MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 58 flamboyant casino

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Wu Bu Bu looked at the magnificent palace-style building in front of him, and was really dumbfounded. Is this the "underground casino" that Luo Yankel called?

"This kind of cover-up is too exaggerated." Wu Bubu scratched his pale green hair, wondering whether he was sighing at the building in front of him or expressing dissatisfaction with his look today.

Luo Yanker took Wu Bu's hand and prevented him from abusing his hair. "What they need is not a cover up."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Wu Bubu really couldn't stand it and muttered in a low voice, "Can you stop talking half-talking all the time, so that I can't grasp the point."

Luo Yankee waved away the attendant behind him. Of course, the attendant did not know where Luo Yankee rented it now, and the expensive limited-edition suspension sports car behind them. Wu could not look at it. The man who quickly greeted them looked straight. Although he had never paid attention to his temperament, he couldn't lose to a door boy!

"Two gentlemen, please." The doorman with a standard smile took out the posture of receiving VIPs, but his decent actions and words did not make people feel as exaggerated as this facade.

"Well." Luo Yanker snorted from his nose, obviously too lazy to pay attention to the face of such a small person, before Wu Bubu could react, he took the person into his arms, and the weight of most of his body was placed on Wu On Bu's shoulders, the height is just right, which is easy to apply force, but Wu Bu in his arms suffers.

Although he didn't know what this guy was going to do, he could only cooperate. Wu Bubu didn't make a big move on his face, but the hand on Luo Yanker's rib was unceremoniously twisted.

"Are you two gentlemen here for the first time?"

"Put your politeness away, we heard that there is some fun here, specially to relieve boredom." Luo Yankeer surprised Wu Bu when he opened his mouth. From the accent to the tone, Luo Yanker seemed to have become a A slick, pretentious playboy, and this type is probably the most welcome guest in this kind of place.

"Since it's because of a friend's recommendation, then we can't let the two gentlemen down, but, I don't know, what do you mean by 'fun'?"

"Don't talk nonsense, lead the way quickly, let me and my little baby see your characteristics." Luo Yanker threw a dozen big bills to the waiter.

"The two gentlemen are also... mecha lovers?"

Wu Bu's heart skipped a beat. Luo Yankee's hint just now was indeed correct. A small waiter could report the "special service" in such a "generous" manner. Obviously, this place is not as good as he imagined, it is a need The secret underground forbidden zone, and the boss behind it who can support it, is definitely not a pure businessman like Qi Lu.

"If you understand, lead the way, I didn't come here to see you smiling!" Luo Yanker threatened again hotly, with a disguise that was much younger than his real appearance, as if he was a spoiled young master.

"Okay, two gentlemen, please come this way." Wu Bubu always seemed to be well-behaved in Luo Yanker's arms, but in fact he carefully observed every detail of the other party.

Wu Bu, who is currently implanted with orc neurons and cannot access any brain wave control equipment, will have a keen sense of all the detection fluctuations applied to his body, and he will feel a little discomfort. Therefore, he is very sure that from When they entered the door to a few words, they had been swept from head to toe.

Wu couldn't have predicted that it would be more troublesome when entering the arena, but I didn't expect people to swipe up and down so frankly, even if you passed the border, as long as you didn't bring any contraband or equipment, even if you noticed the disguise of optical camouflage, the other party seemed to be I don't intend to dismantle it either. The visitor is a guest, and money is the most powerful pass.

Luo Yankel felt Wu Bubu in his arms tremble slightly. Under his embrace, outsiders could not detect it at all, but it still made him ruthless, and he didn't want to inflict any damage. On Wu Bu.

It's just that he had to take everything into consideration and arrange the safest way for Wu.

After passing the gate, it really felt like entering a dreamy space, and Wu Bu was amazed several times in just a short distance, but these amazements were hidden in Luo Yankee's arms.

Wu Bu and Luo Yankee were guided into a fully transparent elevator. The floors were set at the minus three floors. The flashing scenes on each floor were like an independent world with different themes and styles. , to create a dream paradise for guests with different needs.

If the first two layers are different dimensions of desire, desire and depravity, then the negative three layers are the heaven of violence and force.

There was a **** smell in the restless air. It was not a metaphor, but the most real **** smell. Wu Bubu frowned and looked up at Luo Yankel. The other party still didn't care about his excitement.

"What kind of gameplay, which is the most exciting?" Luo Yankee was like a leopard eager to try, his muscles were clamoring for excitement, but he couldn't find the most attractive target.

