MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 3 Resign

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  Chapter 3 Resignation

  Although he is about to resign, Chu Mingcheng is still serious about doing his job well today.

   Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, he picked up the plan he had worked overtime last night, came to the office and handed it to Chen Papi who was watching a movie.

   "Mr. Chen, this is the plan you gave me yesterday."

  Chen Papi picked it up, turned it over twice, and then threw it back: "This plan still doesn't work, let's change it."

   "Okay, I'll change it tomorrow."

  Flip through twice and finish reading? Still let yourself continue to change?

  I didn't mention this plan all day, and I didn't see how anxious I was!

   But thinking that he would resign tomorrow, Chu Mingcheng resisted the desire to hate others and picked up the plan to go back.

  But Chen Papi was unwilling to hear that he would change it tomorrow: "Hey, don't do it tomorrow, and continue to work overtime at night. The customer is in a hurry!"

  Chu Mingcheng had confidence in his heart, and he directly shook his head and refused: "I don't have to work overtime at night!"

  Chen Papi sat up straight when he saw this, and continued his routine: "Ah Cheng, why are you so ignorant! The old horse has already said that 996 is a blessing, you must know how to cherish opportunities!"

  996 blessings?

  This is another kind of brainwashing and exploitation by capitalists!

  Chu Mingcheng just laughed angrily, even if 996 is really a blessing, it still has overtime pay!

  “According to the Labor Law, over 8 hours are counted as overtime, and the wages paid shall not be lower than 150% of my salary. If you want me to work overtime, I can just pay overtime pay.”

   "Don't talk about learning, giving opportunities and other nonsense, I'm here to make money, not to listen to your rationale."

   "Also, I won't come after I'm done tomorrow. Remember to clock in my salary on the tenth of next month, or I'll see you at the Labor Bureau."

  Talking about reasoning?

  Chu Mingcheng was not interested, and originally wanted to get together and get away, but this Chen Paipi changed ways to make people stay and work overtime, he was just looking for trouble.

  "You" Chen Papi was a little confused for a while, and his face became pale after he realized it, "Are you also going to resign?"

   "The company has a rule that resignation must be submitted one month in advance. If you resign temporarily, you will not be able to leave. If you really want to leave, the company will treat it as absenteeism."

  Chu Mingcheng chuckled and shook his head: "Your company didn't sign a labor contract, and most of the employees didn't have five social insurances and one housing fund. If we really want to make trouble, it will be you, not me, who will suffer."

   Seeing that he didn't scare him, Chen Jie narrowed his eyes again, and said dangerously: "I remember you are a local. If you do this, you won't be afraid that you won't be able to find a job here?"

   "You don't need to care about this. Originally, I wanted to stay until tomorrow, so that everyone can get together and relax. But in this situation, I won't come tomorrow. If you have 29 days' salary, you can call my card tomorrow!"

   After finishing speaking, Chu Mingcheng ignored Chen Jie, who had an ugly face, and went directly to his seat, packed up his things and left.

  The colleagues in the office were more or less aware of the situation. The colleague next to him wanted to ask, but when he saw Chen Jie coming out with a dark face, he was immediately scared back.

  Leaving the company, Chu Mingcheng felt relaxed.

   Sure enough, resigning is the happiest time, and he has no trouble finding a job. The only trouble is that his family can't explain it, so he can only hide it for now.

   It really doesn't work, and they can only go to other places at that time, fooling them to find a good job outside.

  Back to renting a house, Chu Mingcheng called the landlord to cancel the rent.

  He rented the house on the third day of the month, and it's only a few days away from the third day, so it's not a loss.

  I paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan, and after deducting the utility bill for this month, there is still 854 yuan. The main reason is that the air conditioner is turned on every day in hot weather, and the electricity bill is quite a lot.

  Chu Mingcheng packed up all his things that night and moved them to the car, and went back to the old house, preparing for the National Day to live in his hometown for a few days.

   No matter whether he wants to leave to go to another place or not, he can't leave during the National Day.

   High-speed rail tickets are probably all gone now, and there is a high possibility that self-driving cars will be stuck on the expressway. It is better to wait until the peak period is over.

  Chu Mingcheng’s hometown is located halfway up the mountain, and there is a path of more than 20 meters in the backyard, just enough for cars to pass through.

  The other end of the path is the uphill road, so you don’t need to go through the neighbor’s door to move, just park your car in the backyard.

  There are basically not many young people living on the island, and most of them have gone out to make a living, and they don’t have much money to live on the island.

  So those who stay are old people, the old man is okay, Chu Mingcheng is very afraid of these three big women and seven big ladies around, if you meet them, they will catch you talking for a long time.

   But you think they really want to chat with you?

   No, they just come to you to show off the good juniors at home, and compare them with you. After comparing you, they feel comfortable.

  Especially Chu Mingcheng is almost 30 years old and still not married, he is the one they like to gossip about.

  When he got home, he took out the key and opened the door. He first moved all his luggage into the house.

  It is said to be an old house, but in fact it looks old on the outside, but it was renovated just the year before last on the inside.

  And he and his family often come to live here, so the house is not dirty.

  The old house has two floors. Entering the back door is a corridor leading directly to the living room at the front door. There is a large kitchen on the left and a toilet under the stairs on the right.

   Follow the corridor to the front, which is a living room, where you usually eat.

  There is a room next to the living room, which used to be lived by Chu Mingcheng’s grandparents, but they had passed away more than ten years ago, and the room was vacated and used as a warehouse, where everything was piled up.

   Walking out of the living room is the front yard. The front yard is not small, it is about the same size as the house, and it is about 70 to 80 square meters.

  There is a well and a laundry stand on the left side of the yard.

  Chu Mingcheng carried his luggage to the second floor. The layout of the second floor is very simple, just two bedrooms and one bathroom.

   Originally there were three bedrooms, but the bedroom connected to the bathroom is very small. There is not much space for a 1.2 meter bed. It was his childhood room.

   No one lives there now, and after the renovation, the walls were simply opened up, and a bathroom was specially built, and a bathtub was also placed.

   As for Chu Mingcheng's room, it was certainly not one of the two front bedrooms. He moved his luggage into the small attic.

  He likes to sleep very quietly, even if there is any movement, he will not sleep well.

  At the beginning, he also slept in the big bedroom in front, but the aunts around him couldn’t sleep because they were too old, and they liked to get together early in the morning to chatter

  Like Tang Monk chanting scriptures, Chu Mingcheng, who couldn't sleep well, became more and more irritable. In the end, he couldn't help it. He specially built a quiet attic during the renovation to solve the problem.

  In the attic, as long as the curtains are closed and the door is closed, even if I wake up the next afternoon, I will still wonder if it is dark. The quality of sleep is very good.

  Walking into the attic, Chu Mingcheng took out the quilt mat that had been dried before and put it on. He made it up tonight and took it out to dry tomorrow.

  All the clothes are put in the closet, the laptop is on the desk, and some things will be packed tomorrow.

   Lying on the bed after washing, Chu Mingcheng calculated his current savings.

  I earned 1,580 yesterday, and the deposit was returned to 854 today, and there are still more than 23,000.

   It is estimated that Chen Papi will not withhold his salary. On the 10th, there will be more than 6,700 in the account, and the available amount will be nearly 30,000.

   It is enough for the time being, and now I just hope that Goldfinger will give him some strength so that he will not starve to death.

   As for the future, he is not worried about not making money.

   He only needs to increase the level of some more common aquatic products, and he may be able to ensure that his small life is good.

  (end of this chapter)