MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 108

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After providing the wonderful novels for reading, the three people searched all the four bodies, except for a few props and weapons, only found the weird note with the words "bread". Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Tang Mo put this piece of paper into his backpack.

Fu Wendun quickly found a can of gasoline from the corner, and he filled the car with oil.

The rain outside the window went down again, and the rain hit the glass. Tang Mo went to the window and carefully observed the surrounding environment. After confirming that there were no more people, he pulled down the curtains.

Fu Wen took an oily pen and drew a simple map of Beijing on the whiteboard, clearly marking several landmark buildings. Then he made a triangle above the Forbidden City and a second triangle in the northwest corner. Next to this triangle he wrote three words: Yanqing District.

“There is a black tower on the land of 10,000 square kilometers on average. There are two black towers in Beijing, one next to the Forbidden City and one in the northwest of Beijing, Yanqing District.” Fu Wen took the road. “We have just arrived. Beijing Qihuan, in the southernmost Daxing District. My family is next to the Forbidden City, and Xiaosheng lives in Dongcheng District. I have been to his home five months ago, but I have not seen anyone, but I have not searched it carefully. Now, our purpose The land is here.” Speaking, Fu Wen took a small circle in a certain position in Dongcheng District.

Before the earth was on the line, Tang Mo once saw it on TV. The black tower in Beijing stood above the Forbidden City. Beijing has an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers, so there are two black towers in the city.

Tang Mo’s eyes condensed on the small circle that Fu Wen’s hand-painted.

Fu Wensheng couldn't help but say: "Since that Tianxuan organization wants to kill Tangge and attack us, we still don't want to go to the city. Their base camp is in Chaoyang District, and it is very close to Dongcheng District. And I believe if my dad Mom is still alive, they will definitely come to the big brother when they hear the name of the big brother. It is impossible to have no news for so long. So we don’t have to go to Beijing."

Fu Wen took the bow and looked down at the children: "Don't go to your home to see?"

Fu Wensheng shook his head: "No, after a long time, I know my parents may not be there."

Before the children followed Fu Wenzhe and Tang Mo to return to Beijing, in addition to the reasons for following each other's relatives to take care of each other, there is also that he also wants to go home to see. Fu Wen took a rush when he went to his home, and did not carefully search the clues in the house. If you don’t look at it yourself, you don’t give up. Just like Tang Mo, even if I know that my friends are ten or eight | Jiuji is no longer there, I will still come to Beijing to find each other.

The election is the most powerful organization in Beijing. Now they want to kill Tang Mo, no matter what the reason is, Beijing is very dangerous.

The whiteboard at the gas station originally wrote the daily oil price and other information. Because Fu Wen took the whiteboard, Fu Wensheng wiped the word with a wipe. Now that the whiteboard is not enough, the child picks up the wiper and starts to wipe the whiteboard. Tang Mo’s eyes stopped at the quiet back of the children. After a while, he said: “We are still in Beijing.”

Fu Wensheng's body, he quickly turned his head, surprised: "Big brother said that the election organization has developed rapidly in these four months, and their leaders have even cleared the difficult mode of the second floor of the Black Tower." They are very powerful.

Tang Mo seriously looked at Fu Wensheng: "Not only do you want to find relatives, but also determine their whereabouts. I have to go to my friend. This is why I came to Beijing. And since they can go here to attack me, Explain that they have a way to determine my location. I can find them wherever I go. But they don't fully grasp the upper hand, at least they don't know that my teammate is Fu Wen. "Donton, Tang Mo added a sentence. "Well, there is Fu Wensheng."

Four months ago, Fu Wen took the lead with the leader of the election organization, and the other party did not ask for a bargain. If they know that the person who is going to kill this time, Fu Wen also won't be able to send four people to attack like this. These four smugglers have the means to retreat (back time abilities) and have the ability to leave safely, but this is based on the premise that they want to kill only Tang Mo. If they know that Tang Mo’s teammate is Fu Wen, he will not easily do it.

Since he decided not to leave Beijing and continue into the city, the three began to negotiate the route into Beijing.

“The Chaoyang District is their home base. We can’t go around. Enter from the west and go to Dongcheng District.”

Fu Wen took the low magnetic sound and gently echoed in the gas station.

The sky is getting darker, and when the heavy rain stops completely, it is already into the night. Everyone decided to leave again the next day. Fu Xiaodi took a few empty mineral waters** and ran silently to fill the water. Fu Wenju is thinking about the situation that may be encountered after entering Beijing. He looked down at the ground and suddenly, the light in front of him was dark. He looked up.

Tang Mo stood in front of him, his right hand in his pocket, rubbing the red gems in his pocket.

Fu Wen took the eyebrows on one side: "I want to go out and have something." The tone is certain, and there is a hint of unseen smile in the voice.

Tang Mo was originally trying to touch the ruby, thinking about how to do it with Fu Wen, and after listening to this, he: "..."

After a while, Tang Mo calmly said: "Go out together."

Fu Wenzhan: "?"

"...I have something to say to you."

After a brief surprise, Fu Wen grabbed the hook and corner. The two left the gas station together. They entered a small warehouse behind the gas station.

