MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 122 1 sword is 00,000 divisions

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Qingzhou Song family, Licheng Bai family.

One has prospered for thousands of years, and the other has long since declined in the torrent of history. In this generation, there is only the single seedling of Bethlehem.

Even if Bai Leng is recognized by the cultivator world as Tianjiao forcing the unicorn, how can he do it by himself?

His father also wanted to shine on the lintel of the Bai family in Licheng, and forcibly practiced "Ren Tujian Jue". As a result, the spiritual power overturned and caused hemiplegia.

Therefore, Song Xu did not take Bai Leng seriously.

Strength -

Not only depends on qualifications, but also depends on various cultivation resources behind it.

When Bai Leng's second style "Sweeping Liuhe" hit, Xin Mang's flying sword was blazing brightly, bursting out with a magnificent sword energy more than ten feet long, and it slashed straight down, but Song Xu's face was still light.

"Brother Bai Shi's move is indeed magnificent, but it's useless to me."

Song Xu made the Kuzhu Feijian fly into the air, and suddenly swept out countless strands of sword energy that were as dense as silk, and swayed out like a drizzle of autumn rain.

This style is called Qiu Lu Night Rain.

The implication is ancient, very freehand.

The two spells interlaced in mid-air, and a blazing white light erupted. Then, a violent turbulent flow broke out all the nearby trees that could not be hugged, and the huge branches rolled with the wind.

Even the ground surface was scratched by two inches!

Ye Fei was like rain, and the sky was full of dust, and after the dust gradually settled, it was seen that the nearby area had been razed to the ground.

Song Xu didn't move a bit.

The white cold hair behind the smoke spread out, and there was a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Apparently, Bai was left out in the interlace, but his expression didn't change much, and there was even two points of contempt on that handsome face.

Song Xu is really strong. But Bai Leng once fought against the outrageous Ge Mu, and with Mei Zhuyu in front, the leaders of these younger generations were no longer in his eyes, and the target he wanted to chase was only Ge Mu.

The body swayed and continued to attack.

The essence of "Man Tujian Jue" is like the teacher of the pre-Qin tigers and beasts.

His beautiful face showed the determination and sturdiness of an ancient general.

Thousands of sword energies in his hands are like gold and iron horses, and the sword's edge will destroy the dry and the rotten. Although Song Xu's realm is slightly higher than his, and his techniques are more delicate and subtle, but under the heavy pressure of the rock, he gradually into a disadvantage.


Domineering and fierce people can often turn corruption into magic.

This is also why Yan Zhaoqiu is reluctant to let Zhuge Fanyun specialize in strange tricks such as "stealth".

After a stalemate of four styles and eighteen moves, the situation was gradually reversed by Bai Leng.


Such as the drum of the sky, the thunder whips the nine tripods.

Bai Leng has another style of "swallowed the six kingdoms flat", which brings out the essence of "Human Tujian Jue" to the fullest.

The heart and the spirit are united, and the spirit moves with the spirit.

To swallow the six kingdoms flatly, one sword is a million divisions.

That heroic and magnificent sword qi was like the scorching sun's rays falling from the sky, covering every inch of grass and trees, and every inch of the surrounding land, and instantly scorched it, and even the solid rocks emitted a dazzling white light.

This sword.

Bai Leng also gave up the benefits of Xin Mang and used God to combine swords.

Even though the quality of "bitter bamboo" in Song Xu's hands is better than Xinmang's, but without this layer of state of mind and sword cultivation Dao Yun, he is naturally completely at a disadvantage.

Under the powerful sword aura that was destructive, Song Xu flew out like a kite with a broken string, and people were already spewing blood in the air.


Song Xu fell more than ten meters away, struggled a few times before climbing down, barely standing still.

"You actually... Hmph, I underestimated you too much. It turns out that other than Xiao Huan of the Seven Swordsmen, there are people who can hurt me with swords."

Bai Leng was expressionless: "I don't like to gossip with people. If you want to fight, keep fighting."

Continue to fight?

Song Xu's face was slightly hesitant. His realm was higher. Although he was injured, he still had the strength to fight. The problem is that if you continue to fight, the chances of victory are still not large, and you may suffer more serious injuries, delaying your future practice.

He only came to fight for honor and fame, and he had no blood feud with Bai Leng, and it was not worth it to fight with Bai Leng.

At this moment.

In mid-air came the concerned and somewhat regretful voices of the elders of the Song family: "Xu'er, since the second move you started this battle, you have finished the battle, so that's it, the Qingzhou Song family admits defeat!"

"I think…"

"Admit defeat!"


This is not the Qingzhou Song family counseling, just understand the choice.

It is not allowed to kill people in a herringbone game, but it is not uncommon to be injured and maimed. , so he resolutely let him admit defeat.

It is not easy for a cultivator family to cultivate a good seedling, and it cannot be easily destroyed, not to mention that cultivators have long lifespans, and do not judge heroes based on temporary success or failure.

Song Xu conceded defeat, handed the jade card to Bai Leng, and was then sent out of Xiao Qiankun.

And after the results of this battle came out, Bai Leng, who was previously only a talented man from the South and Qilin'er, proved himself in actual laid the first step for the lintel of the Bai family in Guangyao Licheng.

This match has more weight than Ge Mu's victory over Qiu Hua and Zhuge Fanyun's victory over Zhuang Fengwu.

When Bethlehem played against Song Xu.

Ge Mu walked several miles to the southern area, trying his luck aimlessly.

On the way, I met two people, but their strength was a bit unsatisfactory. Compared with Bai Leng and Song Xu, it was like a rookie pecking at each other. .

Very weird.

Ge Mu folded his arms to watch the battle, and was prepared to not intervene from beginning to end.

They walked over when they were paralyzed on the ground, and said politely, "Do you want the jade medals of the two fellow Daoists? No, I'll take them."


"Despicable, do you want to take advantage of the fire?"

Ge Mu nodded sincerely: "I don't want to take advantage of the fire, or take advantage of the fire. To be honest, I'm not very interested in eliminating the two, I just want to get two jade cards for a beautiful woman (Fang Ying) to make up the number."

"Bastard! You have the **** kind of waiting for me to rest!"

"Too troublesome."

"I _fuck_ you..."

"Using this method to seize the jade pendants of the two of us, do you still have integrity! Don't **** touch it!"

The two of them were too exhausted and didn't even have the strength to stand up for the time being. They just yelled at them, because Ge Mu had already begun to **** for the jade card on them.

Ge Mu grinned and continued to grope, but he actually found a pocket-sized yellow book first, turned a few pages, shook his head and sighed, "This fellow Taoist has a very unique taste, how can I watch this kind of apprentice fooling around with his wife? My little yellow book, is it possible that you have any thoughts on your wife? Hey, I have found the jade card."