MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 87

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Although the previous plan was relatively smooth, the situation of the capital star of Maistar was more serious than expected. The star was attacked by orcs self-destructing in many places, and countless orc mechas carrying powerful explosives broke through the capital star. Defensive troops exploded regardless of location. The huge explosion shook the earth, took away the lives of countless innocent people, and caused terrible devastation on the stars. This is a disaster for mankind, and it is the moment of life and death for mankind.

It goes without saying that Luo Yankee and Wu Pui are in the same team, and Hai Yehua acts as the leader of the other team and they act separately. Wu Pui and Hai Ye Hua cherish each other. With selfless help and care, and also as breeders, there is a magical friendship between the two.

"Please keep a good distance. As long as I am within the reachable distance of the Quanzhi system, my abilities can be shared with everyone." Wu Bubu opened sharing, making all the vanguard teams invisible.

"No, follow me closely." Luo Yanker knew Wu Bei's ability, but he couldn't say such a sassy word to let go. He hoped to protect Wu Bei well. On the battlefield, he also hoped that Wu Bei could be well protected. It is impossible to take care of yourself first.

"We will definitely win!" Wu Bei was full of confidence.

The attack of the orcs is obviously planned. Although it can't be said to be rigorous, it is much more careful and cautious than the reckless feeling of the orc attack in the past. They are testing, procrastinating, and cooperating with each other. It is no longer a simple killing, in their eyes. There is also the meaning of victory.

With the full-scale attack of the border defense fleet, Luo Yankel and Wu Bu were like death gods in the dark night and rushed towards the unconscious enemy. Countless bright lights exploded, and the orc mecha was in an instant chaos.

But after a while, the orc troops began to shrink, and the unknown weapon seriously injured many mechas in the border defense fleet. Wu could not expand the connection range of the Quanzhi system and try his best to allow more mechas to maintain stealth mode.

While Wu Bu's mecha resonates with the full-intelligence system of many mechas, its own energy fluctuations are more easily detected by orc mechas, and they are quickly attacked by orcs, although the attacks of orc mechas are not accurate. The target, but the attack power of the unknown weapon is extremely strong, and the attack range is much larger than that of the mecha controlled by the Quanzhi system, so Wu Bu Bu feels more and more difficult. His eyes remained firm.

Because he knew that Royenkel was by his side and was blocking most of the attacks for him, countless orc mechas turned into pieces before they approached him.

With their restraint on the main battlefield, the defensive fleet of Capital Star also got a chance to breathe. After the redeployment, they quickly cooperated with Wu Bubu and them to attack the orc troops inside and outside.

After Wu Bui gave Luo Yanker a signal, he activated the extreme speed mode, and the mechas connected to the Quanzhi system started to kill in extreme speed mode, and the orc mecha troops began to be in chaos. Wu Bu and Luo Yankel cooperated skillfully. Destroyed a mothership of the orc army, the defense fleet seized the opportunity to shrink the encirclement, and blew up the injured mothership of the orc army. The huge red flames melted the ship into a twisted pillar of fire, and rolled the surrounding orc mechs. into the twist, and eventually vanished into nothingness in the universe.

Wu Bu's mecha passed through layers of energy waves, and countless broken orc corpses and mecha fragments were mixed in the waves, silently declaring the cruelty of war.

Wu Bubu is no longer as indecisive as before. He knows that on the battlefield, only the victorious side can survive and protect his important people.

But just when he was about to attack another orc ship, there was a sudden hot feeling in his abdomen. Wu Bubu suddenly panicked, but if he felt it carefully, it was not a severe discomfort, which made him feel a little relieved.

"Be careful!" Royanker promptly destroyed an approaching enemy plane.

"I'm fine!" Wu Bu didn't want to distract Luo Yanker.

But the burning sensation from his abdomen made him uneasy. He could feel an inexplicable sadness entering his brain. The sadness made him unable to look at the dead orcs coldly, as if these lives had different meanings. He felt that he didn't want to continue this war, but he couldn't give up his comrades, couldn't put them in danger, so Wu Bu could endure the sadness in his heart and fight the orc mecha desperately.

The war lasted for nearly ten hours. In the confrontation between the two sides, humans gradually gained the upper hand, forcing the orc troops to retreat from the main battlefield and get a chance to rest.

But this weak advantage is only temporary, because they have no idea how huge the orc army is, and the capital star is already in chaos. The Hoffman family took the opportunity to seize control of the capital, and the injured people were crying. , the child of the lost mother was crying helplessly, Wu Bu, what they saw after entering the capital star was such a terrible scene, the defense forces were hunting for the remaining orcs on the street, the sound of guns and guns sporadically issued, and countless roars. And the sound of collapse, dyed everything that was peaceful and beautiful with cruel decadence.

