MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 82 Wait here to die!

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Yu Ling’s screaming was not good. A dozen Tsing Yi people had already reached the carriage next to them. The black men who chased him followed, and the two men immediately fought on the side of the carriage.

Several aunts saw this scene, their legs were scared, and they couldn’t run. Only the small figure of Linger was in front of the car, posing in a defensive posture, eyes wide open, always ready to protect. Jade old lady.

The mountain road was in chaos, and the black people started to be merciless. For a time, the blood was splashed, and the road was dripping on the mountain. Tsing Yi people are no longer able to speak out like Fangcai. The recruits are desperate moves, and they are screaming again and again. In a short while, there are several cyan figures on the road.

The horse pulling the car was shocked, and the hoof was swayed. In the crowd, the left and right rushed, and Linger was shaken and stood unsteadily. In the blink of an eye, he was taken off the car. The old lady in the carriage was calm. Outside, she played flesh and blood. She was sitting on a bumpy carriage, but she couldn’t say anything.

The driver who was scared to face the unmanned color pulled the reins and sent out a panic of screaming. Who knows that the horse listened but was uncontrollable, but became even more mad.

Chasing the moon is not a BMW, but the situation is calm and calm. Yuling urges the horse to move forward. In a few steps, he rushes to the speeding carriage and screams in the noisy fighting voice: "Old lady, how are you?" ”

The old lady’s voice sounded in the carriage: “I’m fine, look after yourself!”

The horse pulling the car rushed out of the crowd, and under the tight reins of the driver, it finally quieted down.

Seeing that Mrs. Jade’s wife was a little slower, Yu Ling’s sorrow was over. Only a quarter of an hour’s effort was seen. The Tsing Yi people had already been killed, and the road was full of blue bodies.

The black man's movements are well-trained. After destroying the enemy, they immediately gather in the carriage, and in a blink of an eye, they surround the carriage.

The heavy chilling air floats in the air, and the cold wind bursts. This group of silent black people, like ghosts, makes people suddenly feel endless fear.

Yu Ling 珑 提 提 提 珑 缰 缰 缰 缰 缰 缰 缰 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 珑 玉 玉

Looking down at the black man who surrounded him, Yu Ling said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Even though Yu Ling is unparalleled in intelligence, she can't see the way of these people. They are unified in uniform, they are extraordinary in their hands, they are hot and tidy, but they are not as good as the people in the official government. The stock is also feeling positive and evil.

She knew that she had broken through the good things of these people, and it was very likely that she would be killed and killed.

In this remote mountain road, even if they are killed, I am afraid no one will know.

With the legs and feet of the moon, it is very easy for her to want to escape. But she is gone, what about the old lady, what about Linger! ?

In her dictionary, there is no escape, and there is no possibility of throwing away my own people!

Thinking of this, Yu Ling tightened the reins, and a pair of beautiful eyes filled with alert, but looked at the black man without fear.

Unexpectedly, the black people only surrounded them, they did not move, neither attack nor concede.

Yu Ling’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing. What are these people doing?

Suddenly, all the black people's faces turned in a direction, seemingly waiting for something.

Yu Ling looked at her side, but saw the mountain rock on one side. I don’t know when there was a long black figure.

He stood on a prominent rock, like a broken rock, and he was so arrogant, a black robe hunted in the wind, a flying horn, a silver-embroidered eagle. Lively and vivid, it seems to be flying.

Yu Linglong discovered that the black people who surrounded them all had a silver eagle pattern at the corner of the clothes, which was obviously unified.

The man standing on the rock in the wind is obviously their leader.

Cold and timid, Yu Ling said with a voice: "Who is you?"

The man's indifferent gaze fell on Yu Lingling's body, and the eyes seemed to be a bit strange, and he recovered calmly in a blink of an eye.

