MTL - The General’s Cat Always Wants To Climb Into My Bed-Chapter 36 Ms. Gu Qiu's troubles (1)

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When being kissed by the other party, Shen Zhifan’s heart beats like a drum.

The other party didn't kiss this time, at least compared to the kiss last night.

Last night, the kiss was a squally shower in the wreckage of the wasteland. The strong aggression made people retire. There was almost no reason and no reason. It was the instinct and impulsiveness of the human heart.

This time, the swaying and gentle, and the lingering temperament of the wind, compared to the aggressive aggression, is more like a polite invitation to him to dance a song.

A gentleman's gentleness.

But he could feel the trembling tongue of the other side, just like his now trembling body.

He seemed to be naked, leaning on the extreme ice sheet and kissing the thin magma, and the edge of the heart leaked out of the water, sparsely spilled into his trembled body.

It seems to be extremely cold, and it seems to be extremely blazing.

The cold and blazing are the heart, they are all his.

But this kiss is clearly short-lived, and when he opens his eyes, everything has ended.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the other's eyelashes, the broken wings of the butterfly, and the faint haze, which was somewhat out of tune with his handsome and tough face.

There is a contrasting beauty.


He closed his eyes slightly, and had no time to say anything. The sound next to him had already disturbed them.

Shen Zhifan was shocked by the whole person. When he turned around, the whole person was so scared that he slowed down and instinctively retreated.

There was no good news, and he turned his head a little, but his arm still did not let go.

The bag of the person came to the ground, and she stumbled down to kneel, but almost got the high heels.

Obviously it is mad.

The words sighed, his eyes fell on Shen Zhifan’s somewhat lost face, and he passed over his white neck and whispered to him.

"Slightly wait for me, okay."

Shen Zhifan nodded, it seems that this suddenly reflected, and his face suddenly rose red.

But he looks good, so it is very beautiful when it is red.

"Good, good."

Shen Zhifan thought about the two days here. If everything went wrong, it would be a mess. Going home, you must print the black and white photo of Shen Zhirou to avoid evil.

Ms. Gu Qiu picked up the bag with difficulty, and looked very nicely at the two people in front of her. Finally, she gently licked the hair scattered in front of her forehead, and barely let herself continue to be elegant and calm before. attitude.

"...this gentleman, please go out first, okay?"

Shen Zhifan saw that she was looking at herself, and soon realized that the other party was talking to him.

Although Ms. Gu Qiu tried her best to maintain a gentle tone that a gentle mother should have, but unfortunately this is still not very home, Shen Zhifan almost easily heard that the other party now wants to unload him eight, or unload Finished and unloaded.

Shen Zhifan actually recognized each other at first sight.

The words and her mother look very much, eyes and lips are almost out of a mold, but only the facial features, but the temperament is not like.

The swearing mother looks really gentle, but it is totally different from the indescribable sense of deterrence in the words.

Although he has never seen his father, Shen Zhifan’s subconscious feeling that his temperament should be with his father.

The temperament given to the woman in front of her is more like a canary that is well-prepared.

From the corners of her eyebrows to the lip color of her lips, to the shape of her wrists, almost nowhere is the life of the canary that is superb.

She is well maintained. Today she wore a very long black dress with a large burgundy shawl. If it weren't for some fine wrinkles on the neck, Shen Zhifan might mistake it for that. sister.

... Being kissed by a male **** is already one of the incredible things in life. Although I have already kissed him yesterday, it was just a bad luck to be seen by the other mother after being kissed.

Huan is not, although there are still many places that do not like the same-sex marriage, but they are not so angry, they are very open-minded, how can the other party look so scary.

No, not so conservative?

Shen Zhifan brushed a large piece of the heart of the barrage in his heart, and his body had already moved his consciousness before the elders' clear order.

When the eyebrows moved slightly, he originally planned to talk to Ms. Gu Qiu alone, but unfortunately, letting Shen Zhifan leave in this situation seems to make the other party uneasy.

This is a duck that is hard to get to, so I have to leave some bad impressions on Shen Zhifan.

So the generals took a long arm and pulled the ducks in their hands. They said to Ms. Gu Qiu in an overwhelming manner: "Nothing, just say it here."

Gu Qiu feels that his mouth is discouraged.

However, decent time is very important, so in the face of Shen Zhifan, she still tried to maintain a state of not getting angry.

