MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 165 little **** of wealth

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Go back to the disciple's residence.

In the meticulously tidied room, Zhao Yiqing leaned on his side to read a book. The "Twelve Meridian Examination" had been replaced by "Xuanqi Extraction".

Wu Suqiu liked her very much. Before her death, she carefully selected some Taoist books for her, from shallow to deep, step by step. This book "The Essence of Mysterious Qi" can be regarded as an outline book, and it is a very systematic explanation of cultivation.

Before the case, I lit a pot of submerged small seal incense, and a plume of smoke was straight and calm, and it was also a gift from Wu Suqiu.

And Zhao Yiqing is integrated with the dragon bone, so he doesn't have to meditate and breathe like an ordinary cultivator. He has his own aura in his breath, and reading the Taoist classics is only beneficial. As for the magical power of magic, Ge Mu did not expect her to find any way.

Ge Mu's eyes slanted towards her, and he took a bath on his own.

After he came out, Zhao Yiqing looked away from the thick book of "Xuanqi Retrieval", a little surprised: "When did you come back?"

"It didn't take long. You were so absorbed in reading the book just now that I didn't call you. I have almost practiced the technique of shrinking into an inch. I will have time to accompany you in the future, so that you will not be lonely in spring."

Zhao Yiqing scolded delicately: "Go away."

"Staying in this acre of land all day long, can't drive a GTR, and can't go to the street to sell bags and eat a big meal. As a rich second generation, you are very, very boring. This boring emotion should be directed to someone It's piled up, unhappy, sad in the spring and sad in the autumn, and extremely lonely at night. Should we take care of that first?"

"Go to hell! Don't think of people as dirty as you. I'm not bored. I have a lot to do now."

Ge Mu was suspicious: "Really?"

"You think you're the only one busy?"

In fact, it was really boring to read these obscure and esoteric Taoist classics every day at Sanqingmen, but Zhao Yiqing found something to do by himself.

The Sanqingmen winery in the secular world is not very large. Although it uses the ancient method to make wine, the food used in winemaking is also very good. There are still many aged wines that have been aged for more than ten years, but the reputation has not been achieved, and it makes a profit every year. They are all very limited, and they can't squeeze out too much profit to support the Sanqingmen.

During the four months of Ge Mu's retreat, Zhao Yiqing and Fang Ying went shopping outside, visited the winery twice, and got a general understanding of the situation.

Zhao Yiqing, who was born in a family of merchants, has an extremely keen sense of smell in business. He thought that this winery is really sleeping on Baoshan and crying poor. The sales are not fake but it lacks a platform.

This is what she did, and all the wines were aged for more than ten years.

Then I first recommended my father Zhao Tuo, and let his father's banquet in a large commercial hall be served with wine. Although many rich people are the masters of following the trend, they always know the goods.

Sure enough, after the banquet, someone asked Zhao Tuo what kind of wine it was and where did it come from, Zhao Yiqing took the opportunity to release two urns to those wealthy families or political elites, and the reputation would be affected as soon as they came and went, and other rich people followed suit.

Zhao Yiqing is up for sale. Six bottles of 45-year-old wine were sold at auction for 3.88 million yuan, and half of the wine was looted. In four months, he made a profit of more than 12 million yuan just by selling the wine.

She also won the marketing secret, and the remaining old wines are basically not sold, which is estimated to cause a feeling that this wine is valuable and has no market. Occasionally release a few bottles, and the price of 30 years of aging will reach 120,000. I got a lot of money, and I took 10% of the gold myself.

In addition, the farmland reclaimed in Sanqingmen is very large. He opened his mouth for more than 100 years. He couldn't eat all the grain he planted. Usually, he would let the people in the winery sell it in the market. Zhao Yiqing also packaged this part of the grain.

The crops in Sanqingmen are all pollution-free and pollution-free green products, which are sold together with ordinary rice grains on the market.

How bad is this?

She had to go the high-end boutique route, so she used the Zhao family's platform to do some marketing again, and sold these grains at a price 20 times higher than the market price. There are as many rich people in Wu and Yue as crucian carp crossing the river. , really green food, who would care about fifty yuan a pound of rice?

After this, Zhao Yiqing made another 2.2 million for Sanqingmen.

Sanqingmen, which has always been in financial trouble, has added tens of millions of assets out of thin air, and immediately feels that it is rich and powerful.

For example, the disciples of Sanqingmen will have a few days off every year. Zongmen only pays 1,000 yuan. When buying clothes, they have to pick up the discounted goods from the stalls. They feel distressed when they eat a meal of 100 yuan, but now they can directly give them five Thousands, seven thousand, there is no need to be so tight.

It is also difficult for modern cultivators to purify the six faculties, and they cannot do many things without money.

This could not help but make the people of Sanqingmen more favorable to Zhao Yiqing. Even Pang Shiduo smiled and shouted "Little God of Wealth" when he saw her, and other junior disciples were even more polite when they saw her.

Later, several pavilion owners and Pang Shiduo discussed it, and simply, Zhao Yiqing could manage the financial power of Sanqingmen, and she was no longer an outsider anyway.

Therefore, Sanqingmen disciples have to come to Zhao Yiqing to approve money when they go out to buy daily necessities, which is definitely not boring.

Zhao Yiqing told Ge Mu once, and then took out a bank card and stuck it to him, quite proud and jokingly said, "I earn a lot more here than when I was teaching at Licheng There are more than 500,000 in the card, and I splurge on it, buying shoes, mobile phones and graphics cards."

Ge Mu laughed dumbly, he still looked down on his fiancee.

The west is not bright, and the east is bright. Zhao Yiqing may not have talent in cultivation, but he is a genius in business management.

At least there is something to do.

Ge Mu pushed the bank card back and said, "You are still good at making money! But I can't use the money for the time being. Why don't you and Fang Ying buy some nice clothes and skin care products? By the way, you can't do without snacks."

"I'm going to lose myself? I bought several big boxes."

Zhao Yiqing giggled, "Didn't I say that before, even if you don't practice, we can be ordinary people and live an ordinary life, and I can support you."

"I want to take care of me again."


Ge Mu folded his arms and lay down on the bed, tsk tsk and said with a smile: "By the way, next time, which Sanqingmen disciple has a holiday to go out to let loose, you give him a few hundred more and let him bring some meat back, I feel a little bit. hungry."

"Is my Great God King also greedy? I thought it was already supernatural and refined, jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements."

"Nonsense, I love life very much."

Ge Mu was really tired, and after chatting for a while, he fell asleep. Zhao Yiqing walked to the bed gently, helped him take off his shoes, carefully straightened his legs on the bed, and then put him on the bed again. pillow.

Even at the age of 20, Zhao Daqianjin never thought that she would do this kind of work as a servant in her life, but when she encounters an irreplaceable person in her life, she naturally wants to take care of him.

Feelings are the flowers that bloom in the ordinary dust.