MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 1 cosmic trash

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Wu Bu's head hurts!

In the vague consciousness, it was the old professor of the Military Department with a wrinkled face like a thousand layers of pie, "Sergeant Wu, if this experiment is successful, you will be promoted to captain by exception, and you will also be eligible to enter the first military academy for further study. He will become the pride of all mankind and the soldier who has made the greatest contribution to mankind since the 30th century!" The old professor's eyes were sharp, full of yearning for honor.

"Sincerely!" Wu Bu clenched his right fist against his left chest and gave a standard military salute.

The old professor highly appreciated his willingness to serve the military and the people. The proof is that the old professor, known as the "Frankenstein" of the Military Department, smiles every time he sees him, showing his most amiable side.

However, if the old professor knew what he was really thinking, he would probably use the newly invented resonance decomposition gun of the military to directly smash him into slag.

snort! The experiment was successful? How many years has the Military Department dreamed of? A tasteless scientific research project like "Soul" is a waste of military funds!

The pride of all mankind? Great soldier? No, his only purpose in entering the army is to have access to "Killer-plus", the most advanced combat armor in the world right now! Even as a maintenance technician, it is a dream to touch the God of War in your heart.

And he, a student with a low military rank, was able to stand in this top-secret laboratory, not because he was good at quantum physics, or how good he was a mecha combat pilot, but because he... this The body is the one with the most balanced test data in the entire military experiment selection. It is not the best but the most balanced. That is to say, he is the best test item for "Soul".

Truth be told, every time the white-haired, bald Frankenstein smiles at him, it makes him feel like he's being dissected by the eyes.

Wu Bubu walked steadily through the scanning corridor, took the final data measurement, and put on the latest lab coat that "Frankenstein" was very proud of after sterilization. He was boredly recalling the origin of "Soul".

Since the middle of the 30th century when human society and machinery were inseparable, some scientists proposed "NEWFUTURE", advocating that instead of blindly developing the potential of the human brain, we should study the optimal balance ratio between the excitation and dormancy of human brain cells, so as to allow human beings Fully develop various functions under the premise of extending life.

"Soul" is one of the derivative families of "NEWFUTURE" research. Instead of installing telencephalic devices, the brain can evolve itself through the stimulation of drugs and sound waves. It has a similar "projection" function, just like the brain of dolphins. Evolved to emit sound waves on its own.

But in Wu Bu's understanding, even if this kind of experiment is successful, it will only allow a person to maintain a projected brain with the same thinking as himself to continue his work in a sleep state, thereby reducing the real brain burden. On the premise of improving work efficiency, just like his positioning, tasteless!

Wu Bu has no interest in biology and sociology, nor does he have any energy for such experiments that have nothing to do with mechas, and no matter how small an experiment is, it will be accompanied by risks, let alone experiments on the brain. Before him Among the ten experimenters, the student with the most severe brain injury spent half a month in the Central Military Hospital before recovering. In today's era, operations such as prosthetic neural links and eye lens reconstruction only take half a day. That's it, so half a month is definitely a serious injury.

Then why does he still participate in the experiment?

Of course because of the huge bonus! Whether the experiment is successful or not, the Academy of Military Sciences will give the experimenter a bonus, with which he can pay back the money he lost in the bet, and can also go on a date with his goddess Prina, with a bottle of extravagant Philippine. Ouquan natural perfume changed the goddess to smile, maybe if you are lucky, you can have a more in-depth communication with the goddess.

Oh, a good life is all about taking risks and trying to create, isn't it!

Wu Bubu imagined the image of the goddess kneeling slowly in front of him and sticking out her pink tongue, and lay in the experimental cabin.

When he opened his eyes again, the severe pain in his head made him unbearable. When he first joined the army, he was tricked into a training mecha by a senior student, and he was electrocuted as soon as he reached out and touched a button. In the past, but now the pain is a million times more painful than it was then!

Wu Bu couldn't bear to moan and groan, and wondered if the **** from the Academy of Military Sciences had cut off half of his brain!

The pain eased a little, so Wu Bu rested for a while in a lying position and adjusted his breathing. Ning Shen looked around and quickly realized that this was definitely not an experimental cabin that completely conformed to the body curve, nor was it a medical treatment full of nutrient solution. The cabin, with cracks in the surrounding walls, let in light.

