MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 493 Muddle through

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

A glimpse of the ease of the soul, the crisp bird sounds in the distance, Zhang Hao slowly opened his eyes, the green eyes, the luxuriant trees cover the sky, the air is also very fresh.

Yes, I don’t think there is such a paradise in the epoch battlefield.

Just when Zhang Wei was extremely satisfied, suddenly there were several voices coming from him.

"It seems like another newcomer, you go to the reception."

"No, I am too lazy to move, or you go, now I am entering the battlefield of the epoch, it is not expected to be a good seedling. I have no time to take care of him. You said that other third-order peaks can be played, but we have to Waiting for a few garbage that no one wants here?"

The person who spoke earlier continued to speak out. "The guy who was rafted the day before yesterday did not lead to a pure blood? The Queen once brought the new person back directly after listening to it, holding the reward that the Queen gave him, and coming to us. Joseph, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten, how long does it take to get one? These three or four months, I haven't gotten one for this fart. The other old guys have been eating for three years, but there are two potentials. Newcomer.

You see, this guy is stunned, what can be good, it is estimated to be a housekeeper. ”

Zhang Wei, who heard these conversations, was instantly stunned.

Queen? Is it the leader of the human race now?

Actually not Hachimu them! It’s too miserable to mix.

However, after hearing the comments of the two men on the back, Zhang Wei was speechless at once. Even if he was delayed for three months, he would not be so unscrupulously attacking him.

He patted the dust on his butt, forced the leaves scattered on the ground, looked around, and said with a smile, "I came out to see what kind of strong, what kind of strong, can you count me?"

However, after a round, Zhang Wei did not find any traces.

Is it an evolutionary who is good at hiding the atmosphere?

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However, this evolutionary person with special awakening ability should be sent to the battlefield as at least a scout, and it is too much to use here, to be a mentor who leads newcomers?

"What are you looking at? Kid, your uncle is on your head."

Zhang Hao’s anger suddenly came up. What is the tone of the game? What kind of power can not be sent here?

But when he looked up and was looking for the voice of the guy, he suddenly stopped.

Talking to him turned out to be the big tree on his head that covered the sky!

One left and one right, two towering giant trees directly wrapped the small world of this day.

Seeing Zhang Wei staying in the same place, one of the trees shook the branches and shouted to the companion next to him. "Look, what hope do you have for him? It is silly at first glance, you expect this kid to give You are promoted to make a fortune? After you have finished sleeping, you can still recover your body comfortably, but you have to say that you are more convenient when fighting.

Fortunately, giving us a holiday now, the sun is actually good, raise it. ”

"Forget it, I am not mad at the old guy of Mudu, but also thinking about this good seedlings, send it up to let the Queen also praise us, it is best to change the position, the old is so lazy It’s boring, it’s been lazy for hundreds of years before the end of the world, and it’s hard to move.”

Looking at the two big trees in the conversation, Zhang Hao swallowed a slobber, looked up at them, and was about to blow up in his head.

Is this not a plant camp?

How did I get here? I should be right in the strategic city of mankind.

However, the two giants in front did not give Zhang Wei the opportunity to continue thinking, one of which was a low branch, only a foot away from Zhang Wei’s face.

"Kids, report your department, we will assign you the place to go, hurry, I still want more rest will be awakened by your kid suddenly."

Zhang Wei has never seen this battle, seeing this meaning, is it to the base camp of the plant camp?

He subconsciously asked, "Department? What is the department?"

When I heard the question of Zhang Wei, this big tree actually frantically shook the branches, and the leaves fell down one by one. It seemed that they could not breathe.

The two big trees smiled together, and the laughter couldn’t stop. The fallen leaves quickly buried Zhang.

After a long time, there was a sound of laughter in the laughter.

"I don't know the connection, from which corner of the mountain nest, it will not be the Queen's call before the epoch battlefield, it has not evolved a smart! Hahahaha!"

"It's possible! It's possible! I laughed at me, my God, the baby from which the mountain came out, so cute!"

"I said old fire, this kid will not be your family?"

Another voice heard the companion say this and quickly refuted it. It seems that I don't want to be related to Zhang Wei.

"Rolling! I think it's like your family, it's stupid, you can't do it, you just have to take him back, and then get into trouble, even take you to your family's old man."

The latter was said by him. He really doubted that Zhang Wei was a member of their family. He hesitated to look at Zhang Wei’s eyes. It was his turn to be a little scared. If it’s a gimmick, what’s going on? Also suffer.

"Kid, the department is your kind, you show the true body, we naturally know your department, and then send you back to their respective ethnic groups."

Zhang Wei is now sweating straight out, knowing that his real strength is only the third stage of the beginning, and the two third-order peaks of the mutant plants stare at him so straight, even if he has a hint of tension.

Reveal the true body, where is his real body!

Instead, he can use illusion to disguise himself as a mutant plant, but if there is any obvious mistake and mistake, revealing the horse's foot, then you are not finished?

I want to know that he is now in the enemy's base camp. If you want to run, you don't know where to run. It really means that you shouldn't be arrogant every day.

Zhang Wei didn't dare to react at all, but the opposite receiver was a little anxious.

"Kid, I said what are you doing? Look at your body, not what you want to do, don't delay our time, how come you are such a stupid boy."

There is no way to do this.

Zhang Wei feels that if he delays, he will certainly cause the suspicion of these two leaders. When he is caught and checked, he will definitely have an accident.

Suddenly, Zhang Min’s mind flashed in the air!

By the way, I have a blood vine lotus! It is the only thing he has here that is related to mutated plants.

Zhang Wei also refused to consider whether he was now because of the relationship between the blood and the lotus, and quickly called the bleeding lotus, want to see if you can get away with it.

What caught him unprepared was that this blood vine was not extended from his left arm, but every corner of his body had a small cane to explore and cover his entire body.

At this time, Zhang Wei urged the relic to release his fourth-order illusion, and suddenly pulled his own order to the strength of the third-order peak.

Zhang Hao, who had done everything, concealed the tension in his eyes and looked at the two big trees in front of him. The atmosphere suddenly sank.

After a while, Zhang Huan’s heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man. The two trees were opposite each other and smiled. One of them said with relief. “The vines are handed over to the old guy, and I wish him happiness. ""

"Haha, yes, this living treasure is his family."

When Zhang Wei saw the look of the two big trees, he was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief, although he felt that he was very disgusted.

But it was finally mixed.

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