Yu Linglong saw this person's appearance clearly. He saw that his hair was flying with the wind, but he was wearing a silver mask on his face, and he could not see the appearance. Cold eyes, sharp lips, and his face are hard, his face is cold, and his body is cold.

The man's gaze swept away from Yu Ling's body and landed on the carriage.

The chilly thin lips finally opened, and the man said in a deep voice: "Leave the carriage and let you go."

Yu Ling is beautiful and cold, what? Let them leave the carriage! ?

Pear-like cold and pretty face, unceremoniously greet the men's cold flashing eyes, Yu Ling's voice is as cold as snow: "That depends on you, there is no such skill!"

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding black people were able to take a big step in a uniform manner. The encirclement of the small circle was much narrower, and it became more and more imposing.

Yu Ling looked at it without looking around. It seemed that she did not notice the murderousness around her. A pair of tawny snow-like eyes only stared at the man's eyes on the mountain rock.

She knows that without this man's order, the black people around will never be willing to act rashly, the man is the key.

Both feet secretly withdrew from the stables, and Yu Ling condensed her spirits and slammed her back on the back of the moon. She jumped into the man on the rock.

The thief first smashed the king. As long as the person was restrained, the black people below were not afraid.

Yu Ling was surprised, but the man seemed to be prepared. He looked at himself in a red dress and pounced on himself. He was slightly sideways and let Yu Ling’s as fast as lightning attack.

Without a hit, Yu Ling’s waist twisted and steadily landed on the rock. The next tricks have been continuously attacked by men.

On the narrow mountain and rock, the two men moved to dodge, and they have already played dozens of tricks in the blink of an eye. One person's black robe, one person in red, in the fierce mountain wind, looks so captivating.

The more you play, the more secreted Yu Ling is, the calmness of the man's feet, the flexibility of his body, the less attack and the more defense, so that she can take advantage of it, obviously it is easy.

The silver teeth bite, and Yu Ling’s right leg kicks out. When the man shuns, he tries to find out, and has already pulled out the dagger on the calf.

In the dull sky, the short shackles in her hand crossed a long sharp, like a thunder and lightning, and quickly spurred the man's throat.

Seeing the electric light and the flint, this knife would be tied to him, but he did not evade, waving his hand to open the jade dagger, the blade slammed on the rock, and suddenly Mars splashed.

From the moment she took out the dagger, the man’s eyes were full of glory, which avoided the attack of Yu Lingling, and the man immediately sipped: “How dare you—”

The words behind it swallowed hard, under the man's silver mask, the thin lips were tight, only revealing a pair of cold eyes, like quenching the ice, staring straight at Yu Lingling.

A few long hairs fell in the whistling mountain wind, which was the result of Yu Ling’s knives, which cut off a man’s hair.

Yu Ling was unscathed, but the man was cut off from the hair. Whoever loses and wins, the discerning person has his own assertion.

If you don't fight for life, you will be like this.

The wind was fierce, and the jade robes of the red shirt fluttered and swayed on the mountain rock. It was like a blooming flower, and it was hard to say.

After the dagger headed back, Yu Ling raised a small chin and said coldly: "Now, can we leave?"

The man was getting cold and cold, and there was a complicated look in his eyes. After a pause, he raised his hand and gestured to the black man to let go.

Seeing that the carriage slowly progressed from the road that the black man gave up, Yu Linglong jumped down the mountain rock and fell directly on the chasing moon. He urged the horse to move forward, and the guard was next to the carriage.

Xu is experiencing the **** battle just now. The chasing of the moon is very irritating, and I often look back in the direction of the past, seemingly calling for something.

Yu Linglong patted the neck of the chasing moon as comfort. It is no wonder that chasing the moon has always followed the son of Xu Wang, where he has seen the blood of these killings, and the fear of his heart is inevitable.

Not to mention horses, even these people, each one is also worried, everyone tacitly do not say a word, just looking down on the road, want to leave this right and wrong.

