MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 76 Night rushing eighteenth

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Wei Wuzhen sat in the corner of the tea house and sipped himself.

Outside the tea house, on the raft of the wind, the painting of a family of the Xianmen family shows that it is the family's industry. The passing of the Xuanmen people saw the familiar family in the wine cellars on the street. Usually choose to visit this store.

When I entered the building, almost every table was sitting on a peer who could talk a few words.

The burial of the post does not raise the eyes and ears. In the past year, all the outside information that Wei Wuzhen knows is almost all he has learned.

A Sven monk sighed: "The reconstruction of Yunshen’s ignorance has finally been completed. Who was there in the library of the bookstore last month? When I went down, I stood there and saw that it was exactly the same. It’s not easy.”

"Yeah, it's not easy, then a big fairyland, a hundred years of fairyland, where can be rebuilt in a little while."

"It took so many years to spend a lot of time, and it’s hard for Ze Yujun to have a light, and I don’t have to run hard anymore."

Wei Wuzhen stared at his own eyes reflected in the glass, heart, do not know how the magnolia tree outside the library? Have you replanted one?

The monks continued to chat: "Speaking, there have been many happy recent events."

"You mean that Jinlintai's full moon wine is right? I also went and drank a cup. Hey, Lanling Jinshi is not a Lanling Jinshi, a full moon feast of a small baby is so big."

"You don't look at who is going to have a full moon feast. Who is the little baby who is his mother? Can you be sloppy? Don't say that Mrs. Xiaojin's husband is not sloppy, the audience is a little smaller, and her brother is not willing. Think about it. When Jin Xuan and Mrs. Xiao Jin became married, they were more extravagant!"

Wei Wuxiao smiled. The voice of a female repair came: "Mr. Xiaojin is so good... This is a good blessing that the past life gave up when it was soared. It is obviously..."

This slightly sour word was immediately overshadowed by other big tricks: "The son of Jin Xuan has a future! The full moon feast lets him catch things, picking up in a pile of colorful things, but grabbing his sword. He said that he would be a great sword in the future. I think, maybe this is the future of the Governor."

"Sendo? Recently, it seems that several big families have been quarreling about this matter. Is it fixed?"

"What's so noisy? It's always impossible to keep a group of scattered sands without a head. There is a leader who leads a hundred, I thought it was completely good."

"Not very good, think about Wenshan Wenshi, if there really is a Xian Du, come again..."

"How can this be the same? The Governor is elected by the public. It is not the same."

"Hey, it’s a referral. Everyone knows clearly. If you come and go, don’t you fight for those people, do you get someone else? And the position of the Governor is only one person. Who is going to sit?"

"In any case, the top ones have to worry about it, it’s not about us. We can't control the small shrimp like this."

"Chi Feng Zun is very powerful against it. How many times has it been revealed to Jin Guangshan's suggestion? Jin Guangshan's face is black."

"Haha... When it comes to this, I will be sorry for Kim Kwang-yao. Every time he wants to make waves and do something, he will rack his brains and make all the tricks. He swears that he has to stand up and wipe his butt, and he is honored by the Red Front. ......"

"Hey! Didn't he be beaten by Jin Guangshan because of the strange thing? Both sides are angry. Hey, such a son is not waiting to see."

"What's the matter of the poor? Is the ancestors of Yiling's ancestors killing innocent people? Isn't that the old account of more than a year ago? How recently turned it out?"

It took more than a year to evolve into "indiscriminate killing" in the mouth of others, and Wei Wuzhen has nothing to say.

Then another person said:

"Not that. It's the most recent. It's a slap in the face."

Everyone has a strange saying: "Wonderful road? What can be troubled there? Isn't it long been occupied by Lanling Jinshi, ready to be transformed into 'Golden Snow Valley?' What can be caused under their eyes, it should not be immediately Was it suppressed?"

"Because it was not suppressed, it was fierce! Don't know? I heard that the supervisors who were killed by Yiling's ancestors came back!"

Wei Wuzhen stagmed the hand of playing the wine glass.

The man continued: "I heard that these evil spirits are fierce and incompetent. In the day, many monks who were working there were injured. The people of Lanling Jin’s family also had no way to use them. Just engraved with a new relief, not filled with Venus snow waves, was sealed in the mouth of the valley, not let anyone close, throwing it will not run ..."

