MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 17 Meng Chao's technology

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"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Luo, Brother Zhou."

Meng Chao recalled familiar faces.

In the past life, these simple and kind elders taught him a lot with his father.

"Achao is here too?" Everyone nodded unexpectedly. "Follow your dad to study hard and be a reaper, promising."

"Brother Shen?" Meng Yishan asked.

He explained back to his son, "Brother Shen is the leader of the company. Can you be a reaper? He has the final say. Be smart, no, be honest."

"Shen Brother is blowing air-conditioning there. Today, Lord Tiger beheaded a third-level monster. Shen is in a good mood. You can take Achao to find him and say a few good words. There must be no problem." Said.

Shen Rongfa, the general manager of "Jiuxin Resources Recycling Company", has a "Yu" face with very small eyes and large nostrils.

Obviously, without wearing hands, he wore a pair of medical masks with the highest filtration level, and also wore three protective clothing inside and outside.

The man was short and stout, no wonder the sweat was hot and he was blowing air next to the refrigerated truck of monster materials.

"Lao Meng, you said last time that if your son could not go to college, I wanted to come to our company, but how did I hear that he was injured?" he asked in a tone of voice.

"I had some minor injuries last year and it hasn't bothered me. This kid has a pair of quick hands since I was a child. I took him personally, and within two years, it must be a good hand." Meng Yishan bent over and smiled humbly, "Shen, You can help."

"Well, I can definitely help here."

Shen Rongfa was undecided, "However, the company was not opened by me. In the case of your son, I am not good to explain to my brother-in-law..."

"I understand, so I can only ask Brother Shen for help."

Meng Yishan quickly lowered his head to the ground, took Shen Rongfa's hand, and gave it away gently.

Meng Chao's eyes were sharp, and he saw his father put a shopping card in Shen Rongfa's hands.

The colorful monster pattern on the shopping card seems to be the consumption card of "Golden Dragon Mall".

It is a high-grade shopping city in Longcheng, which sells raw materials of rare monsters, with a membership card of 10,000 yuan.

Meng Chao in the previous life really didn't know how he got his job.

Usually, I don’t even want to smoke half a cigarette. If my underwear is rotten, I will sew it up for three or five years. Do I actually have 10,000 yuan in private housing?

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

Think very seriously.

Later, is it possible to take advantage of the high moon and wind, use a sack to wrap Shen Rongfa's head, and grab the card back.

Shen Rong laughed with fat and trembling with a shopping card, and slapped Meng Yishan's shoulder with his hot and humid hand. "Okay, anyway, your harvesting team is just attached to the company. Whoever you like to take as an apprentice has nothing to do with the company. Just one, don’t cause trouble—it’s okay to add trouble to me, it’s not good to upset my brother-in-law, right?"

"Understood, we will never cause trouble to Brother Shen and Tiger Master." Meng Yishan nodded, turned around and pulled his son, "Achao, thank you Uncle Shen quickly?"

Meng Chao took a deep breath and stepped forward: "Thank you, Manager Shen."

"Well." Shen Rongfa waved his hands impatiently. "Don't say it, hurry up and work!"

Patted the **** and squatted on the refrigerated truck to rest

"Start work!"

The reaper finally checked the mask and protective clothing.

Iron pliers, scalpels, liquid washer, axe saw, various tools that can unload all monsters are prepared.

"Achao, Manager Shen can't offend." Meng Yishan heard his son's poor tone and whispered while helping him wear equipment.

Meng Chao was silent for some reason. As soon as he saw Shen, he was full of indignation and even hatred. The negative emotions rising in his heart were much stronger than when he was facing Zuo Haoran.

"It seems... this guy in the past life has hurt Dad miserably?" The sudden thought made him slightly startled.

After pondering for a while, he decided to go straight ahead: "Dad, you have been a reaper for more than ten years, and everyone is convinced of you. Why do you have to work in Jiuxin? Can't you stand on your own?"

Regardless of whether Shen Rongfa is good or bad, since Meng Chao returned from a nightmare, there is no reason to leave others behind.

Only by forming your own forces and becoming stronger step by step can you control your destiny.

"It's really a child talking, how can it be so simple to start a company." Meng Yishan sighed.

He has thought about doing it himself for so many years.

However, to start a company, there must be start-up capital, and the Meng family has a heavy burden, and it is stretched at the end of each month.

Moreover, the most important thing when a reaper is not craft, but network.

Only with strong connections will there be sources of monster corpses.

Meng Yishan also doesn't like Shen Rongfa, this guy can clean up even the most common sword halberd demon pig.

But his brother-in-law "Qin Hu" is extraordinary, and the "Crazy Sword Team" where he belongs is a little famous. Every time the mist comes, he can kill a lot of monsters and let the surname Shen handle it.

Many harvesting teams could not find the source of the corpse and could only rely on the "Jiuxin" banner and endure the exploitation by the surname Shen.

Meng Yishan's harvesting team, who didn't know any strong men, really came out to do it alone and could only take orders from the military.

The monsters bombarded by the military with heavy fire power are all scorched, not to mention filthy, and they don't harvest much useful resources at all.