"There is no gameplay here. Players can decide for themselves. Of course, it is the place with the most **** smell, and it is the most exciting and fun. I wish the two of you a happy play." The waiter who led the way backed away with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Luo Yankee was on Wu Bu's body on the surface, looking like he was hanging, but in fact, when Wu Bu's steps suddenly became unsteady, he quickly supported him without a trace.

"No problem." Wu said with certainty.

From entering here, Wu Bu knew that if they really got into trouble here, I'm afraid there would be no way out. Even a **** of war cannot break through the super-strong defense layer here with just a pair of fists, and the hidden killer is even more powerful. Needless to say, the strong fluctuations were like sharpened thorns, constantly giving Wu Bu an electric shock.

Luo Yanker took Wu Bu into a stadium with the largest audience and the loudest noise.

There is the source of the **** smell, attracting countless thugs with good blood. Wu Bu Bu knew that he would not see any good sights, but he still looked over curiously.

At first glance, I thought it was a smashed mecha part, and it fell to the ground, but after a blink of an eye and a closer look, my stomach suddenly stirred, and it was not a mechanical part that shattered, but an unformed arm. and fragmented finger bones.

"This is too much! This is a mecha competition?" Wu couldn't understand inexplicably, and was drowned in the emotional shouts of the crowd.

Is this the rules of the game according to the guests' own rules? Endless death?

"Let's fight quickly." Luo Yankee helped Wu Bubu's shoulder, and when the winner's arm stretched out to the pile of money that had become a hill, he sprinkled all the cash he carried on the hill. On the top of the sack, a heavy bundle of money, sticking out of the bag, rolled down the ocean of desire and desire all the way.

"You want to run away before it's over?" Luo Yankee crossed the surprised crowd and looked at the ferocious man opposite him defiantly.

It is not fair that human evolution has given each semi-rock human a good appearance, and this gambler who has just touched victory in front of him is a good illustration.

"Which of you two?!" The ferocious opponent obviously did not expect that after he won so many games in a row, someone would dare to challenge, especially when he had just ended the life of an opponent and the **** body was still beside him in the case of.

Wheel battle is the form of this arena. It is absolutely not fair. If you are confident, then let everyone know, let them all be afraid and dare not challenge, but if you are unlucky, it may also be due to It takes turns to challenge without being defeated, or even losing a life, but in the blood-stained arena, money exposes people's wildness and kills them constantly.

On Wu Bu's body, especially on the spine, the uncomfortable feeling gradually became stronger, but it was always within the range that could be tolerated. In order to divert his attention, he carefully observed the situation of the opponent's mecha, dressed in extremely fancy clothes. For the mobile phone armor, although the surface is covered with colorful graffiti and logos, Wu Bu can still see that its most basic model and original configuration, but what it has been modified into, Wu Bu can deliberately show off to the other party. After a few moments, I saw some clues.

"These mechas are all top-heavy. I'm sure that if they were attacked to the bottom, they would definitely fall to the ground." Wu Bubu chatted with Luo Yanker in a low voice.

"Oh, is it? Well, you'll be careful for a while." Luo Yankee didn't look at the provocation of the big man on the other side, but just turned his face to capture Wu's unsurprising moment, which was very interesting. He hoped that this silly boy could be treated Every expression of his is engraved in his mind, hidden from anyone to see.

"What? I'm going? I'm alone?!" Wu Bubu was truly stunned. It wasn't that he was cowardly, but that his current body did not allow me to drive mechas at all.

"Yes, let's go, all you have to do is delay time." Luo Yanker spoke very fast, the big brother who sent someone to play, and provoked the opposite gambler by the way.

"Hey, if you win my darling, you are only eligible to compete with me." In one sentence, he successfully ignited the opponent's flamethrower.

When Wu Bubu daringly put on the mecha, he found out that these mechas did not have a device similar to the Quanzhi system, but the most primitive old antique models. This is obviously the other party's benefit to the competition, so when necessary , there will also be such a situation of favoring one player.

But Wu Bubu felt that he was really too lucky. If it was a Quanzhi system, then he would only have to turn on the speaker device and procrastinate. Now, when he looks at the front, the design is similar to when he was on Earth. The mecha device, there is a feeling of tears.

He glanced at the familiar operating system. He had disassembled and installed every button and operating lever countless times. Although the "antique" that can be preserved until now must have been transformed and reset, it has always been restricted. Nothing fancy.

