MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 20 final battle

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The mechanical cat meowing made Wu unable to return to his senses, and he was pressed heavily on the table!

"Hey, get me down here!"

Under the coercion of Luo Yanker, Wu Bu gave up his plan to return to the laboratory and could only go back to the dormitory to rest.

However, he was physically exhausted and inexplicably excited. He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't get rid of Royankel's purple eyes and his well-proportioned fingers.

"Ahhhh! Don't keep appearing in my mind!" Wu Bubu irritably ruffled his black hair.

The big mechanical cat put its front paws down from Wu Bu's back, walked gracefully to the bed, held the quilt in its mouth, and lifted the quilt.

"I can't sleep," Wu Bubu was weak and felt that he was going crazy, and the conversation with a mechanical cat became smoother and smoother.

"Why didn't you go to training with Embu? Didn't you always wait for him outside the training ground before?" Wu Bubu still dragged his heavy steps to the side of the bed, collapsed on the bed, and muttered to himself, "Is it really like what Enbu said, you are a rebellious period..."

It took almost only a second for Wu Bu to fall into a deep sleep.

The big mechanical cat walked around in front of Wu Bu, the tip of his nose touched the messy black hair, and then walked slowly to the other side, took off Wu Bu's two shoes, covered the quilt, adjusted the room temperature to a moderate level, and went out. light.

In the huge officer's dormitory, Luo Yanker suddenly opened his purple eyes, "Come in."

"Colonel, Mr. Oia Hoffman has brought you a present."

Looking at the bunch of purple mangoes held by the guards, Luo Yankee's eyes became irritable, "When will the army be able to send in foreign things at will?"

"Uh, this, go back to the colonel, the gift was transferred from Lieutenant General Hoffman." The guards shouted innocently.

"let it go."


- Wishing you a successful mission and a safe return. Oia Hoffman

Luo Yanker smashed the vintage paper card in his hand, and the crumbs were scattered on the bouquet.

"What do you think?" Seymour stood beside Wu Bu, showing his self-confidence achievements with satisfaction.

"Although the time is very tight, I guarantee that your 'queen' is impeccable now and is definitely worthy of your angel wings."

Wu's ability to adapt is extremely strong, and after a few days of getting along, he can automatically filter out Seymour's nasty words.

"If it's just a simulation, I still have some confidence." Wu must not be a conceited person. After all, actual combat and simulation are of different levels, and this task is not something that can be easily handled by fluke.

"That's right, the last step is the most important," Xiu Yin's face was haggard, obviously she had not rested, "Let's go."

Wu Bubu took a deep breath and boarded the perfect fighter plane he had dreamed of.

- Identity verification completed.

- The neural connection is complete.

- The internal test of the fuselage has been completed.

- Request to sail.

"Hey beauty, let's go for a walk."

The giant energy engine started, arousing Wu Bu's ambition.

Be sure to concentrate, death will not give you a second chance, his "enemy" is too powerful, but he will not let fear prevail, he wants to really fly once!

The dark universe envelops Wu Bu with an infinite sense of oppression, and a broad vision floods into his brain at the same time. Wu Bu licked his lips excitedly the moment he left the experimental port.

- Phantom mode activated.

The pure silver fighter opened the dark curtain with an illusory ghost image.

Sure enough, the Quanzhi system, which perfectly fits the brain, realizes the action response from the brain, just like the instincts such as breathing and blinking, and it is handy.

The phantom mode was successfully developed by Xiu Yin on the "Silver Queen". It was a new skill that could only be exerted under the condition of the extreme speed of the brain due to the unique transmission speed of Wu Bu's brain.

This is also Xiu Yin's stealth skill for Luo Yan Keer, an excellent coordination skill developed for the two of them.

However, at this moment, the two protagonists of the experiment are not fighting side by side.

"Hey! Damn it, don't get bitten to death!" Wu Bucai only had time to be happy for a second, and the invisible "enemy" launched a fierce attack on him.

"Don't think that stealth is omnipotent!" One of the great uses of the phantom mode is that it can detect the energy fluctuations of stealth fighters outside the safe range. Wu Bubu, who is always killed in seconds during simulation, relies on this new skill to win the evasion of Luo The time of Yankee's attack was also the first time he really fought against Luo Yankee.

"Five seconds!" Wu Bubu shouted excitedly during the continuous sharp turns, "Hey, I lasted five seconds."

The corners of Luo Yankee's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the silver fighter plane in the target that needed to be chased by him so as not to be thrown away, his heart was inexplicably hot.

He desperately wanted to grab those wings!

Thirteen seconds, Wu Bu looked at the timing display on the light screen, and felt sad and happy in his heart. He fought against the number one God of War in the universe for thirteen seconds, but he was finally destroyed!

"Hey, the captain didn't let the water go! How could the mascot be so powerful!" Willie, who was about to set off, couldn't help but complain.

"Be careful, Willie, be careful to be killed by our mascot again." Embu was suffocated by the boring training these days, and his hands are itchy now.

"You two just play tricks, don't think about me and Dem rescue for a while." Bella still didn't give face at all.

"Ready to go!" Dem gave an order, and the team members sent out.

The second round of actual combat exercises has begun!

