MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 435 Status of Xiangjiang Base

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  Chapter 435 Status of Xiangjiang Base

  When the team members first entered the city, they all came in casual clothes, and the supplies that Guan Ming brought were enough for them to consume for two months.

  Heating and food, these can be solved by yourself.

  Every day, people inquire about them, mostly because they see that their living conditions are good, and they want to get a share.

   For a bite to eat, and a warm place to stay, it will be delivered to your door.

   For such people, the team members can only drive away, because they have no position to comment on other people's choices.

  The team members want to protect the Nanshan Base even more, as only there is their home.

   One side is to live and work in peace and contentment, and the other side is to live in hot water. You don’t need to think about how to choose.

   None of the team members dared to forget their mission, let alone the people they wanted to protect at Nanshan Base.

  Everyone expresses their opinions and makes suggestions one after another...


  Li Kun looked at the closed city gate in front of him, wrapped in a thick layer of ice, obviously it hadn't been opened for a long time.

  The ten-meter-high city wall looks a bit flimsy in this snow-covered world.

  There is no trace of patrolling on the city wall, not even the most basic lights.

  In the Xiangjiang base built on the back of Xingcheng, the skyscrapers piled up on each other have turned into icicles, swaying in the cold wind and making an unbearable creaking sound.

  The once prosperous and modern metropolis is dilapidated like a deserted city that has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

   "Ling'er, sit down!" Li Kun gave a soft shout.

  The two came along the way, and the Xiangjiang base was the only place they could stay.

  The temperature outside is minus eighty or ninety degrees, without corresponding safety measures, staying outside is waiting for death.

  Going out in this temperature, Li Kun would always think of the three years when Xiao Yueling's family hid outside, and wondered how they survived.

   My heart hurts just thinking about it!

  Li Kun drove the mobile home and climbed up the city wall step by step. The ten-meter-high wall is just a decoration for a large mobile home.

  The designer has fully considered various road conditions when designing, and no one would have thought that it would be the best equipment for traveling in extreme cold.

   "Linger, put away the mobile home and put it on your backpack.

  Go one hundred meters further and there is a small door. There are people who come out to fetch ice every day, and they will mix in with them when the time comes. "

  Li Kun took out two light ski equipment, and the two of them got down fully armed, and Xiao Yueling touched the mobile house with his hands.

  Li Kun took two catties of black flour as the price, and led Xiao Yueling into the dungeon with the ice collectors.

  Xiao Yueling's face under the mask looked at the frosted walls of the dungeon with a little surprise, and the temperature was as cold as ice, which she had never expected.

  Maybe she really has little knowledge.

  Living in a peaceful environment all the time, she has the special existence of island space. She has never felt cold or hungry.

  No matter how much blood and killings he experienced, Xiao Yueling still couldn't accept the reality in front of him.

  In the dungeons we passed by, except for the pitiful public lighting, there was no light at all, let alone warmth.

  The former shops were all closed, and the air smelled of fireworks and excrement.

  The temperature here is at least thirty degrees below zero, the walls are covered with thick frost, and the dark streets are empty.

  She squeezed the hand that was being held!

   "Don't be afraid, they definitely live in the inner area, and they will be found soon." Li Kun deliberately raised his voice.

  He knew that there must be eyes watching them in the dark, and holding these hands tightly would give him the courage to face everything.

   "You two, I am familiar with every street here, and I can show you where you want to go."

   Chen Zhan, who brought the two of them in, never left.

  He could tell that the two were not ordinary people in their very different clothes, and their aggressive aura was even more frightening.

  The tall man has a familiar aura!

  The reward for two catties of black noodles was just the price he tried to quote, but he didn't expect it to be accepted immediately.

   It might have been easy for them, but it was a lifesaver for him.

  The days in the basement were cold and hungry, and more and more people were being carried out. I heard that those who were carried out all went to a special place.

  Chen Zhan dared not touch the meat sold in the dungeon, and he worked hard to win this job of fetching ice.

  At the beginning, I was only thinking about taking care of my family, so I retired from the army and returned to my hometown.

  The family members failed to escape the favor of the God of Death, and Chen Zhan, who was alone with his family, could only linger on.

  Many times, death is happier than life, but in order to promise my mother, I have to live hard.

   Seeing that the tall man didn't reply to him, Chen Zhan reminded him in a low voice.

   "Let's get out of here quickly while no one knows your existence!"

   "Let's go to the inner district!"

  Chen Zhan nodded, stretched out his thickly gloved hand and waved it in front of the two of them.

"make a deal!"

  Chen Zhan took the two of them away quickly. He had seen the two holding hands together long ago.

  The short one didn't make a sound, and he couldn't judge the gender for a while.

  Wrap up like a bear when you go out, as long as you don't make a sound, you really don't know the gender.

  Chen Zhan smiled bitterly with his masked face, he was still in the mood to care about whether others were male or female.

  The life of others is much better than his, but why come to the Xiangjiang Base!

   This is a place where you want to escape when you come, but there is nowhere to escape.

  Chen Zhan led the two of them across the dark alley with a few hoops. There were mines everywhere in the dark, but luckily they had been frozen into ice.

  Xiao Yueling and Li Kun kept a five-meter distance from Chen Zhan without changing their expressions. No matter how fast he walked, they could easily keep up with him.

   "Here we are, the place with bright lights in front is the inner area, and one person has to pay an entrance fee of ten catties of rice to enter the door.

  I can only send you here, Wujin black noodles, thank you!

  I can also provide you with various gossip. If you need it, you can go to No. 56, No. 25, Tianxing Street. My name is Chen Zhan. "Chen Zhan took out a bag and said to the two of them.

  Li Kun nodded, and took out a bag from his backpack, a standard five-jin small bag of black noodles.

   In front of the two of them, Chen Zhan put both black noodles into a bag and stuffed them into his thick clothes.

  From a distance, his belly looks slightly bulging, but he never thought that he had food on him.

  He quickly flashed into the darkness, regardless of the small amount of food, it could satisfy his one-month ration.

  Chen Zhan touched his ribs and smiled contentedly.

  Since the communication of Xiangjiang Base was cut off, the people who live here know nothing about the outside world.

   They can only stick to this world, because none of them know where they can go after they leave.

  The only place I can think of is Kyoto.

   But such a place is not something they can go if they want.

  Chen Zhan didn't dare to gamble on that slim hope, so he could only hang around here and live his days.


  It was rare for someone to appear at the gate of the inner area, and the guards warmly received Li Kun and Xiao Yueling.

   "Ten catties of rice per person, if you don't have any, you can use other equivalent materials."

  (end of this chapter)