MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 53 underground

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Wu Bubu felt that he had a long dream, and he didn't get any rest in his sleep. The chaotic pictures made him extremely tired. He wanted to get rid of this predicament, but his body was so heavy that he couldn't wake up.

"You will become the soldier who has made the greatest contribution to mankind since the 30th century!" The wrinkled face of the old professor of the Military Science Department seemed a little unfamiliar and not so real, but his words were impressive and honorable.

Wu Bubu dragged his heavy body and walked in the opposite direction of the experimental cabin. Even though some knew that he was in a dream, he still didn't want to hand himself over to others casually again.

Days and nights dream, Wu Bu's dreams are full of speculations about the experimental results of the Military Department, but all kinds of terrifying illusions and intense pursuit make the dream directly fall into the vortex of terror, the deeper it gets. , unable to wake up.

"Ah! Ow!"

Wu Bubu, who had woken up from a nightmare, sat up panting heavily, and then screamed again and again by the pain in his lower back and the hot swelling in key parts, "That bastard..."

The pain and weakness in his body made Wu Bubu temporarily forget his terrifying dream. He just wanted to beat up some uncontrollable guy. All the pictures before falling asleep poured into Wu Bubu's brain, and he shouted eagerly. And doomed clinging, it is definitely not him!

Wu Bubu, who was burned all over by the unbelievable passion picture, resolutely hypnotized himself. Although he could not deny that he was feeling good, the pain and pain in his body still gave him a feeling of wanting to "repay" Luo Yanker. impulse.

Hate only hate, physique is innate, otherwise he would not be on the side of being cared for and oppressed everywhere. However, although his strength is limited, his "aspiration" cannot be lost. He will have to let Luo one day. Yanker admits his masculinity!

"woke up."

"Cough cough!"

Wu Bubei was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Luo Yanker. His brain, which was still thinking about it, was completely blank. When he saw the "beasts" in those pictures, Wu Bubei was really a little...sorry. .

Not wanting the girl's twist, Wu Bubu felt embarrassed. Most of the time, he was entangled in his unsatisfactory physical strength. There was no trace of exhaustion and exhaustion in other people's hard work. He, who was "sit back and enjoy the success", couldn't even mention it.

Although it is a fact that the one who bears it is more difficult, but in Wu Bu's thinking, he still feels that the work of "man" is more tiring, so his little tangled thoughts turned into resentful eyes, looking at Luo Yanker .

"You've slept for so long, let's eat something." Luo Yanker raised a sharp blade with fruit pieces and barbecued meat in front of Wu Bu.

The luster on this dagger is a bit special. Under the oily light of the food, it could not hide its sharp light. Wu Bubu recalled that this kind of metal seemed to have been tested by the strange Prince of the Federation of Cyr and Luo Yanker last time. At that time, it was used to attack Luoyan Keer, but he did not expect Luo Yan Keer to have such a rare weapon.

"When I got you the s-2, I got it by the way. I wanted to defend yourself. Sometimes this kind of metal blade is more convenient than a laser knife, just like now." The thought in Wu Bu's eyes, so he explained the origin of the knife, and sent the barbecue to Wu Bu's eyes.

"How do you know that I'm curious about this, and I didn't say anything." Wu Bubui worked hard to stand up, not wanting to make his posture too weak and pitiful, took the knife and chewed it, um, the taste is really good , even if you eat it, you won't feel tired.

"I can tell from the look in your eyes that you are a very understanding person."

"Are you saying I'm an idiot..." Wu Bubu just wanted to express his resentment, but a trace of oil on his mouth was gently wiped off by a big hand, and the cool bit disappeared when two fingertips rubbed it together. , but the heartbeat that was provoked would not be so easily calmed down, Wu Bubei shouted inwardly, and let people not eat well!

"No, I like the way you look." Luo Yankeer looked at Wu Bubu intently, and liked to read every subtle expression of his. Of course, this silly guy's expressions were wide open, nothing too subtle. , but he felt that even the gloss on the corners of his lips was cute.

The two people who had just decided on a relationship and had a taste of it for the first time, although they don't know how to describe their current mood, but mixed with a little awkward joy, at the same time swept the hearts of the two people, making the cockpit slow again. warming up.