"Ha ha ha ha... it is very consistent with the style of their family..."

After the tea house, Wei Wuyi walked for a while. When there were few people, a figure followed quietly.

Wei Wuzhen’s heart is more and more strange.

The few supervisors are not a type of grievances. How can they suddenly do something? Listening to other people's rumors, Lan Ling Jin's days have actually been forced to do nothing. Can not help but make him curious, and a little more victorious.

Basically, Wei Wuzhen heard that there are some strange things to go to join in the fun, night hunting, collecting a few ghosts, thinking for a while, I feel it is necessary to see.

He asked: "How long have we been out?"

Wenning said: "One and a half days."

In order to prevent unexpected situations, Wei Wuzhen generally did not leave the mass grave for more than four days. He said: "There is still time. Go to Tianshui."

The two rushed to the road. The mouth of the valley really pulled up a high iron fence, and the pointed iron rods shook straight into the sky, refusing the invasion of the crowd. Wen Ning held two iron bars in both hands, and exerted a slight force. The three-finger iron bar was pulled out by two distinct arcs.

Walking through the curved iron bars, strolling through the strange roads, the valley is empty, extremely secluded and desolate, and occasionally one or two screams.

Wei Wuwei said: "Is there something different?"

Wenning rolled his eyes, and after a while, he fell down and said: "No. So quiet."

Wei Wuwei said: "It is a bit too quiet."

Moreover, "quiet" is not just the valley, but a much larger space.

Wei Wuzhen quickly noticed that there was something wrong, and said: "Go."

He just turned his direction, and Wenning suddenly raised his hand and intercepted something.

It was a feather arrow that came straight to Wei Wu's heart.

Suddenly looked up, on both sides of the valley, above the mountain wall, many people were drilled in all directions. About a hundred years, most of them wearing Venus Snow Robe, there are other clothing colors, all of them are long bows, waisted swords, full of vigilance, fully armed. With the mountain and other people as the cover, the tip of the sword and the tip of the arrow are aligned with him.

The feather arrow that took the lead to Wei Wuzhen was shot for the first person. Looking at it, the person is tall, with a dark complexion, a handsome face and a familiar look.

Wei Wuwei said: "Who are you?"

When the man shot an arrow, he had something to say. He was asked by him, and he forgot what he said. He said with great anger: "You asked me who I am? I am - Jin Xun!"

Wei Wuzhen immediately remembered, this is the cousin of Jin Xuan, who met this person in the banquet hall of Jinlintai.

He said: "Oh. It is you. Are you leading these people to ambush here and prepare to do?"

This is of course an early ambush. I am afraid there is nothing wrong with it. Just because some people can't break through the corpse at the foot of the mass grave, Wei Wuzhen has no ghosts, and it is difficult to trace the traces. Jin Xun will seal the mouth of the valley of the strange road, deliberately spreading rumors, saying that there is evil in this place, and it is still the same year. The few supervisors who were shredded by Wenning led Wei Wuwei, who was hunting at night, to drill the cover.

It’s just that Wei Wuzhen doesn’t understand that he hasn’t done anything that has violated the interests of Jinxun in the past year. Even if he had been unhappy with Jin Xun in the banquet hall more than a year ago, Jin Xun intended to retaliate, it should not be delayed for a year before revenge. Why do you suddenly want to bring a group of people to contain him here?

Jin Xun calmly said: "We are innocent, you don't want to wear garlic. I warn you, immediately solve your curse, I can do nothing, do not pursue it."

When Wei Wuzhen heard it, he knew that there was trouble. Even if he knows that he will be angered, he must ask: "What curse?"

"You still know why?" Jin Xun yanked his collar and snarled: "Well, I will let you see, the result of your curse!"

Above his chest, dense linen is full of large and small potholes!

These potholes are as small as sesame seeds, and large as big as soy beans, evenly spread over his body, which is very cold.

Thousands of holes!

"Thousands of holes" is a curse of sinister poison. At that time, Wei Wuzhen turned over in the book collection of Gu Sulan's book, and turned over to an ancient book. When it was said that this curse was accompanied by an illustration, the person on the picture was calm and seemed to have no pain. There are many coin-sized black holes in the body.

