MTL - The First Strong Control In History-Chapter 435 reward

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  Chapter 435 Harvest


  The situation was booming, and Jiang Suyi, who had survived the catastrophe, completely let go of the airs of the captain. Suddenly, he discovered that these strange beasts were not as cold-blooded and brutal as he imagined. On the contrary, they were simpler than humans.

   "Haha, give me a free hand and work hard!"

At this moment, everyone let themselves go, even Han Mingxuan and An Sifan, the pure supports with no output ability, became frenzied. They took out two kitchen knives from nowhere and rushed upwards screaming. Pick those dying blood bats to take care of.

"There are gene nuclei all over the place, now it's developed!" Looking at a thousand-meter road paved with gene nuclei, Yuan Bei's eyeballs glowed green. At this point, he has nothing to do, but We can't be idle either, let's do some work.


   Then, pick up the gene nucleus!

   In half an hour!

  The army of blood bats fled in all directions in a panic, and some even forgot that they could fly, and started running with two short legs.


  Yuan Bei, who was bending down to pick up the gene core, stopped when he heard the familiar call. The moment he just stood up, a dark figure rushed into his arms.

   "Little guy, I'm hurt."

A scar with deep bone visible extends from the top of the civet cat's head to the tail. If the Blood Bat King had been stronger, the civet cat would have split open from the middle. The wound was still bleeding, and the civet cat's eyes were weakly opened. With a tired look on his face, Yuan Bei felt extremely distressed.

   "Little guy, open your mouth."

  The vitality in the hand quickly condensed, and a thick tree trunk broke through the ground. Yuan Bei reached out to pick off the life fruit, ignoring the dissipated trunk, and handed the life fruit to the civet cat's mouth, motioning him to open his mouth.

   Smelling the abundant vitality, the civet cat immediately became energetic, opened its mouth and bit down.

  A gentle life force slowly flowed through the limbs and bones, and the powerful recovery ability erupted in an instant. The civet cat's weak aura slowly subsided, and the whole body was filled with green mist. The deep bone-deep wound on the back was washed over and over again by the vitality, the blood stopped abruptly, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wound was scabbed in less than a moment.


  The raccoon cat is also rejuvenated, and the whole cat is also more energetic, and its small head keeps rubbing against Yuan Bei's face.


  Looking at the people and animals laughing and playing in the distance, Jiang Suyi showed a gratified smile. This time it was thanks to these civet cats, otherwise the whole army would have been wiped out.

  The corpses of the blood bats around are being dragged and moved by the civet cats, each civet cat can't wait to go home for simple cooking with fresh ingredients in its mouth.

   "Goodbye, cats!"

  The civet cats came and went quickly. In just a quarter of an hour, the corpses of the blood bats disappeared. Every civet cat returned with a full reward.

   Despite this, many civet cats died here. After all, the blood bats have too much advantage in number. If it is not for the suppression of blood, the casualties may be even greater.


  The civet cat running fast on the top of the mountain stopped immediately when it heard the sound, and stared at the civet cat in Yuan Bei's arms in the distance, as if waiting for the king's order.

   "Meow meow~ (Let's go, I want to follow this human being.

   "Woo~ (Oh!

After the short exchange, Yuan Bei looked at the civet cat in his arms and watched them leave. When the figure disappeared, the civet cat came back to his senses, glanced at Yuan Bei, and then nestled in his arms I closed my eyes.

   "What do you mean? Not leaving?"

  Good guy, kidnapped a raccoon king?

   Is the affinity so overwhelming that the strange beasts will not let it go.

  【True PY Emperor】

   Not only others, Yuan Bei also felt incredible, as if he had done nothing, and then the civet cat king caught himself in the vast crowd.


  Stop making trouble, and they are not of the same kind, so there is no fate to speak of.

   "Okay, it's finally over."

   "Everyone, collect the gene nucleus as quickly as possible, and if it can't fit, let me absorb it."

   "Then, withdraw!"

  Everyone looked exhausted, and the long-term battle was exhausting their minds. At this time, everyone knew that there was no need to continue exploring, and several figures began to wander in the gene nucleus everywhere.

It is said that a large number of people is powerful. In just a few minutes, nearly tens of thousands of gene nuclei were wiped out, and everyone was even stuffed to the brim. All the dry food and daily necessities in the backpack were discarded here. The bulging backpack is now full of gene cores, and each person has harvested close to a thousand. This unborn gene core is extremely valuable.

  Although the blood bat gene core is gold-level, the two talents contained in it [hidden] and [ultrasonic detection] are extremely rare genetic skills, whether it is an assistant or a fighter, they are extremely powerful functions.

Especially the [Concealment] gene technology, Yuan Bei also got one from the hyena, and it was the modified gene core that existed the stealth-type gene technology, and Yuan Bei had never seen it in other places that could transform the figure A completely hidden genetic technology.

   Six hours later!

   "Huh, this road is relatively safe, but what puzzles me is that there is no human being."

   "There must be some weirdness among them. When going out, be on guard in case there is an ambush."

   Originally expected to travel seven or eight hours, everyone insisted on shortening it by more than an hour. Except for a few strange beasts that didn't open their eyes halfway, the black-clothed guards didn't see any of them.

  The exit was within easy reach. Everyone looked at each other and walked cautiously towards the exit.

  For some reason, the closer to the door, the more oppressed Yuan Bei felt in his heart. Seeing the dense black silk threads all over his body disappearing extremely quickly, the civet cat also sensed it, and just took a look at Yuan Bei before continuing to close his eyes.

Once a strange beast recognizes a person, no matter what happens, it will never leave. This is very difficult for human beings. In the face of great interests, I believe that no one can be indifferent .

   "Little guy, we're getting out of here."

  He lowered his head and touched the civet cat's supple body, Yuan Bei whispered, his eyes became firm, since the civet cat chose me, then I will lead him to the peak.

   "It doesn't feel right, pay attention, we are going out."

  Feeling the bursts of strong aura coming through the portal, Jiang Suyi's face changed drastically, and the healing aura in his hand was directly opened, leading everyone directly into it.

   "Hong En, take refuge with me, how about I let you be promoted to the king rank within three years."

  Hong En was covered in blood, a long wound on his face was slowly dripping blood, his eyes were red, and the hand holding the mace was trembling slightly.

   Ignoring any of Wang Long's words, Hong En only had one word in his mind at the moment.


  (end of this chapter)