Looking at the people going farther and farther, a black man standing closer said whispered: "Commander -"

The man on the mountain rock raised his hand, blocking the words of his subordinates, and a pair of dark clouds rolling in the dark, followed by the direction of Yu Linglong and others.

A row of spotted bloodstains slid down the mountain road, and was instantly covered by sand and stones that were picked up by the mountain winds.

The lips under the silver mask rose slightly, revealing a cold smile.

Soon, we will meet again.


I was informed of the news that Mrs. Jade’s wife returned to the government today. Although Ms. is in the middle of illness, she still asked the next person to clean the house carefully, especially the Jingshan Hall where the old lady’s wife lived. The new furniture is decorated in a new look.

Mu's strong support for the sick, with the people in the house to meet the jade old lady at the gate, but was shocked by a group of people.

If Yuling’s face is frosty, she will not say a word. The women who are going to go are all gray-faced and face-faced. The more terrible thing is the carriage that Mrs. Jade’s lady is riding. It is full of blood and it looks shocking.

"This... What's wrong with this!" Muhammad certainly didn't dare to ask Yu Lingling directly. The eyes looked at the **** next to the carriage. The voice was incomparably frightened. "What about the old lady? The old lady is fine." !?"

Seeing that his son is getting married soon, if the old lady of the jade family has something to do, I am afraid that this marriage will not be done.

The group of people was shocked and went to the bottom of the mountain. When they saw the home, they dared to speak out. One of the women broke their voices and cried: "Lady, the slaves almost can't come back -"

Just shouted such a sentence, Yu Linglong shouted coldly: "Shut up!"

A group of people screamed back to the cry of the mouth, and the **** were all tearful and looked at Mu's poorly. In the face of Yu Ling, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Linger jumped out of the carriage and took out the footstool. This lifted the curtain and said softly: "Old lady, please get off."

Mrs. Yu’s wife supported Ling’s hand and steadily drove the car. Mu’s seeing the old lady was fine, and a heart returned to her place. She hurried up and wanted to marry the old lady: “Old lady, you are slower. ”

The hand just stretched out, but was beaten back by the old lady, and Ms. Mu was beaten and hurt. She looked at the old lady with a blank look. For a time, this hand was not stretched, nor was it shrinking.

Mrs. Jade’s old lady said: “Let you send someone to pick me up, you sent a group of old women and little girl. You didn’t think about what to do if I met a robber. Have you longed for me to die soon? ?"

Muh stood at the gate and was smashed by the old lady's face in front of everyone. She was very embarrassed, but she did not dare to return her mouth. She had to bow her head and be embarrassed by the old lady.

This is indeed her fault. I thought that Mrs. Yu’s name was named Yu Lingling to pick her up the mountain. She just arranged it, but she forgot to arrange the guard.

First, she was injured, and it was inevitable that she would make mistakes in her work. Secondly, Mrs. Yu’s body was tough and she would have some fists. She did not care too much about the safety of Mrs. Jade.

Besides, an old woman, who will rob her?

Ms. thought this way, but she didn’t dare to say this on her mouth. She lowered her head and leaned sideways, carefully entering the house behind Mrs. Jade.

In the past three years, Mrs. Yu’s wife was not used to say the best mother, but now she can only observe and observe like a smug little wife.

The old lady of Yu’s anger had not disappeared. When she sat down at Jingshan Hall, she said, “What about Yu Peng’s kid? I didn’t know how to be a mother in three years. Where did I go now?”

Ms. did not dare to sit even if she sat down, and said with care: "Ganfu has a problem, and the master took the past to see."

Jade old lady brows one thing: "Ganfu? What happened to Ganfu?"

Ms. Ms. Yu’s wife shifted her attention and finally relieved her breath. She replied: “I heard that the son of Gan’s family has disappeared. I have already reported to Jingzhao Yin. Now the entire capital is almost rumbling, or did not find."

