MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 173

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An hour later, Tang Mo gently slammed the door. He turned his head and the rest of the six are already waiting in the hall.

Tang Mo walked quietly to Fu Wenzhe. There is no furniture in the central hall with only one clock suspended in the air, but everyone's room is fully furnished. I don't know who took the chair in the room and only the speaker that was surrounded by Fu Wen was empty. Tang Mo went and sat down.

The seven chairs are seated in a circle. It is very clever that the three returnees sit together and sit together with Tang.

The game has just started and the players have already embraced each other.

Seven people looked at each other silently and the young man in the returning moment said: "Since we have entered the same game, we are even teammates. This game is not a p-killing game and should cooperate better. It should be better. Meet me, I am the returnee of Dude." He pointed to the golden number on his neck.

The time leaderboards are no longer changing, but the numbers on their necks will not disappear. Unless it is the "hog" in the returnees, anyone knows that the other party is the returnee.

The returnees have already introduced themselves to Tang Modao: "Tang Mo."

Female returnee: "Xing Siqi."

Chen Wei: "Chen Chen."

Seven people introduced themselves. Tang Mo and Fu Wen did not hide their names, because their names were exposed by the Black Tower at the beginning. They are faced with the return is not Jacks. The returnees have experienced a lot of game hiding without any meaning and the other party must have known their identity. However, the three returnees changed their faces when they heard the names of Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

Eve's game, the elimination of Fu Wenzhe, Tang Mo can directly open the reward, get the respect of the underground people, the head of the circus, including not limited to the game.

The young man took a deep breath and said, "Well, everyone knows, then let me talk about it first. I am the top layer of this food chain. No one has doubts?" He printed a number on his face. ", is the highest level among the players present. "This game is actually very simple. Just like Wang Xiaotian said, violence is forbidden and violence is not needed. As long as we find out our own complete food chain, we can win."

Very simple?

Tang Mo: "How do you find out the food chain?"

The young man stared at Tang Mo with vigilance: "Everyone has a clue. According to the clues above, I think we have guesses about the food chain."

Tang Mo has no guess about the food chain, and his words are not a clue. He pretended not to know anything, faintly said: "No one can eat you, so what do you want to do?"

Young man: "The best way to verify if the next level is your own food chain is to eat it. My clues have told me what my next level is, so I can eat the other's ball."

"Are you sure you know what your next level is?"

A low-lying female voice rang, and everyone turned to look at Chen Hao.

The young man didn't notice Chen Hao at all, and he was always watching out for Tang Mo and Fu Wen. Seeing this ordinary little girl, he didn't think: "My percentage determines who my next level is."

“Percentage is certain” Chen Hao’s voice is calm: “Do you know what the food chain is?”

Young men don't understand the meaning of Chen Yu's words: "I certainly know that it is a predator chain, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp."

Chen Tong: "If you eat the wrong object, you will die because of food poisoning. Heita and Cinderella don't explain what happens to the wrong person, but there is no doubt that you will die if you eat the wrong object. Everyone's clues are I can't explain it to you. I have already seen my clues. I am sure that I can't find my food chain through this simple clue. Even my next level is who I am. Be sure. At the beginning of the game, the clues given by Black Tower should not be so simple to let you be your next level."

The young man's face changed slightly: "What do you mean."

Fu Wensheng whispered: "It means you are clumsy. You can't find a food chain through clues. How can you find it?"

The voice of the children was only heard by Fu Wen. Fu Wen took a look at his brother, and Fu Wensheng immediately closed his mouth and sat down and did not dare to speak.

Chen Tong: "I mean, you have such a positive answer, is there a problem? Do you really know what is the food chain?"

Refuted by such a small child, the young man's face could not be hanged, and his look was a bit ugly. He is preparing to scream "I don't know how", and I see Chen Hao taking a small book from behind. On the cover of this book is a photo of Wang Xiaotian. Cinderella smiles sweetly at the camera. It is obvious that this book was taken directly from the room by the little girl.

Opening the book, Chen said: "A food chain consists of at least two grades, producers and consumers. That is, b, this is a complete food chain. We have seven people, there are four numbers on the ball. If Sort seven people by b, that is 1, 2, b1, b2 and the last you, you are the only one."