Wu Bubu successfully activated the mecha, and the eyes of the huge mechanical fighter glowed with a dark blue cold light.

The audience's attention is not high, and the wait-and-see mentality has lost the enthusiasm just now, because these audiences who are familiar with the insider can see at a glance that this will be a one-sided game, the most powerful mechanical fighters will fight against antique scrap iron, no any suspense.

The opponent was driving the mecha, and before the game started, he walked around Wu Bu's mecha with his fist raised, and showed his hand like a dazzling skill. The audience applauded for face, even if there was no suspense. Those who watch the game still hope that there will be fun to watch.

Wu Bubu in the cockpit ignored the opponent's provocation at all. When the mecha was started, he had already devoted himself to the detection and familiarity of the system. All the noise from the outside world was far away from him, and he even ignored Luo. Yan Keer's explanation only made him delay time, and his enthusiasm for mecha made Wu must not want to miss the opportunity casually, even if it was just fun.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Another dramatic scene in our game, 'Giant' has won five games in a row, and his opponents have all ended badly. , But! We have a new challenger. The young man who just participated doesn't seem to care about the 'giant man' at all. He has a calmness beyond his age... Ah? What? You said that he may have been Silly? Hahaha! Challenger! Do you hear what people are saying about you? Let everyone see what you can do!"

The host's hot field was obviously mocking and entertaining. With the roar of the "giant man" and the punching style of the iron fist, the audience finally revived their interest and planned to see how this ignorant challenger was abused.

The gongs rang and a huge hum reverberated through the Colosseum-like venues, and people loved the archaic form, and the closer it got to the original fight, the more exciting it got.

The "giant man" raised his arm high, made a gesture that you are about to die, and then slammed his arm, the hidden beam knife, green and shining around the arm of the mecha, like a wave and a hazy Mist, but once it comes into contact, it is completely decomposed.

"Come on! You cowardly..." The "giant man" was about to charge forward, but in the blink of an eye, the mecha on the opposite side disappeared.

The search system issued a warning almost at the same time, the enemy was directly above, and the "giant man" suddenly looked up, but it was just this second gap, Wu Bu's mecha had been heavily smashed from the sky, aiming at the right arm of the beam knife At the joints, the iron knees of the mecha severely damaged the shell of the mecha at the joints, and the jumping electric light instantly crackled out. The right arm was twisted vigorously and stabbed at the joint. The beam knife that felt the resistance converged into a blade and struck at the speed of light.


The right arm of the "giant man" was removed by his beam knife, and only a half-broken cable was still connected, and it was dragged on the ground in a daze.

No one thought that the old-fashioned mecha, which was much heavier than the "giant man", could have such agile movements. Perhaps they did not expect this challenger to be so bold. The cheering shouts from the adjacent arena set off the anomaly in this arena.

Silence appeared where it shouldn't, but instead attracted people's attention. Many other spectators in the field were attracted. Looking at the incredible situation on the field, they immediately turned on the guide screen in their hands, and called out the scene just now. The picture of this scene was immediately stunned.

After the silence, there were thunderous cheers and whistles, and the excited crowd expressed their surprise with hysterical shouts and swear words.

Wu Bubu's expression in the cockpit did not fluctuate in the slightest. The next second he succeeded, he opened a safe distance from the injured "giant man". Part of his surprise attack was because the opponent underestimated the enemy, but his " Antique" is old after all, except for the beam knife that "Giant" himself showed, the scanning detection device can't scan the opponent's mecha shell at all, and another reason for him to be fully alert and never underestimate the enemy is probably that Having experienced several life-and-death levels, and experienced those terrifying moments when human life was lost in an instant, it was impossible for Wu Bu to regard the battle as a game at any time.

What's more, this game, if you are not careful, will also kill you.

In the center of the boiling arena, the "giant man" roared, yanked off his abolished arm, and threw it violently at Wu Ke. Wu Ke did not jump into the air to dodge like the last time, but slightly touched the ground. Flash, the beam knife, which still hasn't stopped, passed by and hit the transparent protective wall behind him, causing a burst of fire.

The "giant man" was hit so hard that he completely lost his mind. Now Wu Bubu is a piece of meat that must be crushed in his eyes.

Wu Bubu glanced at the scan data on the display screen. Through the gap in the right arm he had just removed, he scanned the internal structure of the "giant man". It was indeed very precise. However, after confirming the other party's When the operating system is not a "full intelligence system", but an ordinary intelligent system, Wu can not be relieved, after all, he does not want to fight against one another.