Jade old lady brows slightly: "I remember that Gan Taifu has only one son."

Ms. said: "The old lady remembers that it was right. Tai Fu was only a teenager when he was 40 years old. Now he is only thirteen."

The two asked questions and answers here. Yu Lingling was already impatient, and she got up and said, "Old lady, I am leaving."

The old lady looked at her, and her face was a little slower. The voice was also very concerned: "Exquisite, you are tired, go back and rest first."

Mu's is somewhat speechless. Has the old lady, Yu, ever been so happy with herself? It’s very kind to Yu Ling’s prostitute.

This side of the belly, the old lady Jade has already picked up the tea, said in a deep voice: "What is going on in Ganfu, you say what you know."


Yu Lingling returned to Pin Lan Yuan, took a shower and changed clothes, and felt that she was refreshed. When she came out, the grass had already heard Linger’s experience during the day, and she was afraid of tearing her chest. come out.

"Miss, the next time you go out, you must remember to bring your slaves. If you have three long and two short, the slaves can't live."

Yu Lingling looked helplessly at the worried tearful grass: "Take you? What can you do?"

He said with sorrow: "The slave can protect the lady!"

Yu Ling looked at the grass and decided to still not fight the loyalty and daring of this girl. Instead, she changed the subject: "Let Ma Changg home to prepare me a few eggs, to be born, but also to order carrots."

Scribble is very doubtful: "Miss do you want to cook? Do you want to slave to tell the kitchen..."

Yu Lingling rolled up her wet hair and casually took a bun with a pair of tweezers: "Not cooking, get ready, get ready to bring it in."

Yu Ling took over the food box packed with grass and said: "Linger goes to rest, I have to go out for a trip, no one needs to follow."

The sedge immediately anxious: "How is that going? Miss where are you going? The slaves follow you..."

Yu Ling sighed and tried to increase her patience: "I am walking around the house, you are always relieved?"

This is the relaxation of the grass, and seeing Yu Lingling out of the door, the grass still chased it out with confidence. He said: "Miss, I have to come back soon, and the slave will prepare the jujube and white fungus soup!"

Yu Ling took a small food box and said no to her head: "I know, I will come back and drink."

After coming to ancient times for so long, she is still a little bit accustomed to scribbling her mother-in-law, but she also has to admit that this little girl really cares for her.

The old lady of Jade had just returned to the government, and the people obviously had something to do. At this moment, the backyard of Yufu was silent, and even the personal shadow could not be seen.

Yu Linglong walked all the way to the backyard, and took a fragrant effort to reach her destination.

This is the first time she came to Yufu's stables. It is not big here. Maybe it is because the generals of jade are always outside. There are no good horses in the stables. There are only a few short-legged horses used to pull cars. Shantou squatted on the ground and slept, next to a few big and small horses of different sizes, including the one that Mrs. Yu’s wife took back home today.

Here, the chasing moon with long legs and long legs is very prominent. Seeing Yu Ling’s coming, the chasing moon that is lazing in the sun immediately stands up and walks to the manger, excitedly screaming at her.

Touching the fur of the moonlight, Yu Lingling smashed the egg on the side of the manger, fed it to the moon, and said softly: "Today, thanks to you."

If it is not the chasing of the moon, I am afraid that she will be smashed when she has just encountered two pairs of people fighting; if it is not full of spirituality, she will not be so connected with her, even her every move will understand her mind. .

She had grabbed the moon from Xu Wang before, but it was to give Xu Wang a lesson. After chasing the moon for so many days in the government, she almost forgot its existence. However, after going through the fight on the mountain, she felt that chasing the moon is indeed a rare BMW.

Animals, like people, need to give a little reward and care, and will be able to sell your life next time.

After chasing the moon and eating the eggs, I used the silky satin-like nose to lick the jade and exquisite hand. It looked very close, and Yu Ling took a shallow smile and took the carrot out and fed it to the moon.