The three returnees looked at the contents of the book and looked up at Chen Hao in surprise.

In an hour, this little girl who is not amazing how to draw this complicated picture.

For a time, the three returnees did not dare to look down on Chen Hao and stared at her cautiously.

Chen Wei continued as if he had not observed it. "No doubt, you are the highest rank. The first rule of the game, the number on each person's ball is determined by the maximum food chain level of the other party. So I and the one paused. Chen Hao looked at the middle-aged man. "Between me and Liao Feng, there must be one person who is your subordinate. But this does not mean that you are not in other food chains."

This problem has long been thought of by Tang, but among the three returnees, young men and middle-aged men have changed their faces, and Fu Wensheng also suddenly caught.

Chen Wei: "You are the right grade, but you may also be in the other food chain, which is the third grade. So, your next level is Fu Wenzhe or Xing Siqi, for example, Tang Mofu wins you. You may also It is the second level b level in another food chain. Your next level is Tang Mo or Fu Wensheng, such as Tang Mo. You may even have six of us, each of whom is your next level, you can eat it. Each of us. This is a food chain game, but the food chain is never a single, it is a network."

The young woman grew up and he understood the meaning of Chen Yu. He thinks of his own clue again, his face suddenly becomes difficult to look. What he didn't even think about was that a calm female voice continued to say: "I am making an analogy. Your clue is that your subordinate is a woman."

Du De brushed his head and looked at Chen Hao with shock.

In the middle of the spacious room, the little girl looks like she is sitting next to the clock. She didn't know when she started, and she stared silently at Dude. Now Du De looked up at her in a wrong way. It was hard to see a smile in the dark and dark eyes. Chen Hao curled up his mouth and finally said to a child: "I just made an analogy. I have not seen your clues. You didn't tell me."

Du De's heart jumped very fast, he calmed his complex mood, he heard himself calmly said: "I know."

Chen Xiao smiled and continued: "This clue seems to tell you that I am your next level. Because in the class, only I am a girl. However, it does not tell you that it refers to this subordinate Is the third or second level. You may have two food chains, the first one: Tang Mo Fu heard Liao Feng you, the second Fu Wensheng Xing Siqi you. At this time your next level is not me, but her, "The little girl pointed to the young woman. "She is also your subordinate, or a woman. In this way, if you eat me, you will die of food poisoning. Now you are sure you know who your subordinate is?" ?"

Du De opened his mouth and seemed to want to talk, but did not say anything.

Tang Mo quietly looked at this scene, his mouth slightly raised.

The young woman looked at it for a long time and said: "We all know what you mean. I also thought about it. The number on each person's ball does not mean that he only belongs to this level. Players above level 3 are all There may be other levels of identity. I can't see the customs clearance for this game, but there is no doubt that the clues in the ball are the key."

Middle-aged man: "The Black Tower does not allow us to tell others about the clues in the ball. Others cannot know that the teller and the told person will be obliterated."

The young woman glanced at him: "Don't tell the clues in the ball, but you can reveal other things. I will come first, my clue tells me that my next level is a very high probability for this little boy."

Fu Wen took a low voice and said: "Is this a second reasoning?"

Young women did not deny.

Fu Wen took the eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "My next level is Tang Mo." After a while, he added: "The probability is very high."

The middle-aged man honestly said: "I am the third level. According to what you just said, the following four people may be my subordinates, so I can't determine who my subordinate is."

Chen Yudao: "The result of my clue reasoning, it doesn't make sense to say it."

The young man did not speak.

Tang Mo directly said: "My clues don't make any sense."

The three returnees glanced at Tang Mo with vigilance. Obviously, no one believed his words.

The last turn is Fu Wensheng.

The little boy looked firmly at Fu Wen, his fingers clenched, his lips a little white: "I think my upper level is a big brother."

The next second, a female voice suddenly said: "You lie! Your upper level is me!" The young woman's eyes brightened, Fu Wensheng was scared by her voice, her lips trembled, directly refuted: "No, my superior It’s Big Brother, the clue is so prompted.”

The young woman licked her lower lip and smiled: "Children, do you not know what my abilities are?"

Tang Mo is a cold heart.