Wu Bu and the others joined the rescue team urgently, but Luo Yankeer was entangled by Hoffman. Now that they knew the important roles of Wu Bu and Luo Yankele, they began to persecute Luo Yan with their family reputation and military responsibilities. Kerr, Ia Hoffman, who hadn't seen them for a long time, looked extremely confused when he saw them. The happy expectation and the painful loss were intertwined, and it was even more apparent in this bleak post-war scene. pale.

Wu Bei ignored them and was just cooperating with other rescuers to appease the injured people. Luo Yanker asked Hayward to take care of Wu Bei, but he did not protect Wu Bei because he did not want to lead these flies to Wu Bei. around.

Of course, even if he doesn't get rid of him, Hayward will protect Wu Bu. After all, they now regard the Hoffman family as vicious snakes. Wu Bu does not know any medical methods. He can only simply bandage the lightly injured. There were screams.

Wu Bu and Hai Yehua glanced at each other, and immediately caught up with the front. An orc who was hiding in the dark suddenly rushed out. The wounded orc was making the last struggle, trying to take more lives.

Seeing that a group of innocent people were affected, Wu Bubu threw stones with all his might, took out the special laser gun that Luo Yanker gave him, and shot continuously. Hayward and the defense forces came together to shoot, and finally caught the attention of the orcs. When the force was attracted, the orc roared and rushed in the direction of Wu Ke, Wu Ke was not flustered, and stabilized his mind to aim, but the moment he aimed, he saw the eyes of the orc, and he actually understood the sadness inside And anger, the orc even hesitated at the last moment, and instantly slowed down the momentum. Wu Bu's fingers on the trigger trembled slightly. In such a moment of hesitation, Wu Bu was pulled into a solid embrace, and the orc in front of him was caught. Split into two, fell to the ground tragically.

Wu Bu can take a breath, his heart is about to jump out.

"What are you doing?! Why don't you shoot!" Luo Yanker was seriously frightened.

"I don't know either." Wu Bubu looked at his palm, not daring to look at the **** corpse.

"Royan Kerr, let me take you to a safer place." Ia approached with a gloomy expression, but was stinged by Royan Kerr's stern gaze, and stopped in place and did not dare to approach.

"No," Luo Yanker helped Wu Bu, "Go over there and rest for a while."

Wu Bubu didn't act as a good person. He didn't forget the hurt Ia had done to him and Luo Yankee, so he followed Luo Yankee silently to an open place, where a lot of injured people gathered. Luo Yankee Er picked a place with few people and kept guarding Wu Bubu.

"No, tell me the truth, what's wrong with you? Don't forget that our brainwaves are synchronized. You were obviously hesitant when driving the mech. Why?"

"I... feel something is wrong, but I can't tell why. I feel very sad when I see these killed orcs." Wu Bubu said his feelings in confusion.

Luo Yanker frowned, looked at Wu Bu's abdomen, and his eyes were condensed, "It doesn't matter, just leave the rest to me. If you don't want to see it, don't watch it."

"I'm not that vulnerable, but I just don't understand it." Wu Bubu looked into the distance, and he was not alone in the sadness here. He had someone to protect him, how lucky he was.

Glancing over and pulling it back, Wu Bubui snorted, "Look, that's not Qi Lu!"

Wu Bubu's eyes were fixed in one direction, Luo Yankeer looked over, his eyes were cold, it was the mysterious man who had dealt with him in order to let Wu Bubu's leave Maistar safely, and deliberately sought skin with the tiger, sure enough, this Qilu back Board them, but also cleverly help them by mistake.

Qi Lu looked at them across the heavy figures, and even raised a smile and waved to them.

Wu Bubu frowned, the feeling this person gave him was very different from the last time we met, those black eyes were full of wanton madness, Qi Ge felt the burning heat in his abdomen began to become intense, and Qi Lu on the opposite side put his fingers on his back. In his lips, he made a gesture of silence, and in the next second, several orcs rushed forward from unknown direction. Their huge animal tails pushed the defensive troops aside, trampled their weapons, and rushed towards the fleeing crowd.

Wu Bubu's eyes were full of anger, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes swept to Qilu, but there was no one there.

"Quick!" Wu Bubui and Luo Yanker dealt with an orc together, Wu Bubui sent the frightened little girl to a safe place, and Luo Yanker shot one by one and eliminated several of them.

"Board the mecha!" Luo Yanker kept Wu Bubu behind him.

"However, it is too dangerous to use mecha in this situation! There is no way to ensure the safety of civilians in such a chaotic scene!" The situation is simply terrible.