"Slowly eat, this is yours." Yu Ling patted the horse's neck, which was chasing the moon. "Linger is right, you are really pouting."

After a quiet afternoon, I knew that I was asleep, and it was quiet all around, not even a gust of wind.

In a silence, suddenly there was a very light slamming of the opening and closing sound, and Yu Ling looked back alertly.

Is it someone?

Behind me, there is only one house with horses and sundries. How can there be a half-person shadow?

Yu Linglong took a deep breath and was too nervous. Who would come from the Mafu in Yufu?

The line of sight slowly recovered. The next moment, her gaze stayed in one place and did not move for a long time.

A blood-stained wagon parked next to the stables, which was particularly eye-catching. This was the carriage that Mrs. Yu’s wife took during the day, or was just pulled back, apparently not yet cleaned.

It’s not the carriage that attracts Yu Ling’s eyes, but the things under the carriage.

A small red and black semi-coagulum, a few flies fluttering back and forth, floating in the air with a **** smell, it is obvious that this is human blood, and the formation time is very short.

Yu Linglong remembered very clearly that the carriage was taken by Mrs. Jade, and there were Linger and the coachman. None of the three were injured in the fight on the mountain.

So where does this blood come from?

The clear eyes gradually tightened, and Yu Ling squinted slightly and leaned out and held the dagger in her hand.

Lightly footed, her figure is as light as a civet, and she is close to the utility room.

The white fingertips gently pushed open the old threshold. In this dead afternoon, the broken door plate made a harsh and squeaky sound, and finally slowly opened.

The room was covered with dust. In the thick dust on the ground, the traces of a large piece of crawling were particularly obvious, and the blood spots were mixed with it, which was particularly conspicuous.

Really someone!

Yu Lingling clenched the dagger and followed the traces on the alert. After walking to a pile of picked up wooden boards, the blood disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Ling quickly jumped to the place where the wooden board was blocked, only to see the blue figure on the ground. The dagger in the hand had been accurately thrown out and stopped at the throat of the man.

The pink lips are slightly open, she sighs and sighs: "Don't move!"

As soon as she looked up, her gaze fell into a narrow eyelid.

The man in front of him was dressed in a blue shirt like the one in the mountain. The eyelids were sharp and sharp, the nose was high, the thin lips were light, and the eyebrows were a little cinnabar, giving him a pale, bloodless face. There is an endless stream of evil.

At this moment, he was held by a chilly dagger in his throat, but his face was not flustered. He just glanced at the dagger and looked up at Yu Linglong.

"I am doing a good job, I didn't even hear your footsteps."

Yu Ling is cold and cold: "Who are you!?"

The man slowly raised his arm and put his head on his back. He looked at Yu Lingling with a sly look: "You don't know?"

Yu Ling's daggers sent mercilessly forward and firmly controlled the man's throat: "Don't say, I will kill you."

The man looked at Yu Lingling’s eyes full of disdain, because the sound of excessive blood loss sounded low and dumb: "If you don't know, why are you holding the knife at me?"

Yu Ling's gaze fell on the man's body, only to see his thigh, chest, are large blood stains, the back can not see clearly, and perhaps there are, just look at the blood that is constantly flowing out, she will know, This man can't possibly have the power to fight back.

Cold and cold smile, Yu Linglong slowly recovered the dagger and stood up.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, wait here to die!"

Years of experience made it clear to her that the injury to this man, if not cured, will soon lead to excessive blood loss and death.

Looking at the figure that she turned and wanted to leave, the man looked slightly changed: "Do you really know me?"

Yu Ling’s mouth raised a sardonic smile: “Who do you think you are? All the people in the world must recognize you?”

This man is too narcissistic, how famous is he?

Yu Ling’s footsteps kept going and went straight out. Obviously, she did not intend to take care of this business.

The man’s throat rolled up and down a few times, and finally whispered when Yu Linglong opened the door: “Girl, give me some water.”