The young woman laughed: "You are lying, I know this thing, I am 100% sure. My clues don't tell me exactly that you are my subordinate. But obviously your clue tells you. You, your superior is likely to be me, this probability may have passed 70%. This probability is worth trying."

The young woman smiled slightly. She took out her own ball from her pocket. The big "2" on the ball pierced Fu Wensheng's eyes.

Just as she opened her mouth to prepare to say the second sentence, suddenly, a cold cockroach reached her neck. The young woman suddenly snorted, her eyes turned and looked at the black man on the side. She did not see when Fu Wenjue walked from behind to her, and the cockroach was dead in front of her throat, and she could cut her throat with a little movement.

Young women try to be as calm as possible: "What are you doing!"

Chen Hao stood up: "Do you want to eat him?"

The young woman's face changed: "I don't."

Chen Tong: "You want to do this."


After a long while, the young woman angered: "The original is, don't eat him, how can I determine if he is my next level. Do you want me to say my food chain directly? As long as I have a wrong food chain, I am even a failure. Do you want to eat the next level after learning the next level, to determine the true and false? Compared to many uncertain factors, there is only one uncertainty, of course, first verify. Otherwise why this game I will eat this rule! And I just ate his ball to verify the answer, and didn't want to do anything to him." Then she turned back and said to Fu Wen: "You want to kill me? You start, The game prohibits violence, you will be directly killed by the black tower!"

There are very few people who are not afraid of death. Fu Wendeng seems to have some meaning and smiles low.

The young woman sneered: "If you are not afraid of death, come on. The moment you use violence against me, the black tower will obliterate you."

Tang Mo suddenly understood: "Do you think he can't kill you before being smothered by the Black Tower?"

The young woman’s eyes moved and there was no opening.

"In the blink of an eye, you have at least 19 ways." The cold cockroach reached the woman's neck, and the distance between Fu Wendeng was very good. Every time the woman breathed, she felt that she was going to take it. The neck was scratched, but it was not pierced. She was so nervous that she held her breath, and then she heard the man whisper: "Want to try?",

After the squatting, the young woman still had a lingering fear. She watched Fu Wen take a step back to Tang Mo’s side.

At the moment when Fu Wen took out, some things have already been clarified.

It is impossible for the four Earth players to let the returnees eat themselves at will, and the returnees will not let the Earth players eat themselves.

They are divided into two teams and are alert to each other.

The situation suddenly froze. There are very few clues, so few clues, even if Chen Yu can't find the right food chain. Fu Wen took the bow and asked in Tang Er’s ear: "Is there no meaning?"

He asked what Tang Mo said before, his clues are meaningless.

Tang Mo can't tell Fu Wen to his own clues, and he can't determine what he can say. He pondered for a moment and said: "God is very discriminating, because it is 3n, so the direct deduction is unknown."

Fu Wen took a slight glimpse. He came back to God and probably understood the meaning of Tang Mo.

Fu Wenjue: "We rarely do 3n."

This time it was Tang’s turn to live. He used the bridge as an analogy and made a simple explanation of the clues he got.

Tang Mo recalled: "Well, do we seem to have done three or four times 3n three times?"

Fu Wen took a very positive statement: "No, twice, you are doing it."

Tang Mo smiled helplessly.

In the rules of the bridge, 3n is generally the smallest contract. Even if you win the game, if you do a 3n contract, you will get fewer points. Fu Wen has a lot of ambition and never does 3n. He likes to do the most 4s, and sometimes pursues a grand slam. Tang Mo is steadily winning. The two often play cards together, and they are quite famous at a bridge station in China, but their points are not particularly high, because Fu Wen won the game or scored a lot of points.

At that time, Tang Mo, through the computer, always felt that the person sitting on the other side of the screen was a very impulsive and arrogant guy. So when he and Fu Wen met and teamed up for a long time, he didn't have a chance to win it. Victor was Victor.

Fu Wen won't be as big as a ambition.

Can you say that people can't be seen?

Tang Mo quietly looked at Fu Wen. This man may be really ambitious.

Is he ambitious? What is his ambition?

