

One day, when my strength is restored, I believe there is a way to restore her memory.

With the mind set, Li Mu shook his head and said: "I will not go to the Taoist League."

He looked at the flowers and said: "If you are willing to leave the Taoist League now, I am the most happy. If you choose Dao Zun, I can't force you to stay, but one day, you will know that you are Who, you will know, I have never deceived you."

Flowers want to look into the eyes, there is a touch of disappointment.

She looked at Li Mu and said: "You will be in danger if you stay in the ascendant camp."

Li Mudao: "The assassination of Dao Zun Meng, I can't help me."

He has great confidence in Sun Fei and others.

Moreover, in addition to Sun Fei, there are Ding Hao and Ye Qingyu.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Mu is also very confident about his strength.

Within three or five years, he can return to the peak of the past.

At that time, among the three days, three peerless, Mu Yunxian, Taishi Daozun and others, can be a battle with themselves, others are not worth mentioning.

"It’s not the Taoist League, but the Flying Camp and the Heavenly Alliance."

I want to take it.

Li Muyi.

His first reaction was the implementation of the divergence by Dao Zun.

Deliberately revealing some of the slogan 'blood' in your body to the Ascendant camp and the Heavenly Alliance, and then use these two forces to remove yourself?

But he immediately smiled.


This kind of conspiracy may cause a moment of trouble, but it will be difficult to last.

Small ear.

"Will not."

Li Mu laughed.

I want to sigh with a sigh: "You don't understand."

She looked at Li Mu, and there was an extremely complicated feeling in her eyes.

In the end, I talked again and again: "I will come to you."

After that, the figure is like a phantom, and fades away little by little.

Li Mu brows slightly wrinkled.

He clearly felt that the last two sighs of the flower, the meaning contained in it was too much. For a time, Li Mu could not grasp it.

Mindful thoughts.

The formation in the small courtyard was withdrawn.

Li Mu stood in the yard for a while, then turned back and continued to practice.

The heavens and the earth in the middle of the three days are full of vitality, which is not inferior to the Wanxiangfu.

For Li Mu, no matter where you cultivate, the effect is the same.

time flies.

I really want to say that I want to do it.

The second day, night.

She really appeared in Li Mu’s yard again.

This time, it was not to persuade Li Mu to vote for the Alliance.

Instead, he took out a jar of wine and sat down at the stone table under the laurel tree. He took out two wine glasses and poured the wine, watching Li Mu quietly.

Li Mu walked over and sat down.

I thought that I couldn’t speak and picked up the glass.

Li Mu smiled a little, and after the cup, he drank it.

The turquoise wine, with a slight chill, drank in one bite, but in the abdomen, but there are some slightly hot, very strange.

"Good wine."

Li Mu praised.

The flower is not the only one in the Taoist League, and its status is second only to the existence of the Taishi Taoist.

The wine that was taken out, the taste of the product, was actually better than Sun Fei’s own wine.

"This wine is not much in the Dow League. It can be qualified to drink, and there is no one."

The flower thought about it and gave Li Mu a cup.

Still clinking glasses and drinking.

So, triple the touch.

Then, the flower wanted to put down the wine glass and watched Li Mu quietly.

Li Mu only feels that the body, the fairy transpiration, as if swallowing countless days of vitality, there is a feeling of breakthrough soon.

This wine has amazing effects.

Li Mu suppressed the impulse to advance through the big realm and looked at the flowers.

"how is the taste?"

The flower asked faintly.

Li Mudao: "Not bad."

"Is it just good?"

I want to ask.

Li Mudao: "It can be called Xianjian, three glasses of wine, worthy of my cultivation for half a year."

I thought about it and said, "Let's continue."

She poured a cup of Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the empty cup in front of the flower and said: "Why don't you drink it?"

The flower wants to say: "I don't want to drink."

Li Mu did not care.

In the fairy world, the flower is not particularly fond of drinking.

Under the moon.

Under the tree.

There is wine, there are beautiful people.

Flowers want to hold a cup, Li Mu has a drink.

In a blink of an eye, twenty cups of belly, Li Mu gradually felt drunk.

He moved for a moment, raising his hand and grabbing the small hand of the flower.

But it was caught empty.

The illusion of illusion dissipated.

The flower wants to let people have left.

Only one empty jar, two wine glasses, left on the stone table.

At night, Li Mu retired, and was promoted to continuous promotion, straight into the realm of Xianjun.

The combat power is even more powerful.

Even if you don't rely on the power of the formation, you can also have a battle with the top of the Emperor.

"What kind of wine is this, the effect is so amazing?"

Early the next morning, Li Mu looked at the empty jar, and his heart was very surprised.

His fingers rubbed on the two wine glasses, and the touch was excellent. For a while, he felt a little bit fascinated.

"I don't know if the flowers will come again tonight."

Li Mu thought about it.

At night, the flower did not appear.

On the second day, in the city of Ningping, there will be new big people coming.

In addition to the self-funded people in the ascendant camp, there are several emperor and emperor figures in the Tiandao League.

The atmosphere in the city is a little nervous.

"It should be deliberation to counter the counterattacks and revenge that the Dominion League is likely to carry out. After all, the Three Kings died and the ancestors could swallow this tone. That is strange."

Li Mu thought about it.

He did not pay attention to and blend with this kind of thing.

Still practicing in his own yard.

The only thing he worried about is that with so many big people coming to Ningping City, if you want to let you sneak into the city, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase, and it will be very dangerous.

With this in mind, Li Mu hopes that he will not want to come again.

As a result, of course, the flower seems to appear in Li Mu’s small yard.

This time, she is not bringing wine.

It is a food box.

After opening, there are a few side dishes and a thick soup.

It is the simplest stone, and compared with the night's wine, there is no cultivation value, but the taste is very good.

It’s not a lot of time to think about it.

Put a few dishes on the stone table under the laurel tree, take out the dishes, hold the rice, and simmer the soup, then eat it yourself.

Li Mu didn't know what the intention of the flower was tonight, but he was not polite. He grabbed the chopsticks and started it directly.

Li Mu’s cultivation now, even if it is not eaten or drunk for hundreds of years, does not matter.

And this dish is not a perfect taste.

But I don't know why, Li Mu is eating more and more delicious.

The more you eat, the more you feel incense.

Unconsciously, I even ate three bowls of rice, six dishes, and ate clean.

"Is it what you did?"

Li Mu looked at the flowers and thought.

If a woman is cooking for a man and is willing to accompany the man to eat, it is mostly emotional.

Did the flower finally recover a little memory?

Li Mu is looking forward to it.

However, Hua wants to shake his head and says: "No."

Li Muyi asked, "Who is that who made the food?"

I want to take a look at it: "A chef in the Dominion League."

Li Mu was quite surprised.

In Taoist League, is there such a cook who specializes in mortal meals?

Flowers want to take the risk of being discovered, is it simply to send such a meal?

Today, my physical condition is not good, I have not updated, and I owe it to the next Monday.