Yu Ling looked back at him, but she did not say a word.

The man immediately understood the meaning of Yu Linglong, and the enchanting face showed a helpless smile: "My name is Feng, Xuan, Yan."

One word and one word spit out his own name, and the man’s eyes are staring at Yu Ling’s face, seemingly trying to explore something.

Yu Ling nodded facelessly and turned and went out.

Soon, she brought in a small bucket of water on the ground, Feng Xuan licked her thin lips and tried to sit up and hold the bucket and sip it.

Yu Ling looked at his back, where the wound was even more awkward, and the clothes were almost completely broken, revealing a large knife mark inside. I really didn't know how heavy the wound was. How did the man pretend to be lying on the ground without incident.

After drinking for a long time, Feng Xuan finally solved the thirst. He gritted his teeth and slowly took off his green shirt, picked up the water in the bucket and cleaned the wound.

Yu Ling looked at his movements motionlessly, apparently not planning to help.

Until I saw Feng Xuanyuan tearing up his clothes into one piece, and the situation was to be bandaged, Yu Lingling said: "You will, the wound will soon rot."

Such a heavy injury, such a hot day, without any drugs, in less than three days, the wound on this man will be seriously infected.

Feng Xuan’s forehead was full of cold sweat, but his mouth was still showing a touch of evil: "That, you help me?"

Yu Ling is very straightforward: "Help you, can you give me any benefit?"

Feng Xuan’s Jianmei’s eyebrows: “If you know me, you will know what the benefits are.”

Yu Ling sneered, this guy is still using words to test himself, the suspicion is really heavy enough.

Looking at the man's temperament, it is obvious that the identity is vulgar, but what is his identity, she does not care, and is not interested.

Yu Ling returned to the room and quickly took some medicine and clean cloth and threw it to Feng Xuan: "Wrap the wound and hurry."

The narrow eyelids flashed a trace of anger, Feng Xuan took over the cloth, and coldly said: "Don't dare trouble the girl, I will leave soon."

Yu Ling looked at him with a high level of arrogance. Who did this man put on a stinky face, when he was a tiger?

Thinking of this, Yu Lingling is not angry: "Well? Don't bother me? Then don't hide in my carriage and go to the city with me, let alone so many brothers die for you!"

What is proud? If not so many people in Tsing Yi’s blood flow into the river to cover him, he can hide under the carriage and escape the eyes and ears of the black man! ? In this case, I still hold the uncle's money. Is it true that people all over the world are accustomed to him?

The sharp words, the thorns of Feng Xuan's body suddenly trembled, the white teeth bite on the thin lips without blood, the face of evil is full of pains of forbearance.

For a long time, he said quietly: "...some things are more important than living."

Yu Ling sneered: "If you want to live, don't put a grandfather's face."

A tragic death is always easy, and a humble life is the hardest. Since you have chosen this path, you have to pay the corresponding price.

The suffocation of the face flashed past, Feng Xuanzhen stared at the face of Yu Lingling, paused for a long time, and finally whispered out: "Seeking a girl, save the next life."

Yu Lingling was silent for a moment and said: "You are hiding here first, I will arrange you to leave as soon as possible."

Just wanting to turn around, Feng Xuanzhen suddenly asked suddenly: "What is your name?"

Yu Lingling greeted the slender black scorpion and said in a word: "I will save you, just because you can't die here, otherwise I will be very troublesome."

She didn't want to take care of it. After all, this man followed her carriage into Yufu. Looking at the black man's skill today, she knew that the two parties were not entangled. She didn't want to smash this water for no reason, and she didn't want to meet again. This is the case today.

Feng Xuan was in the same place.

Perhaps in his experience, there has never been a person who dared to scorn him like this, but the petite woman in front of him did not seem to put him in his heart, even the name would not tell him.