When Tang Mo recalled the scene of playing cards before the two, Fu Wen was also thinking about some problems. After thinking for a while, the two decided tacitly to put this matter aside for a while. The player is obviously divided into two small teams, and Tang Mo has not avoided it. The four of them got together and said their clues in a roundabout way.

Before Fu Wensheng was about to speak, Chen said: "Small voice, you don't have to say it. What is your clue what we can probably guess, and then prevent you from accidentally saying more." I don't know how to be good.

Fu Wensheng nodded.

After the conversation, the clues of two of the seven players are already very obvious. Young men think that their next level is Chen Hao, and it is very likely that his clue is "the next level is female." Fu Wensheng’s clue means that his upper level should be a young woman, namely “Fu Wensheng Xing Siqi”. Of course, he may also be in two food chains, as well as "Fu Wensheng Fu Wen".

Chen Wei: "Seven players, the first level and the second level of four people can determine their position, there are a total of nine orders. But three people in the three or four level can not determine their position. Look at the situation, except the female return "The children quietly glanced at Xing Siqi. "The other two returnees are not sure who they are at the next level."

Tang Mo nodded: "Well, as far as the information we currently get, this game is impossible to pass."

There is too little information and there are too many possible orders.

The food chain is not a single food chain, dividing seven people into four levels, and three people in the hierarchy may have multiple positions. For example, Chen Hao, the number on her face is 3, but this does not mean that she must be only the third level, she may also be the second level.

Tang Mo thought: "The food chain will be very complicated after it constitutes food. Now what we need to do most is to get clues from others."

Fu Wensheng: "But Black Tower said that it is not allowed to tell others about his own clues."

Tang Mo tightened his brow.

This game should not be like this. If this is the case, there is almost no way to clear the game. I really have to go to that point, I am afraid that there is only one last way to clear customs. But that way

Tang Mo looked up and now Fu Wen is watching him. He turned again and confronted Chen Hao’s line of sight.

Three people are silent.

Tang Mo sighed softly, and he stood up with a small parasol. Just as he was about to get up, a dull bell rang.


Twelve bells echoed in the room, and the seven stood up in a vigilant manner. The sound of the harsh carriage came from outside the door, and Tang Mo looked at the clock in the center of the room. I don't know when, the clock has already pointed to twelve.

Chen Yu was shocked: "How can it be so fast?!"

Yes, how could it be so fast. They are all people who are time-conscious. Everyone understands what it means to Cinderella at midnight, so from the very beginning, there is time to pay attention to it. However, it is clear that in the past few minutes, this clock has reached twelve o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Fu Wen stunned his face and stared indifferently at the huge door.

With a bang, the door slowly opened. A gorgeous pumpkin carriage drove slowly from the door. Tang Mo was ready, the door opened, and a beautiful crystal shoe first caught the eye of everyone. Tang Mo subconsciously noticed that it was wrong. When the beautiful girl in the car got out of the car, everyone was surprised.

Wang Xiaotian wore a beautiful blue dress and smiled and said: "Wow, I like your present eyes. I thought I would wear you in ragged clothes to see you? Fairy tale sees more! I am underground. Wang Xiaotian, the most popular hostess in the People’s Kingdom!” Cinderella walked to the center of the crowd with her skirt, and she reached out and dialed the clock’s hour hand again to eight.

After doing all this, she glanced at the audience for a week and smiled sweetly: "So you stinking humans, do you know your food chain now? This is the first night, you have two more nights. Wait for me. When Xiao Tian is a Wang Hao, there is no time to play this naive game with you. You will be in the room."

Chen Hao directly said: "This game is impossible to pass."

Wang Xiaotian squinted: "What are you talking about?"

Chen Hao calmly said: "I said that as far as the clues we get, unless I am lucky, I can't pass this game."

Wang Xiaotian said with anger: "You are a human being, you are stupid and blame my game! Of course, my game can be cleared. The whole kingdom knows that Wang Xiaotian never lie!"

Fu Wensheng whispered: "Who knows that you are not lying."

Tang Mo suddenly said: "How to pass customs."

Wang Xiaotian said reflexively: "Find out the food chain you are in according to the clues, you can pass the customs." Suddenly slammed his mouth, the pretty girl blinked: "Hey, I just said something."