All this gave him an ominous premonition.

The arm that had regained strength had just been raised, and the sound of neat and sonorous footsteps passed through the crack into the still buzzing ears, causing him to retract his arm without pushing the wall in front of him.

"Come out! Raise your hand! You stowaway!"

The cold and threatening sound made Wu in the dark touch his waist irreflexively.

But there is nothing there!

Damn it! Before the experiment, he put on a special lab coat and helmet, and the laser gun on his waist had long been removed. Wu Bubu was very puzzled while nervous. This experimental suit was the pride of the old professor. The inner layer could detect various functional data of the human body in detail, and the outer layer was made of high-tenacity fiber material, which was invulnerable to guns and bullets. How did these people find him hiding in the dark? Isn't this lab coat as amazing as the old professor boasted?

The person who reprimanded was obviously impatient, and ordered his subordinates to forcibly arrest people.

Wu Bu's heart went cold and he didn't know what was going on, but right now there was no other way but to go out obediently.

"I don't have a weapon! I'll come out right now! Don't shoot!" Wu Bubuy keenly noticed that the approaching footsteps had stopped, followed by a low-pitched hum, like the sound of a weapon injecting energy.

After swallowing, Wu Bu moved his stiff limbs, pushed aside the deformed baffle in front of him, and tentatively raised his hands.

"Hands up! Come out!"

When Wu Bubu dragged his weak body and came out of the unidentified cabin out of breath, the scene in front of him made his nerves tense.

The huge space is in the shape of a dome, glowing with the cold light of an unknown metal, with no apparent purpose.

There were piles of twisted scrap metal that could not see its true color, and some of them could still be seen. It seemed to be the debris of some space satellites or space capsules, and he walked slowly from the pile of ruins, exposed to the rubble. in front of everyone.

The line of people in front of him is obviously an army organization, and the uniform is not the military clothing of any country he recognizes. The helmet is enlarged to show that the logo on the military uniform is completely unfamiliar to him, and he has never read it in the "Earth Military System Manual". He has been there, and the weapons in their hands are also very unfamiliar. As a mechanical fan, he also knows a lot about guns, but the row of guns in front of him is full of dark red and matt, and he knows the Central Military Department. The resonance decomposition gun that has just been successfully tested and has not been put into actual combat is somewhat similar.

Is it? During their experiment, anti-government and government organizations captured their experimental base? Or did he have an accident during the test and was hijacked by terror and forces during the hospitalization process?

Wu Bu's mind was chaotic, and all kinds of speculation could not reasonably explain the current situation.

"Stowaway! Take off your helmet! Say your area code coordinates and your service number!" The cold-faced commander in front of him ordered loudly, and a row of soldiers clenched their weapons even more and aimed at Wu Key points such as the head and the heart are not allowed.

"Okay, relax, I'll take off the helmet, I don't have a weapon, please don't shoot," Wu Bubu tried to calm down, pressed the button slowly, the helmet turned on, and the circulating oxygen inside dissipated instantly, "I don't ...cough! Cough!"

I'm not a stowaway, I'm an ordinary technical soldier at the thirty-fifth base of the United Earth Government Army!

This is what Wu Biao wants to explain to the other party. Although the identity of the other party is still a mystery, he obviously has some wrong guesses about his identity, so even if he takes a risk, Wu Biao, who has always cherished his life, decided to report his true identity. After all, the other party It gave him the feeling that it wasn't the uncontrolled, reckless anti-government and government forces, maybe he still had a shred of vitality.

But as soon as he uttered the words, a hot air rushed into his lungs, the burning sensation made him cough violently, the lack of oxygen made his blood vessels swell, and his legs fell to the ground weakly.

"Hey! Don't play tricks!" The cold-faced commander took a few steps forward and suddenly stopped, "You! You are a demihuman!"

"What?" A crisp voice behind him also exclaimed, "Lieutenant Mintor, you said he was a demihuman!?"

The blond boy who asked the question was also wearing a straight black armor. Like the soldiers present, his arms were bare and exposed, but the soldiers holding guns, with dark red light on their bare and exposed arms, while the boy was naked. And the lieutenant called Mintor, with golden light shining from his bare, exposed arms.

"No matter what way he came in, it's impossible to use any optical camouflage here, so black hair and black eyes, what is not a demihuman?" Mintor's tone was a little colder than just now, his face was Condensed thoughtfully, "How did the demi-humans sneak into our cruise ship?"

