MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 107 voyeur beauty

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Bamboo West Snow.

The leader of the junior disciples of Zhengyi, and the top three in the upper realm Wushan Lun Dao Renzi round.

The Tianyuan Rouge List also ranked third—the third place was originally Wu Yue and Su Bieyun, but Su Bieyun was dead, and the cultivator who liked to judge Fengyue added her in.

After Sun Gouzi and Pang Shiduo passed the breath, Zhu Xixue arrived at Sanqingmen the next day.

Many disciples of the Sanqing Sect looked at the excitement, and saw Zhu Xixue's delicate face, star-like eyes, delicate skin like porcelain, and a cold temperament, like a contemptuous girl.

The ice lies in the snow, and the immortal energy is compelling.

Beauty is better than Fang Ying!

In addition, its temperament is extremely cold, like thousands of snow-capped mountains, without dust, it makes people feel more imaginative.

However, Zhu Xixue did not follow what his uncle and grandson Gouzi said. As soon as he arrived at Sanqingmen, he asked Ge Mu for a test. After meeting Feng Tianhe and Pang Shiduo, he went to reconcile yin and yang in the vicinity of the "Cathode Well". .

Her spirit is very good, this Wushan Lun Dao Ren Ziyi is determined to overwhelm her peers in the world, and she won the championship in one fell swoop, so she didn't want to compete with Ge Mu alone.

It was true that Master Yan was famous in the Taoist world back then, but if there was a teacher, would there be an apprentice?

not necessarily!

Ge Mu didn't even know about the fact that the leading disciple of Zhengyi Dharma came to Sanqingmen, so he concentrated on helping Zhao Yiqing to control his strength in Liangdaochang.

After two days of training, Zhao Yiqing gradually gained some understanding of his own strength. Running is no longer a problem, but it is far from being able to retract freely.

So Ge Mu changed his method again.

She got a few large boxes of disposable paper cups, and let her quickly pour her left hand into her right hand.

When she grabs the paper cup nimbly, and the paper cup is not damaged or wrinkled at all, it means that she is perfectly able to restrain her strength. The method is extremely simple, but it is also effective.

In addition, he also began to let her get in touch with things in the monastic world. First, he went to the Sanqingmen Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to borrow the most basic "Sanqingmingjingjing" for her to read.


Ge Mu stood under the shade of the willows and played with a pebble back and forth with "photographing objects from the air", while Zhao Yiqing sat and read the "Three Pure Brightness and Purity Sutra" silently against the tree, as well-behaved as a primary school student.

But she felt that Ge Mu could make a pebble from a long distance fall into her hands with great accuracy, which was really amazing.

Finished reading the scriptures.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the cobblestone floating in the air, and said with a smile: "That's it, can I learn this technique?"

Ge Mu nodded and said, "Yes, but I can't learn it now. It will take you to learn how to use your strength and understand how to run Zhou Tian. It will take half a year."

"That's fast."

"By the way, did you and your dad tell you to stay in Sanqingmen now?"

Zhao Yiqing bit his cherry lips lightly, and said hesitantly: "I said that I was with you, but I didn't say anything about cultivating the Tao and fusing the keel. I'm afraid his blood pressure can't bear such a stimulus."

"It's not in a hurry. Find a suitable opportunity to talk to him later."


Not much time.

Fang Ying and Lou Xingnan came over, Lou Xingnan was still holding the cut watermelon in his hand, and shouted from a distance, "Brother Mu, Miss Zhao, eat the watermelon."

"I'm thirsty, thank you."

Ge Mu was not as polite as Zhao Yiqing, and grabbed a piece directly.

The four chatted while eating.

Fang Ying first talked about Zhu Xixue and said: "Today there is a beautiful woman in the sect, who can be evenly divided with Yiqing. She is called Zhu Xixue, and she is still the leader of the younger disciples of the Zhengyi method."

Lou Xingnan went to Sanqingmen in the morning to work at the winery in the secular world, but he didn't see it, and he couldn't help but say in surprise: "Zhu Xixue? She was the third place in the last Wushan Lun Dao Renzi competition, and she reached her realm a year ago. Middle stage of foundation building."

Third place? Middle stage of foundation building? Ge Mu let out a sigh of relief.

Not too interested.

To be honest, if he hadn't made an agreement with the old man Wang Mengfu to participate in the Wushan Lun Dao, he might not have gone there.

After all, the pattern of the earth's monastic world is limited.

But when it comes to beauties, Lou Xingnan's silly big man is very enthusiastic, grinning his mouth showing two rows of big white teeth and smiling: "Senior Sister Zhu is still the third beauty in Tianyuan Rouge List. I'll have to check it out later."

Fang Ying glanced at him with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Listen to the sect master, she will stay in our sect for a while."

O, sad!

Ge Mu pretended to sigh.

Raising his hand and flicking Lou Xingnan's forehead, he shook his head and said, "Brother Feng is still counting on you to give Sanqingmen a voice. As soon as you see... as soon as you hear a beautiful woman, you will be excited."

"Brother, I'm single, can't I take a few glances when I see beautiful women?"

"Look at your sister-"

Lou Xingnan didn't say anything at all, just smiled: "Aren't you interested? I'm afraid that Miss Zhao will pull your ears."

Without waiting for Ge Mu to speak, Zhao Yiqing took the lead and said, "I heard what you said was so lively, I also want to go and see what Miss Zhu looks like."

"Why the **** does it feel like a rare animal."

Unable to resist the curiosity of a few people, Ge Mu was also pulled over to the "Cathode Well" to see Zhu Xixue.

This cathode well is one of the cornerstones of the Sanqingmen Cave, located at the foot of the mountain north of the cave.

In the well was a piece of "Xuanyin Stone" that the seniors of Sanqingmen accidentally obtained to reconcile the yin and yang. When the distance was 100 meters away, it was extremely cold, and the ground was covered with severe There was also a milky white mist floating around.

Lou Xingnan brought the three here.

Peeling at the tree trunk and looking north, he saw Zhuxixue sitting about fifty meters away from the cathode well.

Dressed in white clothes.

The eyes are cold, and the temperament is like a thousand snow-capped mountains.

Standing alone, icy and threatening.

It can be said that it has the potential to bring disaster to the country and the people!

This was the first impression, and then Ge Mu took a closer look. His facial features were more delicate than Fang Ying's, and his body was as graceful as a girl's. The third place in the Tianyuan Rouge List was not unreasonable.

But the peaks and peaks on the chest are barely full, and the beauty of plumpness is missing.

Both of them are slightly petite, estimated to be around 162cm. On the whole, they are not as good as Zhao Yiqing, who has a hot body.

Of course, the aesthetics of cultivators are easy to be light, and they like such women with slender waists.

"It's so beautiful! It's like a fairy from the Nine Heavens descending into the world. If there are fairies in the world, then they must be like this." Lou Xingnan couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration, which shows that his aesthetics are also those of cultivators.

Ge Mu declined to comment.

Holding his chin, he thought about what the real fairies in the upper realms looked like, but unfortunately he couldn't remember.

Zhao Yiqing also praised: "It really looks like a fairy, Yingjie, what do you think?"

Fang Ying smiled lightly.

"Okay, okay, it's time to withdraw after seeing it, are you still waiting for someone to undress?" Ge Mu patted Zhao Yiqing and Lou Xingnan on the shoulders.

At this time,

Zhu Xixue, who was not far away, turned her eyes to look at them, her eyes were as cold as ice, and she had a bit of undisguised disgust.

"Boring! If you don't leave, I'll ask you to leave."

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