Besides, even military orders have been getting less and less recently, and monsters have all been wiped out!

Meng Yishan didn't know what to do with her son who was not familiar with the world. He could only say: "For two years, wait for you to practice skills, and your sister has also gone to college. Let me talk about it later. I will definitely not let you be wronged all the time. "

Meng Chao said with great eyes: "Dad, have you ever thought that monsters will increase again?"

Meng Yishan froze: "What do you mean?"

"This is what a biology teacher in our school said." Meng Chao said, "There have been fewer and fewer monsters in the past ten years. It may not be really afraid of us. It may also be that monsters have entered some kind of... dormant and evolved. State, soon, the monster will complete the evolution and appear in front of us with more and more violent gestures."

"There is such a thing?"

Meng Yishan was surprised that he had no culture and had an instinctive trust in the teachers of key middle schools. "Which teacher will my parents see?"

"I was a famous teacher from a foreign school who came to the school for short-term training. I also took an interest class and listened to him talk a few words casually." Meng Chao said, "If there are really more monsters, then there is no need to worry about the source of corpses?"

"This--" Meng Yishan hesitated.

"Today in our community, don't we just paint the super beast?" Meng Chao anxiously said, "Dad, this is a threat and an opportunity. If we want to make a fortune or become rich, we must seize this opportunity!"

Son has always been Meng Yishan's greatest pride.

After attending a key high school, there was a set of theories, but the two old men could not have said him.

Meng Yishan knew Shen Rongfa's virtue. If he had no way to go, he did not want his son to work for this birdman.

However, thinking of the capital, contacts and technical support needed to start the company, the middle-aged man with white temples had some headaches.

"Let's start the work first, and then turn back, come over, we will teach you to harvest monsters together."

The main force of this wave of invasion is crustaceans.

In addition to the black beetles seen in Tianfuyuan, there are a large number of arachnid monsters, mainly yellow-tailed giant-tailed scorpions.

The size of this monster is about 1.2 meters.

Two pairs of giant forelimbs like crab claws are rich in delicate flesh.

The chitinous hard shell can be used directly as armor, or it can be ground into powder to refine special alloys.

The mucus in the body can fertilize the fields, raise giant earthworms, and provide sufficient protein for the people of Longcheng.

The pale golden giant scorpion tail contains precious venom, can refine cell active agents and gene agents, and uses slight toxins to stimulate the evolution of the human immune system and activate the extraordinary power deep within the genes.

There is also a poison needle with extremely high hardness, finely ground, engraved with runes, and matched with a heavy anti-equipment sniper rifle, which is the best sniper bullet. In addition to armor breaking, it also naturally comes with "corrosion" and "poisonous poison" "effect.

"Xiaochao, haven't seen so many monsters, is the scene exciting?"

"It's called'Yellow-tailed Giant Scorpion'. It looks scary, but it's dead dead. It doesn't matter. Come and find out. So many uncles are here, can you hurt you?

"Look, the pliers are still moving, ha ha ha ha, scare you, it's actually a stimulus response of the nerve cord, it's normal."

The reaper is a bunch of big bosses, with unrestrained mouths and good heart, and really cares about Meng Chao as a nephew.

"Thank you uncles." Meng Chaoqiang twitched his mouth, and his performance was very low-key.

Hundreds of monster structures that are ten times more complicated than the yellow-tailed giant scorpion gradually appeared in my mind.

His fingertips were trembling, eager to try.

"Achao, look carefully."

Meng Yishan and other reapers cooperated with the tacit understanding, three times, five, and two, to deal with a yellow-tailed giant scorpion.

In order to take care of Meng Chao, the speed was also slowed down a bit, and every time a part was harvested, he was explained in detail.

"Come on, it's your turn."

The second yellow-tailed giant-tailed scorpion, Meng Yishan is going to look at Meng Chao's talent, "You also have an interest class in dissecting monsters in your school. You should have used these tools. Don't be afraid, it's not too valuable. It’s broken, we can fix it."

"Huh." Meng Chao added a cleansing and detoxifying film to the mask filter.

Raise the scalpel and crustacean forceps and walk to the operating position on the right side of the yellow-tailed giant scorpion.

Naturally, the experience of harvesting monsters of the same type countless times in the previous life emerged.

With the first knife, cut the carapace between the head and chest at 25 degrees.

Fingertips tremble slightly, changing the direction of the blade, peeling off the main nerve cord completely, and immersing it in a 37% concentration of nerve cell active agent to keep it fresh.

The second knife, the number one armor piercing knife, cut off two pairs of forelimbs, changed the 18CM lower curved blade handle, and added the 34 butterfly blade.

Using the arc of the blade, directly peel off the flesh and carapace in the pliers, and then use a negative pressure suction device to gently **** it. The trembling tofu-like scorpion flew into a vacuum container.

For the third knife, replace the No. 11 blade with a reverse pick, first pick the narrow shell tendon, and then drive straight into it, seeing the hard chitinous carapace as if there is nothing, directly strip the contents of the chest cavity, and then use a vacuum pipette , Suck up precious slime without trickling.

Rustle rustle.

Meng Chao's knife, such as the spring rain light, Yangrun silent.


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