At the bottom of the plaque, a touch of color, Feng Xuan looked at the back of Yu Linglong, after all, did not speak.

Yu Lingling just covered the door panel behind him and heard the laughter of the child coming over: "Drive, drive, ride a big horse!"

Slightly surprised, she looked at the sound, but saw the manger next to it, a boy waving his hand in the wicker, whipping the small bench under the seat, legs squatting, as if in the horse.

It turned out to be Yu Weiyuan, how could he be here?

Looking at her, Yu Weiyuan suddenly threw away the whip in his hand and rushed over: "Hey, how are you here, is it also to see Malaysia?"

Yu Weiyuan was only seven years old and still not sensible. He only knew that Yu Linglong was his sister, but he did not know that Yu Ling was in Yufu. No one dared to provoke the role of no one to dare to offend.

In his heart, nothing is more important than playing.

The fat fingers lifted and pointed to the chasing moon in the manger. Yu Weiyuan raised his face and looked forward to see Yu Lingling: "You hug me up!"

It is not the tone of the order. Yu Weiyuan is only used to being nurtured by Mu, and there is a natural instigation between the words, as if the people in this world should do things according to his mind.

Yu Ling did not bother to care about this child. Seeing no one around, she lifted her foot and left.

Yu Weiyuan did not care about this. When Yu Ling wanted to leave, he grabbed Yu Ling’s dress: "Hey, I am talking to you, how do you ignore me?"

Yu Ling’s look is awkward, and the look on her face is inextricably harsh: “Let’s let go!”

Yu Weiyuan’s neck is a stalk, and the loud voice: “Don’t let go, you hug me and ride a big horse!”

Yu Linglong has always had little patience. Seeing Yu Weiyuan’s little hand holding on to himself, he stretched his hand and twisted the ears of Yu Weiyuan unceremoniously!

She doesn't care what temper this little guy is, anyway, she is not used to him!

Where did Yu Weiyuan eat this loss, when he released the hand that grabbed Yu Linglong, he cried when he screamed: "Hey, you dare to beat me, I let my mother clean up you!"

Yu Ling listened to this, and added a few points to his strength: "Hey, you are quite capable!"

Yu Weiyuan hurts and screams again and again. Yu Ling thought that he was afraid of himself and then let go of his hand: "Go back to your own yard. This is not the place where you play."

Who knows that Yu Weiyuan did not listen to her words, Yu Lingyi released his ears, he immediately fell to the ground, while splashing and rolling, while crying, apparently already familiar with this trick.

"Hey, you bully people! Hey-"

Yu Ling’s Liu Mei’s eyebrows are small, and this little hair is really troublesome!

Su Bai’s hand grabbed the collar of Yu Weiyuan, and easily lifted the little guy who was lying on the ground. Yu Ling’s face was cold, and Yu Weiyuan’s horse was pulled out.

"It hurts me! You let go, oh--" Yu Weiyuan has long been accustomed to a sprinkling of others and he can't take him. Who knows that this sister didn't follow him at all, just thought that the collar was loose. The **** has already smashed a heavy foot.

"Go home and cry!" Yu Ling珑 pointed at the other hand, licking her ass, wiping her tears in one hand, and Yu Weiyuan, who was screaming in her mouth, the voice was full of impatience, "Let me see it next time." You are here, I will open your ass!"

Yu Weiyuan was so painful that he cried and took a cry. His face was like a little cat, but he didn’t dare to provoke this sister, slamming his **** and ran away.

Yu Ling does not feel that he is bullying a child. This kind of child has been favored by the sky, what is it for, and he thinks that the whole world owes him. Everyone has to let him, whoever does not follow him. The meaning is that the biggest bad guy in the world.

She doesn't care about this. Others are used to him. She is not used to it. Especially in the situation just now, if Yu Weiyuan discovers that there is still a person hiding in the utility room, it must be a bad thing.

Thinking of the Tsing Yi who didn't know what to do, Yu Ling's look was dignified and gradually accelerated.