The stronger the resentment of the lower mantra, the weaker the mantra is repaired, and the worse the consequences. In the beginning, the middle operative is unconscious. Most of the time, I think that my pores are getting bigger. However, the holes will become sesame in size. As I get to the back, the pits grow longer and longer, and the more, until The whole body was covered with large and small black holes, as if it had become a living sieve. And after the surface of the skin is full of sores, the curse will begin to spread to the internal organs, but the abdominal pain is unbearable, but the internal organs are festering!

Wei Wuzhen discerned this evil, and said: "There are thousands of holes. This curse is really powerful, but it has nothing to do with me."

Jin Xun seems to be disgusting to see his own chest and close his clothes. "How can it be so clever? The curse of the curse is just the person who rebuked you at the beginning. You will take this poisonous one at a glance. Curse? What a heart!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Golden honour, I do see that you are not very pleasing to the eye. But if I want to kill, I don't have to play the trick in the gutter behind the evil curse. And if you guess it is me, I will be so obvious. Expose yourself?"

Jin Xun said: "Are you not crazy? Do you dare to recognize it?"

Wei Wuxi was too lazy to argue with him and said: "You solve it yourself. I will take the first step."

Hearing the words, the gold lord showed fierce light and said: "Before the ritual, since you don't know how to turn back, I am not welcome!"

Wei Wuzhen paused and said: "Oh?"

The meaning of "you are welcome" is obvious. To solve this curse, in addition to letting the curse self-destruction and withdrawing itself, there is one more complete solution: kill the curse!

Wei Wuran said: "You're welcome? You? Just rely on your hundred people?"

Jin Xun waved his arm and all the students took the arrow and struck it, aiming at Wei Wu and Wen Ning at the lowest point in the valley.

Sure enough, he does not take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, right and wrong will also come to provoke him!

Wei Wuzhen lifted the feelings, and the flute sharply tore the silent valley. However, waiting for a moment, there is no response.

Someone screamed at the side: "We have been cleaned up within ten miles, and you can't call a few helpers!"

Sure enough, it was premeditated, and this strange road was set up as a place for his burial. Wei Wuxi sneered: "This is your own death!"

Hearing, Wen Ning raised his hand and broke a red string with a spell on his neck.

After the red rope broke, his body swayed, his face muscles began to distort, and several black cracks climbed from his neck to his cheeks. Suddenly looked up and made a long, inhuman roar!

There are also many ambushing people in the night hunting ground. I have never heard of a murderous corpse that can make such a terrible sound, and it is inconsistent with the soles of the feet. Jin Xun is also numb in the scalp. However, the long things on his chest make him more unbearable. He raises his arm and orders: "Let--"

At this time, on the other side of the mountain wall, a voice shouted: "Do you stop!"

A white figure fluttered down the valley. Jin Xun had already bitten his teeth, and when he saw the figure of the Qing Dynasty, he was still in front of Wei Wuzhen. He was shocked and awkward. He lost his voice: "Zi Xuan? How come you?!"

Jin Xuan supported one hand on the waist of the hilt and calmly said: "To stop you."

Jin Xundao: "What about Ayao?"

Last year, he was very disdainful to Jin Guangyao. He was quite contemptuous and low-profile. Now that the relationship between the two has improved, they have called close. Jin Xuan said: "I buckled him in Jinlintai. If I didn't break him when he took the sword, would you aim to kill one like this? Do not say such a big thing, Discuss it!"

It’s hard to tell the story of this ridiculous thing in the golden sacred body. As a result, his original appearance was good, and he was very popular. He couldn’t stand being told that he was so ugly and cursed. In the second, the curse shows that he is not enough, the spiritual defense is weak, and this is even more inconvenient. humane. Therefore, he only told Jin Guangshan about the curse and asked him to find the best cursers and physicians for himself. Who knows that the doctor's curse is helpless, so Jin Guangshan gave him a wonderful plan to kill.

Jin Guangyao is the helper of Jin Guangshan, who said that he is good to help him. As for Jin Xuan, because Wei Wuzhen is the younger brother of Jiang, and Jinjiang’s husband and wife love, Jin Xuan’s almost everything is going to be awkward with his wife, worried that he has leaked the wind and let Wei Wuzhen With precautions, they have been smashing Jin Xuan’s killing today.

