MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 77

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Navier? ! Wu Bu was surprised in his heart.

Why does this guy always intervene inexplicably!

"Everyone! Immediately return to the Dawn!" Wu Bubu quickly explained in the contact channel, and suddenly changed his course. Before he could react, Enbu, who was closest to him, was dropped by dozens of meters.

"What does this kid want to do!" Not only was Willy confused, everyone was very surprised by Wu Bu's actions, but the sudden departure from the team in such an inexplicable crisis, they seemed to know each other, their captain was not always like this .

Wu Bu Bu knew that the target of the person who sniped him was him, so he wanted to get away from his comrade-in-arms. The silver mecha damaged his left arm due to the sniper impact just now. Wu Bu Bu's eyes sank, recalling that Mrs. Direce once In his words, "Wait until the necessary moment to activate this hidden mode." At this time, Wu Bu felt that he could not let this opportunity go in vain.

He still remembered how much Luo Yankele cared about the mysterious figure who appeared on the battlefield. Although Luo Yankee had explained to him his grievance with Navier, he felt that it was not the root of the matter. Yan Keer didn't know the real reason why Navi betrayed them.

This person is always alone, and the time to appear is always after they and other parties have fought fiercely. For whatever reason, this disgraceful sneak attack makes Wu Bu feel so **** unhappy!

"D mode starts!" Wu Bubu gave an order to the Quanzhi system in a deep voice.

"Hey, what is that?" Enbu and Dem, who were chasing Wu Bubu and trying to communicate, were shocked by what they saw.

"No, he has activated the hidden mode!" Philot's eyes were sharp.

"What does this kid want to do!" Bella's eyes were worried. They all knew the dangers of hidden mode. When Mrs. Diris designed this hidden mode, she never thought that it would be Luo Yanker who would drive the silver mecha. I'm afraid Mrs. Derris was trying to find a suitable driver in the future through Sofort.

"This is really similar to our boss!" Enbu gritted his teeth and said, they are already an indistinguishable whole, each of them is worthy of everyone's life, but Wu can't be alone now The action was like a slap in the face of him, this problem can be cured!

"Anyway, try to lock his position, **** it, you can't catch up at all!" Philot stared at the little bit of residual energy flashing away on the tracking device, really wished he could put on his wings and catch up with that You stinky brat, teach him a good lesson.

Wu Bu's order, all the lights in the holographic cockpit turned into a heart-wrenching red, and the damaged vision function began to repair itself after a momentary flicker. The outermost layer of the mecha's silver shell was like a thin layer The crystals were broken and shattered, as if the mecha had taken off its shackles, and the whole body was covered with golden light bands.

"Huh... It's really not easy..." Wu Bu's forehead was already sweating. Mrs. Diris never shy away from the dangers of this d-mode. She doesn't recommend starting this mode when there are other ways, but Wu Bubei can't care so much now, this guy who shrinks his head and tail has successfully made him angry.

In the quiet medical room, there was only the monotonous ticking sound of the monitoring equipment. Because of Xiu Yin's research on Luo Yankele for days and nights, her body finally showed signs of being unable to support her body. Mintor, who came down to look after Luo Yanker, sat quietly in a corner, and even the light breathing seemed to be nonexistent. It was Mintor's style to complete the task in a straight-forward manner, but he actually preferred Mintor to sit quietly. Fighting on the battlefield, this may be the nature of the soldier, and the overly easy task makes him a little uncomfortable.

That guy Philot had a good fight, and it was estimated that he would brag to him again when he came back. Mintor's ears moved suddenly, his sharp eyes swept out the door, and the light footsteps gradually approached, with obvious caution, Mintor frowned and looked back again.

"Ah!" The people who came in seemed to scan the circle before they found the silent Mintor, who was a little startled, "Ah, so there are people, too, it is impossible that there is no one to take care of them."

"Please don't disturb the patient's rest." It can be said that Mintor is more incapable of entertaining children than Wu Bei. In the eyes of these soldiers who have fought for many years, recruits like Wu Bei are already the most difficult "children". "It's out of scope, and now facing a little guy with this delicate partner, he can only do a deep expression with a straight face.

"I won't bother, I just want to see if Wu Bubu is back." Michelle didn't think how terrible Michelle's black face was, or that the child was originally very slow to perceive people's emotions , I was used to doing my own thing, so I took a few steps forward, looked back and forth, and finally set my eyes on Luo Yankel in the medical cabin, "When will this person wake up?"

"I don't know." Mintor still remained motionless, but his attention was somewhat focused on this young man. Why would a little guy on the "Dawn" care so much about Royan Kerr? Although he couldn't figure it out, Mintor had already passed the The age of curiosity about everything.

"I hope he wakes up sooner, so that Wu Bubu won't be so worried." Michelle approached the medical cabin, leaned forward slightly, and stared at the closed eyes with wide, bright eyes. handsome man.