There is still a lot to do tonight.


On the summer night, the heat of the day has gradually dissipated, and the insects screamed briskly. If there is no wind, it will blow in from time to time, bringing a little cool.

Such a leisurely night, Yu Lingling has no heart to appreciate.

Although there are quite a few people in Pin Lan Yuan, she can only trust the grass and Linger. Just three of them can quietly send the Qingyi people who are seriously injured to Yufu?

This is the first time that she has felt that there are too few people under her age when she came to ancient times.

I found a slap in the head and took all the inconveniences to the house, and told them not to tell them not to come out. Yu Lingling secretly called the sedge and Linger, let them do things according to the instructions.

Sitting alone in the room, my heart is a bit embarrassing, can these two little sisters get things done? What should I do if something goes wrong?

She is not afraid of the people of Yufu know, but today, those who are unknown in the black, acting secretly, and sizzling, it is really difficult for her to rest assured.

The cool evening breeze blows in from the carved pane, and it blows out when the candlelight is extinguished. At night, it seems to be a little cold.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the room, an unknown hidden weapon flew in from the window, and the swaying candlelight was extinguished. Yu Lingyan suddenly turned back: "Who?"

In the black room, I don’t know when a long black shadow appeared. The face was hidden in the dark, and I couldn’t see it clearly. It’s just that the breath of the refusal is obvious.

With a cold sigh, Yu Lingling slowly got up: "It’s a man, it’s just coming out! It’s sneaky, what is it??”

When the voice just fell, a calm and steady voice of the man sounded in the room: "Your courage is not small."

This voice seems familiar, and Yu Linglong thought about it and knew who it was.

Understand the purpose of this person, Yu Lingzhen put down her heart, she re-settled, said faintly: "I have always been praised, my courage has always been very big, I thought, you already know."

The man's figure slowly moved and walked to the bright spot in the room. The moonlight projected through the window ribs and shone on the man's face, reflecting the silvery mask with a faint glow, adding to the black robe man's body. A layer of cold and smoky breath.

"If you know that it is me, then you should understand why I am coming."

With a faint moonlight, Yu Linglong added some tea to her tea, and took a steady sip: "Sorry, I don't know why you came."

Between the electric and the flint, her heart has turned a few thoughts. The black man should have collected the corpse in the mountains and found that Feng Xuan was missing. According to her guess, those Tsing Yi people willing to give their lives to Feng Xuanyuan to fight for a chance to escape, that Feng Xuanzhen must be an important figure for them.

Similarly, for the black man, Feng Xuanzhen should also be an important target for killing. This man’s late night visit is also the reason for Feng Xuan’s disappearance.

On the mountain road, only the three people, the Tsing Yi people have been killed, then the missing Feng Xuan, only hidden in the carriage of the Yufu, smashed down the mountain, which is easy to infer the results .

But she can't admit that once admitted, then Feng Xuan will die, she does not care about the life of this strange man, but in this way, she is bound to be involved in this dark vortex.

What she has to do now is to send Feng Xuanyuan out of Yufu quickly, and then Tianyao passers-by, no longer relevant.

Therefore, when the black man pressed hard, she did not hesitate to choose to deny.

But obviously, the man does not believe her.

Deep underground, it seems that there are heavy clouds rolling over, the man said coldly: "So, you want to save him?"

Did not ask her where Feng Xuanyuan's whereabouts, perhaps in his heart has long been determined that Feng Xuanzhen was hidden by Yu Ling.

Silent, but not shrinking, in the dark, the woman's face is amazing white, as if shrouded in silver, the bright eyes flashed with tiny cold mans, greet the man's eyes, this moment, outside the window The moonlight suddenly fell silent.

The man in black did not get the answer from Yu Lingling, and the big hand gradually tightened, and the knuckles made a whispering sound, full of threatening power.

"Do you know who he is!?"