When Wei Wuzhen saw the last side of Jin Xuan, he was still a young boy's arrogant spirit. Now he has become a lot of calm after he has become a family. He speaks and speaks loudly. There is something like this: "There is still room for change. You It’s time to stop.”

Seeing that Wei Wuzhen could be killed, Jin Xuan suddenly stopped. Jin Xun was angry and awkward. He hurriedly said: "Zi Xuan, what do you mean by this? What are you doing? What are you doing? What can you change? Did you not see these things on me?!"

Seeing that he seems to want to lick the chest of the potholes, Jin Xuan said: "No! I have heard Jin Guangyao said!"

Jin Xundao: "Since you have heard him say it, you should know that I can't wait, don't stop me!"

After all, the two of them are cousins ​​who are familiar with each other. The relationship between one and two decades is not bad. At this time, Jin Xuan is really not good at talking to outsiders, and he really does not like Wei Wuzhen, who is cold. Coldly said: "You let this Wenning stop, let him not go crazy, don't make things big again."

Wei Wuzhen didn't like him even more. He was inexplicably blocked, and he was even more angry. He said coldly: "Those things were not caused by me. Why don't you let them stop first?"

Four screams of unruly. Jin Xuan said: "When are you still tough at this time? First, I will go to Jinlintai with me. The theory is honest and confrontational. I will make things clear, as long as it is not what you do, it will be fine!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Tough? I have no doubt, as long as I let Wenning close, now I will die without a whole body! Also on Jinlintai theory?"

Jin Xuan Road: "No!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Golden Xuan, you give me away. I won't move you, but don't mess with me!"

Jin Xuan saw that he was stubborn and refused to soften. He suddenly shot him and said: "Why don't you know how to cooperate! A is away from her..."

He was able to reach out to Wei Wuwei, and Wen Ning suddenly looked up!

A dull noise.

Hearing this voice, the gold Xuan was stunned. Looking down, I saw the hand that pierce my chest.

On the half face of Wen Ning's expressionless face, a few drops of hot and stunned blood were splashed.

Jin Xuan’s lips moved and looked awkward. However, I still insisted on saying the half sentence that I had not finished before:

"...she won't want to see you like this..."

Wei Wu’s look is also awkward.

For a while, he hasn't reacted yet, what happened.

what happened?

How did it become like this in a flash?

Not right. Should not. There must have been something wrong. He just knew that he had a good control of Wenning. Even if Wenning had been maddened by him, he should have control. It was clearly controlled before.

Even if Wenning is mad, he should never be out of his control, and he will obey his orders and will not hurt people!

Wenning will pull out the right hand piercing the chest of Jin Xuan, leaving a hole in the heart.

Jin Xuan’s face looked very sad and she seemed to feel that this injury was no big deal, and she could stand still. But after all, the knee was soft and took the lead.

The horror of the call sign began to rise and fall in four ups and downs.

"Ghost... Ghost General is crazy!"

"Kill it, he killed, Wei Wuzhen let the ghost general kill the gold porch!"

"Put the arrow! What are you doing! Put the arrow!"

As soon as the person who issued the order turned back, a black figure ghostly approached the front!


No. no. He didn't want to kill Jin Xuan at all.

He has no intention of killing Jin Xuan at all! Just at that moment, I don’t know why, he suddenly couldn’t control it! Suddenly out of control!

The body of Jin Xuan finally could not support, dumped heavily forward, and slammed into the ground.

He has been arrogant in his life, valued his appearance and manners, his hobbies are clean, and even slightly clean, but now he faces down and falls into the dust. The little bit of blood on the face and the cinnabar on the eyebrows are the same bright red color.

Staring at his eyes that gradually lost his radiance, Wei Wu’s brain was in chaos.

You are not saying how heart-to-heart do you have? Don't you say that you can control it? You are not saying that there is absolutely no problem, absolutely not going wrong? !

"Ah, ah, ah, general, ah, oh, oh, oh!"

"my hand!"

"Forgive me. Don't chase me, don't chase me!"

In the strange way, it has become a **** sea of ​​screams!

Wei Wu's mind was blank, and when he was awake, he was already lying in the Temple of the Devil.

Warmth and Wenning are there.