The silver hair was floating in the medical cabin, like a galaxy glowing with microwaves. Michelle gradually became a little curious. If the closed eyes were opened, they didn't know what color they would be.

Tilting his head, Michele inadvertently caught a glimpse of the brain's excitement value flashing on the detection device, which suddenly dropped and returned to the normal range. The instrument carefully observed, could it be that he was dazzled?

Mintor was really afraid that this little guy would accidentally break something, so he got up and walked behind Michelle, whose face was about to be attached to the testing instrument, and reached out to lift the boy's collar and pulled him out.

"Wow!" Michelle was startled, waving her hands like a bird in the wind.

"If you have nothing to do, please go to another place to play." Mintor put the person down lightly.

"I'm not here to play." Michelle pouted and frowned, a look of dissatisfaction.

Michelle, who could only sigh, did not notice the strangeness that passed away when Luo Yanker tested it together, and Michelle, who was too simple-minded, did not take this little episode as something important. For him, The **** face in front of him was his biggest "enemy".

"Hey! Why are you so insistent, if you don't want to wake up, how about giving me your body?" In the darkness, an indifferent voice sounded.

Luo Yanker curled up and floated in the dark space, maintaining a self-defense posture, without any response, as if he had lost his soul.

"Okay, then I'm welcome!" Hundred turned himself into a sharp blade and charged towards Luo Yanker. The dark space was aroused by layers of waves, and the sharp blade was nailed to the ground. Between Luo Yankee's eyebrows, an invisible layer of protection gathered in vain at the place where he was attacked, keeping the tip of the sword firmly at the periphery.

"Why are you resisting, aren't you already tired? If you give up, it will be much easier." Hundred changed his attack form very quickly, venting all his depression and unwillingness together, but no matter how he attacked, he couldn't Pierce Royanker's solid shield.

This protective layer is the self-protection consciousness of Luo Yankee's brain. It is the last place he reserved for himself to hide in the extremely painful moment. Yan Keer chose instinctive self-protection, and he was unable to wake up for a long time. It was for this reason that there was nothing in this world that could arouse his thoughts. Such a deep sleep made him feel relaxed.

Hundred's attack became more and more violent, and he could not erase the situation when Wu Bui left him. He used to be his confidant pet, even if he knew about its relationship with Luo Yankee, Wu Bui would not It didn't make a clear line with it. It knew that Wu Bubu, although not very reliable on the surface, was the latest soft-hearted and sincere person, but such a person, when he finally chose to abandon him for the safety of Luo Yanker When I went there, it really showed that its weight in Wu Bu's heart was not comparable to that of Luo Yankee.

This makes it go wild with jealousy! And the saddest thing is that it took a long time for it to realize that the wave of emotion in its consciousness is called jealousy!

It has not been a human for too long. It does not want to slowly lose the last bit of humanity in the nihilistic world of data, so it must regain its body, everything that originally belonged to him, and regain the gaze that should have fallen on it. .

"Go to hell!" Hundred saved all his strength and attacked Luo Yankee's neck. Even his brain consciousness would have a weak link. Hundred's attack left a turtle on Luo Yankee's protective layer. crack.

This crack spread instantly. Just when Hundred was about to be thankful that it was finally effective, a sudden change occurred. Hundred, who was originally in an attacking state, felt that his consciousness was tightly absorbed, and was gradually dragged towards Luo Yanker.

"What's going on? Damn it! Damn it!" Hundred suddenly realized that he still underestimated Luo Yankeel. Even Luo Yankee, who had lost his memory, and Luo Yankele, who was in a coma, still had something terrifying. the power of.

"...Must, hurry up and leave!" Hundred tried hard to free his consciousness from Luoyanker's drag, but it was too late, his memory was gradually invaded, and a strong and unstoppable consciousness beat it Break through, dig thoroughly.

In the boundless darkness, without any concept of direction and time, Luo Yankee didn't even remember his own name, but a forcibly invading consciousness invaded his territory with inexplicable impetuousness.

Those trivial and complicated pictures made him uneasy, and when a pair of black eyes flashed, his heart beat inexplicably.

Ah, this is... the enemy I want to clear from the order... no, it's not just that...

From another angle, the pair of black eyes always followed him, making him want to see more, so he took the initiative to grab these pictures, expecting them to be neatly put together.


The owner of the dark eyes always called this name with various expressions, by the way, this is his name, Luo Yanker.

So what's your name?

The frightened Hundred couldn't believe the facts in front of him. He thought that as a data ghost, he could at least defeat Luo Yankel in the empty space, but the fact made it unacceptable, when he felt that he was about to be engulfed. , the pair of purple eyes finally slowly opened, like the eyes of the bright starry sky with doubts, the end of the eyes is not the hundred struggling desperately, but falls on a point of nothingness, as if thinking seriously.

"...Wu, no?" A deep voice echoed in the dark void.