"Auntie, this is not good," Gu Qiu squeezed out a few words from his teeth. "I am afraid to scare you this little friend."

Shen Zhifan is very young, although he is indeed very young, but the childishness between his eyebrows makes him look twenty.

Compared to Yan Yan, it is indeed a child.

Yan Yan stretched out his hand and pinched the arm of Shen Zhi to appease, whispering in his ear: "Nothing, anyway, it is to see the parents sooner or later."

Shen Zhifan... I was very embarrassed to refuse the male god, but the opposite aunt’s eyes were also very fierce.

Ms. Gu Qiu, who was ignored: "..."

Can such a small place here count on her inaudible?


Gu Qiu repeated: "Auntie, my mother will give you another chance, and my mother doesn't want to be angry."

Shen Zhifan wants to slip again.

The words are very calm, and it should be said that apart from the initial embarrassment and panic, he will soon be calm and unable to calm down.

He has not experienced enough to deal with Shen Zhifan, but he has to deal with Ms. Gu Qiu... Oh, in this respect, his accomplishments are still very high.

He first confronted Shen Zhidao: "She wants to call."

Shen Zhifan did not understand, looked at him a little blankly.

The words were not explained, and **** were stretched out to block the ears of Shen.

Then he turned and looked at the angry mother, and even said it was careless: "Okay, you are born."

Gu Qiu: "..."

When Gu Qiuyi became angry, he liked to scream. This is the common sense of their family. Of course, it was the former. Later, Ms. Gu Qiu was a self-sufficient lady, and she had a golden basin to wash her hands. Since then, she has never been angry. .

He just wants to breathe the other person again, so he can use poison to attack and remind her of the etiquette of a lady's wife at all times, so that the other party can calm down at the maximum speed.

Pro test is effective.

Sure enough.

The angry mother was just angry and threw a bag, almost turned his eyes, but the truth really reminded her of her status at the moment, and she did not scream.

... It’s really mad!

This is really a small scorpion who grew up and became a king. He has no esteem, and he commits the following, and there is no painful story in his eyes.

Gu Qiu hated and thought in her heart.

Since the other party doesn't care, she will just say it.

"Yeah, how did my mother teach you, your fiancee Olivia is still alive and dead, you are here with other boys to pick up four, like?"

As soon as Shen Zhifan smashed, the four big characters of Olivia suddenly exploded in his mind.

Lying, right, Olivia.

... He has completely forgotten this person.

Because the other party has not yet passed the game.

Shen Zhifan suddenly thought about it and didn't even know what the other party looked like. He didn't check it.

He can only subconsciously look at his words.

Yan Yan raised his eyebrows: "Oh, she, live very well, I said I want to retire."

Gu Qiuyi, I don't understand.

Shen Zhifan is also stunned, did not understand.

The phone is screaming, oh, no, it’s not his clothes. He turned and took the phone out of the jacket on the sofa. He gestured a random number and hanged the hands-free.


Olivia’s sleepy voice came from the other side.

She just finished playing a game, because now there is no more confusing eyes, and she has begun to fly, and she is living a happy day when she plays the game every day.

Hahaha... In charge of his rebellion and assassination, it is a matter of dedication. She is now heartless and powerless, and Anan’s heart is a mascot of a very salty fish.

"It's me," he said cheerfully. "You want to retire, right?"

Olivia licked a hair, his head was still asleep, although a little confused, but the subconscious sighed.

Gu Qiu’s voice trembled: “, you are so chaotic to let the dignity of the royal family go, what about the future of the speaker?”

After thinking about it, I said something to my mobile phone: "My brother is very good. You marry him."

Olivia has already woke up a little bit, so she almost screamed, and she decided to finish her brother, and now the second brother should not change it again, right, put her face of the imperial princess down. ,Ok? However, before it was too late, the other party had already hanged cleanly.


Olivia took a deep breath and threw away her mobile phone in a blank expression. She silently recited the Bible Buddhist language several times, but it was obviously useless, so she shouted three slapsticks directly into the air and then fell. Continue to go back to bed and sleep.

The words put down the phone and rushed to Gu Qiu to spread the hand.

"Okay, look, solve it."

Gu Qiu: "..."

- Mom, ah, can't be so embarrassed, oh yeah, Mom's it!

- This rabbit scorpion is really lawless!

Shen Zhifan: "..."

- I didn't understand it, but I feel that the goddess is so good, but will it be inappropriate for me to applaud now?