From enemy to friend, identities changed, Wu Bu and Luo Yanker started the brainwave synchronization connection at the moment of the second round of exercise, and the initial rate was as high as 84%.

"Hey, I said, if they were destroyed too quickly, it wouldn't hurt their self-confidence, would it?" Although Wu Bu's defeat in the battle, it just happened to inspire his fighting spirit.

"Let go and fight." Luo Yanker felt Wu Bubei's excitement, and as the pleasant brainwaves passed into his brain, he wanted to see a more arbitrary Wu Bubei.


Dem is a prudent vice-captain. Although their purpose is only to spar with each other and run in with each other, as warriors, no one likes the feeling of failure.

A strict combat plan was formulated and multiple tactical cooperations were simulated. This is Dem's respect for Luo Yanker and Wu Kei.

The members of the team who were just planning to be ashamed never imagined what kind of wonders they would see, or rather, they had no chance to see it at all.

"Bella, according to the plan, it's impossible to hold Wu back. We can't deal with two stealth fighters at the same time." Dem and Embu rushed forward, taking care of each other, looking for suitable hiding spots. They didn't forget the last temporary mock battle. Wu Bu's fighter suddenly has the same stealth function as the captain.

"Willie! You worked hard as a bait!"

"Really, this kind of low-tech work should be handed over to Embuna... Wow!" Willy's loud voice finally turned into a roar, which shocked the eardrums of the other team members.

"Willie! What happened?! Answer quickly!" Dem knew that the situation was not good, but he never thought that the other party's reaction would be so fast!

"I didn't catch any residual energy." Enbu's heavy sniper saw only the bright powder marking Willie's death.

"Hey, my dear roommate, where are you?" Embu learned the lesson from the last time and brought Dem as a cover. The modified heavy sniper can more keenly discover the residual energy of the body, as long as he catches it With a 0.1 chance, he will make Wu Bubei learn to be humble.

"Hey, Dem, I caught him!" Embu turned sharply and shot instantly, "How is that possible?!"

Enbu was absolutely confident in his shooting. He knew how confident he was the moment he shot. Wu couldn't dodge it.

"Ah!" Bella's exclamation on the channel made Embu feel a chill in his heart.


"...I stabbed the captain!" Bella yelled over the damaged comms channel.

"Bella, are you all right?" Dem looked around.

"It's worth exchanging an arm." Bella said excitedly, "But I'm already dead, it's up to you!"

Dem chased down the translucent fighter plane that Royanker was recovering from, and pursued the residual energy!

The flanking attack of Dem and Embu is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

"Hey, we're going to take out our secret weapon!" Embu fired a large number of collision particle bombs around the Luoyanker fighter. After the explosion, there were still countless collision particles with their own explosion effect, which had strong adhesion, although the back The explosion of the fighter is not very destructive, but the continuous self-exploding collision particles attached to the surface of the fighter greatly hinder the recovery of the stealth function.

"Roar! I like this unexpected style of play!" Embu continued to shoot and drop bombs.

Their purpose is to draw out Luo Yankel.

It's just that inertial thinking always kills people. They still don't think of Wu Wei as a terrible character. Therefore, when the blue fighter plane under their attack suddenly became blurred and illusory, they remembered Another neglected mascot.

When they couldn't aim at all, all Dem and Embu could do was not to be bitten by Luo Yanker.

Two on two, an overwhelming victory! Luo Yanker's beheadings were never merciless.

Wu Bubu looked at Dem and Embu who were shrouded in glitter, but he didn't have the initial excitement in his heart.

In his brain is Luoyankel's gentle brain waves, like a force that will never disappear, holding him up, and what makes him happiest is that during the whole process, he did not feel any strange brain of Luoyankel. Wave.

Their teammates are all excellent, they are fighters who have been tempered and tempered. They are also improving and pursuing higher goals. With them and him, he believes that Luo Yanker will not have the chance to have the same situation last time.

"Why?! How can the captain's fighter have the phantom function of Wu Bu's fighter?!" Willie was confused.

"Oh, God is really unfair, why didn't he arrange a beauty with synchronized brain waves for me!" Embu complained again and again.

"That is to say, Captain and Wu Bu, as long as one person has the ability, can two people share it?!"

"Hey, Willie, you're getting smarter!"

"Bastard, you are an idiot!"

In the year 594 of the joint Gregorian calendar, Wu Bubu arrived in this strange world for only one month, and what awaited him was the first high-risk mission of taking the initiative to attack.

In front of the neatly dressed team members is the dignified and tall Luo Yankel. They don't need too much language between them.

"Humans have taken the initiative to attack the Orc Galaxy very few times. Long distances and the unknown and changeable environment are absolutely unfavorable conditions. But this time, the mission is to let them know how powerful we are, to be unexpected, to attack the key points, and to dispatch three special fleets. Fleet, as the vanguard of the vanguard team, we're going to play well."

The three-dimensional light screen showed their destination this time, and the groups of red rock stars were blazing with scarlet flames, as if they could burn their eyes through the light screen.

"Through investigation, this is the collection of selenium resources plundered by the orcs. I don't care what they are doing, I just want you to destroy all here!"

"Yes!" The five answered in unison!