Wenning's Huanren fell back into the white, and has already left the mad state. He seems to be talking quietly with warmth. Seeing Wei Wuyi open his eyes and silently hit the ground. Warmth is red eyes, nothing is said.

Wei Wuzhen sat up.

Silence for a long while, suddenly a surge of hatred in my heart.

He slammed his fist to Wenning's chest and turned him to the ground.

The tenderness was scared, and the fist was clenched, but only bowed his head. Wei Wu screamed: "Who did you kill? Do you know who you killed?!"

Just at this time, Wen Yuan headed a grass-woven butterfly and ran in from the outside of the hall. He smiled and said: "Hey brother..."

He originally wanted to show Wei Wujun that he had painted a new color of the butterfly. However, after he came in, he saw Wei Wuzhen, who was like a evil spirit, and Wenning, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stunned. Wei Wuxi turned his head sharply. He still had no emotions. His eyes were terrible. Wenyuan scared the whole person to jump. The butterfly slipped from the top of his head and fell to the ground. He burst into tears on the spot. The four uncles hurriedly hooked in and took him out.

After Wen Ning was smashed by his foot, he climbed up and squatted and did not dare to speak. Wei Wuzhen grabbed his collar and lifted him up. He yelled like crazy: "You can kill anyone, why should you kill Jin Xuan?!"

Warmth looked at the side, I really wanted to come up to protect my younger brother, but forcibly resisted it, and it was sad and horrified to shed tears.

Wei Wuwei said: "You killed him, what should the sister do? What should the son of the sister do?! What should I do? What should I do?!"

His snoring sounded in the Temple of the Devil and passed outside. Wen Yuan cried even more.

Listening to the child's far crying in the ear, watching the opponent's feet do not know where to put the horror sister, Wei Wuyi's heart is getting darker and darker. He asked himself: "Why have I been trapped in this mass grave in the past few years? Why do I have to suffer from this? Why did I have to go this way? Why should I make myself like this? I What got it? Am I crazy? Am I crazy? I am crazy!"

If he didn't choose this road at the beginning, it would be fine.

Suddenly, Wen Ning whispered: "...not good for..."

A dead man, no expression, no red eyes, no tears. However, at this moment, the face of this dead person is really painful.

He repeated: "I'm sorry...

"All, it's my fault...

"I am sorry……"

Listening to him repeatedly apologizing. Suddenly, Wei Wuzhen felt very funny.

It is not Wenning’s fault at all.

It is his own fault.

Wenning in a mad state is just a weapon. The maker of this weapon is him. Hearing is also his command: slaughter all enemies.

At that time, the sword was arrogant, and the murderous raging, coupled with his usual dissatisfaction with Jin Xuan in front of Wenning, planted the seeds of hostility in the heart of Wenning, with Jin Xuan’s shot, Wenning in the unwise state. He was recognized as an "enemy" and he did not hesitate to execute the "slaughter" order.

It is he who failed to control this weapon. It is him who is too conceited about his ability. It is him, ignoring all the ominous signs so far, I believe he can suppress any adverse effects, I believe he will not lose control.

Wenning is a weapon, but is he voluntarily going to be a weapon?

Such a weak, timid and stuttering person, is it that he was very happy to kill and kill under the command of Wei Wuzhen?

At that time, he got a bowl of soup that Jiang was disgusted with, and he took the mass grave from the foot of the mountain. He didn’t sprinkle a drop. Although he couldn’t drink it, he was very happy to watch the others finish drinking and asked what it was. I imagine that taste. I personally killed Jiang’s disgusted husband. Is he very well now?

I will apologize to him while taking the mistakes on himself.

Wei Wu looked at Wen Ning's collar and looked at his pale and lifeless face. Suddenly, Jin Xuan's face was covered with dust and blood, and the dirty face was also pale and lifeless.

He also remembered Jiang’s disappointment when he finally managed to marry his sweetheart. He remembered the son of Jin Xuan and Jiang’s disappointment. The child who had been taken by him was only a little bit big. He had just had a full moon feast. At the banquet, he grabbed his sword, and his mother was happy and broke, saying that the child would be a great sword in the future, maybe even the Governor.

Thinking about it, thinking, Wei Wuxi suddenly cried.

He said in a blank voice: "...Who will tell me... What should I do now?"