"I don't know that, but I'm sure that if we don't save him, he will cough to death, and you and I will be called to our ears by our merciful Major Hayward because of the death of this black mouse. "Although the blond boy reminded him, his expression was not really worried. He even looked at Wu Bubu's painfully curled up smile and showed an admiring smile.

"...You, go and see the situation." Mintor still didn't want this kind of trouble on his ship.


At the edge of suffocation, Wu Bu could feel that someone turned him over, his eyes were red with light, and then his head was lifted up and put on his helmet, and the oxygen was instantly filled, "Ha...huh...".

It felt so good to breathe again. It made Wu unable to free himself from hell. He held the helmet tightly with both hands, and took a deep breath. His recovery thoughts turned sharply. What the **** is this? Why are the two guys on the opposite side without masks and helmets able to breathe without hindrance? Why does his lungs seem to be on fire when he inhales the air here? !

The guards didn't give him extra time. After he stopped coughing, he grabbed his arm and pulled him from the ground, but this time he didn't take off his helmet.

"Hey, who are you? I'm not a stowaways, I'm the first army of the United Earth Government..."

"Oh, my God! It seems that a lunatic has emerged from the cosmic garbage we recycle!" The blond boy's laughter and sarcasm interrupted Wu Bu's identity statement.

"What cosmic garbage?! You are..." The word "universe" was ignored, and the word "rubbish" angered Wu Bubu, and instinctively wanted to fight back, but the next second, the restrained arm behind him was twisted even tighter, an absolute disadvantage. Let him suppress his anger, "I don't have any hostility, and I really don't know how I came here. Before you came, I just woke up. If you can, please help contact the first army of the United Earth Government. Lieutenant Baker at Base Thirty-Five, my boss, will explain the situation to you."

"Hey, Mintor, what are we going to do? This guy must be crazy."

"Hey, Mintor, be careful, this guy is very strange." The blond boy looked at Mintor without answering him, walked directly to Wu Bu, and couldn't help frowning to remind them that they had never treated the sly demihumans. What a good impression.

Wu Bu Bu looked at the other party approaching, turned the helmet's voice into a fully transparent state, tried to relax his facial expression, and put on a handsome smile that has fascinated many girls to show harmless friendliness.

When the man named Mintor approached, Wu Bucai was surprised to find that the other party was too tall. He was a standard 180 cm, but this man was a head taller than him, with broad shoulder muscles. Bulge, bare, bare arms... Huh? what is that? Crystal protector?

Wu Bubu stared at Mintor's arms. Starting from the shoulders, it was not the flesh color of human skin, but a faintly fluorescent crystal structure, which gradually deepened from top to bottom, until the fingertips were already bright golden, like a belt. Wearing a pair of crystal gloves, it looks like a pair of crystal prosthetics!

Things seem to be developing in an unknown direction... Wu Bubei prayed to the gods he never believed in... As long as he can return to a familiar and safe place, from now on, he will re-establish three views and get rid of all bad habits , to be a five-good youth!

It's a pity that the "crystal prosthesis" that is getting closer and closer to him spreads its five fingers and strikes his neck with a sense of energy repulsion!

Goodbye! My Goddess! Wu Bubu closed his eyes subconsciously...

The author has something to say: I finally opened this pit, ?*??(ˊωˋ*)??*? The copywriting has been hanging for a long time, but I always want to finish the previous one first, but I still can't hold back (︶.?︶ ?). Two points again:

1. The interstellar childbirth article in this article involves the childbirth component, but there will be no detailed description. If you are unwell, please click the cross, thank you.

2. At present, it is still the last article of the entertainment circle, so I am sorry, I can only say that I will try to update it as much as possible. If you don’t like it, please click the cross. Of course, I still hope that the little angels can thank you for your patience, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed!

All kinds of whiplash are welcome!!

Then thank the Huyan in the group for the cover, what a da.

Chapter 1 Xiaoshou was frightened, timid and shy, but the ability should be explored slowly, everyone should not despise him, and then I hope everyone will always support me and give me the motivation to write more, maybe this article will It is very different from the first two articles. The scum author is only in the stage of exploration and exploration. You can come if you want to complain. Welcome.

Key point: There will be a second update at 12 noon! ! ! !