One worked hard to eat, the other watched seriously, no one broke the silence, Wu Bubu chewed the contents of his mouth fiercely, and suddenly stopped moving. Although his eyes were still fixed on the barbecue in his hand, his voice was rare and serious. Seriously, "Luo Yankel, although I am not very shrewd and have no advantages, but I never joke about feelings, if our relationship is settled, I don't want it to change due to any external reasons. "

Luo Yanker didn't answer, the corners of his lips curved slightly, he reached out and tore off a piece of barbecue and sent it to Wu Bu's mouth, Wu Bu's frowned and bit into his mouth, "My identity will bring you a lot of trouble, Of course, we are already in trouble now, but I hope that as long as there is no problem with the relationship between the two of us, then everything will not affect us, what do you think?"

Wu Bu finally set his eyes on Luo Yankee's face, always attracting his mind with purple eyes showing a slight smile, "There was nothing that could affect us, since I, Luo Yankele, chose to be with you. Together, then no matter what I say, I can't change my decision to protect you. Of course, if you regret today, I think my violent factor may be a hidden danger, I'm afraid I can't help but take yours. Imprisoned, or directly locked you in the nutrition chamber, what do you think?"

"Are you kidding me?" Wu Bu Bu suddenly felt that this icy guy was so cold when he made a joke, but the smile froze before his smile widened.

This guy is not kidding at all!

"Hey, you're not telling the truth!" Wu Bubu looked at Luo Yanker's eyes with a trace of ruthlessness, and even forgot to swallow the meat in his mouth.

"I'll never lie to you, so I'm not joking. If one day you regret it, I'm afraid I really can't control myself, and I don't know what I will do." In alarmist, now he is just thinking about it, Wu Bu may be with others, or make some intimate actions, and he can't wait to destroy that imaginary person with the most cruel means.

"You, you guy." Wu Bubu really felt that this emotional thing was really wonderful. Two people who looked at each other could see the cute side of each other no matter what. If they were changed, it might be true. I can't stand Luo Yankee's domineering, but if I change someone, I can't be so willful and domineering for him, giving up everything just to save him.

"What should we do next? How long are we going to stay here?" Wu Bubu, who was full, finally let go of his thoughts and let his soft body lie back on the back of the comfortable chair, but Thinking about the current situation, it is still annoying.

"At least you have to wait for your physical strength to recover," said Luo Yanker, and pinched Wu Bei's waist lightly, in exchange for Wu Bei's wailing and glaring, "The orc neurons in your body are not Knowing how far it has developed, I dare not inject too many nutrients and medicines for you, so it is better to wait for your natural recovery, and it is impossible for Sloan's high-level officials to formally hunt us down, even if they send more troops to search for us. , it will only be in the dark, they are more restrained than us, as long as the time is right, I will take you out of here, and I will find a way to solve the problems in your body."

"Hey, I'm not as planned as you, but, you have to think about it, you don't need me to remind you about your identity, you will really become Sloan's army after you leave... Is it worth it? ?"

"I will never make a decision that I regret. As long as it keeps you safe, I have nothing to think about." Luo Yanker lay beside Wu Bu, the two of them were slightly crowded, but they were extraordinarily comfortable.

"By the way, I have something important to tell you." Wu Bubu suddenly thought of the experiment related to him, so he told Luo Yanker all his memories and information about the "soul" experiment.

"These two experiments do have a lot in common, but the experiment I have experienced should be closer to perfection than the experiment you have experienced." Luo Yanker thought deeply, "Perhaps, your appearance is not an unexplainable phenomenon. accident."

"I think so too." Wu effortlessly turned his body sideways, "Actually, when I found out that my brainwaves were in sync with yours, I thought maybe it wasn't a coincidence, or God's will. If I have a chance, I'd better check the cosmic coordinates that I was originally found, but unfortunately, the cabin I was in at that time did not know where it was obtained."

Wu Bubei felt that he was really not good at thinking hard. It was his style to take one step at a time, but Luo Yanker had another doubt in his heart, but when he saw Wu Bubei's expression of giving up thinking, He didn't add any more troubles to Wu Bu, and it would be fine for Wu Bu to be protected by him.

Wu Bubu said that the injury was big or small. After two days of complaining about the so-called taste of the so-called semi-rock mass reproduction characteristics, Wu Bubuy was finally able to jump out of the cockpit and walk around.

And he never expected that on the first day he was able to move freely, Luo Yanker opened his optical camouflage and took him to a place that opened his eyes.

Shouldn't the escape be a little more low-key? !

Wu Bubu looked at the warm and murderous arena in front of him, the mecha enthusiasts who were hot and cheering, and the two modified mechas that were "hand-to-hand" fighting in the huge arena. Wu Bubu was excited, he suddenly With so little, I found a sense of organization!