This seems to be a small room for storing discarded debris, only a dozen or so flat. It is full of all kinds of sundries, leaving only two square meters of space to stand up. A small window is high in the wall, and bright moonlight shines through the window, shining a white spot on the ground.

Fu Wen took a look at Tang Mo: "What?"

Tang Mo opened the door: "You go back to Beijing...what is it for?"

Fu Wen took a moment of silence: "Look for clues about the Black Tower."

This incident Tang Mo had long guessed. Three months ago, Fu Wen took a trip from Beijing to Shanghai and traveled thousands of miles. It was impossible to just look at the scenery. After he arrived in Shanghai, he only did one thing: he found the Atak organization and contacted Luofeng City. The two sides exchanged some information.

When they communicated, Tang Mo stood outside the door. Although he did not hear their conversation, he knew that Fu Wen’s purpose in winning Shanghai was to solve the mystery of the Black Tower.

“Four months ago, I found an email in the Black Tower Institute in Beijing. At 10 pm on November 17, the Shanghai Research Institute sent an internal mail saying that they found four strange patients. The four people have a heart rate that is too fast, emotionally violent, and even self-harming and hurting." Fu Wen took a look at Tang Mo. "The Shanghai Research Institute's research on the Black Tower is more profound than Beijing. Many of Beijing's materials are from Shanghai. I sent it. So I decided to go to Shanghai and look for clues."

It turned out that it was because of an email that I went to Shanghai. Tang Mo asked: "Why are you going back to Beijing now?"

"Dr. Luo has told me all the information he knows. There is basically no important thing. You know a few more important information. But he also said another important thing... after the 15th, The US White House sent a secret mail to Beijing. On the 17th, two American researchers arrived in Beijing, and the two sides shared information. The confidentiality of this information is too high, and even Luofeng City can't check it. But he knows the two. A place where researchers came to live in Beijing."

Tang Mo immediately understood: "So you are looking for this clue?"

Fu Wen took no answer. He turned and looked through the narrow door and looked at the dark tower in the distance.

"On the day of the 17th, I attended a high-level meeting. The information brought by the American researchers said by Luo Fengcheng, I am sure that the top officials of the country did not know. At least before that meeting, the information was not reported to the country. There are only two possibilities. One is that the information is wrong and has no value, so there is no need to report. Second, the information is very important, the institute does not dare to report it, they need to verify it."

"Whatever the reason... I have to confirm."

Fu Wen calmly said his purpose of returning to Beijing. Even standing in this crowded warehouse, he has a straight waist and stands like a pine, and every word is screaming. His eyes were firm and upright, and he fixedly looked at the black tower in the distance. Suddenly, he retracted his gaze, and Tang Mo was in a hurry to confront him.

Both are a glimpse.

The next moment, Tang Mo turned the topic: "The Tianxuan organization can be regarded as my enemy. They are very powerful and can pass the difficult mode of the second floor of the Black Tower. The strength must not be underestimated. I don't know why they are coming to attack me. I don't know why Black Tower wants to provide them with information. Perhaps this is a task given to them by Black Tower. In the best case, only these four illegal immigrants want to assassinate me, and it has nothing to do with the election organization. In the worst case, It is the election to kill me, and they will always know my coordinate information. No matter where I flee, it is useless."

Tang Mo said that these words are of course not a big sigh of sorrow, they must go away with Fu Wendeng and Fu Wensheng, and do not drag them down. Since he admitted that he is a teammate, Tang Mo will not give up every companion easily. He believes that Fu Wen also won the same, it is impossible to abandon his teammates because of the assassination of the election.

Fu Wen grabbed the meaning of Tang Mo, and he looked at Tang Mo deeply and waited for his next words.

Tang Mo bite his teeth, and there is a complex and embarrassing mood in his heart. Finally, he made up his mind, looked up and seriously watched Fu Wenzhe: "From the garbage cleaning game to the present, I have not seen your abilities. Fu... Major, we will officially check your abilities today. Clearly understand your abilities, know the functions and limitations of your abilities, and help you deal with the elections. I can also copy and use your abilities to enhance your strength."

Fu Wen did not expect Tang Mo to pull him to the small black house for this matter. He was a little surprised for a moment, and reached out with a smile: "Well, it's really a good idea to see what the power is."

No one expected his hand to reach in the air, Tang Mo did not pick up. Only two seconds passed, and Fu Wen has been keenly aware of this strange phenomenon. His brow wrinkled, about to open his mouth, and saw Tang Mo suddenly reached out and quickly touched his cheek.

Fu Wen took the whole person to froze, his eyes widened, and his smile was still in his mouth.

Tang Mo has never seen this man so shocked. Seeing the wrong expression of the other side, Tang Mo suddenly felt more calm.

It turns out that this person’s brain hole is not big enough to guess the real use of private money.

Thinking of this, Tang Mo’s lips curled up and his voice calmed: “Well... this time I touched my face.”

Fu Wenju: "...?!!!" Mobile users browse m23wxwcc reading, a better reading experience. Like to see the urban and rural family ethics please nbsp; llxsww wonderful beauty public number click book city home page