Fu Wenzhan: "We can only know our own clues, we can't know the clues of others. It is impossible to pass customs."

Wang Xiaotian replied bluntly: "You just don't think so aggressively, you can't try to pass Darwin's test and get clues about other food chain positions!"

Tang Mo’s eyes are wide: “Darwin test?”

Wang Xiaotian laughed and revealed two small tiger teeth: "Oh, did I forget to tell you? Every night, you can take the Darwin test and improve your food chain position. The food chain has been fixed and will not change. But the people in each position can change. When the mouse eats the tiger, he becomes a tiger and the tiger becomes a mouse. You get the first in the Darwin test," Wang Xiaotian pointed to Tang Mo, "you can I evolved to the highest level, got his little ball and the clues inside. Didn't I say? Ah, I must be too busy, I forgot."

Speaking like this, Wang Xiaotian’s smile on the face of gloating is suggesting that she has never forgotten this matter, but she does not deliberately say that she appreciates these human expressions.

Young woman said: "What is the Darwin test?"

Wang Xiaotian spit out his tongue: "Are you sure you want to participate?"

Seven people nodded without hesitation.

The game has been shut down, not participating in this Darwin test, they simply can not get other clues, customs clearance games.

Wang Xiao sweet laughed strangely, she was very excited. The familiar smile made Fu Wen stunned, then Wang Xiaotian patted his hands, and a huge camera suddenly fell from the ceiling. No one knows when it was there, it was a three-way light, and the dazzling spotlights illuminated the seven players in the middle of the room.

Wang Xiaotian had a right hand and a diamond microphone appeared in her hand. She jumped to the roof of the pumpkin carriage. Instead of looking at the seven players, she looked up at the huge camera.

"What are the nine unsolved mysteries of the underground kingdom?"

"Is the head of the circus really bankrupt?"

“Is the Eve that all Black Tower monsters looking for is a returnee or a survivor of the earth?”

"Hey, everything is in the happy question and answer! Hello everyone, I am your favorite kingdom TV star host Wang Xiaotian. Today is a happy answer time, happy question and answer 8341 program, we came Cinderella's food chain game. Let's see, how many lucky ones have successfully entered our game today?"

Wang Xiaotian smiled sweetly at the camera: "Happy Q&A, a total of twelve rush questions. The correct person can get points, and the wrong answer is no points."

Wang Xiaotian pointed his hand and the camera pointed at the seven players in the center of the room.

Except for Fu Wen, the other six people are all in awe. Tang Mo quickly returned to God and raised his eyes. He saw a red answer in front of each player rising from the floor. A total of seven rush questions were suspended side by side in front of the players.

Wang Xiaotian smiled slyly. She sat on the roof of the pumpkin carriage and swayed her legs. She said happily: "This is a special scene show of happy quiz. I am a gold medal host. If there is any good thing, I will think of my most lovely audience. I don’t want to get a salary for the first episode. There are two of the seven players who know the audience in front of the TV. Their fame is not small. As for them, Who"

"I will not tell you if I sell it."

Although Wang Xiaotian still wants to talk nonsense and mix the program for a long time, she looked at the clock and said with regret: "The time is limited, then we will officially start."

It was all too sudden. Wang Xiaotian, who came out inexplicably, the camera that suddenly fell from the sky, and the happy quiz show that I had never heard of. But Wang Xiaotian did not give them a reaction time, the players were still forced, Wang Xiaotian said: "Dangdang Dangdang, please listen to the question! First question, underground"


Wang Xiaotian suddenly stunned: "Hurry!" She looked up at Tang Mo strangely.

Even Fu Wen did not respond, Tang Mo actually pressed the answerer before Wang Xiaotian had not said the problem.

Wang Xiaotian is also a bit embarrassed: "Guest Tang Mo, I have not said the topic, how do you press the answering machine. Do you know what questions I have to ask?"

Tang Mo is arrogant: "I don't know."

Wang Xiaotian: "Ha?"

Tang Mo: "You just said that you have points in the answer, no points in the wrong answer. You didn't say, is there a penalty for answering the wrong answer?"

Wang Xiaotian: "No."

Tang Mo faintly said: "Then grab a question first."

The three returnees who have just reacted: ""

Also bring this? ! !