MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1603 Tian Weixing Song Fangjin

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We are forced. ”

"Please Li Xianren forgiveness."

"God forgive us."

Brushed around the ground.

On the blood cloud of the sky, the strong people who drove the golden drive and beat the drums of the Ganges, they also felt the fear at this time.

However, as the most insane believers in the Temple of the Ganges, they still refused to retreat. Some people shouted revenge, and some people, like moths, rushed to Li Muchong, and wanted to seize the [Seven Treasure Tower] and the Emperor of the Ganges Rescue.

"We are willing to turn our backs."

Some of the troops who were kneeling on the ground saw this and pleaded loudly.

They are willing to make a sin.

In the eyes of Li Mu, there is no slight mercy.


He opened his mouth and sipped.

Suddenly, there were thunders all over the place, and they were shooting and dancing.

Leihai covers the sky.

Under the thunder of the road, the white headscarves were instantly smashed into fly ash and dissipated in the sky.

Instant kill.

Nearly 100,000 chaotic strong people are also unable to escape.

Li Mu did not let them go.

Thunder and lightning landed like a rainstorm.

Puff puff!

A thunderbolt takes away a life.

Under the silver lightning, it is a lot of top-ranking powerhouses. It is also difficult to fight. It is like a blasted firecracker. It is like a firecracker, and it turns into blood-stained bones.

This is an unrelenting massacre.

See the powerful parties of the situation, turn around and flee.

But how to escape the trial of this revenge Thunder.

One strong man is spiked.

Standing behind Li Mu, the survivors of Kunlun's secrets, there is no slightest disappointment on their faces, they are all comforts of revenge.

Those who mourn for mercy in the thunder punishment, once like a demon, swept the entire Kunlun secret, do not know how many people killed, countless old women and children, countless young people, have fallen under their butcher's knife, countless The mountain gates were broken, and the inheritance that had accumulated for thousands of years was annihilated. The flames they ignited took away many of the efforts of the millennium. The palaces and buildings they had pushed down were the **** condensation of countless people...

They are all damned.


Killed well.

The Thunder, which is like a storm, is just a time of tea.

When I stopped, I couldn’t see a soldier from the Ganges emperor.


"Kunlun Secret

The situation has been saved. ”

"Master, have you seen it in the Spirit of Heaven? Those devils are in vain."

"Hey, hey, mother, your hatred, reported."

"Linger, those devils are dead, hahaha, all dead!"

The survivors shed tears of blood and fell to the ground, comforting their loved ones and friends who died in order to protect them.

The light finally came.

The heroic martyrs who died in the light are even more memorable and deplorable.

A big battle ended.

The Kunlun secrets suffered heavy losses.

Cloud clearing brought people to clean up the mess, and reorganized the awe-inspiring mountain gate.

The survivors mourn the heart and sorrow the body for the dead.

After this war, the entire Kunlun mystery was almost destroyed, and countless inheritance was cut off. Looking up, there was a scorched earth all around, the cracked earth had not healed, the vicious magma was still spewing, and the mountain forest was still burning!

Rebuilding the Kunlun secrets has become a long-term project.

The survivors packed their minds and revive their morale.

After Li Mu and Li Hua, Yun Qingshuang, Zhen Yangzi and others, they began to interrogate the [Ganghe Emperor] in the Qibao Linglong Tower.

In the tower.

A golden independent prison space.

Li Muxian saw six magical species such as Tian Qiaoxing who had been imprisoned.

But seeing these people, they have all been polished to the same extent, and they are all suffocating, and there is no magic in them. It seems that they are a lot more kind.

Li Mu glanced in the dark and did not pay attention to these people.

He is sinking.

Came to the space where the Emperor of the Ganges was imprisoned.

The golden light shimmers, and on each of the four walls, there is a demon god, holding a magical scorpion, a diamond sword, a sky magic umbrella and a round bag, etc., as a stunned, double-eyed, like a smirk, exudes a strange Wei Pressure.

There are also tens of thousands of fist-sized gods who are sculpted and scattered all over the wall.

[The Emperor of Ganges] was detained in this space.

Whenever he struggled to rush upwards and wanted to escape, in the eyes of the four devil gods, they shot a golden electric light, as if it were a rope whip, slamming in the [Ganghe Emperor 】 body.

Golden light splashes.

[The Emperor of Ganges] screams again and again.

When Li Mu appeared, he roared and rushed toward Li Mu.


When Li Mu punches, he will fly.

Then flashed up.


Punching a fist, blasting like a shower

[The body of the emperor]

He was shot in the air, constantly blasting and unable to land.

Li Mu is like a sandbag, crazy catharsis.

I don't know how long it has been.

[The Emperor of Ganges] Like a dead dog, he squats on the ground and can no longer move.

"I don't feel reconciled. I feel that I have been concealed. I think that in a fair battle, you will not lose to me?"

Li Mu looked at him and said: "Childish."

He slowly said: "In the land of Wan Xianfu, the kings of the Hades, the tower master of the fairy tower, I have killed, even if the immortal passed through the fairy door, you can count something, in front of me, What is the sense of superiority? Don't say that your strength has not recovered, even if it is completely restored, it is still a small pawn, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

"What? You..."

[The Emperor of Ganges] was shocked.

At this time, he realized that the young man in front of him was not the little immortal in his imagination who was lucky enough to fly up the fairyland.

It is a real river dragon.

Know the Wanxiangfudi, know the Hades and the town of Xianta, know the fairy giant gate...

This is definitely a visitor to Wanxiangfu.

Is this Li Mu, one of the one hundred and eight stars?


I have not seen him at the time.

[The emperor of Ganges] is in a state of confusion.

But obviously, the sense of superiority in his heart, the unwillingness in his heart, after the words of Li Mu, dismissed a seven seven eight eight.

"You should be one of the thirty-six days, which one?"

Li Mu asked.

[The Emperor of Ganges] slightly hesitated, said: "Heavenly Stars Song Fangjin."

Sure enough, it is a star.

"In the Temple of the Ganges, are there other stars in the sky?"

Li Mu asked.

[Heavenly Star] Song Fangjin bowed his head.

Li Mudao: "Don't be lucky, confessed to being lenient, and resisting strictness... I am coming down this time to clear all the world's scorpio, you have said it, maybe there is a chance, if not, When I will smash the nets, you will never die."

"You promise me a condition, I can not only tell you about the situation in the Temple of the Ganges, but also help you find other places in the sky."

[Heavenly Stars] Song Fangjin jerked his head up, with hate in his eyes, biting his teeth in a word.


There are three more. Today, a photo was bubbled up in the public micro-signal. In addition, tomorrow, the Tiandao League, the Ascendant camp and the Dao Zun League masters will be announced in detail, so that everyone can read. The public number is [a raging knife]