MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 100 Throw your fiancee into the lake

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Zhao Yiqing went back to sleep for two days and two nights.

Although the strength of Jiaolong's vertebrae has been tamed by Long Yuan as soft as water, it has not been completely absorbed by Zhao Yiqing. These two days and nights are still gently changing her meridians, blood vessels, and bones.

Ge Mu, who was watching from the side, gradually noticed that another abnormality appeared on Zhao Yiqing.

While Zhao Yiqing was breathing, the aura in the air entered her body from her nose and mouth!

This is so unusual.

First, Zhao Yiqing does not have spiritual roots and cannot absorb spiritual energy.

The second is that the cultivator's exercise scriptures are passed down around the sky, all of which are to open and close the pores, so that the spiritual energy can enter the body's meridians from the pores and points of the body, without breathing.

Only divine beasts or demons can do this.

These two situations mean that Zhao Yiqing's body can absorb spiritual power after being transformed by the Jiaolong vertebrae, and in a demonic way.


Zhao Yiqing does not have the aptitude for Taoism, but it is a bit exaggerated that his luck in Taoism is good.

Ge Mu was amazed.

Two nights later.

Zhao Yiqing woke up from his stupor, he didn't feel pain anymore, he just felt thirsty.

She got out of bed and poured water, just picked up the cup, and with a click, she broke the porcelain cup easily. What's going on here? Looking at his fingers, he was not scratched by the fragments of the cup.

"Awake?" Ge Mu came in from outside.

"Well, I seem to be stronger, much stronger than before."

Ge Mu didn't take it seriously and said, "What you fused is the ninth vertebra of the Jiaolong, where the essence of the dragon is. Think about it, the Jiaolong has the power to overturn the river and the sea. It's strange that your strength does not increase."

Then he said: "The stone pier outside the courtyard was originally a stone roller that rolled a plate. It is estimated that it weighs four or five hundred pounds. You can try it and see how far you can throw it."

what! ? What a joke.

If you can lift four or five hundred pounds, you are almost the world champion of women's weightlifting. How far can you throw it?

Zhao Yiqing didn't realize that he had such great power.

But she also wanted to see how her body had changed, so she walked to the yard, supported the stone roller and shook it.

How is it so light?

There was an extremely exaggerated expression on her charming face, and she felt that the stone roller weighing four or five hundred kilograms seemed to be made of plastic foam, and then hugged her hands, it was lightly gathered above her head, and she didn't feel that it took much effort. .

"Do your best to throw it out."

"Where are you still going?"

Ge Mu said angrily, "Where no one is going, what are you trying to kill?"

"Oh, I'm not a little confused."

Say it.

Zhao Yiqing threw the stone roller out with his arms, but when he saw the stone roller of four or five hundred kilograms, it flew more than 20 meters high and crashed to a place 80 meters away.

"I... I I I I I... so much power..."

Zhao Yiqing stammered in shock, her body kept the same attitude as when she threw a stone roller, Ge Mu glanced at it, and judging from her attitude, it was just her arms exerting force. If she twisted her waist and turned her hips, the distance could be doubled.

Such a physique is no longer inferior to Ge Mu's physical strength at this time!

Ge Mu let out a sigh, and glanced at Zhao Yiqing with extremely helpless eyes.

"Zhao Daqianjin, do you know? You've been in pain for a few hours. The pain level may be worse than when a woman gave birth to a child, but your physique has surpassed the later stage of foundation establishment, which is more than ten or twenty years for an ordinary cultivator. Years of ascetic cultivation may not necessarily reach the level.”

"I... just happened to..."

"It happened? What a **** coincidence! Do you know how many people would want to strangle you if you were to announce your **** luck in the world of cultivators?"

Zhao Yiqing pouted, this was not what she wanted.

Ge Mu turned around and slapped his face with water, put it on the broken wooden table outside the hospital, and then said, "How much is your lung capacity? How long can you hold your breath?"

"I thought you fetched water to wash my face."

"Go away and answer the question."

"2600ml, it's more than a minute to hold your breath. I don't know the specifics. What are you doing?"

"What else can you do? You have a mutation in your body now. I have to study what has changed, otherwise you will not be able to live in the future! Don't talk nonsense, put your face deep in the washbasin and hold your breath."

Ge Mu wanted to verify his guess.

Zhao Yiqing was not stubborn either. He lifted his hair and put his face into the washbasin. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... It felt like a long time had passed, and there was no feeling of suffocation.

"How long? Can you?" She stuck out her face again.

"Who let you out?"

Ge Mu was a little serious.

Zhao Yiqing said truthfully: "I don't feel anything."

"Oh, that's it. The time you held your breath just now was 5'27", which is five times the time you held your breath before. you come with me! By the way, I have to get a thick rope, and I also bring the stone roller that was still out just now. "

Ge Mu took a thick hemp rope, took Zhao Yiqing, and pushed the stone roller to the lakeside of the big lake in Sanqingmen.

As soon as he arrived at the lake, he let Zhao Yiqing hold Shi Nianzi.

Then he picked up the hemp rope and tied Zhao Yiqing and Shi Nianzi firmly together. The latter was so frightened that his scalp went numb: "What are you doing, tying me into the lake?"

"That's right."

"You... crazy?"

Ge Mu grinned and said, "I'm not crazy, don't I won't hurt you."

"They're all about to throw me into the lake, and they said they won't hurt me, don't, don't, let's do it if we have something to say."

go down-

No matter how Zhao Yiqing begged for mercy, Ge Mu shoved her abruptly and pushed her directly into the lake, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

your sister!

Zhao Yiqing, who has a good family education, can't help but scold.

But she had sunk to the bottom of the lake, panicked for a while, and only struggled, but Ge Mu didn't know what means to use on her, and he couldn't use the slightest strength at this time.


One mouth, a bunch of bubbles floated up.

One minute passed, two minutes passed...

Ten minutes passed.

Zhao Yiqing even felt that a long century had passed, but Ge Mu still did not come down to save her.

She felt extremely desperate, but gradually calmed down.

Open your eyes.

Just like in the lake water as green as emerald, there is a slight silver moonlight penetrating in, and many small fish swim past her, and the lintel reflects a bright light like mercury.

If it weren't for being thrown into the lake by the five flowers, this is definitely a beautiful scene.

The strange thing is that even at the bottom of the lake, Zhao Yiqing didn't feel the slightest suffocation. She even felt that air was coming in!

Moreover, her vision in the water was not affected in any way.

Why is this all?

Zhao Yiqing couldn't figure it out at all, but one thing was certain, she was no longer an ordinary person at this time.

Ge Mu, who was standing by the lake, looked at her phone. It had been 32 minutes since Zhao Yiqing was thrown to the bottom of the lake, but she could feel her vitality was still very strong.

"It really is."