"Procrastinate...?" Wu Bu Bu quickly dodged the fierce attack of the "giant man", muttered in his mouth, endured forbearance, and postponed the implementation of the original plan.

Another decisive battle in the arena had just ended. The driver who jumped from the silver-gray mecha had a relaxed expression on his face. He was waiting for the praise of his companions with a hint of pride, but when he looked closely, the man was not in his seat at all. !

"Damn it, bastard, always underestimate me!" The driver took a bag of banknotes from the host angrily, threw it on his shoulder angrily, opened the contactor, contacted the other party, and swore secretly Will definitely teach that defiant guy a good lesson.

Only the location indication map was sent from the contactor, causing the blood vessels on the dark-skinned man's head to burst, "Isn't that guy busy picking up girls? He didn't even bother to tell me a word! kill me!"

The big man took big steps, followed the location instructions, and walked towards another arena full of anger. From a distance, he saw the fiery hair **** in the crowd, "Hey! Peano! Your family... ooh! "

The big man only had time to roar the other party's name angrily, and he received a backhand punch on the bridge of the nose, and his tears flowed, "You, you bastard! It hurts me to death!"

"Idiot, who asked you to call me by my real name." The red-haired Peano reprimanded in a low voice, not paying attention to the unfortunate companion beside him at all, looking at a mecha in the arena with a cold gaze, slowly Slowly dyed the interest.

"I'm trying to win money for you, you don't even look at it! I won't pay you back!"

"That's what you owe me, and I'll kill you if you don't pay it back. Also, if you can't even win against the people here, you should almost be kicked out by the boss." Peano held the railing in one hand, Exudes the danger of seeing fresh prey.

Lan Nuo observed a moment of silence for his poker skills, and vowed never to gamble with this beast again. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sat helplessly watching the game, but didn't hold on for a few minutes, "Hey, this is What's so good about a race! It's a waste of life."

"Idiot." Lan Nuo's complaint was exchanged for Peano's disdain.

"Why are you scolding me!"

"Look closely at that guy, he played really well." Peano raised the corner of his mouth and tapped his right hand gently in a certain rhythm.

"That 'giant man'? That guy is a frequent visitor here. He bought the 'giant man', and he spent a lot of money on the modification. Hmph, I'm afraid I'm too greedy today. It's really funny that a pile of scrap iron loses an arm." Lan Nuo has an honest face, and has the talent to penetrate into any crowd, so he has always been well-informed.

Only today he was destined to be despised.

"You also said you're not an idiot, I'm talking about another guy," Peano clenched his fists slightly, "'Giant Man' is going to go home empty-handed."

Wu Bubui tried hard to breathe smoothly, and the procrastination tactic that seemed to be running for his life made the attack pattern of the "giant man" chaotic. Finally, the "giant man", who was so embarrassed, missed with a heavy punch and hit the protective wall. There were slight cracks on the protective wall.

"Why didn't he use that hidden weapon?" Wu Bubu couldn't help but wonder while concentrating on escaping for his life.

The results of the scan showed that there was a weapon similar to a beam knife hidden on the left shoulder of the opponent's mecha.

However, the other party had already been forced to go crazy by him, but he still did not use this weapon.

Wu could not know how long Luo Yankee wanted him to hold on, but he thought that as long as he could hold on, at least he could help Luo Yankee more.


Wu Bubu thinks that it was obvious enough that these people cheated by giving him this antique mecha, but he did not expect that he still underestimated the insidiousness of his opponent, and he even played tricks on this antique mecha, it was despicable enough. !

There was a delay in receiving the command. Although it was only a slight gap, it could still be fatal in fierce battles. No matter how fast Wu Bu's response was, he still did not escape the "giant man"'s blow.

The heavy blow hit the chest, and Wu Bu's mecha slammed into the protective wall, causing Wu Bu's teeth in the cockpit to grin, "Damn, it's no joke without a defensive force field."

Wu can not laugh at himself at the last minute, it is really difficult to change from frugality to luxury and from extravagance to frugality.

The "giant man" was about to give Wu Bu the last blow, and he was aggressive and murderous.

"It seems that I don't care about delaying time." Wu Bubu's eyes flashed in the next moment when he regained his balance, and he also instantly increased the speed of the mecha to the extreme. the neigh...